Whales are amazing creatures. Lets appreciate them together
they'll be extinct very soon
what's your favorite whale?
your mom.
I'm leaning towards the Grey Whale, something about their faces just amazes me.
You know what's to blame, right?
super whale
looks like a potato if you kept it in a closet for a month
people are to blame. i think the people should go extinct instead and the whales can live their peaceful lives
Wouldn't that just be a regular potato? I don't know about you but they're not usually kept in the fridge. Either way you're wrong, they're beautiful.
this desu
Speak for yourself. I buy massive bags of potatoes and keep them in a fridge, they last 3 times longer and don't get soft.
Post pictures or bullshit.
I like baleen whales.
I don't like sperm whales because they eat squid.
If you keep them in the root cellar they'll last all winter. Why would you need a potato to last 3 season?
because I don't live in the 13th century, I try to save money by preserving my produce. I don't live by trying to survive through a winter season.
They're great aren't they?
Do you honestly buy them every 3 years or so? Do you need them to last this long? Can't you, you know, eat them?
What part of buying so much potatoes they last you for years is "saving money" to you?
Yes, because I buy them in bulk to save money.
They don't, they last me for a good portion of one year, I never said they last for years. A potato wont last for years, even in a fridge.
So… same as they would have if you just kept them somewhere dry.
Post pictures to prove you're not a liar by the way.
They'll last a year in the basement, you said they last 3 times as long in the fridge which would be 3 years. You're also an idiot if you think you're saving money like that. Electricity costs money and it takes electricity to keep your potatoes cold. If you're keeping your potatoes in your fridge for under a year the only person profiting is the power company.
Bullshit. Potatoes get soft after about a month and lose quality. If you keep them in a fridge, they stay fresh and don't get soft for a long time.
How would that prove anything? I could just take a bunch of potatoes that I have in a cellar and then move them into the fridge.
Can I post dolphin? They are very nice too.
That would be a lot of effort for a shitpost. Where as walking to a fridge and taking a picture would only take you about a minute. Your reluctance is suspicious.
And they will be withered and soft after a year. They will also have mold growth on them that you will have to cut off. The best thing you could do with them is make mashed potatoes and that's pretty much it. They are basically worthless.
wtf is that
It's a dolphin girl.
dolphin pussy
Traps are gay
yeah right, I can see the benis from here
Why was this picture taken?
a dolphin is fine too ^^
It's potatoes nigga what else are you doing with old potatoes?
Why not?
fried potatoes, sauteed potatoes, oven baked potatoes etc…
You're talking nonsense, they don't "lose quality" or "go soft", you just pulled that out of your ass. Also no mold retard.
Waste of electricity.
put a potato in a closet or cabinet, then check on it after a year passes. I guarantee it will be soft as fuck and have mold on it.
What do you turn off your fridge when there aren't any potatos in it?
Waste of electricity is Holla Forums server.
Holla Forums's server is two PCs in Jim's basement. It supports the 20 users that browse this site.
That's why you keep it in a cellar or a basement, somewhere dry.
Are you dumb?
It's alot more that one photo shot.
Are you dumb?
You mean cabinet right? According to this faggot, basements aren't real.
Are you retarded? Fridges are designed to stay at a certain temperature, by having those potatoes in there it makes it so it's harder, and thus uses more power, for the fridge to stay at that temperature.
HAHAHA, are you literally retarded? You are saying that keeping potatoes in a fridge drains the power from a fridge? So you are basically saying that potatoes generate heat and somehow make it harder for fridges to maintain their temperature?
When you put them in they're not cold. So making them cold takes power. I should have phrased that better.
yeah, and it takes a little amount of time, they are room temperature. After they are cold, they just sit there and stay cold. I guess that would cost you an extra 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001$ in your utility bill.
Moving the goalpost, he puts new potatoes in every now and then, point being he's losing money and not saving any.
You are the one changing the subject, I'm just responding to you.
Yeah, once every several months. Oh no, my utility bill must be huge!
Also, room temperature potatoes wouldn't warm a fridge, they probably wouldn't even affect the temperature at all.
Says the guy refrigerating potatoes.
You don't know how this works do you?
Post that fucking picture already faggot, are you too fat to get up and take a pic of your fridge?
Honestly I don't even believe he owns a fridge. He doesn't know how they work.
Fridges detect temperature using a thermometer, if the temperature lowers beyond the settings, the compressor fills up and lets out cold air. Yeah, I know how refrigerators work, I used to repair them. They don't detect warm food and then amp up their electricity to cool the food, like you think. A room temperature potato wouldn't affect an entire fridge, even a giant bag of them wouldn't.
They would affect the air around them, obviously. It wouldn't be noticable but that's how they get cold, they warm up the air around them. So the fridge has to work that little bit extra to keep up.
Nobody can be THIS dumb. Nobody.
Best thread all month IMO.
Ur a faget
wow how fucking dare you you wouldn't say that to my face
Post favourite whale.
It's the giant squid you dingus. I bet you think people killed the great barrier reef as well.
You should start from yourself and commit seppuku
This is better
Joke has already been made. Step it up.
Well, should have posted more whales.
Whales are clumsy assholes. Whose idiotic idea was it to make an animal dependent on breathing air live confined in an environment that requires constant movement in order to gain air?
They evolved from land creatures.
Other way around, son.
Read the wikipedia, dad.
I don't get my facts from a liberal propaganda website, son.
I wonder how I even got born if you are such a faget.
At least I wasn't a genetic dead end like you will be, you cuck.
there aren't any in florida