Bluepilled political cartoons

Bluepilled political cartoons



















Man, this shit pisses me off. This shit is all of the leftists' country ruining bullshit condensed into one thread.





where is that from







who knew



Can we stop posting these?
My cancer levels are off the charts



Cyanide and happiness are sews go figure
















Wait he was a hillcuck go figure

oh jesus what a clown-ass…
you commies are just so fucking hopeless…
I dont know why we're so worried…

hardly surprising after years of stuff like this

I am sure he is balling his eyes out when trump won speaking of do you have any comics after tramp's win

haven't been keeping up tbh


what the fuck, how sheltered are these people.
libertarians are just harmless economics students, most of them don't even have policies related to social aspects, they only care about money and liberty.

this may have been relevant a decade ago, but these days girls are more prevalent on the internet than guys and want to censor anything that they don't like

more quality comix, pls, before //someretard// derails the bread






I don't see how this is bluepilled to be quite frank.

Did you read the thread title?

That's the least impressive majority possible. Is this supposed to convince me of anything

A filibuster body of college age kids remain unjewed? How?

