Guardians of the Galaxy 2 Turned Mantis Into the Butt of a Joke

Although I personally enjoyed most of the movie, one aspect of it still bothers me several days later: the film’s treatment of Mantis. Instead of being a kickass cosmic hero in her own right, the Mantis portrayed in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was little more than a stereotype and the butt of numerous jokes.

It was inevitable that Marvel would change a lot about Mantis in bringing her to the MCU. Director James Gunn expressly stated he wanted to keep Peter Quill as the only Guardian from Earth, so it was clear Mantis would have an alien origin. Her celestial madonna roots were likewise too convoluted for a supporting character in a two-hour movie.

The Mantis we get in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, though, is barely recognizable. Not only is she no longer from Earth, she’s also lost all of her connection to the Kree. Instead, Mantis states she was collected by Ego when she was a larva, and then raised by him to be his servant. She does have her empathic powers, but there is no suggestion that she is also precognitive, or that she has any martial training. This Mantis is not a cosmic power in her own right, but a servant who can perform an interesting trick.

Much more worrisome than Mantis’ depowering, however, is the dramatic change in her characterization. Mantis was always odd, speaking in the third person and tending to act in ways seen slightly off by her teammates. But she was also self-confident, ever aware of her own internal (and external) strengths.

The Mantis in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, however, is largely drawn from stereotypes of submissive Asian women. She is taken from her home planet by a wiser, more powerful white man, who she then obedient serves and calls “Master.”

You sound like a completely flaccid cuck, and the original mantis sounds like shit.

Is this a massive overreaction to the character or do I need to download this piece of shit to see for myself?

He's quoting the article you braindead retard.

the original mantis was just a bald kung fu chick with magic powers


All the original characters from the comics are fucking garbage which is why they got reinvented.

Fuck you retard. Women should be FEMININE, cute, and not strong. Stronk women are good? Where the fuck did you come from?


Fuck, look at that double chin.

Instead of just owning up to it, you double down and act even more retarded. You're no better than a nigger.

That meatcuck should lay off the meat.

So Mantis is this movie's Smeat?

Do these people want every female to be "kickass XYZ" or something? Do they not realise how boring they are?




Of what? Bug people?

I'm so thankful that i'm not that fat.

I wish we could send all of these horrible people to a planet where they could bitch about such comfortable problems with themselves.

The movie was a low energy popcorn flick that was my problem with it, when I watch popcorn flicks I expect more excitement like a rush hour or something.

Even if they were amazing they'd get reinvented

I don't know anything about the characters origins but she was a shit character in the film who served no purpose except to put Ego to sleep once and be laughed at.

I can't believe how much people love this movie.

Are you sure this isn't Time Heidecker?

They seem to think that if there are no badass-female-super-hero-with-no-negative-traits then the little girls who are watching Disney's new focus-tested movies will never work in STEM.

Do you find her disgusting Holla Forums?

Asian women have such pretty facial feature.



Your nose is showing.

oh, it's okay i'm not white.

tfw no asian gf

With the new the_donald special case Holla Forums pill™, every place on earth is a white civilization ancient sanctuary and thus allowed to dust any population there, even if white itself
Beware of the perfidious american


your nose is clearly more prominent than the other user's

It's too late to put your 1488 mask on chaim.

So fucking what? Not every character can be as fully fleshed out as their comic counterparts; some of them have to be cut down a bit. Either they create an entirely new character for that role in the story, which then people would complain about because they didn't use a comic character, or they can use a comic character and just change their backstory to make sense, but then they have cucks like you complaining she isn't enough of a"STRONK WOMAN!".

Some characters have to be the butt of jokes, there was nothing wrong with her being a comedic relief character; I thought she was hilarious.

It's a fucking massive overreaction; he's just a cuck virtue signaling about how a character from the comics that nobody gives a shit about isn't exactly like how she is in the comics.

Considering that Marvel's progressive, then it's an huge overreaction.

My guess is that they want power-fantasies exactly like Slyvester Stallone, Chow Yun-Fat, or Arnold Schwarzenegger, but they seem to forget that those iconic male characters became injured or deceased (ie Rambo, Mark/Ah-Jong, and Terminator respectively) instead of being like the ballet dancing stronk women who never get hit once. You'll never see a female version of John Mcclane remove glass from her feet in an action flick.

I got an asian stereotype vibe from her but I was so inspirited they weren't cuckolding whites in a movie for once that I overlooked it.

The face of crippling depression.

I never said she needed to be a strong woman. What I'm saying is she should have been cut completely. This movie was bloated as fuck and could stand to lose about 30% of the "jokes" and this character in particular.

The WHOLE CAST is comic relief! Every goddamn character is a quippy git. We really didn't need a slapstick character to top off the pile.

muh dick

How did her character add to the "bloat"? Not that I agree that the movie was bloated. I would say it is a great deal disjointed overall, but certainly not bloated.

I'd hardly call her slapstick either; the joke about her being hit in the face was about the only slapstick thing I could remember involving her. Considering the usual shit Marvel crams into their movies as "jokes" slapstick humour would be an improvement.

Well like I said before, I think there were way too many jokes/funny moments in this one and only about 2/3 of them landed with me. A lot of them involved her and when I really thought about what purpose she served to the plot, all I could think of was, she puts Ego to sleep at the end.

Stallone is there for one scene at the beginning and end to add a dumb fireworks display for Yandu and confuse the way the Ravagers work. They have to drop whatever they're doing to use fireworks every time a captain dies? They don't care that he single handedly killed an entire Ravager's crew? Did they even know about the mutiny or care to stop or enforce it?

The Sovereign were used too much as well but were even scene they were in they had the piss taken out of them so I couldn't tell if they were the real villains or not. But then Ego just does a 3rd act reveal that shows his character actually has no depth and to ensure there is a real villain in the end.

They don't do that with "female" characters because it would break suspension of disbelief worse than most of the fanciful bullshit dropped from hollywood's distended anus.

I have crippling depression, and I have never looked like that.

You know lobitan is mexican.

They used to in horror movies all the time. Women are perfect in the role of heroine there. Fragile which raises the tension, and they usually have a kind of goodness and innocence to offset whatever evil they're facing which prevails in the end. The formula is what sold the climax of the first Terminator movie, which really is a horror scene, not an action scene. If I was running hollywood and I wanted to uplift and empower women I'd use that instead. But of course we can't have that because it doesn't destroy gender roles. .

A female in a horror movie isn't like a female action star or equivalent to a macho male action star just because they suffer physical trauma (unlike female action stars.) Any of the horror movies where a woman is tough unbelievably even in spite of suffering physical trauma usually ends up cringey and unbelievable.

Sarah Connor in the first Terminator movie was not tough either, and the only real physical trauma she suffered was at the very end when the Terminator was reduced to a torso and much less of a threat (raising believability of her survival.)

There is nothing uplifting or empowering about making cartoonish female characters that no woman in real life could ever hope to live up to. Even the 'toughest' of real life women wouldn't stand a chance against a determined and ruthless killer. It's fantasy nonsense and should be entirely done away with along with all remnants of feminist filth. Women are weak and fragile by nature. A 'tough' woman is worse than a weak shit talking man that can't back up his mouth. Men and women naturally have an aversion to these types of women, which is why they are often interpreted as bitches. It has taken decades of propaganda to mask and subdue this natural aversion in both sexes toward tryhard 'tough' female characters.

The idea that women need to be empowered at all is a feminist dogma with no natural basis. It's social insanity at its finest, and not something that should be supported to any degree. Even the glorified idea of having some tough woman by a man's side that so many beta faggots here want or support is an unnatural psychosis brought on by this propaganda. Women are supposed to be gentle as evidenced by their natural fragility and their role as the child nurturing beings they are. If any of that upsets you, then I'm sorry to say but you have been seriously tainted by feminism. You may mistake this as some sort of rugged familial alphaism, but sadly it is just a fucking earlier stage of feminism that you have accepted as 'normal' or worse 'ideal'.

The marines beg to differ

She was only involved in a handful of jokes; I feel like you're misremembering. Not to mention that Marvel constantly puts random side-characters into their movies as fan service; if you don't like that then maybe Marvel movies just aren't for you.

The Sovereign were only there to try and ramp up the tension in the final fight, could've easily cut them out and rewritten the final fight if you wanted to remove bloat. I don't see how one minor side character is creating more bloat than the entire Sovereign storyline who keep showing up constantly.

You missed the point. The horror movie heroine isn't tough, she's incredibly vulnerable which is why they're almost always women. The ideal which overcomes in the end isn't toughness but virtue. What better way to return women to tradition than to praise them for being virtuous? After our coming victory in the race war when we build the galactic reich we can't only discourage evil, we must also encourage the good. It's like you don't even want to save the white race.

It isn't virtuous. It's fantastical in the extreme that a woman would survive most horror situations by herself while conveniently all the males die off (half the time pathetically.) It's all apart of the same agenda. Yes, the fragility of the woman is used to build up tension, but the final triumph and survival destroys believability to lesser or greater degrees depending on the movie. It is rarely handled well, which is why most horror movies are even worse than they already would be without it.

The woman triumphing over a usually male psycho/monster/whatever against all believable odds is still a feminist message.

Could be, I feel like I need to see it again.

I never said she was more bloat than Sovereign, but cut both anyway. At first I thought the Sovereign were just a fun opening for the film, like the opening in the Indiana Jones films but they just kept coming back.



That's Asians in general.

Kinda obvious there OP

You're sounding pretty silly tbh

I think you mean Russian/Japanese qt.

Fuck off cuck.

You sound like a whiny beta user.


Such a weak argument. Is that all you have? You have to try harder than that to defend feminism. I understand you are trying to be subtle, and maintain your facade, but there still has to be effort involved.

I don't need to argue with you, faggot.
You're the one who seems to be shooting into the darkness with your hamfisted blog post. Who exactly are you arguing with?

But by all means, continue your self righteous crusade Elliot Rodger, show us how society wronged you.

What exactly do you get out of defending feminism? It is ironic you accuse me of being Elliot Rodger, when it is you who hate women since you defend the yoke that is feminism that has robbed them of true fulfillment.

You are Elliot Rodger user. And I'm calling you that because instead of actually trying to SOLVE the problem, you sit here and bitch about it. That's beta, user.

But by all means, keep assuming I'm some lefty and making strawmans. You can even pretend I'm McIntosh if you want.

what did they mean by this?

Like the previous user said, it's their good character that makes them survive, not their strength. They're concerned for everyone, including the antagonist. Other women die in those films, but it's owed to them not keeping it cool or having bad character.

It does empower women, but it encourages them to be levelheaded as opposed to being irrational.

I don't assume you are a lefty, I assume you are a faggot defending feminism regardless of how you delude yourself on other issues. What is even worse you probably think being feminist is alpha.

They rarely ever have good character.

You're a retard.
I never once disagreed with what you were saying. You keep trying to make it about your point, and not about the fact you suddenly spammed with your essay of tard text.
Now you're the one making up things to babble with yourself like a autist.

I mocked you with stuttering, because that is basically what you did. You had no real point, other than to call me a beta and avoid engaging any points that I made.

Betas are the worst.

No I didnt, read the follow up to the statement, it actually had a purpose aside from being a try hard like you.
Get out user, before I call your wranglers.

Bringing in Texas Chainsaw Massacre as an example, the female lead tries to help her friends and she doesn't have sex/leisure time. Friday the 13th is also an example.

No, the Guardians have mah macguffins!


Right, which is why you have tried so hard to paint me as an autist.
How illiterate or lazy are you?
Kinda obvious there. You have had no argument to speak of. What you have done instead is merely lazy "why so serious" tier attempts at dismissing my argument. You are just so above the need to illustrate feminism at work, yet you aren't above the need to keep engaging me on it.

In those examples their 'good character' only shined through because of how pathetic the other characters were written. Writing the males to be incompetent wimps while the female is 'virtuous' is feminist.

You sound like a woman tbh.

What part of "don't need to argue" did you not understand? As I said, its not about your argument, it's about the fact that your posts smell of autism.
At this point, you're only doing that yourself. Which is why you keep bumping this dying thread with replies that essentially follow the same pattern, and have the narcissism and entitlement that you believe everyone wants to read your autisticly long spergouts.
I called you a sperg, you threw a fit, I explained why.
No one "wins" a random argument on a Mongolian finger painting board. Also, its 18+ to post here.

Now that's autistic.
The only one trying hard here is you. I made my argument, and I've made fun of every reply you have had. You claim you aren't feminist, but your motive is obvious. Keep trying though, I'm sure a few more dozen times will prove you "won".

Okay then, what is my motive? At this point it seems more like you're arguing with yourself.
Which is why you threw a fit over an obvious shitpost at the beginning. You're the one still replying.

To divert attention away from the truth I spoke about feminism and female characters being written as feminist.
And you are doing what exactly? You can't maintain your illusion of being above it while still actively engaging me. As for why I continue, because I can. Cry about it more.
bumpty bump bump faggot

Fine by me, based gunn showing how gullible and stupid women are, even if they live on the other side of the universe. The comics are overrated anyway.

This design would work better without eyebrows, methinks

I come to these threads so I don't feel shit about my life. It feels good that there will always be people lower than me



That black girl.

The funny thing is that if white guys went to other countries they would get hit on by gajin hunters.

Race mixing is very cringy.

Most of them look half-Asian. I wonder if this is them getting back at Daddy.

what is the sauce?

Judging by those faces, no kidding.

Top fucking kek

Not really. The Asian chicks that want to fuck white guys learn English and come to the U.S. and Europe. Gaijin hunters still exist in their naitive countries, but they're rarer than people say. Most "gaijin hunters" that are encountered, especially in Hong Kong and nearby any military base, are prostitutes that have a little routine where they make a white tourist or navy man feel special, sleep with them, and get some money after.

There's even one routine where a prostitute will get an male prostitute to go with her somewhere white tourists/military men congregate, and create a situation where she offers to ditch the asian guy for the white guy. It also gives cheap whores a chance to get more than their usual pay. It's pretty clever.

you finally get an autistic character in a movie you could relate to and all you can do is complain



wrong guess my cumskin friend