Castration as punishment

Castration, vasectomy, sterilization, removal of genitals or whatever.
This type of punishment (only for violent crimes) would need to be at least irreversible or very expensive to reverse.


It would take care of the mud population, remove warrior/violent genes from the gene pool, reduce testosterone levels on criminals and might serve as a better deterrent from future crimes than the death penalty or dying (since dying while fighting or for a cause might seem like something romantic or honorable to some, losing your balls/dick like a fucking retard certainly won't).
Of course this might have bad outcomes, like pacifying the population too much (and making the country extra easy to invade), people committing violent crimes for a free vasectomy (just make them pay for it) or cutting innocent dicks off.


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Sure, but I favor death penalty. All the above options are too costly.

Yes, but death penalty seems excessive to most people, in a perfect world, sure yeah, kill the fuckers.
This type of punishment is more "humane" and would be more easily accepted.
Yes, the costs would be high at first, but with demand things would get cheaper/easier.

I keep hearing that the death penalty is even more expensive than life imprisonment. You're probably thinking the same thing as I am, "What's so expensive about pic related?" It's the appeals process. Also, if we're going with castration, it's got to be the balls and the dick. If it's just the balls, the castratos will get on gov-subsidized testosterone replacement and will be back to their old rapey ways soon enough.

Studies have shown it doesn't work:

Another flaw in this concept is that it agrees with feminism that rape is caused by out-of-control lust in males rather than a completely aberrant need to control and subjugate another person. The reason this is important is that every man has lusts, but only a rare few have an aberrant need to control and subjugate. It also ignores the fact that a surprisingly large number of women also rape, and most of them get away with it scot-free or with only a slap on the wrist.

A man with this need to control and subjugate another human being to the point that he rapes, will still control and subjugate with or without balls and a penis. It's an aberration, and as such is not controlled by testosterone or lack thereof.

Vasectomies are extremely simple procedures and performing them en-masse would be cheap as shit and easily doable even by urologists with minimal experience (read: cheap pay)

It might sound good in a White nationalist imageboard but if it was suggested IRL you know it'd end up as punishment for failing to check your White hetero male privilege.

You systematically destroy your population of untermensch, who should be fighting on the front lines and working menial labour?

Sounds like a big no-no, to me.

That does nothing to discourage future rapes. Your body continues to produce testosterone, you get boners, you can ejaculate (blanks).

For non-capital violent or major property crimes (arson, looting, armed robbery), I've wondered if sterilization would be the right punishment. People who commit such crimes have shown that they aren't fit to be parents.

And most behaviors are hereditary, at least in part. People with criminal proclivities go on to produce more people with criminal proclivities. So sterilizing criminals would gradually reduce crime over the course of generations.

My mom is an OB/GYN and recommends implantable IUDs for all welfare recipients. If you need gov assistance, then you shouldn't be breeding. Once they're off the gov teat, they can have the implant removed. Obviously she's afraid to say this to anyone outside of family.

Passive eugenics only. There's nothing wrong with getting felons to agree with sterilization in exchange for a greatly reduced sentence.

In the current state that the country is right now, yeah this would just accelerate white genocide.

The most likely reason we are cucks on the racial level today is mostly due to executing way too many criminals in the middle ages. If you go in a prison you will notice that White nationalists are grossly overrepresented among inmates.

Capital punishment and reproductive deprivation against Whites should be acceptable only for extreme cases.

This. Encourage good stock (read: most whites) and encourage sterilization of non-whites.

You can especially see this in Sweden, where they sterilized criminals and anti-socials or in East Asia, where strict punishment molded the people into the most passive in the world. Lowest crime rates in the world, but a nation of pathetic cucks.

I don't think that's the reason for racial cuckery though. East Asians have very strong in-group preference despite passivity probably stemming from collectivist ethos.

All individuals below 100 IQ should be sterilized. Repeat this for generations. We'd see a 90% decrease in shitskin populations and real improvement in the remainders. We might even be able to call them human.

Trannies would go commit crimes for the free orchiectomy

this sounds great - can we start with you?

I see nothin wrong here.

that sausage is a fucking mess….huge fat clumps….grind the damn thing up before you smoke it

Certain kinds of sausage are like that. I had some excellent salami last week that had large (but soft) chunks of fat

You Italians don't speak Italian very much these days do you…

Fuck that. I don't want a country of passive, grass-eating, defenseless faggots and beta boys. Let's maintain the violent potential and learn to hone and discipline it, as in martial arts training or regular, old-school militaries.

On the site executions for violent criminals caught in the act.

Use gun in criminal act? Street execution.
Strong-arm a victim? Street execution.
Threaten violence in act of a crime? Street execution.
Put non-criminal citizens at risk during or after a crime? Street execution.

At the same time, self defense would be completely legal with zero legal or civil consequences.
Citizens would be able to kill any and all intruders of private property.
All served warrants would require videographic proof of the warrant being served, otherwise the officers would be classified as unlawful intruders.

Then we excise the offending member.

That's actually a great idea.
Death penalties outside of street executions should be entirely eliminated.

The violent offenders not caught in the act should be forced into some sort of violent service like a slaughterhouse or military service in foreign lands.
This sentence would be life long with no chance for freedom unless new evidence proves their innocence.

Like with street executions, if an inmate fails to follow the rules, they would be executed on the spot.

We need to go full Starship Troopers.

It's the only way to survive.

You have this backwards. The "rape is about power, not sex" is a classic feminist thing. In reality, most rape is committed by niggers/sandniggers/pajeets who really do just lack self-control. That's why sandniggers make their women wear tents–if they didn't, their men really wouldn't be able to control themselves.

Their religion is as repressive as it gets.

And correctly so, because strict and brutally enforced rules are the only way sandniggers can maintain anything close to civilization. White people can get away with a lot more laxity in explicit rules (though not as much as we have in sexuality now, frankly) because we have a stronger innate moral compass.

I'm saying it has the opposite effect of what's intended.

Not when it comes down to women.

The sandniggers do have a point in that regard, but their culture as an user pointed out, is very repressive.
What instead needs to happen is women have to be put into chastity belts first at puberty by their fathers, then kept pure until marriage, when the keys are given over to the husband. Much better than covering them head to toe and not letting them go anywhere in a public place without a male guardian and just as effective.

Castrate all the people that made hard crimes such as murder, rape, pedos, drug smuggling, etc.. Also force them to work in labor camps and if they refuse sick the hounds on them

I agree with you but it seem too harsh to the many people so it is unlikely to be supported.

thats funny because the jews want to do this you too for "hate crime"

Give em testosterone injections when it is their time to fight, reduce or eliminate it when they are back home.

The solution for this problem is to make the military service mandatory for every men. Whoever refused to enlist shall be executed.

It's a bad idea because so many women lie about rape.

This is code for niggers and spics. Sounds like the real rate for whites is somewhere between 1-6%.

Removal of ovaries, womb, vagina, labia and clitoris for women guilty of false rap accusation.

Just extirpate all of their genitals when convicted of false rape accusation.

Execute them if they found to be lying.

Nobody cares about your fetish you freak.

It's a thing that today's 3rd wave feminists have backed way off on because it ruined the narrative of blaming all men for rape. "Rape is about power" was 2nd wave feminism, "Teach men not to rape" is 3rd wave feminism. 2nd wave feminists were correct, 3rd wave feminists are full of shit in each and every way possible.

Most 2nd wave feminists have either abandoned or been kicked out of feminism because they don't agree that trannies are women.

Yeah, if castration was free I'd be all over causing trouble. Better make sure to charge plenty for it.

I could go for castration and labor camps.

There's no way this can be exploited against whites while Jews are still in power.

The problem, then, is not the death penalty but the appeal process. You want to appeal, nigger? pay the fee. You have no money? Ask for charity. No luck? You must be guilty as sin.


Great. I love you guys. Lets kill more people. Let the bodies hit the floor.

I don't think the cucking is genetic. Most people weren't cucks until recently. It took the cult of progressivism brainwashing everyone into believing we're all equal, and that anyone who disagrees must be evil. Because we're all equal we can all just live together in peace and harmony, if you don't want third worlders flooding your country, you must be evil, this is the only possible explanation.

This is what cucks actually believe. It's what the media, the schools, the people around them have been telling them their whole lives. That's why they believe it. Debrainwash them, make them realize people aren't actually equal, the cuckoldry goes away pretty quick.

Getting locked in a cage with a bunch of niggers would turn anyone into a white nationalist. Besides we all know the FBI baits, infiltrates, and targets WNs.

Yeah, because if there's something Holla Forums is known for it's believing feminist rape claims.

Sounds like it would be decreasing the testosterone of a nation a lot. Testosterone is something that is saved up amongst a healthy culture. You can't just extract the outliers like that. I could maybe see doing it done to extreme faggots like rapists and such but those were like trained monks at a young age or something back when that was done so idk

Agreed. Some nasty cunt tried to accuse me of freestyling once.


That anyone in this thread even considered this shit for a second just goes to show how many shills and newfags there are crawling around.

forcibly transition weak males. then they have to service the remaining strong ones. saves them from a lifetime of beta/omegahood.

As a punishment it may have its uses, but just like the death penalty it is not a power you want to give to a corrupt government.

Can you imagine if the US judicial system could order castrations? I wonder how many more whites than blacks would be castrated by pure coincidence?

There's also tons of environmental xenoestrogens around people at all times today. In your food, in your water, it's everywhere.

I fuckign knew Holla Forums is infiltrated with feminists and nu males who white knight for them


so what if it is? we've got no freedom anyway.

fucking cunt feminist slave defeatist shit

go kill yourself rather than further emasculate and by extension make us extinct just because you are too pussy to stand up to a few useful idiots known as feminists

what power do i have? the left run everything and it's impossible to so much as advocate against them because doing so irl or on any website that isn't anonymous will get you arrested. even doing so anonymously would if they decided anonymous sites were enough of a threat.

i hope a trump win and the rise of the right in europe might turn back the tide a little, but even with good guys in charge, the leftist corruption is so ingrained in all levels of authority that unless the entire state was dissolved and reformed, i fear even a trump presidency would just slow the decline by keeping yet more enemies out of power for a few years, a delay but not a victory.

i know it's defeatist and i hope i'm wrong, but it's hard to be motivated when that feels like such a long shot. good on you for being more optimistic and i'd support you if i could, just like i'll support trump with my vote, but let's face it, if you're posting here, you're not likely to be a bigger help than me.

Fuck off, feminist

If you were ever able to get so far in this nation to this kind of punishment, non-euros would have been shipped out long ago.

Reading it at the moment. I'm at Chapter 11, right after Johnnie Rico's first real world operation. Great book.