You can always use more practice redpilling faggots.
Don't deny it.
It's a really shame that the Holla Forums of this very site has become unbelievably libcucked.
Can't we do something about that?
Maybe if we pull off this op we can move on to bigger and better things.
Like redpilling Holla Forums.
Also ITT: Real stories of how you redpilled people, and redpilling tips you have actually used and had success with.
Tyler Campbell
Adam Nguyen
Usually I find where someone is politically aligned and nudge them to the right a bit.
If they're an indifferent non-thinking liberal I push them to either libertarianism and then general conservatism. If they're already at that stage then you can nudge them to civic nationalism and then finally white nationalism.
Jace Peterson
Holla Forums is, was, and forever will be pure garbage. It's always been that way. For what purpose? They have >>>/leftyb/ for themselves.
Oliver Jackson
wrong thread?
Ryan Edwards
Nigger you are retarded.
Asher Harris
It is garbage, but that doesn't mean it should be liberal garbage, especially so close to home.
Ian Stewart
Okay lets be honest here. You aren't redpilling anybody. They are agreeing with you because they want something from you (probably for you to shut up), not because they are convinced you are right.
How do I know this? I have spent years watching conspiratards trying to convince people about HARP, Chemtrails, Xenorestrogens, Flouride. Nobody, and I mean nobody buys it.
You are one person going against the grain of their life and decades of conditioning. But an even more significant disadvantage than your marginal authority in their life is that even if you are right, 8/10 times your mark is intentionally ignorant. As in they don't want to care. They know things are fucked, but they do not want to know how bad.
So here is a pro-tip. Save your breath. Put your energy into finding other like minded people. Feed info to those that are curious.
Julian Thomas
Came to say the same thing.
Camden Parker
Mason Wood
I've found that sharing videos and articles of Muslim chimp-outs in Western cities is pretty effective. With Open Gates scared the shit out of a few people I know (thank you Holla Forums). Info on scandals like Rotherham and NYE in Cologne is also pretty moving, particularly when presented to loved ones who have families (God bless them).
Redpilling on Jews is a little more difficult… but pointing out some simple and unarguable facts like Israel's right to a wall but not ours and the pattern anti-Christian/white themes in media is pretty difficult for anyone to ignore. Another basic and undeniable point is leftist hypocrisy in general.. an example that comes to mind is the obvious contradiction in the agenda of advancing liberation feminism while defending Islam, which is basically the antithesis of everything SJW.
Overall, facts are on our side and laying them out in a simple and undeniable way is key. Just don't be annoying about it.
Robert Cook
You can only redpill a certain number of the population, the 10% as they are the ones capable of reason, logic and independent thought. You cannot redpill the rest, the 90% because they are conformist sheep who simply go with the mainstream, they do not want to know anything nor do they care.
Ayden Scott
Also, I should add that when engaging in political discussion it always helps to maintain an attitude of being 'above the fray.' Let others speak, and when it's your turn just use facts (important to remember that facts are on our side) to shut down bluepilled drivel.
I don't know enough about Teddy Roosevelt to know if he is Holla Forums-approved, but to "speak softly and carry a big stick" is a great rule to go by.
Aaron Lee
Nolan Ross
Bluepills shut down at facts. You need to open them up with pathos, and then strike with statistics.
Nicholas Brown
It's the slow game that alot of people need practice with. You can't just come out and say Hitler did nothing wrong to the average normies and expect them to not just write you off.
I had success today with pic related. Posted to a normie site and let the salt roll in before replying. Then, the key is being respectful and factually curt in the face of all their vitriol. People were coming at me saying I was racist, as I suspected, which makes jumps from what the image says.
All it took from there was a few baby steps and staying shy of speaking on the detriments that shitskins do upon society, maintaining the simple nugget that the picture simply shows that there are differences physiologically among different sub-species.
Eventually two or three people came to my defense. Even had one guy say "As a white supremacist, I assure you, this guy is not one."
Nathaniel Martinez
Dub-dubs confirm. This is the point I was trying to make in last post.
Slow game, stay respectful, hold your ground with facts.
Daniel Lewis
You can't change anyone's opinion on anything, you can only give them ideas which they will eventually accept as either truth or deception.
Redpilling someone as in destroying the flaws of their philosophy with facts and reasoning almost never happens, most people only care about arguing with others because they enjoy "winning" and will go as far as hunting you down with a tire iron to ensure they "win"
Carson Thompson
True, too many people think in terms of emotion > fact so it is important to set the right emotional conditions before laying out those sweet, sweet facts at just the right time. I can't emphasize enough that facts are on our side because after all, Holla Forums is always right. But yes, timing is key so that you aren't scaring anyone away.
(checked) Good way of putting it. Getting people to accept that races are different as your pic does (not necessarily superior/inferior) is a harmless and undeniable conclusion.
Ian Price
I'm completely convinced the people using all altright channels to preach the most extreme red pills are jewish subverts
The recent upraise in people against subtle red pilling are using the situation to alienate potential new converts, they flood great potential red pill hashtags and websites with lolocaust and nazi shit that drives all normies away before they even had a chance to concern alternate viewpoints. I know Holla Forums can attract moron rednecks at times but I fully don't believe a substantial amount of Holla Forumstards think going all out on the nazi aspect helps the cause, it smells like jewish insider tactics from a fucking mile away.
The insider shills should be exposed and shunned, we cannot let them discourage the normies. They need to be redpilled about the SJW's, Frankfurt school and the effect of muslim immigration before they get discouraged by le redneck neo nazis that the media is trying to portray us as. After you initiate the red pilling process, it doesn't stop. We just need to plant the seeds and keep them from being uprooted by insiders. The memetic war is just starting lads.
Lincoln Myers
I wonder if CTR is focusing its attention on Holla Forums to weaken Holla Forums's shitty backbone, and hurt Holla Forums's foundation by taking out Holla Forumstard casual Holla Forumslacks, knowing Holla Forums won't send reinforcements to stop the radicalizing of Holla Forums because it is so entwined with degeneracy.
Joshua Davis
I told my sister (30) yesterday about the holohoax. I explained how the Jewish control of media conglomerates and banking combined with a fake post WWII-narrative enabled Jews to use their religion to go under the radar, when in fact they're just a group of religious colluders like any other.
One user here said he used the trick of leading with the question "Do you think it's normal to tell 8 year old kids about murders?" I started the conversation with this because it seemed to have a powerful immediate effect.
Seems like clarifying that Jews are real people with a real religion who have established powerful communities all over the world does help. It also helped to share how I had known about Jewish control in the media and the economy, but had assumed it was nothing before looking into it. Most have the default position that Jews are harmless and too scattered throughout the world since the holocaust to be a threat.