Why do people think traps are straight?
Why do people think traps are straight?
Go back to >>>/kennedi/
Can you not think of a real answer to why traps are straight? I'd love to see you try
Because they're not, dub. If you need more info, go to that natural and organic board
If someone fucks a trap but doesn't let there balls touch, is he gay?
Back to anywhere but here
I don't know, ask the mods over at >>>/christian/
Penis is not what makes you a man. Faggot who takes hormones, dresses, acts like woman may as well be a woman. Not a real woman, can't bear children, but who cares if you just want to get dick wet.
It's prison rules, niggas locked up fuck weaker men as an act of dominance and also cause they want to bust a nut into a hot hole. It's gay, but nobody gives two shits, especially if faggot goes to great effort to really look like real thing. For a quick fuck, it's easy, but then try to find one that isn't a degenerate slut, that's the hard part.
This. It's not about penis/no penis. It's about dominance. And nothing is more "straight" than fucking another man into submission. Reducing a proud masculine beast to a passive cum receptacle that'd sooner cut off his own arm than even think about biting your dick.
Take the traps back to cuckchan where they belong.
this, Fucking a trap is the most masculine thing you can do.
Holla Forums samefagger get out, you can't change your biological sex, no matter how you 'feel' about it, also something being feminine doesn't make it a woman
you are no better than a 'muh dick' nigger
this i believe, i do believe its hard to not find a degenerate faggot
have you tried impregnating a woman?
Let's define what "trap" means.
A boy who looks girly-ish like OP's pic? That's gay but okay.
A transexual, someone who actually thinks "I'm actually a woman even though I was born with a dick"? That's not gay, that's cray-cray. That's literally a mental illness. And you must never put your dick in crazy!
Why do people think OPs are straight?
3D = GAY
Traps fucking women is straight, prove me wrong.
Traps are men who wish to be women. They are not gay but may be transgender. Gay is when a man wants to be a man but also wants to get fucked in the ass by a man. Also liking traps is not gay because traps put a lot of effort into appearing feminine.
I myself have no problem fucking fully transitioned male to female trannies for exampe. If a man cuts of his dick and replaces it with a vagoo then goes the extra mile to get a boob job, surre I'd fuck her(him)
Gay is when a man wants to fuck other men and/or be fucked by other men regardless of whether he wants to be a man or not.
Traps are gay if they want to fuck or be fucked by men. Traps are not gay if they want to fuck women.
Didn't this faggot kill himself? I remember hearing about it back on cuckchan or he has an ED page or something.
Does anyone else know of this?
Traps are girls, if she fucks another girl they are lesbians.
He did. Unrealistic standards for himself, most of his pictures are actually shooped. That doesn't mean he wasn't a qt though.
t. Romans
Traps aren't men, so you are wrong
You may be more mentally ill than a tranny, but not by much
traps are straight females
This one gets it.
Think again homo
I agree that fucking open wounds is disgusting and trannies are mentally ill, but what i can't agree with is your argument that liking traps is gay, because it isn't. If a female liked a trap, she would be lesbian. Why is this? Because a male liking traps is not gay because traps are feminine.
Traps are not females, but they defintely are not masculine men.
cuz sometimes they look like pretty girls and its convincing, until they show their penor
Traps are feminine men, which is to say traps are an abomination that need to be purged
no you're wrong, they're straight females.
That depends on the plastic surgeon who creates the vagoo. Good one can create vagoos that are works of art and better than the real thing.
people that do that should be hanged, that's when it becomes mentally ill.
Have you ever heard of dilation? Trannies have to stick something into their fake vaginas every week to stop it from healing up. It is an open wound, whether or not it feels like a real vagina.
Yeah, no
Thats their problem not mine. I'm only concerned with what the vagoo looks like when I'm fucking it. I don't give a fuck about all the work trannies have to do to keep it agape. Besides technology is improving all the time. It will only get better.
Not going to read that autistic cap. tl;dr
Guess who came up with these "revolutionary procedures"
Traps are gay because they deliberately cosplay as girls to attract men.
Why would anyone want to get tranny surgery done in a gook shithole like thailand anwyay?
They are girls
They have dicks, they are not girls.
No, they are girls with dicks.
Trips confirms you're in denial. Girls don't have dicks, they have vaginas. Basic biology.
They need to grow the real thing before I even consider it at all. It's possible but it's never implemented.
Ur a fagget
No, you are.
Absolutely disgusting. I'd rather fuck a tranny with a dick instead of a bleeding disgusting wound.
Traps are gay, that only makes them better.
wtf this should be treated as a mental illness and not be encouraged
Would you rather a jew mutilating you or something?
so why dont earholes close and heal?
dilation is to stretch it to standard size, not to prevent it from healing
Earrings hole closes if you don't wear them for some time.
if the piercing is fresh only