What is the solution to the jewish question?

What is the final solution to the jewish question? I have been lurking here for a while and I think I understand the jewish question, but I never see anyone propose a final solution. I mean what is to be done with them once we win. Should they be given Israel? Madagascar? They obviously can't live with us.

Send them all to Greenland with the rest of the snowniggers.

Jews are fine. It's just the cultural marxists that are the problem.
Reported for D&C thread.


Solar Zionism

The only place they should be allowed to stay at is 40°15′9.4″N 58°26′21.8″E

Fuck your slide thread, nigger.

Send them all to Israel and then set up cameras everywhere.

Broadcast jewish behavior for all the world to see.

Nationalist parties ban jews and make miscegenation with jews punishable by death/death of the offspring.

Is Greenland bad according to official Holla Forums sources?

I'm from Greenland and I kolih (kind of like it here)

How do you even have access to a computer? Go build a snow fort or something, you fucking animal.



Bullshit, Greenland's entire population is less than 100k people.

What makes it a slide thread?

Jews are a religious tribe.

Originally, they were comprised of people from different lands, and different races. They mixed together and forbade one another of marrying outside their tribe. As a result of abandoning their native lands, they were forced to wander the desert. This is what they purposely chose for themselves.

Therefore, I propose all Nations reclaim their dignity and power from the filthy hands of the Merchant class. Next, let us return Israel into Canaan, as it was before those filthy kikes infected it with their disease. Lastly, when there is neither home nor safe place for the Jew - for all of his evil deeds having been exposed -let the Jew then wander the world as he chose to do so long ago. With neither friend nor safehaven, let the Jew show his face. When the Jew can no longer trick and deceive the world, THEN let him be thrown into it naked and afraid!

Label them as the infiltrators they are and deport them, or at the very least ban them from all political affairs from voting to holding office to lobbying and donating. Same as the Romans did.

I don't support genocide, considering they have the Samson Option and are sick enough to use it. Unfortunately they've gotten themselves to a secure position of power. Just let them handle the middle east and hopefully keep the mudslimes tame for a while before they get crushed.

Agreed. Genocide is pointless, because Judaism as a religion can survive a holocaust, and then you just have more Jews to death with later on.

If they're all wandering and living the desert like the insane religious tribe they wanted to be, and all prospective Jews are forced to wander with them, how long would they last before admitting to their error and changing their ways?

Do you hear us, Hillary?
You can do this!


Kim Kielsen > trump

greenland is a better country than america for the fallowing reasons

It's easy to survive something that only happened in your mind.


very true comrade

Not yet faggot!

What's the final solution to the Chaos question?

Sorry to tell you this, we Greenlanders are all around you on the internet. We know all your memes and hopes and desires. We have even created our own meme as a living President


Greenland seem like a neat place to visit.

haha lol

extermination is the only answer.

This meme needs to fucking die

So you knew him better then Leon Degrelle?


that quote sounds like major damage control post-war to try and appeal to the new egalitarian mainstream.

Hitler himself wrote about superior and inferior races, and talked in great disgust about the nigger mongrel babies produced by the raping nigger soldiers in the First World War

We live in a world of constant conflict and turmoil. We cannot afford to not care about non-whites. Either we prevail and exterminate them, or the same will happen to us.

Dozens of countries kicked them out, yet the Jews never changed. Hitler tried to reason with them. He failed. What makes you think they'd listen this time?

Kill them. They have been given more than enough chances.

Killing them all.

Each and every single one of them.

This is not satire, this is not a joke.

Every single jew must die

The problem is CHRISTCUCKS. They handed all Christian power to the jews, because of the retarded belief that one day Jesus will fly out of the sky over Jerusalem riding a white horse, blow his horn and shit and take the chosen to heaven.

Okay its been 2000 years, time to quit believing fake jewish fairy tales and quit supporting the money grubbing Kikes who have been raping Christianity of trillions of dollars.

I'll play devil's advocate here. The JQ is going a long way towards solving itself. This is not to dismiss or discount in the least the crimes of the Jews as a people in the past, their propensity towards nation-wrecking bullshit everywhere today, or even the supposed inherent genetic predilection of all Jews toward anti-social traits.

Jews in the west have been out marrying at rates upwards of 70% for two generations now. The Jewish religion, outside of relatively poor and inconsequential groups of fanatics in Israel and New York, is rapidly dying out. Outside of those groups the reproductive rate is very low and the transmission rate of the Jewish religion and culture steadily declining. Whether they like it or not, the population destroying poison the cultural marxist Jews have spread is hitting their own people as hard as ours.

In 100 years, with no intervention on part, there will be fewer Jews than ever, and those who remain will be less genetically and culturally distinctive than at any point in their history.

None of this is to suggest a lack of vigilance regarding the role of Jewish elites in our civilizations decline. It is merely the case that "what to do about the Jews" is not nearly as important from a policy perspective as some make it out to be.

Now have at it. Call me a kike-loving shill and all the rest.

I am not sure, what is the question?

Can't answer without a question.

Put parentheses around them.

Exile has been tried enough times to prove that it doesn't work.

You'll be the first in the oven, Schlomo.


Unshackle the Arabs and let them at Mosha. We dindus then. Wasn't us wink wink.

That leaves the European and America ones. Well, after their stolen fake country is gone, the Jewing is going to stop. Synagogues will close and Judaism will be something done in ones basement and on the toilet. You know that rocking back and forth, good for clearing the Hebrews bowels while screaming, oh Jesus oh Jesus that gefilte fish didn't agree with me at all.

Shitskins act up feeling all 'empowered' and we neutron bomb the place so as to retain the oil. Or if we solve the energy problem (unlikely) we just use regular nukes. Russia and China won't say shit to such a psychotic show of power.

Slowly make them reject and then forget all about their culture, and wash away their genetics into the mass population.

Train the goy public to want to oust the jew themselves and ensure Holla Forums's influence on young minds for 20-30 years.

They are eternal, remove that from them, they will crumble.

Interesting point, but slow "natural" genocide isn't an answer.
Of course, there will be fewer jews with the current social policy that is enacted in US and the world. But Israel is a nationalistic state. It's ruled by Netanyahu, far-right.
The jewish youth is going into degeneracy just like the western youth is, but they are one of our lesser problems. The true enemy is the jewish elites, media, hollywood, banks, so on. They are bonded together with racial and religious bonds, and those who are "redpilled" on themselves will keep the jewish tradion of destruction going.
Not to say that all jews aren't a problem, there are no good jews. But some are wosre than others. We have to "take care" of the elites, and rule the lesser ones with subversion, d&c, propaganda and degeneracy, especially the ones they've been using on us: race doesn't exist, so you have no obligation to other jews. God is dead, so there is no point in religion.
Let them taste their own medicine. I propose that we encourage anti-jew propaganda, starting with denying the holocaust, listing jewish crimes, mae them feel as they are the ones responsible for everything.
Make no mistake, this is a long-time plan. But if they were able to convince the white race, the greatest in existance, that they are evil , that conquest is slavery, that culture is hatred, we should have so much more ammo when proving that the jews are at fault and they should be sorry. When they wor basically free for us, under the impression of jew guilt, maybe, just maybe, we'll let them back in society.
TL;DR: We out-jew the jew,

Yeah, it's not like 99.99% of jews favor multiculturalism and mass shitskin immigration to the West – while curiously being ultra-nationalist and anti-immigrant with regards to Israel.

Gas yourself kike. Reported for being jewish.

The final solution to the Jewish question will be the en masse salvation of the Jews at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. God will kill off 2/3 of the Jewish population during the immediately preceding Tribulation. The 1/3 that survives the wrath of God will be brought to such a place of despair, so humbled by His judgments, that they will ALL repent and turn in faith to Jesus Christ. He will then take away their wicked hearts and make them what they were meant to be. They will realize their wicked ways and turn away from them. Then Jesus will set up His kingdom on earth, and the Jews will be a blessing, not a curse.

But until then, the only solution to the Jewish question is making the people of your country aware of their evil and expelling them from your country. That means of course that they will migrate to another country and repeat the cycle there. There can be no worldwide solution to the Jewish question until the Second Coming. All you can do is keep the Jews out of your country. This can best be accomplished by a country adopting the National Socialist system. National Socialism is an individual country's solution to the Jewish question. Woe to that naïve country that takes the Jews in after you.

Well, you asked, and I told you the truth. This is what will actually happen whether most of you believe it or not, which I doubt, because the Jews have brainwashed many of you against the Bible.


As I said, you've been brainwashed. You know nothing about the Bible. The Bible teaches ethnonationalism and strong borders between countries. But you wouldn't know that because you have a darkened heart and a small mind.

With or without Israel, Jews gonn' Jew.
Israel wasn't even formed until after WW2.

If anything we would see an escalation in Jew behavior. More subversion and degeneracy than ever before. Watch as they try to create a new longnose ethnostate elsewhere.

Then its not just the kayaks, it's the (((cultural marxism))) ideology thats running rife throughout academia, mainstream media, tv and hollywood.
Now it's not simply a matter of removing Schlomo. His influence will still be felt through all the leftoid race traitors already among the ranks of white people.

Schlomo needs to be removed, Israel needs to be destroyed. Give it back to the Muds for all I care.
Then we need to purge our own ranks of leftoids and anyone who looks favorably on the works of Karl Marx.

Let's just explain our grievances and ask them nicely to stop.

The phrase "Necessary evil"

I like this guy, unshackling soon.

you can't question something that doesn't exist

Most of us know jack shit about Greenland tbh.