ITT we compare and contrast the ideologies of the new Left with that of the new Right

ITT we compare and contrast the ideologies of the new Left with that of the new Right.

I'll begin.

Other urls found in this thread:

I guess i'll contribute to the echo chamber

The new left is always wrong while the new right is always right

you're a massive faggot

You sound like Hillary Clinton after that sand nigger shot up that faggot club.

She said 'TRUMP IS WRONG!', without any exposition whatsoever.

We need to identify and quantify our rhetoric.

Excellent rebuttal, you fucking moron.

You seem like a lolberg
This is not the place for you


Fucking newfags these days…what is it that makes you so eager to run your faggot little mouth about things you dont know about? You crave this punishment.




no u lolberg


we are actually the old right relearning what our ancestors pre-kikery knew.



That's an old reaction pic from Holla Forums you newfag fucking moron. It doesn't mean that I'm a libertardian

I'm trying to get Holla Forums to solidify their ideology in contrast to the SJW, you dimwit.

Here, I'll make another point.

I didn't make that image.

Here's one you might like more.

t. a Holla Forumsster resisting the constant banning by imkamphy

Fucking cancer thread if there ever was one.
the fuck are you doing with your life OP. There is no neu left or neu right. Its just nationalists vs globalists. Thats all its ever been.

There you have it folks. This thread, amongmost others actually,

Serve as concrete evidence that nobody from Holla Forums is even here anymore. Exodus confirmed.

Newfags pour in, oldfags pour out. And youre all left to figure things out on your own

Enjoy coming here to be a part of something that you helped destroy, that isnt here anymore you fucking faggots


I came here in the second exodus, after using Holla Forums for a couple years on cuckchan. Yet I constantly get banned by imkamphy for posts relating to the true nature of the kikes, and otherwise questioning the dominant narrative of nu-crip-Holla Forums

If you can't even compare and contrast the ideological points of the SJW to the Right, you are the one destroying Holla Forums you naziboo fucking retard.

take your CTR shilling elsewhere faggot

Did I say 'alt-right'?

No, I deliberately did not. I don't like that term. The Right is what we are.

Now, instead of trying to chase me off again, you crypto kike fucking assholes, why don't you demonstrate your supposedly superior intellect by comparing the tenants of the ideology of the Left to that of the Right, and thereby redpill the lurkers and provide ammunition for our comrades?

shit trolling tbh

Haven't you read GRIDS Greg's "New Right" manifesto?

You're really missing out.

Been around since 4chon /new/ and most of us are lurking for various reasons but mostly because it's an election year
Only the more manic oldfags like smileberg and learningkike frequently post, there hasn't been an exodus but there will be soon

How new are you. lurk more before making shit threads.

We rather will compare what will happen to thinkdanks, fbi, military, leftwing and rightwing.
God wont have mercy on your soul.

Shilling for Greg Fag enabler Johnson


Yeah, sure, I'm the first one to say we need to into genocide on a massive scale. But why? Why should we kill all the niggers, kikes and muslims?

Because they represent a massive existential threat to the continuance of the white race and our way of life and our various creations on earth.

Now, can anyone tell me how 'diversity' is beneficial (t. the LEFT) yet they seek to destroy the white race in this way (t. the RIGHT)

I called him GRIDS Greg, pasted two of the worst paragraphs in the the essay, and linked to an article critiquing it unfavorably.



You didnt really understand me.
What i want to tell you is that if anyone of you fbi cunts and analmouse ideology braindeads will misinterpret my good will, it will outline in meme magic and i will come down hard on you. And we got the numbers, and a lot of contempt and a lot of other abilities that you dont want to be refined.
Tables turned a bit you disgusting pieces of shit.

I find your lack of critical thinking…..disturbing.

Wrong. We want the niggers exterminated, not merely "separated" so they can squander resources more useful to the superior white race.

I find my ability of precison and predictive abilitiy really…overpowering. And you will too.

Yes, of course, but I imagined that post to be a prelude to a simple rebuttal which had two goals: the first being the illumination of the assumption that the Left has of the inherent inferiority of the nigger and the quintessential desire to separate the races as per us, the Right. Separation is crucial to extermination. Get on my level, pleb.

check the dubs bitch

No dubs, son i m disappoint.
The problem the alt right and left is, is focusing on niggers. I mean your main talking point is niggers and feminists. Understandably feminists are created to a vehicle of hateability, since they are psyducked to be that. But niggers are just niggers, and they have probably more in common with the alt right than with the left.

no, it's actually the kikes and the poison they excrete in white nations, which lead to the creation of secondary poisons like niggers that are allowed to run amok and white women thinking they have the right to say whatever hysterical nonsense that crosses their estrogen-soaked little brains.

The true problem is the lack of rational response from white men, which is what I'm fishing for ITT

and I am disappoint

The true problem is that this shit is pissing my off to a very very basic level. Hard to maintain being rational, wizzard. And well i like to few things in an optimistic way, the more beta bitches getting psyducked the more estrogen soaked titmeat is easily accessable.
Seems like the super rich are winning since we cant win a war with fucking cunts and pseudocunts. And if that was their intention, or just even subconsicously, i will tip my big tinfoil head out of respect.

And in a way it is throwing a match into a gasoline soaked haystack. And i know where the needle is hidden but i wouldnt resist temptation of burning it down anyway if your psyducks keep fucking with me.

Someone's angry at my dub dubs.
We are classical right, not these new fangled co-opted and subverted groups.

Do you want me to start gore posting?
Because a sage and calling you out for being an outsider isn't chasing you off, unless you really are an outsider.

May KEK bless this post and all who oppose the threats to this board.

I'm as old Holla Forums as they come. Oldfag Holla Forumstard grown up who found Holla Forums on cuckchan as a venue for free speech around chanology. Then I discovered Holla Forums when moot announced its re-inception around 2009, along with [r9k].

Don't ever question whether or not I belong here again, newfag.

Also, dub dubs are not a thing.

lel. your so ghosthacked by the kikes posing as natsoc on this board that you fail to see the true essence of Holla Forums when you see it

Explain the true nature of pol to me, enlighten me.
But do not tell me that you are just a shitposting bunch of mentally fucked up smug, dead wannabes that are only here for the keks. Because that isnt true.


Chanology actually predates Holla Forums, it would've been around /new/'s time or even earlier, fuck if I know.

You know the funny thing about the old Holla Forums was that they tried to win against scientology (which is a fucking sophisticated cult) with muh haxxing and muh protesting. The easiest way to fuck with them is to get into their psychological indoctrination, make them their own and then do the steering. I get from 0 to OT XV in a matter of days.

Nice digits

This is where you failed, newfag. Crip chan has created a separate culture, which I criticize ITT, if you follow it. You think we are so simple as to give you a nice and concise main topic sentence to run back to your brainwashed readers so that they can disparage us?

No, you must lurk moar. However, if I could simplify our sentiment to a single phrase, I would say that we reject the prevailing anti-white sentiment infecting the world, and are working in subtle ways to combat that sentiment.

I refuse to go further into the methodologies of this combat.

I bet you a 733T haxxor of 4chins back in 1999, amirite?


Yup. Definitely a fucking Redditor

But the chan culture was never about that, it was merely a bunch of edgy autists doing edgy autists things.

fuck off newfag


m8 that image is from 2006


Finally a real post in context to the OP.

This is why we need to reject this term, the 'alt-right'. We are not a mere alternative. We are the Right. We are Nationalists, and stand up for our blood and for our soil.

The only thing 'alt' about the true essence of the new Right is death.

I want to be different, Like everybody else I want to be like
I want to be just like all the different people
I have no further interest in being the same
Because I have seen different all around
And now I know that that's what I want
I don't want to blend in and be indistinguishable
I want to be a part of the different crowd
And assert my individuality with others

Who are different like me
I don't want to be identical to anyone or anything
I don't even want to be identical to myself
I want to look in the mirror and wonder
"Who is that person? I've never seen that person before;
I've never seen anyone like that before"
I want to call into question the very idea that identity can be attached
I want a floating shifting ever changing persona:

Invisiblility and obscurity
Detachment from the ego and all of it's pursuits
Unity is useless
Conformity is competitive and divisive and leads only to stagnation and death
If what I'm saying doesn't make any sense
That's because sense can not be made
It's something that must be sensed
And I, for one, and incensed by by all this complacency

Why oppose only when there's a war?
Why defend the clinics only when they're attacked?
Why are we always reactive?
Lets activate something
Lets fuck shit up
Whatever happened to revolution for the hell of it?
Whatever happened to protesting nothing in particular, just
Protesting because its Saturday, and there's nothing else to do?

King Missile, 1992

I find it funny that you discourage the essence of the attitude of the West: individualism, through your post. This is clearly the fatal flaw of the white race.

You think I'm the only one like me?


We will unite like the althing, in the end.

Earth belongs to the greatness of the white race, and we will extirpate your mocking Hebraic influences in a swirling swarm of fire and death, and afterward we will hunt down the last of you in the crannies and nooks of the earth, like a shark hunts for fish in the sea.

Not only are we the Right, we are The Horde from Who-Knows-Where
Giving us a name would be counter-productive to our movement.

The logical conclusion of race-realist progressivism is ruthless eugenics practiced on the mud races.

All non-White men under a certain IQ or with certain alleles die or are sterilized. All non-White women are forced to birth mixed-White girls and full-White boys. Eggs and sperm for the children come from donors with proven high IQ and low violence.

Once the mud races reach an acceptable White admixture, they are taught how to set up their own society and either left in peace or integrated into existing race-realist progressive societies.

Of course that would never happen though, because progressivism assumes egalitarian myths are true beforehand.

At this point we're the "ebil frog natzies from the most vile site on the internet". It's so fucking insane that nobody can name us in articles or in the news, or at a big speech, because everyone would think they were retarded or some shit. Even if they refer to us as "The Right" people will just see cuckservatives first and pay no mind. That's why we can't become the alt-kike. Not to mention that the name "alt-right" implies that we are massive cucks who don't mind being second fiddle to cuckservatives.

What kind of nonsense are you spouting? You'd have to be a special kind of idiot to have a eugenics program on racial enemies, which would only result in more intelligent populations to compete with and threaten you. The final redpill of racial-realism is understanding that non-whites must all be indiscriminately exterminated for the betterment of our own people. No exceptions.

Or we could establish a white continent and teach the rest of the world that we will bring massive suffering and death upon them if they even think of fucking with us.

Then after we establish technological and practical superiority (which we already have, but we have to deal with race traitors) we keep the shitskined races as useful idiots to do the work we don't want to do ourselves.

Huh. This sounds familiar, doesn't it Holla Forums?

right > wrong
good health > bad health
unity and integrity > division and diversity
pride and love > guilt and shame
security > vulnerability
loyalty (in-group preference) > traitor (out-group preference)

connect your implications into a whole idea

How does discrimination affect white males in the world today? Use examples.

You're onto something here user.

Finish it.

Anyone with an ounce of sense (oldfag or new) knows that Holla Forums is a thinktank, not a cadre. Our power lies in shitposting from the shadows and influencing the broader culture

Holla Forums is not the alt-right. It never was and it never will be.

thank you

You just outed yourself. Leave.

Holla Forums is a community service

Because of you dubs, I will forevermore think of my posts on both Holla Forumss as a sentence of community service, but at the same time a labor of love.

So it's kinda like a community service I'll never stop doing, even though I'll never make a dime from it.

Thanks for the reality check bruh

New Left = Neo-commies (see picture related)

New Right = Hotpockets and a holocaust


First of all, how is the delineation of the Left and the Right autistic or retarded?

Secondly, how are these invalid labels?

Don't try to pretend this wasn't another attempt to ease this board into accepting a label.


Thirdly, if you don't get the gist of the point of the OP, which is the shared premise between the ebil nawtzees and the super intelligent savers of mankind, the Left, that is to say, that niggers are inferior, and understand the joke behind that, then you don't belong on our side, kid.

Get on the level.

OP, comparing our ideals to everyone else (especially the left and it's associates) is the entire purpose of Holla Forumsitacally incorrect. Your thread is redundant in the same way that going on Holla Forums and saying "post video games in this thread" is redundant. We already do what your asking for in other threads that actually have a topic to discuss.

As for the alt-right, while i think Andrew Anglin's daily stormer article did a fantastic job on it, the fact is that
Holla Forums always has been, and always will be, a near nameless meeting point for ideas and nothing else

We are not a political movement, we are a meta-political image board that influences political movements. We are the steering wheel to the car, not the wheels.

I first heard "new right" from Jonathan Bowden and the London Forum, who are considerably more hard and well read than the "alt-right."

We are both showing our true colors, we are the the true right and these faggots are the true left.

Both of you lack subtlety of thought.

I made a clear and present joke within the comparison of the 'Left' and 'Right' attitudes concerning niggers, for example.

I was looking for more ideas that blow the fuck out of the thought process of the Left that I have not thought of yet, in terms of the ridiculous hypocrisy and stupidity endemic of the Left.

Stop thinking so concretely and start solving the problems we are faced with on an academic level, faggots.


I'm not a nazi, I'm a white nationalist.

Write that down in your notebook.

you are just a faggot

Whilst being the OP, I sorta agree with you.

Yet I can't help but think that your lack of contribution to the thread makes your opinion invalid.

Am I all that is left of Holla Forums?

Surely some other user can focus on the intellectual weaknesses of the left.

I'm done for the night.

Fuck you faggots

do you believe 6 million jews were gassed too?

The Right: "OP is a faggot"

The Left: "OP is sitll a faggot"

well gosh would you look at that geez oh man


This is something I wrote a few months ago and saved. Copypasta time

The SJW worldview, but primarily the greater leftist ideological school of thought, relies upon the core assumption that all men and women are inherently equal, interchangeable blank slates. This core ideological tenet - that all people are created equal - distinguishes all left wing thought from all genuine right wing thought.

Unlike rightists, who work bottom-up and arrive at the conclusion that inequality and hierarchy in all things is natural, and even beneficial, leftists work top-down from the pre-conceived notion that all things are equal, and thus arrive at the conclusion that any differences between individuals MUST be the result of some external oppressive force imposing these differences on them. Leftists refuse to accept that differences exist between people, or at the very least assert that whatever differences exist are negligible and inconsequential. When you understand the leftist worldview from this angle, it's no surprise that they create boogeyman concepts like "white privilege" or "patriarchy" to explain away any perceived differences in capacity or potential in individuals as the result of external oppression.

This is why leftists automatically assume "racism" or "socioeconomic status" as the culprit when confronted with evidence that blacks commit more crime, make up a larger percentage of the prison population, and overwhelmingly live in poverty. They're simply incapable of entertaining the idea that maybe, just maybe, these differences are the result of some genetic inferiority inherent to African people.

Leftists hate the idea of racial or gender differences, because it attacks the very core of their worldview and inevitably leads to the realization that "superiors" and "inferiors" exist. Accepting the existence of superiority and inferiority inevitably leads to the realization that societal hierarchies are not arbitrary things externally imposed as a means of "oppressing" otherwise equal individuals, but rather an organic expression of a healthy society organizing itself in accordance with natural law.

In short the existence of inequality is the antithesis to the leftist worldview.

What a shitty OP.

Is halfchan down or something? You should go to them with this and theyll be happy to give you your pointless comparison thread.

Forgot to sage. Fuck.