japanese culture is getting infected more and more spam from korea.
obviously the jew is helping to open markets to korean mafia inside of japan to turn it slowly into multicultural shit hole.

in fact koreans do mimic the jew by stealing everything from the west and japan (not that japan hasnt stolen everything from the west too)

Other urls found in this thread:


Japan was conquered by the US if you didn't know, it's normal they got some of its culture as well. Worse Korea was protected by the US as well.


there is absolutely nothing normal to chew on kike dicks

piss off jew rat


Only best Korea can save Japan now
No seriously. Even people in the philipines hate worse Koreans for bringing more drugs, rape and crime than even the U.S military. Does anyone even like worse Korea besides America and Israel?

this is how you get killed. fuck nips, they attacked america when it was over 90% white.

edgy as fuck tqbh fam

to be fair, they attacked pearl harbor which is rightfully ching chong clay.

hello ctr

they did not attacked usa - they attacked (((USA)))
usa wasnt any longer usa when the jews created the federal reserve.
so better you shut your mouth dumbfuck if you dont even know history nor economy of that time you better go back to the bagel store or go beg for some pennies on the streets.

Good goy

A lot of Koreans have dual citizenship from when Japan ruled over Korea and made Koreans live and work in Japan. After WWII they established companies that span both Japan and Korea. For example, Lotte is one of the biggest conglomerates that spans both countries. It was started in Japan, in1948, by a dual citizen Korean who was born and raised in Japan. It has been this way since the end of WWII. Korea is not infecting Japan. They both share a lot of music, food products, and entertainment.

Guys, guys, let us not forget why we are here….

We aren't here to fight over who is more white, or which nation is superior…

we are here to unite against a common threat:

Sheckelstein and the global Banking masters of Dividing goyim to conquer them.

First reply, always a shill.


Its no cohencidence that K pop hold so much occult symbolism out of freemasonry and "illuminati" shit


just fucking watch the content of the videos he displays

i mean its not like vigilant christian directed these videos

i mean the kikes all an in for demoralizing the shit out of korea.

no we know (((who))) is really behind why pop music over the world is total degenerate garbage.


What's the story behind this? Where did it come from?

As soon as nips militarize again(when Trump wins) there won't be a Korea.

get the fuck out of Holla Forums

i dont know actually.

i have always wondered if the three men in the chairs have ever been identified

No one mentioned anime but you. Fuck off, imbecile.

It's not race mixing. It's Japanese propaganda celebrating the Italian/German/Japanese Axis' Anti-Comintern Pact of 1936.

Holla Forums is full of fucking morons today.

although the one in the center kind of looks like hank meijer the walmart kike


Anime is literally the only reason you faggots even care about Japan. While your women and children are raped you shit yourselves about your already degenerate cartoons becoming even more degenerate.

Stop pretending gooks are relevant. Fucking weebs I swear to God.

Holy shit you're retarded. Never post a picture of Goebbels or anyone else for that matter, just go back to twitter you stupid faggot.


Not an argument.

Kek why are you saging a thread you're trying to defend?

d&c shill confirm
posts picture with spongebob
browses and posts on a "chan" himself while saying japanese are fags
believes in a jewish sect called pisstianity

ID:5f9f00 - SHILL

Guess who is falling for race mixing the most:



Well that and Japan is a homogenous society with little to no crime. It has its problems but it works to solve them together.

We must awaken japan! The kikes are sending in he femenists now too!

Japan is in deep trouble thanks to ZIOmerica. Either way I see a profound pussification because Japan isn't going to have the same standing in the anglo malhus alliance, there's no return, they have total awareness on Nippon's population but Japan isn't accepted to have total awareness on the anglosphere population (NSA/GCHQ/etc scheme).

In that regard, China is much more based.

*there's no return as there's no equilibrium = You cuck me I cuck you

Fuck off commie

also run out into on coming ching chong traffic you faggot.


china was taken over by by a jewish rule called communism.
chinese people (same as russians) themselves never wanted communism. i was forced upon them. the estimated number of chinse dieing because of the jew communists is 30 million+.
maybe the number is even higher but i doubt they even counted the people.

china is under a jewish system thats why they have a miserable life and if people have a miserable life they also behave miserable.

*it was forced upon them.