what now faqs?

Other urls found in this thread: AlexKoloskov/posts/UUaeh9t9uPV

Source? This needs to be archived.

Linus Torvalds is a retard if he thinks we should refer to an entire OS by the name of an exchangeable kernel.

The truth is that Linus NEEDS it to be called Linux. When the Tech CEOs of Apple and Google and IBM, and others hear about "Linux", they assume they are talking about the OS and not just the kernel. They then dump billions into developing "Linux" with the intent of improving the OS ,but in actuality much of that money goes to over-developing the kernel (and thus the Linux Foundation gets a big chunk of that money under false pretenses).

Basically, Linus wants everyone to call the GNU POSIX operating systems "Linux" so that his rent gets paid. He'd call your Android and Router and your parent's smartTV "Linux" too if he could get away with it. Linus Torvalds is a piece of shit.

Are you saying that this linux can run on a computer without windows underneath it, at all ? As in, without a boot disk, without any drivers, and without any services ?

That sounds preposterous to me.

If it were true (and I doubt it), then companies would be selling computers without a windows. This clearly is not happening, so there must be some error in your calculations. I hope you realise that windows is more than just Office ? Its a whole system that runs the computer from start to finish, and that is a very difficult thing to acheive. A lot of people dont realise this.

Microsoft just spent $9 billion and many years to create Vista, so it does not sound reasonable that some new alternative could just snap into existence overnight like that. It would take billions of dollars and a massive effort to achieve. IBM tried, and spent a huge amount of money developing OS/2 but could never keep up with Windows. Apple tried to create their own system for years, but finally gave up recently and moved to Intel and Microsoft.

Its just not possible that a freeware like the Linux could be extended to the point where it runs the entire computer from start to finish, without using some of the more critical parts of windows. Not possible.

I think you need to re-examine your assumptions.




My sides...

I don't think this was really written by Linus, it needs more cursing.

he respects RMS, because RMS is proven programmer and he invented revolutionary things, thats not some dump kernel developer who made mistake mixing userland with kernel

source faggot SOURCE NOW

This is stale pasta. Linus never wrote this.

Fake and gay.

Stallman was actually an OS programmer since the 1970's. If anybody's an authority on OS programming, it would be one of the pioneers like Stallman.

Fuck when is Hurd going to be done so we can get rid of this linux shit?

GNU/patcheswelcome :^)


Considering Thorvalds is a major TiVocuck and thinks that hardware manufacturers should be able to deny you your rights to tinker with what you bought, I have very little respect for him.

Oh and just look at the Linux Foundations sponsors and you will see they are a complete sellout. And they gave no backing in the lawsuit against VMWare, so fuck him and them.

What i really hate is how newfags take stallman's GNU/Linux speech as more than something to laugh at.
Linus never wrote that text but the point is relevant. If we have to put an OC DONUT STEEL on the OS we'll have to name it GNU/XFree86/Redhat/Canonical/Pajeet/Microsoft/Apple/IBM/Walmart/Linux. Linux isn't a name used to say "Torvalds wrote every single piece of this", it's a name used to describe the nameless operating system built with the effort of a thosuand companies, organizations, people, whatever. And guess what, GNU isn't even the most important of these efforts. Like i said earlier, it's a nameless operating system and we only call it linux because it stuck. If it was called GNU nobody else in the world would bat an eye because nobody but stallman is autistic enough to pull this shit off.
Fuck, try running windows without the graphics drivers built into NT (hint: they weren't witten written by microsoft) and the operating system will be useless because then you can't fucking see shit yet nobody calls it AMD/Windows or whatever the dicks.

Hurd 1.0 this year, 2018 will be year of the Hurd desktop

Screencap this post

it's been
for at least three months now. I guess once GuixSD makes that Hurd port they've been talking about the Gnu operating system will have unofficially entered beta.

Oh how far Holla Forums has fallen...

I wish this was true. I'm planning to make time in the future to write Hurd drivers for the hardware in my system starting with USB drivers and making my way from there.

Let me put it this way. When the HURD beta launches, it will immediately need to be patched to use 64-bit integers for time to deal with the Year 2038 problem.

By the time it's ready for production, not even a 64-bit integer for time will be enough.

Having so many powerful sponsors is the first step to financial blackmail and backdooring your software.

you are a retard for even suggesting this.

you can't do the math right, obviously
at that time the humanity would have to solve far harder problems like finding alternative (to Sun) energy source while at the same time trying to evade planet Earth from Sun explosion.

I mean, before this problem with HURD arises.
and in the most likely scenario that humans fail to do this, HURD problems won't matter anymore, neither will any other problems

I feel so fucking old reading this

are you a salesperson, or it's just a copypasta?

Nice. I'm not competent enough for that, but I am competent enough to port shit from Linux.

"matter"? What is this "matter" you speak of?

clash of the uber nerds

tbh linus comes off as an autistic sjw faggot in this one

linus is a software genius, but he's politically retarded. there's no contradiction here.

you didn't bring anything to back that up

learn english please

That's an old copypasta.

because it is well known that linus doesn't understand what free software is about, he just cares about technical aspects. similar to how many people think "open source" is just as good or even the same thing as free software.

hey cunts, mentioning this and not mentioning why sperges call it gnu/linux?

it's called the "one piece of information" rule

you take an assburgers cunt, drooling, genetic dead end spastic, and you tell him "hey someone said this should be called GNU/LINUX (((((((((((((because)))))))))))) gnu software is used"

that single ((((because)))) will rewire his weak, pathetic brain faster than cat feces and give him a (((cos))) that he can flaunt tot he world

fuck off you disease minded, "because" programmed faggot



fuck off you ridiculous weak minded faggot

that's the important thing here

everybody understands Linus' argument, so they know Linux is called Linux.

So we use economics to explain the resistance to accepting that:

that one (((cos))) has a lot of value in their minds because it forms one of the rare bridges they get to connect to people - an assumed knowledge position - they don't want to give up a piece of information even if they know it's false, because their gristly little fuckbrains can't live without that little bit of affirmation they get from holding this position

now, go out and piss in cats faces

They certainly can corrupt your goals. Charity is for them an investment, not charity.

A good example of Thorvalds' poor political judgement is the 2005 BitKeeper (now free under the Apache v2) controversy. Ironically the result is that he wrote the best performing DVCS. So no one is saying that Thorvalds is an incompetent engineer, only that he doesn't truly appreciate the most important and necessary principles behind free software, one of them being that you don't develop free software using proprietary software.

Microsoft joins the Linux Foundation:

Pic related is from Linux foundation website and they

we live in a special kind of hell

If Android isn't called "Linux", why should GNU? It's specially important to make a difference between GNU and Linux considering:

Thanks to retards like you, now we have a " Linux subsystem for Windows" also known as "Ubuntu Linux on Windows" with absolutely no Linux running. Now companies interested in that shit are going to fling money at The Linux Foundation (and maybe Canonical) but not the FSF.

The operating system is called GNU. Not Linux, not GNU/Linux; it's GNU.

Anyone with a bit of brain would stop reading at

For the slow brainers: Both, the Torvalds account and the Stallman account were fake accounts, possibly run by /g/, which were removed from Google/NSA+.

Original conversation: AlexKoloskov/posts/UUaeh9t9uPV

Original meme related.

The way I like to distinguish things is according to how fundamental the software is to operate the rest of the system. Merely installing GNU onto Windows doesn't make GNU a fundamental part of the already capable Windows OS, GNU is acting as an additional platform on top of Windows. In an Android system, the two fundamental systems in play are the Android OS and the Linux kernel program. This is also the case for GNU/Linux systems because the two most fundamental systems that form the basic platform for all other software are GNU and Linux.

Linux fucking sucks. The only reason anyone uses it is because it's the kernel that's best suited for use with GNU, and that's only because it was the first finished kernel to be released under the GNU GPL which resulted in it receiving the most GNU-centric development. Monolithic kernels were outdated in 1991 and they're still outdated today; if Andy Tannenbaum hadn't been a fool with his licensing we'd all be using GNU/Minix today and we'd all be a lot better off for it. Linux is also the only popular unix-like kernel that doesn't support a form of virtualization like Solaris zones or BSD jails.

GNU, on the other hand, is great. It's objectively the best unix-like standard available. Stallman's epiphany that it was no longer the fucking 60s and subsequent abandonment of the original unix design philosophy made GNU the most feature-packed and functional unix-like standard ever, which is why it's so much more popular than permissive-licensed standards like BSD even in the commercial world in spite of the fact that permissive licenses would grant corporations more of the control they desire.

All Linux does is hold GNU back, and the only reason at this point why anyone is still using Linux with GNU is because muh drivers. Literally any other kernel with the same level of hardware compatability would be a million times better than Linux for use with GNU. In an ideal world we'd probably be using something more like GNU/L4, but even GNU/kFreeBSD would be better than GNU/Linux. The fact that Linus tries to sneakily imply that the GNU standard is just a part of his own "Linux" operating system is fucking pathetic.

only ones who care about this are grammar nazis and patentfags

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of GNU/Linux are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have referred to the GNU/Linux system as "Linux", but Linux is just a part of the system! Whoops! Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux. You should always remember to say or write "GNU/Linux", unless you are referring to the kernel "Linux" alone!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to your new operating system!

Yep, it's exactly like said. The more the name Linux gets spread around, everybody hears about that popular "operating system" (kernel) called Linux, the more money the Linux Foundation gets.

Instead of investing money to improve GNOME or Wayland or HURD, or even the GNU CHess engine, sizable chunks of money gets thrown at the Kernel because they'll assume that's what "investing in Linux" entails.

Linus Torvalds knows this and he wants to keep people throwing money at his organization no matter how dishonest it is. Linus is a bad dude, but at least he keeps the SJs at bay...

What we say is that you ought to give the system's principal developer a share of the credit. The principal developer is the GNU Project, and the system is basically GNU.

If you feel even more strongly about giving credit where it is due, you might feel that some secondary contributors also deserve credit in the system's name. If so, far be it from us to argue against it. If you feel that X11 deserves credit in the system's name, and you want to call the system GNU/X11/Linux, please do. If you feel that Perl simply cries out for mention, and you want to write GNU/Linux/Perl, go ahead.

Since a long name such as GNU/X11/Apache/Linux/TeX/Perl/Python/FreeCiv becomes absurd, at some point you will have to set a threshold and omit the names of the many other secondary contributions. There is no one obvious right place to set the threshold, so wherever you set it, we won't argue against it.

Different threshold levels would lead to different choices of name for the system. But one name that cannot result from concerns of fairness and giving credit, not for any possible threshold level, is “Linux”. It can't be fair to give all the credit to one secondary contribution (Linux) while omitting the principal contribution (GNU). is funny. They have a "what is linux" section where they copy pasted the four freedoms, some sites further they suggest skype and trash like that.

Also funny: Ranting on the GPL "if you use the GPL you may get into trouble"-style:

fuck these guys

someone who thinks drm is cool must be retarded

No, money should be invested into moving all non-GNOME projects to QT, or GNOME terrorists should be paid to stop holding GTK hostage and let other people take care of it and fix the damage that was done.

GNU Chess is just the engine that plays against you. The front-end application is gnome-chess.

The engine plugs into a bunch of different front ends and many front ends support multiple engines such as the hoichess engine or fairy-max, or crafty.

y'all niggas need to play gnugo

I wholly agree with you, except on one note.
"Linux subsystem for Windows" is actually pretty justified, since it's a subsystem of windows that emulates the facilities in the linux kernel, meaning syscalls, virtual filesystems, etc, such that it can run unmodified binaries targetting linux, much like FreeBSD can. Of course, they plug a GNU system on top, so you have at least the most essential system libraries, essentially creating GNU/"Linux subsystem for Windows".

Yeah but those Linux syscalls are 99% of the time handled by some library.

Porting from Windows 9x to Windows NT is very different from porting Windows 9x to Mac9 or Mac 10 for example.

I still have to learn Chinese chess (the Dota to Chess's League)

Noob here, I don't understand this new "Linux subsystem for Windows" thing, isn't that basically the same what cygwin did before?

Cygwin can't run native linux binaries. The programs had to be recompiled into native windows binaries, with a compatibility layer that binds some library functions to their windows equivalents or reimplements them. The easiest way to see it is the same way "porting" a program works, to bring it to another operating system. You have to implement a compatibility layer so (mostly) the same code works on all operating systems you decide to support. Cygwin pretty much did that, except with the "core" GNU system, providing libraries and a package manager, instead of porting a standalone application.
Linux subsystem for Windows actually implements part of the facilities the linux kernel provides in windows, making it possible to run pretty much any binary built for linux on windows (provided you have all the required dependencies).

So can I install gentoo on windows?

Who needs this when there is Stockfish and it's also free?

I sage your shitty bait thread, that's what.

This place is beyond repair, isn't it?


Normalfags are genetic dead ends

fake and old as fuck.
Stallman doesn't use social dragnets, and that's not Linus Retards' real account

the amount of unsuspecting newfags in this thread is disturbing.

Torvalds curses the most at people he respects.


Linus BTFO


alpha male

this is such an old image. I don't believe either of them use Google Plus, and I know Linus wouldn't have sperged out over something like that, he's stated before that he doesn't really care what you call it.
