still miss her 16 year old version ;^(
Mid twenties
I don't even know anymore
none of those things are true, user. time to face the facts that this is just your mind's self-defense mechanism of preventing you from the trauma you'd have to face otherwise
wait, she was your girlfriend? in 10 years you will fuck the shit out of her, 10 or 1 year, depends if her husband becomes a cuck and you are not a cuck
Why would I want to fuck her? She's less than a shadow of her former self, probably her mind is also ruined as your pic suggests. I'll just have to find other similar teens to try and fill that hole
was i the manlet who married this roastie all along?
I support this then. How will you do it?
I'll lose some weight. I'll find a job private tutoring teens. I am going to make it.
Are goons trying to slide this thread, on my Holla Forums??
My HS gf is in better shape now than she ever was then, hotter than I can even believe. She is married, and her old man wants to kill himself b/c she is no more faithful now than she ever was to me. Not my problem, and glad of it.
Why don't you make it your problem?
I want normalfags to leave.
loser fuck off
The virgin NEET autist
The chad shitposter
You're mental age is 16, you petty fuccboi hater
HAHAHAHAHA what a fucking filthy girl
She had a thing for her brother (pictured)
God damn she had a body like a stripper and I only got teased
What's with the asian? And that's ugly for a crush.
I don't want AIDS or anything else she certainly has by now.
That's genetic elite the likes of which you have never seen, subhuman
Some people like to keep asians around to virtue signal, usually rich liberal american families but that needs no explaining
If I'm going to keep doing this oneitis thing and the current edition happens to be a three dimensional genuine human being with whom I am in regular contact, how do I manage to not be discouraged from asking her to lunch by her already having one packed?
checked nig, he should fuck off indeed.