i'm a nice guy. it doesn't even make sense, all the assholes get the chicks here.
yet this asshole I got a picture of is perfectly capable of getting a girlfriend. it's fucking unfair. do you guys know why it is that girls prefer assholes?
i'm a nice guy. it doesn't even make sense, all the assholes get the chicks here.
yet this asshole I got a picture of is perfectly capable of getting a girlfriend. it's fucking unfair. do you guys know why it is that girls prefer assholes?
The strong man shadow should have one hand up as if taking a picture.
Nice shadow, who are you, stretch armstrong?
wtf?? my fucking shadow is in this thing? I swear to god this camera has no view finder at all so I didn't know how it turned out
I'll try to make this short.
Girls want to experience a range of emotions. Wow, amazing, huh?
If you're just some "yes ma'am" 1-dimensional faggot who agrees with everything they say and just does everything they want, then you are NOT a long term prospect. You are boring as fuck, and not even a complete person. Doesn't matter how nice you are, all your other faggotry ruins it.
Now, it's not that they WANT an asshole boyfriend, but they will put up with assholery just to get a guy who challenges them sometimes, makes them think, makes them excited, makes them sad, makes them happy, makes them angry (yes, even this one), is not predictable, makes them FEEL all sorts of things. Not all at once, obviously, but they want drama. They want a roller-coaster, not a merry-go-round.
Time to grow up, crybaby.
hold on, I never said I was a passive faggot who literally agrees to everything they say and has no backbone. what are you even going on about dumbass?
fucking reply system I swear.
Well okay then, but what I wrote is what is usually the problem when "nice guys" think girls are dumb when choosing "assholes" all the time.
You didn't provide much info, so I just assumed the usual.
oh ok. it's alright man. is it really true that that's the typical for nice guys? I mean, I like being nice and cool and all, but I didn't know most nice guys were phaggots too.
Nothing wrong with being nice. As long as you're your own person then you should be fine, and not be a pushover.
That said, I do acknowledge there really are stupid chicks out there who do choose the asshole because he's an asshole, but they are a minority. They'll end up fucked up too.
But my main point was girls will put up with assholery to get "exciting guy" for a while, and they'd rather that deal than ultra-nice-guy with no personality.
makes plenty of sense. some guys that I've talked to were boring as fuck, it was like talking to a chick with a dick. i guess these guys call themselves nice guys?
I don't go out and do really stupid shit for sport and thrill. but I do have hobbies besides posting on here. it might have to do with where I live because people here are low class
He finally did it, he finally became a 5%er
this likely won't end well for our society
The fat guy is a cs major
More on the same topic.
What about me. I'm an asshole with no personality.
You don't get girls because you whine on Holla Forums.
She probably treat him like shit, so i wouldn't bother.