I can't shake the feeling that hillary's health issues are part of the plot and that tim kaine is the globalists real candidate. The former head of the DNC who recommended debbie kikerman shultz take his place? I don't like this guy, hillary will die on her own but we need to discredit him pubicly before the election
Kaine is the secret final boss
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Was just trying to figure out who would replace her if she drops dead.
Biden is the other possibility but as I understand he's to broken up over his son's death to be asked
If Trump loses why should we care what globalist shill bot rules the country?
trump definitely won't lose to hillary at this rate but I think she's the fall guy to make her 11th hour replacement look good to voters which is why we ought to discredit him now
(Satan check)
Biden wanted to run. He was told no because its hillerys turn.
I want that to be a real tweet.
even more suspicious that he'll be the one to take things over if the old woman dies then can't we bring his failings or fuckups as VP into the limelight? it would only do more to discredit Obongo and the demoshills if we did
I'm pretty sure it's fake but I wouldn't be surprised either way he's a "religious" Spanish speaking "humanitarian" as I understand couldn't be more cucked if he tried
Dubs confirm that Kaine-Cain is the real Democratic threat. He's like the Kasich for the other team.
ok so what can we do about him? you can't go an hour these days without encountering a new clinton scandal or embarrassment but kaine seems more under the radar
Dig deep? I'm not even sure. Isn't he a TPP supporter? And his pro-life views could be used even more as a wedge for the radical lefties.
It's real, he's just not the one who said it. I think it was an article written by Anthony Burch or something.
Who you are now reminded you aren't.
has he gotten into any other shit besides his link to dws? what was his record like as head of the DNC?
We could make an Isis type video where we call him a sodomite and a fornicator while showing his face in a frame of flames.
then let's get digging
OP, final boss is the sampson option standoff
we need factual shit on him to go along with such attacks
More of a backup plan.
The final boss is the Muslim Brotherhood. The globalists think they are the final boss but they're fucked. All of their information sources are controlled. They newspapers they publish to promote their globalist agenda are lying to them and it has created a feedback loop of bad policy and reinforcement of bad policy: oh the critics of paying ISIS to invade our countries are just a few alt-right nazis! It will end up like Egypt under Morsi. Oh, you own this major business? Sorry, Achmed wants it so it's his now or else we kill your entire family and everyone in your whole neighborhood. The commies that they are propping up will happily help tear down the rich, and then the Muslims will kill them too.
they wouldn't even exist without obongo and killary and they wouldn't be as big of an issue without the EU the gobalists are the real problem the arabs like niggers can be safely contained and left to kill each other without leftists to help them kill us
commies always just kill the lower range of the 1% while everyone else flees and controls the divided populace from a safe distance. not once has any communist actually killed an evil person.
this is the kinda shit we need but now we need to take this to the brick shit normies the average american must have it in the back of their head come election day that kaine is just as bad as clinton and worse than trump
I've been thinking about this but didn't want to make a thread about it.
Let's say Hillary wins. She'll be eligible for impeachment on day 1 for crimes against humanity, treason, etc. She will either be impeached or she will be found dead liek the one President who (((died from a bad cold))). This leaves us with Tim Kaine. He's a literally who that normalfags (and some of us) have NEVER heard, which is why he's a perfect globalist candidate to force upon America. The Democrats don't want Hillary, they want this man, and I can't imagine everyone funding her allowed her to pick this VP on her own. Do Kaines even have a history with the Clintons?
Whatever this guy is, he's bad news, and face it: Hillary is going to die if she gets elected. We need to dig everything we possibly can on this man.
Could this be used against him? I don't feel like archiving.
I'm pretty sure his cuckiness is what they want and the problem which is why they need clinton as the front man to gather normie support (mostly by playing the woman card) and then make him look better by comparison when she falls as well s a less extreme option to trump
This is the angle to use right here. Normally, no mainstream politician would be caught dead supporting Hamas. The fact that he did is really odd.
Start digging up all of this guy's Islamist connections. Looking at who his donors are, past and present, is a good start.
good so far but we need to dig deeper
He's not a cuck, he's a Roman Catholic so it's not surprising that he advocates for more Mexicans into the United States; they're the same religion!
I think the best angle to push on Tim Kaine is directed at the liberals, using his pretty republican-tier record to demoralize them and keep them from voting.
He was pro-abortion, pro free-trade, supported Iraq war.
he identifies catholic at best he's not a real catholic by any stretch of the imagination
I figured he was pretty bad. He clearly is a total pawn for everybody to use him. Hillary would only choose someone she could control, and by extension (((they))) could control as well. Its also a coincidence that he happens to be everything we hate and joke about, the ultimate liberal cuck.
yes, everyone knows. Thanks for signalling your virtuosity
this will work for intelligent people but we need to discredit him with everyone including liberals and bern victims that are considering voting for the god emperor because they hate hillary
Alright, I got something more, based off of the link: provided.
These are some angles that I'm thinking of.
yah exactly, push the meme that he agrees with George W Bush on pretty much everything.
his pro-life leanings should be a big problem with killary's liberal feminazi base but make sure to include that he's too big a pussy to actually stand by his beiefs so we don't draw any nervous conservative types away from trump
Remember user that facts only matter to people like us.
If you're propagandizing to plebs use emotional arguments.
then his religious beliefs should be the thing to push on normies and leftists
Yes we should push the pro-life shit in liberal dominated comment sections and push the muslim connections in conservative ones
Yea, but its not like Mike 'Israel First' Pence isn't going to be POTUS if they don't steal it from Trump.
The moment Trump picked Pence, he sealed the deal on a bullet to the head / heart attack / boating accident.
Hi Hillary campaign staffers. He's a weak faggot with no chance. You have no alternative candidates in the lineup. None.
All vanguard subversives are areligious when they're working to undermine a society.
Have you seen what the "Cardinal" of New York, the most powerful R.C. clergyman stationed in the United States had to say about Candidate Trump?
Nativism rears its big-haired head: Donald Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric is a sad return to a terrible American tradition
(Among other American minorities, it must be said, Catholics like me often drew the ire of nativists.)
I made the point to my students that nativism never really did disappear completely, but was a continual virulent strain in the American psyche, which would probably sadly show up again.
This point my students would not buy. “Father Dolan,” they would say, “there’s no denying that this bigotry was there in our past. But, come on! Who could ever believe now that immigrants are dirty, drunken, irresponsible, dangerous threats to clean, white, Protestant, Anglo-Saxon America! Those days are gone.”
I'm pretty sure that Trump knows that and has leverage of some sort.
Or Pence is not who he seems.
Fuck off Moshe, nobody is buying what you're selling.
This, too.
Here is some basic shit on what he believes in.
If only father Coughlin could see his church now.
Either way its something that we can't let be buried by the (((election-year friends))).
let hillary cough herself to death tim kaine is a real threat who might live to see the general election
Pence already addressed this in another tweet saying he is against it now, now that he has seen how terrible it really is. I think he is making use of the fact that Obama hid the damn thing from most people in the first place. Hillary has her hands full because she helped write the thing.
I'm honestly surprise more fuss isn't made about this or that the bernouts aren't howling about this. Kaine was chair and then stepped down to let DWS take over who had just finished a stint working for Hillary. DWS then does a bunch of corrupt shit that gets Hillary the nomination who then proceeds to pick for VP the guy who helped set this whole thing into motion. Add that Elizabeth Warren, the person everyone wanted to run for the nomination, refused multiple times, even stating on national television that "the game is rigged from the start", foreshadowing that she was aware of the fix that was in place. Add that Obama and others campaigned hard for Castro to get the VP pick and at the last second, a federal charge was brought against him to disqualify him. It's corrupt politics made manifest for all the people to see. More people should be talking about this.
Jews are the ultimate enemy.
Your shekels have no power here kike.
Seriously? You think that is a threat?
yeah OP here I meant the final boss of the 2016 presidential race just to clear things up before more kikes try to shift goal posts on use
That would be a sneaky strategy, build up public hate against Trump and Clinton, argue about which one is less widely hated, and then trade out Clinton at the last minute.
Can they even do that? Don't you have to win some sort or pre-election to be a candidate?
if she dies or gets hospitalized before the election the democrats need to pick someone else I think
Which is why it would be easier to let her die after she wins.
There are rumors that Biden is moving to get Hillary to withdraw and to take her place.
did you see her coughing at her last rally? and apparently she had another two fits afterwards she's not going to make the election
I don't think that he can get on the ballot at this point.
someone make a biden thread then, actually in the first place why aren't we attacking obongo's dim witted sidekick already? his likability with normies is one of the few things left working in king niggers favor
I think he can if she dies or falls into some sort of coma can someone actually get the rules on what happens if she leaves the race at this point?
She may be dying, but I believe she can last a few more months. She is still able to stand, and she has to have a good medical team. All they have to do is keep her out of the public eye except for a few showings and then hide her. The debates is going to be the major hurdle since she has to actually fight back against Trump of course the moderators will ask easy questions and aid shillary
Seconding getting the rules.
Does Hillary prove that the elite(or at least the ruling elite) doesn't have secret medical technology that they're hiding from the rest of us and that they're really just incompetent retards?
This site seems to have good info. I don't see a short answer, it's pretty complicated depending on when exactly she dies.
If she dies between now and the election
bernie nailed his coffin shut when her endorsed killary plus there's all that good shit available on him like him owning 3 houses despite being a socialist who's there for the average man for now let's go after kaine and biden
It depends on what she has. It could be uncurable for even the most advance medical teams. If she is dying from a simple disease, its either they are idiots or they are keeping her at the limit to kill her.
Which would mean Sanders supporters chomping at the bit to push him into the race.
I could easily see this leading into chaos and dissension in the ranks if played up.
I've mostly heard either parkinsons or neurotic syphilis
Iv'e been thinking that since the world operates on the law of the jungle that there have to be different elite factions and at least one of them has to genuinely care about the future of humanity.
And honestly what faction would have the best chance at this point of recruiting the 200 IQ+ super geniuses that are responsible for most technological advancement? I mean the ruling elite are just so transparently fucking evil these days.
sanders abandoned his own supporters to hillary so he's no big issue but it wouldn't be a bad idea to keep pushing redpills on the bern victims just in case
Dubs confirm the DNC 1968 2.0 was just late.
I've also heard Parkinson's.
In the chaos that will inevitably ensue if Hillary drops out or is kill wouldn't that give Trump a chance to [email protected]/* */ the fuck out of the Democratic party?
Obama would declare martial law in order to "preserve democracy". Calling it now
Is that tweet real? Did we meme him into becoming an actual cuckold?
someone asked this early but apparently it's not but what is stopping you from hacking his twitter and making your dreams come true user?
I hope your dubs say that Trump will DnC the DNC so that he can have an easier victory.
get hacking user
I wonder what would happen to mail in votes if she died. Do they still count towards the democrats, or will people have to remail their votes?
That might technically be true, but what (((they ))) precieve as best for humanity is undoubtedly different from what we know is best.
If there is one thing those elite factions have in common aside from their wealth and influence, its fear and loathing of the White race.
So giving it the Occam's Razor treatment, the two most simplified answers (to me) are that the elite are not the all-powerful super satanists they've hyped themselves up to be and really are just rich idiots trying to make grandaddy's plans manifest
The elite are a warring group of factions that each believe their plans for the future are best for the planet, and this current election cycle has them shitting their pants and pulling their hair out every time Trump so much as opens his mouth, so much so that they forgot to feed Shitlery her daily aborted fetuses.
I love a good conspiracy, but I feel that there it would be just too much unorganized effort that relies on confirmation bias for Trump's success and Killary's failures to be a ruse.
Knowing how humanity works I can't for a fucking second believe that the elite isn't multipolor with different groups wanting different things.
And it doesn't take that much intelligence to understand that destroying western civilization would be bad for humanity.
Who would all of these warring factions be? Who would be on whose side?
Fuck if we know man.
We can only take what we understand about humanity and try to figure out what the fuck is going at the top.
Which is probably the most annoying thing possible. We will most likely never know who these groups are or what they intend, only that they have to exist.
No his job is more subtle than that.
Dr. Drew also criticized her medical care, said it was circa 1950's. Maybe that's the big secret, she's getting shitty care because they need her only to be elected, then she dies and muzzie lover Kaine steps in. I'm sure their tired of dealing with cunt Hillary and are looking forward to an easy time controlling their agreable new puppet.
I don't even think that the elites at the top know what they're doing half the time. This is a potent mix of Emperor's New Clothes, hot potato, and musical chairs rolled that stretches centuries over every continent.
And to answer my own question, I think some factions are this: Catholic Church (with it's own competing offshoots), International Jewry, the Military-Industrial Complex, Triad societies, Mormons, world politicians, the UN, Russian oligarchs, various mafia groups from Europe, and PMCs. Fuck, I need a map of all of these factions.
we still ought to destroy him
You would have an easier job if his skin was a different colour, true. But what I said is correct, Mr Hyena.
He has too much of a gay vibe to be a threat
don't be fooled this is what he wants you to think
You give kikes an awful lot of credit. I think its obvious at this point that the faction with the most power and cash is responsible for the shitskins flooding Europa, and they're working around the clock for an encore performance in America.
We don't know yet, and that's how the like it. The Indefinable, Insurmountable Evil Shadow is how they want to be seen by the masses. It worked for Oz up until the end after all. That being said, we're still dealing with the human sphere, and nothing ever goes 100% according to plan no matter how many shekels you throw at it.
No, no, no. Never underestimate a threat. I don't care if he was a prancing la la homo man with an elongated butthole like an Ubuntu dish-lipped nigger. Anyone at the top is in some way a threat unless their actions prove that they have the well-being of their respective countries in mind.
Obama is a well known faggot and he's still fucked us over.
Also if Kaine is a fag then he's almost sure be a narcissist and they are easily manipulable.
I remember him doing a CNN interview with her right after he was announced as the running mate where he talked about being ready to be president. I kind of chuckled to myself and thought that he'd probably get the chance if she somehow won as she'd likely die in office.
didn't we figure out somewhere that the issue with kikes broadly speaking is their lack of long term planning?
Assuming that kikes make up the entire elite and that every other faction is subordinate to them is extremely foolish. At this point all we can be sure of is that kikes are the most visible problem for anyone actually paying attention.
I mean there are more white geniuses than the entire Jewish population for fucks sake.
Phew, at least I'm not Anthony Burch.
True. It's just that they're better at this game in some respects due to their experience, compared to some Maori cave painting shitposters. They can be entirely intimidating when looked at as one mass, so that's probably why I'm obsessed with compartmentalizing like their (((agents))) do to us all.
Roman Catholics have been fighting the Mexican War since the 19th Century, and white Americans are only recently starting to fight back.
Seach for "O'Malley border mass"
Was it this guy who told that the end-game is to replace American white population? How it's a good thing you will be under 50% of population soon.
The issue is that whites have had the tribalism conditioned out of them.
i think that was joe biden but idk who said that first
That was Biden, not Kaine. I want to know if that shit about us being a minority in 2017 is actually true because estimates I'd read said 2025 at earliest.
Well historically that's the case and I think that we concurred that it's because they're excessively paranoid and prone to schizophrenia genetically. High IQ isn't the only thing that the Jews inherent.
Then a huge part of the problem is traitors but to assume that there are no whites at the very height of power is foolish.
There's plenty of anti-white whites at the height of power.
What happened to his son, two heroins the back of the head, Satan?
Everyone has a tribe user, in group and out group thinking is so fundamental to mankind that it's impossible to get rid of.
Anons are a tribe, SJWS are tribe, Elite bankers are a tribe.
All that's happened is that most whites have had their tribal loyalties shifted to abstract concepts.
I recall reading it, and I'm kicking myself for not saving it.
But you are right, and that's why my other O.R. option was the puppetmasters just being a much of window lickers born into money. There had to have been a concrete plan at some point in centuries past, but retards and inbreds will fuck up even the most simple baseball strategy.
Kek tends to speak through sevens more than other dubs, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. It can't just be the kikes because of the amount of manpower this kind of global, 24/7 operation demands, and I'm not naive enough to believe all Whites are decent folk deep down after living in florida. That being said, do not underestimate their influence and permanence in this scenario. If any group controls central banking and the fed, they're major players by default regardless of anything else.
You're seeing through the veil, and that's a good start. Centuries of whispered demon conjurings, magic rituals, human sacrifice, and now cern do a lot to make it look like we're dealing with fucking demi-god tier necromancers. The catch is though, all that effort they've put it illustrates by itself how utterly desperate they are to keep the illusion going until some little shit pulls the curtain and the nose is revealed to the world.
Dammit I fucked this up. Who was the person that lost a child to drug abuse recently? I thought it was Biden but looking at the bio for Beau, incorrect
I believe in this shit to an extent or in another way. They are strange beings.
And that is why humor is so powerful. Being a total shithead and not caring - like a condemned man on his way to the gallows, cracking jokes - is an amazing tool.
Another thing that illustrates that Jews are bad at long term planning is that Israel is facing civil war in the future because Orthodox heredim have an insane birth rate that would make Arabs and Niggers blush.
Ultra Orthodox are an entire group of insanely religious NEETS's who do nothing but study and read scripture all day. They are supported pretty much entirely by welfare and refuse to serve in the army.
So Jewish NEETS are outbreeding secular Jews who actually work.
True, I should have been more specific and said that they've had their tribal loyalty to their race conditioned out of them.
Imagine a world with a Jesuit president and Jesuit Pope.
We're fucked, lads.
Isn't that good for us? Aren't the orthodox ones worse at subversion than their more secular brethren as they stand out?
I'm not even sure that the Orthodox do subversion.
They're so inbred and insular that they probably don't even interact with goyim at all and are to busy reading scripture to do anything. But then again I haven't really studied them.
You could always ask on KC where they actually have Israelcubes.
Well that's not good.
Would be kind of hilarious if Kaine's slipping something to Clinton to make her health worse so that she dies and he gets a chance to run for president.
"Trump assassinated Clinton!"
oy vey, literally worse than hitler
I'll admit, I might get a chuckle and a couple of memes out of it, even though I'd be terrified.
Why? Its not like Clinton's never killed people, it would just mean that he's as bad as her.
That guy looks like he belongs to House Harkonnen.
I mean I'd be terrified because of the secession crisis that would follow.
Kek, he does.
Makes sense, he is a jewish pawn like the Harkonnen's are pawns for the emperor.
He's not a boss, he's just a leach that was in the right place at the right time to give shillery what she wanted. Nothing special but still hungry for power.
With how Hillary's been looking I'd be surprised if all the secret globalist occult magic and government super science (we stole from the Germans in WWII) could keep her alive till November, let alone 4 years in office.
Fucking hate these globalist shills who try the "aww shucks golly gee :)" bumpkin routine.
I fucked hated Kasich so goddamn much.
Fucker is probably going to vote for Hillary.
I like how the only thing Trump needed to do to rekt Kasich was pic related and that was the last we ever heard of him.
Man pretty much all of Trumps enemies either bent the knee or got bent over.
How many carriers and lives has he destroyed by now? It's almost like he strikes his enemies down with the hand of god.
My mother always liked Trump's trash talk (and his stance on illegals) but going after Kasich truly won her over. Apparently she had been thinking the same thing and was surprised someone else noticed too.
Trump articulates what we all know in our hearts but tapping into the collective subconsciousness.
OP is a shill. This GARBAGE started a week or two ago when polls started showing that Trump was in the lead again.
The Democrats are so desperate that they're actually suggesting you'll get this gimp if you vote Hildog. No, Hillary is the Queen cunt. Her entire life has been building up to this. She's Soros's handpicked stooge. She didn't put up with all of Bill's public humiliation of her just to have this cuck take the throne.
Don't believe this utter shit.
yeah um you could literally see her almost dying on stage the other day she's not going to make 62 days we're talking about her dying before the election and kaine stepping in right at the end still relatively unknown
Roman Catholic isn't Catholic, it's what ever heresy the Pope is preaching
you're the shill you didn't even sage get out of here you kike fag
popes is a gay mudslime
No, I think OP has a point. Hillary is going to die or, if her poll numbers drop even more, her handlers will kill her off and let Kaine run. Hillary has done a lot of shit for a chance to be first woman president but her handlers don't care about that. They are only playing along because she has paid them enough, bent over and took it up the ass enough, and has made enough promises to them to for them to feel comfortable. I don't think Kaine is the final boss but the next batter up to plate for his handlers. Him being an out and about jesuit is worrisome as well.
No he's a Gay Jew
"Open marriage" Catholic
It fits.
You would have the cuck trudeau in canada, the cuck kaine in the us, and they would most likely place a tacocuck in charge of mexico.
Then it would be a very small step to the NAU of cucks.
I was working on something like this.
good work and good dubs user
*tips MAGA hat
Ditto. Forced humility is the worst, which is what draws me to Trump; he knows his rich and doesn't give a fuck.
Pic unrelated was on my Kikebook feed. How do I even retaliate?
They're talking about the crimes of the neocons, who are democrats now.
Holy fuck! Is that an actual tweet?
Sharing your wife is not different in essence than kissing mudslimes' feet.
They shift constantly. The first wasn't a conspiracy. Reagan got his ass reamed for his shit. Bush Sr. just lied, no conspiracy. Dubya - yeah, that was shit, but he's not a conservative (NCLB, amnesty). Cheney is an asshole. And it's more then just a private server.
Holy fuck I hate leftist conspiratards.
Of course!
They're right, but they act like Dems (Kerry and the Clintons especially) weren't with them every step of the way.
Is that tweet real?
I kind of thought that's how Jews became a creed in the first place.
Kaine said it too if you search.
Catholics are Proto-Communists who betrayed Germany in WW2