Co-opting Social Justice Tumblristas

I was browsing the #IStandForDiversity hashtag (pics attached) and I had an idea.

These Tumblristas and SJW's seem to really be passionate about this message of "Representation". My first instinct was to mercilessly mock all these people for being insecure and for holding "Society" responsible for their self-esteem. And I did that for awhile, but then it dawned on me: I actually kinda understand where they are coming from now.

I still believe in the masculine, stoic ideal of not needing the external world — culture, society, media, art — for validation, encouragement and appreciation, but how many people are actually capable of that kind of psychological and emotional self-reliance? Probably no more than 20% of the men and even less of the women.

The truth is that the masses are affected and guided and led by culture. The messages in the media and in the culture do affect their self-worth and self-esteem. This is where the power of propaganda comes from.

White people are being demoralized and undermined through the media and the culture. And it does have an effect on the masses when straight white men are humiliated and vilified in our culture. It is insulting to have European history appropriated and have token minorities cast in white roles. It is damaging when homos and queers are worshipped and celebrated while the moms and dads who are keeping humanity and civilization alive are ignored or ridiculed.

I would want my children to grow up in a culture where the heroes and role models immortalized in film and TV look like them, and come from our people's history, and for our pop culture to uphold our values and bestow upon our children encouragement and confidence.

But the SJW answer to this problem is obviously dead wrong. It's to increase diversity in white countries so as to provide representation to minorities. But that will never be enough. Even if the 13% black population has 13% representation it will not feel like enough. Each race will always want to see them selves represented as the vast majority in pop culture. And as the multicultural diversity increases — if USA for example was a quarter white, asian, black and mestizo for example — this problem will only get worse.

Representation is a zero sum game. When a black person gains a role, a white person loses one.

This is where we can step in to provide an actual solution to this problem.

The only way to provide acceptable representation to each race is with racially segregated nations. A majority black country would tell black stories about black people for black people and informed by black history and culture. And the same with an Asian country and a White country.

This is one of the ways in which I think our critics are actually correct. The Far Right and the Far Left actually do understand each other in some ways that the mainstream does not. Because of what I've realized in the past couple years of red-pilling, I actually do understand their desire for identity and representation. On this issue, the crazy ones are the mainstream centrists who think that one day in the future it won't matter if your culture's heroes don't look like you, don't have the same skin color, and don't share the same background. As our countries become more and more brownified, more and more white people are going to realize they hate this lack of representation too.

There is clearly something about this message that resonates deeply with a large segment of the white female population. So instead of trying to oppose it directly, maybe the smart thing to do is to employ a judo-like strategy of leveraging that emotion for our own aims, especially knowing that our solution is the only one that will actually work.

So I am wondering if these tumblristas — who are mostly mid- and upper- class SWPL white girls — could actually be persuaded to support racial segregation if it is framed as the socially just way to organize society to benefit the feelings and self-esteem of the youth of all races by providing them with the cultural representation they desire and deserve.

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They're already doing this with the "no white people" safe spaces.

I wonder if white girls would support white-only spaces if it were framed as being unjust to subject minorities to a space where they are not fully "represented"

good idea

No. You have to understand leftists can't be turned. The thing to do is help them to purity spiral. Push them to the extreme of their ideology. Anyone with a brain will turn against them at this point.

"Equality" sounds great. But in practice it means stealing from people who work and give it to those who don't. All their ideas are like this. On paper they sound like things people want. But in practice they are totally destructive.

Push them to be more extreme. Support black supremacists cop killers like BLM. Push them to support ISIS. Push them to openly promote white genocide. Push them to promote full on communism.

Eventually they'll hit a point where all the normies and the few among them with any sense will turn against them. This is what we're seeing in Trump and the drop in Mizzou enrollment. This is how you beat them.

When SJW, feminist and progressive become dirty words to describe insane people pushing insane toxic ideas all those SWPL cunts will abandon it like an STD infected nigger dick. They are in it for the social signaling. When they get more hate than love for their shit "progressive" status updates they'll stop.

Nice idea but I don't think it will work. You want blacks to represent themselves. However sjws want blacks to be represented in our culture in a system they (the blacks) did not create. The sjws want negros to maintain "their own" culture while being represented in the white system. Whites on the other hand may exist in the white system or else they are accused of cultural appropriation. Some even argue that whites must be a minority in their own system. I don't see how we can co-opt this for our own good. If it weren't for Jews and sjws in the first place blacks wouldn't even be demanding all this bs they would just be going about their daily business in drugs or whatever they do.

Pushing left might work for those susceptible to extremism, but I don't think the masses will ever go to the extreme.

There must be a way to turn most normies. They are the same people who would be going along with the cultural norms of whatever time period they are born in. They were, in effect, turned by cultural marxists to where they are now.

I agree that they are status / social signaling, but normies will always want to do that, so there must be cultural understanding that grants moral and social status to followers and proponents of our values.

So that's what I'm thinking about: how to transition to the moral philosophy of the future which provides social status to those who signal their support of racially homogenous nation-states.

You are CORRECT..

This is a form of ACCELERATION .

The quicker we can jam the APEX upon them…the faster we will have the turn against the darkening.

Currently we have the numbers to pull it off if we accelerate it all fast enough.

Good news is..that we cultured jammed so fast and hard..that leftists are scrambling to roll out their worst. In some ways I think they pushed to hard. Milo and his fag brigades are working to STOP IT and tone it down. Guy might be legit but what he is doing is slowing down the SJW's. We need the SJW's to speed up and get violent.

Then only then can we seize the day

Yeah, I guess I'm thinking less about the darkies successfully representing themselves and more about how to win back the millions of white girls who have swallowed these CultMarx narratives hook, line and sinker, and are using all of their empathy in service of "minorities" and "victims".

Feels bad man, seeing them advocating their own people's displacement and destruction.

Idk, maybe there's no gradual way to do it —maybe we just have to wait for them to drop it like a rock when circumstances turn dire enough in the future.

Ask them what are the benefits of diversity.

Where does the mantra "diversity is our strength" come from, and "you're a fucking white male" is not an acceptable answer.

It's because people of color aren't good at writing books or there would be more books with those characters.
Or a white person could writr a book about a black character and be called racist and culture appropriating

And that's for the Adults.

The children are even more impressionable.

That's the point. It divides them and those who are not willing to be pushed to the extreme will be pushed to the right.

Those who are pushed away by the extremists can then be talked to and converted to our cause.

OP might not be sucking cocks here.

Leftists are going full segregation on campuses.

Blacks on anonymous confession sites are bitching about even being around whites.

No one talks of MLK anymore they talk of Malcom X, the Seperatist. He played Magneto to MLK's professor X. Saying we could NEVER live together. We are too racist. We just need a proverbial Asteroid M.

Meanwhile we could get studies done. Do blacks and whites perform better separately? Spin this as benefitting blacks getting them away from racist whites.

Portray black COUNTRIES as good and equal partners on the world stage to encourage a return to blacks in Diaspora stolen from their homeland in slavery.

White people suck you know, fucking cis scum!

I have so much white regret

You should produce more white children to pay reperations to blacks. Remove yourself from the black gene pool. Let them have their safe space and seperate (but equal) magnate schools for at risk blacks!

God, this is so easy.

Okay Idea OP, though there is one problem.
Some of these fucks suffer from a severe case of double-think.

You can convince them that the world would be a better place through their SJW lenses if people were separated and segregated.

and the in an instant, hear the word "Segregation" or see the implication, and then snap right back into calling you a bigoted nazi.

Some of these people just want to feel good, and like you said, get validation, they'll never be consistent ideologically because of it.

These. Most leftists are too far gone, add a vagina to this and what do you get?

This fucktard is a friend of my girlfriend on moronbook. She passed this along, probably should go her.

They don't view them as people. Leftists are developing an Unperson worldview.

You need to point out how they are giving privilege to local mudskins over the mudskins living in their home countries.

You need to point out how they are destroying their culture by taking them out of their native lands

You need to point out how they are shaming them by giving them welfare, because they believe the muds are not capable of making it on their own, because they are racist.

You need to point out how their "role" of protectors and defenders of minorities is a privilege in itself.

Their arguments are so idiotic that it's quite easy to turn them against them. But that is not going to stop them, because they don't operate by logic, but by feelings, and kikes are targeting their weak psyche on several levels with their propaganda.

I love shoving shit back in peoples' faces. My latest amusement has been offhandedly mentioning that I have ptsd. This seems to irritate all my female coworkers.

Did you also have sex with her before marriage?

Underrated post. When it comes to waking up normies, all you need to do is keep asking WHY? Most of them parrot these mantras and don't think into them at all, to them it's just "common sense" and doesn't need an explanation because "everyone agrees apart from those crazy fringe groups". Asking for an explanation can often make them short circuit to realising it's bullshit.

but why? If you think skin color doesn't matter, why are you so bothered about it?

It goes without saying there's no logical answer. You'll either get a stupid non-response or they'll realise they've been propagandised. And stupid non-responses like "you fucking white male" are good because a) they're lost at that point anyway and it's funny to piss them off and b) they make the far left look stupid to the mainstream.

Shouldn't take long using the WHY method for what I call a "light sleeper" to wake up. Light sleepers would be those who can think logically and rationally, but just have never given a fuck about politics or the world and go with the status quo.

piece of advice: never have "ideas" again