Voter Fraud and drug abuse on welfare

Liberals argue that voter fraud & drug abuse while on welfare happens so little that Voter IDs & drug tests are a waste of money or target minorities

What should our arguments to be for such accusations?

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What does one have to do with the other?

Butthurt pothead detected.

That didn't answer my question.

Drug tests are a waste of money no matter what reason they're administered. A reliable 9-panel drug test costs $85 for the testing materials alone, and the laboratory analysis can run into the hundreds of dollars per test. In addition, there are still false-positives and even more false-negatives. On a suspicion-based test like testing welfare recipients, where legal action will be taken based on the results of the test, the testing authority has to use a higher standard of test than what might be used in say, a pre-employment screening, where the only penalty for failure is not getting the job. Otherwise, the test results will not hold up in court, and the testee can potentially get the benefits anyway + damages on top of that. The MAJORITY of drug tests simply aren't worth the money.

That's pretty much irrelevant since it's already been ruled unconstitutional though:

That was my point to begin with almost 1/4 people over the age of 18 are on EBT in my state OP was comparing showing some a drivers license to drug testing tens of millions of people across the country. Why are they even related?

Yjey're pushed by the same people for similar {{{Puritanical}}} reasons.
If you're worried about drugs, just go to a few of the rahbiliation clinics with celebrities and haul them off, no need to even test, they already have admission and paperwork.

If you want to get rid of voter fraud, over the next decade roll out a crypto currency esque method of voting, use everyone's actually made unique social security number and a national ID.
Suddenly the issue becomes solved.

But then its not about fraud, its about swaying the vote by denying the other side a chance.

IDGAF about drug abuse on welfare, cut the programs. If you need to take care of people on welfare, give food not money or any other good that could be traded for anything else. Welfare should be a jug of skim milk, a pound of lean meat (not the good stuff), a loaf of bread, wedge of cheese, head of lettuce, a bundle of carrots and five apples to be distributed to anyone with a welfare card which has no prerequisite (anyone can take welfare). Charities currently fill a ton of other rolls providing books, clothing and other basic goods. They can continue to on the new system. With the money saved cut the taxes on the poor to the point that welfare recipients can actually get jobs and start taking care of themselves. They can leave welfare anytime they want.

As for voter fraud. If performed successfully how would you know it happened? Voter fraud has never in any election been a case of if it happened, but rather how much did it skew the results.

There will be (((excuses))) as to why nogs and beans cannot obtain said national ID, and the plan will be decried as racist. That's the current narrative with requiring state-issued IDs for voting. I've yet to have it explained to me why blacks cannot get their shit together enough to get a state ID. It doesn't even need to be a driver's license.

There's literally zero reason to not have voter ID. Anyone who can't bother themselves to get an ID shouldn't be allowed to vote, but niggers still have to produce ID for alcohol and welfare.

The only reason to not mandate voter ID is to enable voter fraud.

Someone living at or near the poverty-line already doesn't pay taxes or pays a insignificant amount. They get all their income tax back if in refund if they have a job and if by some chance they own their own home instead of renting I doubt the property taxes on it are very high.

Oh and the leftists are hypocrites. They always speak about "reasonable" limits on shit like free speech, guns, etc., but if you apply that same logic to requiring something as basic as ID to vote they start going ballistic about muh voter infringement.

The left only wants to infringe on everything that doesn't benefit them.

Hence why I said 10 years.
The current complaint and valid point is that most of the plans are either too short notice, to be done immediately on passage of a bill in October and where the new IDs will not arrive until after voting, or crazy fucked up scheduling that only makes sense as a denial method.

I mean its rather telling what the point is, given none have even made the joke about not getting a photo ID can't be that hard, what happened to the mug shots?

Really, a photo ID should be piss easy in this day and age of selfies. My passport photo was a white wall and a gloss printout. Skip the analog digital transfer and just have the ID app, take a photo, fill in your data and in 4-6 weeks get an ID in the mail.
Quite easy to do.
Hell, send the police around and have them just card the building, also a good way to find illegals.
Give them the full printout so the people can just be processed quickly and efficiently.

Remove the placement on people doing it, and place it on the state, then its no longer an issue save for voting manipulation, at which point you can't just argue to get the cards out faster.

If you really want to fix the programs, let them actually make money while on them.
Currently, unless a job pays more than 35 k a year after taxes, there is no reason for them to take it.
Its an active loss over any states gibs.

Remember dem programs are because they're cheaper than prison sentences. Cull the population or go with the cheaper route, either works.

The poverty line is a function of how much shit we give the poor to dissuade them from committing too many crimes. The reason they don't cross over is that the second they do each little bit of work they perform counts for less and less. They'll sit in poverty because it's the exact work to reward ration which maximizes the reward with minimal effort. By removing most any reward that comes from being poor and replacing it with exactly what one needs to survive you force them to work. "Cutting taxes on the poor" is a very nebulous concept. Allow me focus it by saying cut taxes on those making less than 40k a year. These are what I consider the poor. Those below the poverty line are not poor, they are impoverished, those above 40 cross into lower middle class.
If we took away any kind of monetization given to the poor I doubt the number of people who will get shot to death in Chicago will increase. They may riot for the gibs at first, but if we let the police do their duty uninterrupted I doubt there will be any long lasting consequences.

Yes, and we could take their biometrics while we're at it!

What do you think goes into a photo ID there then?

I'd venture a solid 80% of welfare recipients are on illicit narcotics; based on my experience with them at work

Do you have to be white to get one or something?

Only white people can plan their lives well enough to go to the DMV and get an ID card. Everybody else wakes up just early enough to be 10 minutes late to work, won't consider skipping lunch or even eating it fast, couldn't possibly leave work early and even if they did get off work in time they need to wander around aimlessly until the DMV closes. And no they can't go to the DMV on their days off because it's their DAY OFF man.

It's current year, don't be so racist, you fucking white male.

I live in an extremely rural area and there's people opposed to voter ID laws because some of the older generation don't have photo IDs. This is firmly Trump country, my county went over for Trump at a 70% rate in the primaries. So for me I tend to stay away from this argument in person.

Where is this quint?

The government actually used to do this, distributing food commodities that they bought to keep farm prices stable in the US. Kraft, General Mills, Nabisco, ConAgra, Nestle, and other large food manufacturers wouldn't have it. They jewed the poor out of their fresh food commodities and into EBT so that they could get a cut of that sweet, sweet poverty money and eliminate the US government as a competitor in the food industry.

Shit sucks, the poor got a lot more food and of a healthier variety when they got commodities. The EBT money doesn't go nearly as far and gets spent on low-quality frozen crap.

Lettuce is crap food btw. It has next to 0 nutritional value. Fresh spinach is the way to go. You can use it for every lettuce use and it has a lot more nutrients.

Lettuce: Vitamin A, 7%, Vitamin C 3%, Calcium 1%, Iron 2%

Spinach: Vitamin A, 56%, Vitamin C 14%, Calcium 3%, Iron 5%

That's bullshit, payroll taxes are a lot more than income taxes you libertarian idiot.

How do they survive without being harassed for ID by police?

And if you are "poor" then odds are you aren't making enough money for it to be held