It was the guy who keeps his potatoes in the fridge, he got btfo'd then got so embarrassed he spammed to 404 the thread and hide the evidence.
I know who spammed the catalog
So what? I know who made it so that it would be easy for him to do, and I know who broke the board because he is an inept dipshit, and I know who could have had the spam cleaned up in a few seconds if that lardass BO hadn't driven him away yesterday.
Who the fuck cares who spams this shithole board? Nobody.
You're just detracting from the fact that you have potatoes in your fridge. Get them out of there you fucking weirdo.
take some personal responsibility jesus
And I don't have potatoes in my fridge. That would be stupid.
But there's some user on this board that insist on locking his potatoes away in the fridge and he's getting off easy by spamming the whole catalog.
i thought the problem was that he wanted to keep his potatoes in a root cellar but he didn't have one and some guy accused him off being a faggot because he didn't have one
imagine having a tripfag circle jerk in every thread. all that unwarranted self-importance and need. now imagine calling other people cancer. it's beautiful.
I thought he kept his refrigerator in the root cellar to save money?
there are no tripfags here and what does that have to do with storing potatoes in a refrigerator? it doesn't make sense, uses up too much room in the refrigerator. everyone just leaves their potatoes out on the counter until they need them
the refrigerator potato guy got called out for not having a root cellar to store his potatoes which was pretty sweet because he thought it was checkmate when he dropped the bomb that he keeps them in his refrigerator. i guess he thought people would be impressed with that but some sharp user knew about root cellars and pwned him.
ya but you know they're there. imagine they went rotten and not cleaning them up while still having that "i can make potato salad" mindset but they're rotten
well you have to keep it clean whether you're talking about a refrigerator or a root cellar. that's just a given.
And dry.
you can't clean age. i'm getting more from this convo than you are, but am enjoying myself
I've had sliced and fried potatoes that were like 10 months old before and were stored in a root cellar. They tasted fine, granted it was in a place that was particularly cold.
are you the guy that called out refrigerator potato guy about using a root cellar instead? if so, that was a good burn.
I think there were 2 of us on him about that but yeah I brought up root cellars and electricity cost.
what's wrong with keeping potatoes in the fridge?
Keeping mass in a refrigerator actually lowers electricity cost: It displaces air that otherwise needs to be reheated when the door is opened and closed.
Do you keep yo mamma there? I bet with mass like that your fridge would produce electricity.
Your puerile shitposting is visible between threads. Lurk moar.