Last one is pretty dead.
Dumping all of mine.
Last one is pretty dead.
Dumping all of mine.
Is gud
everyone is always datamining. even, if not especially, your friends and family.
the only way to protect yourself is to constantly lie about everything.
made me chuckle a bit.
I thought she didn't had harms.
I don't keep up with that stuff.
Where is yours?
The song and artist name is, "The Duck song" by ""
Isn't that the teen who hung herself from a three?
rip in peperoni
Does anyone have any Eliza webms? She deleted her channel but I legitimately enjoyed her videos
Genital mutilator don't deserve to live.
Do you mean threemilk t?
What the hell are you talking about?
No I mean IloveSheep, she an heroed recently and deleted her channel.
Did you even lisen what she said on the video, whe wanted to cut a clown penis off.
regardless, I'll just leave this here
I'm not a furry but those sheep girls were hot
It was so bad she had to kill herself in shame.
i tried my best looping
I need that awesome webm with rapefugee footage to a song "We are all coming from the 3rd world", set to the tune of "what doesn't kill you make you stronger". I need it to further blue pill a mate. Plz
Did you make these yourself?
I dun goofed, I meant red pill, obv
What's this from?
there was no source provided in the original post.
Shameless bump
I fucking hate niggers
This is a rather uncommon webm
I would recommend saving it
I see. Well, thank you for taking the time to reply to my enquiry.
This is why I avoid ever provoking the sleeping beast.
holy shit that was amazing, wonder what the story is.
Holy shit that steel drum though
I ca.. I can't stop watching this grill
I'm going to be gone for around forty hours, maybe more. I'll dump the remainder either Monday or Tuesday, if I have time.
how did you get a 1:40 webm at 720p to less than 3mb?
It's a secret
Last webm set then I must depart.
Weren't there two parts to this?
webm not related, obviously
What's the sauce on the second webm? I've seen it several times and have no clue what is going on.
I think it's from a show called Letterkenny, Holla Forumsrah
Yea I since found it - It's called Letterkenny Problems.
Anyone got the webm of the teen dancing on the rodeo machine?
Cool. I live in Amsterdam. That's nieuwmarkt and on the right corner I always hang out smoking and drinking with friends :)
I remember vaguely that the guy in the second webm had meals in multiple restaurants without paying until getting arrested by the police, detailed in the webm.
I wanna see that webm too
the full version is way more funny
Imagine yourself in the position of a white woman. Would you rather settle for this pathetic balding white manlet or the tall and handsome black stallion in the background?
And to think there are people out there who still wonder why race mixing is so rampant.
I would go to the handsome blonde man with a job hold the mic.
/r/ing the webm of all the gore/deaths with happy days playing in the background. A friend apparently passed out while running the gauntlet so I need this for reasons.
It's some Cancuck show about living in rural Ontario.
It's fake. It's an old Powerade commercial.
Is that shit real? nature is sure is amazing sometimes…..
Maybe she's talking about the new 'IT' movie?
wowwww what a fucking talent. wherever this country is they should all reconsider living
all the notes are from the same fucking scale. even a toddler could fiddle around with it and make a "song"
they both seem the same to me user
I'm an oldfag. I remember when Falling Down first came out. CNN was crowing about how there's a scene where a kid explains how to use a LAW.
←- here's the scene.
CNN was saying that proved there was too much violence on TV. Problem is, (a) there has never been any TV show that explains how to use a LAW. (b) the kid doesn't even giving him correct instructions. He fails to arm it.
Almost 30 years ago, they were already fake news - all emotional, manipulative, lying bullshit.
I fucking hate these paranoid schizoid faggots! "MUH DATAMINING"
quality bate my good sir
Sauce on song?
i think it's from the movie Ocean's 12