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Kill yourself eternal Anglo.
I don't want to do this again, OP
Need a bully gf tbh lads
She sounds desperate.
A man can dream tbh.
She sounds desperate for air. Dis boi din fam
why live
Oi lads
What the fuck is a road man?
Nice. Upvoted.
If she speaks like this at that big debate they have Trump will pull a kennedy
You know what's going to happen now, right?
A wog or wigger who indulges in crime life
Holy shit this speech is a train crash. Persuasion man would not be pleased
What yank shit are you lads listening to?
Throw me a link.
Sounds like an African Aid appeal
Hope our Nige visits there tbh, he'd be a huge hit after Brexit.
We're the helping gang :)
Hillary sounds like a ghoul.
0RANGE ya glad I didn't say banana
Did the rally just end?
I saw them holding hands in a line and then she just walked off.
He needs to, be at least a symbolic representation.
Hong Kong is an island of British culture surrounded by DESIGNATED SHITTING STREET CHINKS and commie sympathizers.
I really need to play fallout nv again and no3
Fucking love those games so much
When was the last time ttpw posted lads?
The only way shillary can win is if the paranoia of kikes kicks in at the last second and they fuck over Trump by voting for the bitch.
I asked in the other thread, but no one answered: was Hitchens' show about how brilliantly patriotic foreigners in Boston are?
Anyone else find it weird that literally fuck all people know who Hillary's running mate is???
Like even Pence has a little bit of recognition with Normies (if not in name) for his looks but I recently asked three of my somewhat seasons "Political lefty" friends (1 of them yank) if they knew and they had no fucking clue who she was running with
Not that surprising really since I've got a strong feeling that Shillary wants to win this "On her own" to stroke her fucking ego the cunt
It's actually pretty good, give it a watch.
wew lad. That was like the end of "The Wild One" where the motorbike bullies get btfo by the townspeople
No, do you know anything about him?
I know who he is, Tim Kaine is a fairly memorable person to me, if only because he's incredibly creepy.
I didn't know who Trump's running mate was either.
It boggles my mind to think that Clinton didn't pick a running mate who could at least help her reputation out.
Can confirm
that's not to say Nige isn't good btw
hes probably Bills spitroasting partner on the lolita express tbh
I find it weird that she's doing as well as she is. Everywhere outside of the polls it looks like Trump is fucking destroying her. I am so sick of seeing CNN anchors obviously defending her as well. Especially that blonde cunt. They can't even pretend to be objective.
I know he's insufferably civic.
wew. How old are you, lad?
Enoch did better speeches than Mosley tbh
Holy shit just restarted the rally
It's how you make a meaningful empire tbh.
Gheghis Khan did it the same way too.
Lad don't fall for it, we can be blinded by the things we read as well, its going to be a close one. But i think Trump will win. Just don't fall for the samething lefties do, he looks unbeatable to us sure, but think about the average yank.
>Go to kids section of neetflix to try and fail to find a good animoo
Fuck I should draw the curtains but I'm sure that's exactly what the monster is waiting for.
And then the cheering dies down. She really can't entertain a crowd at all. And her voice was painful to listen to. She also sounded desperate.
some of its fine
Astarotte no Omocha though is far too filthy
an anime about lolis where the heroine is a loli succubus that must consume semen to stay healthy
although theres no actual semen consuming in the show the implications are bad enough
As old as the first neet fam
I was screaming there when Abraham tried to kill his son and I thus coined the phrase "eternal daddy" because of all the bullying
I even saw the great bullying of the bullies when God bullied all the bullieswith that flood tbh
I will never forget the cries of the great lizard bullies when the meteorite smashed them up
He's not an ethnic nationalist but has been strongly opposed to multiculturalism and mass immigration for at least 30 years.
His short film was about how people's town being changed beyond recognition without ever been asked.
Let me in lad, it's getting cold
He was a great speaker, but I do detect a bit of Frank Spencer in his voice every time I hear him.
Fuck sake lads i just remembered the phonecall
Don't worry, lad. I'm always pessimistic. I just don't see how people can vote for her. It's really easy to call her lies when we can just google it, or remember hearing what Trump has said. Then again I guess her voters don't really watch or listen to Trump.
The description said they voted overwhelmingly for Brexit, so I assumed it was an attempt to say 'SEE: WE ANTI-EU'ERS ARE NOT RACIST'.
You only have to do local politics tbh.
It's literally called "loli rock" fam
Lad i just want to take your eyes, leave the window open lad, give ol' sandman an easy job tonight,
Are you a friendly monster, lad?
That's right, lad.
Yes lad
Hillary is gonna win this is the proof. I'm having anxiety attacks over this.
Better written he's certainly a strong contender but performance wise Mosley's passion and ability to emote is unrivalled
Come on lad.
Bowden was the best orator tbh
Fuck you, lad.
I drew the curtains tbh
Of course he is
The monster is merely waiting lad
You can't see him in the darkening deep lad
Sorry lad
That film was silly tbh
DLG and Bevan (despite being utter cunts) might have had him beat in that regard
Curtains can't stop me lad, I'm going to have those eyes either way.
all these fears are tame tbh
can you imagine how terrifying it is for gordo to invade your dreams?
i never want to sleep again tbh
I love /x/
One of my favorite board of all time
I have the keys to the window lad, its over for you. Look at your last shitpost while you can.
For some reason that's fucking terrifying
**and if you leave your feet out of the cover, they can drag you out by them,
I hear it mentioned a lot that immigration hotspots contain the most pro-immigration constituents in the country (go figure) and areas untouched by immigration tend to lean UKIP.
How do white Britons tend to vote in such areas?
Literally who
This isn't Gordon lad.
There was for a while a high correlation between islamic areas nearby and votes for the BNP, go figure.
White flight is also a thing. People should vote by the ballot and through local politics, not their feet.
Earlier he was just lying on his bed for hours lol
Spoiler it lad, we have children browsing here.
give it 40 years and it is
this is true
half of Brit/pol/ is under the age of 15 its no secret
What's Gordon's life expectancy?
too long
Is she going to be okay, lads?
anywhere between now and another 20 years with surgery and organ transplants
but the gordobomb is meant to blow it was written in the chronicles
5 years. It's what he's given himself. I am sure he's going to end it pretty quickly when he starts to go blind.
He looks like he's about to cry
Wonder how the media would react if Gordon Jo Coxxed his local UKIP candidate.
Blame it on far right bullying
5 years pfft
the NHS will ensure he lingers on in this mortal realm like the sentient sack of pus and rotten mcnuggets he is
Thank the welfare state and technocrats for that. I alternate very frequently from being a luddite and someone who thinks we could be pioneering in the technology department.
He probably is. This was him earlier today.
Can I get a redpill on the opium wars?
It's not our fault chinks can't handle it.
Started and funded by an Iraqi Jew by the name of Sassoon
We cucked the chinks.
here you go lad
Is that New York?
All those red fleshy bits are people, right?
there's a pepsi truck and a limo, so it's probably NY
long story short foreigner jews caused it for profit and Britain gets blamed
all the anglokike memes are the result of kikes causing trouble and mischief and shifting the blame onto us
even the boer war was directly on the orders of Disraeli Britains only jewish prime minister
It's a pic of 11/9 isn't it?
Thoughts on this based civic lad?
Also wagecuck reporting back, did you behave yourselves today?
You didn't bullycide Gordon did you? I'd be proud tbh
Miss anything?
The Boers were horrible. They fought dirty the first time so we curbstomped them the second.
Send him back
He's a twat.
waste of trips tbh.
How is he based?
When Gordon was ranting about the alt right ordering pizzas he said his parents were getting divorced and therefore his mother was moving to a new house, so they'd all be living somewhere unknown to us.
Couldn't help but wonder perhaps Ms Jahans didn't actually plan on reserving a room for her revolting 24 year old son to play Skyrim and scream at his computer. Is this his delusion talking?
Pro-Brexit Conservative
Haven't his parents been divorced for over a year now>?
Its a shame that the site is a fairly small project. The sources can be found from the articles if you bother to, then go ahead and add them.
They look like siblings
No. Surprised me too.
No wonder turned out so shit.
Pensioner father and mother shitting him out at the last second as her womb imploded.
I strongly suspect that they're cousins. Went to school with a kid like Gordo and her parents were cousins.
Isn't his mum mental or something?
Two of the greatest lolcows of our time came from parents who had no business having kids at that age.
If he was based at least remotely he'd be in UKIP.
Not to mention that he's blacker than the night.
Someone link me to his dad's twitter. There's an interesting story about wife killing on there.
His father spends his retirement writing self-published novels that look like total shit, so there's something that runs in teh fmaily
Chris-chan and? Unless you are elevating Gordon to that lofty height?
Should we tweet at him that he should have raised his son better?
I was.
I truly think he can be the second best lolcow to have ever lived.
No one will ever come close to CWC
This story reads like a witness statement.
His dad is autistic too I bet.
I'm extremely tempted to get one of his dad's books just for the keks.
What did he mean by this
Who the fuck is Luke Johnson?
A really shit pen name?
Gordo should help his dad out with video editing. They could bond.
lol'd What am I even..
How does Gordon's dad have money?
He's clearly a retired something, but what?
iirc he was a microbiologist. the fact he's shit at writing and maybe autistic doesn't mean he couldn't do some sort of stem job competently
instant classic
He screams at his son like a little bitch. He's clearly a faggot of man with no spine. I just can't imagine somebody that pathetic being successful.
The first spider will have a mighty feast tonight lads
The middle-rank technocrats in the sciences are all autistic cucks
I highly doubt he's successful, just got lucky in a middle class job.
Does he actually appear in any of Gordo's videos?
Having a son like Gordon would probably drive me mental tbh
Breddy gud tbf, also nice 8-track player.
Are you referring to a crane fly user? Also commonly referred to as a Daddy Long Legs in England Are you a yank
He bought the house for £228,000 in 1998. Now it's worth 500K more.
gj Germany
kek I used to work with someone who did a degree in marine microbiology LMFAO and he's still doing a desk jockey job just like me :( as a systems manager.
He fancied this lass who worked there who I ended up dating for a bit, he eventually settled for a chink missus who's ugly and makes the fat cunt sleep on the floor.
It's called a daddy long legs in America too.
Don't Americans commonly refer to the Havestman Spider as a Daddy Long Legs?
My Dad would beat the shit out of me if I was like that. He wouldn't have allowed me to get any way near Gordon tier.
Such is the boomer way.
That's a whole new level of cuck, smh.
I always leave spiders alone tbh, they always catch wasps which I fucking HATE.
God I hope she does this in the debate.
A lot of Asians gfs become fat wives who relentlessly cuck you If you let them
Gooks lack the souls of Europeans tbh. They can only be a pale imitation of us.
kek I know, he's a ridiculous sperg and the chink is a gold digger. His mum used to work here, she's retired now, but she didn't think too highly of the chink and was livid when he came back from China saying he was engaged.
Yeh I know lad, my beta friend is seeing a chinese girl and took her back recently even though she cucked him with another guy right in front of him
Is he especially fat or ugly or just pathetic?
Yeah. I've called them both the same thing since I was little. We don't usually get a lot of crane flies around here as much as we get the spiders, but I usually just call them the same thing. Not really sure what other people call them other than "look at that big ass fly holy shit." Almost everyone over here calls the spiders daddy long legs though.
English is the best language on the planet tbh.
Want to laugh at them.
They're culture is so fucking shit.They'll never be anything remotely approaching the West and they fancy themselves as our rightful heirs.
& Georgian tbh
We should bring back the times when friends/fathers/brothers would beat the shit out of a man for being so foolish
I remember that study that found that you terrace housing has almost as high a density as modern flats, plus is preferred by over 80% of people in the UK
Based Jon Snow weights in on the EU referendum result
Chinks photograph everything. Their insectoid hive-mind tells them to record everything they see.
the way he does his hair and has his little unbuttoned shirt, narcissistic poof
Would it be illegal to place a tracking device on Gordon's car for when he moves house?
A friend wants to know tbh.
Literally everything. I get photographed by orientals because I look like George Harrison. They even ask me to pose with them sometimes, it's fucking annoying.
I agree. I've talked to him about it, but he gets very defensive about it and breaks off the conversation. At least I've persuaded him not to marry her for the movement
East-Asians intensify our consumarist and self-image obsessed world.
They literally have to post their picture and get approval. This is more important that actually seeing the thing they are photographing.
Saw some gook woman in London with a polaroid and two 35mm cameras strapped to her belt, whilst taking a photo on her phone.
That, and they always take photos of their food; the gooks I know are always going off to restaurants and are obsessed with dinner, the times I've been they have their phones out ready for when the food arrives, it's weird.
Holy shit, that's awful.
That's because it's so rare where they're from and they need something to remember it by
Front National Mayor Found Dead, Handcuffed and Surrounded by Sex Toys
surprisingly he knows nothing…
I love how people think the middle east hasn't always been like this
She conveniently does it when asked a hard question or has ran out of things to say, unfortunately. I hope the bitch does kick the bucket.
Non-whites in general are a lot more status-conscious than we are. It also explains why they're obsesseed with their children getting good grades and getting into prestigious unis. It's connected to shame/guilt culture as well.
All three lad, not even joking.
I don't even like his character tbh.
who /can'twaitfordebates/ here?
yank politics is like watching yank wrestling tbh
Obnoxious, loud and fake as fuck. It really is WWF in suits
Those German Refugees sure do like swimming
East-Asians view education as a status-enhancer and a way of organising society. They work incredibly hard at school. This is product confuciusism
Europeans are mistrustful of modern education and have the view that education should be for personal development. Education has value in itself and it should improve ones souls. This is wholly Greek in origin.
Different worlds.
Just think, we could've been stuck with this high energy son of a bitch.
Also, nice trips.
I knew a sikh once. He would experience rage whenever he found out another sikh had committed a crime. Said it makes them look bad.
He also was worried about UKIP causing a non-white holocaust.
It's funny because we're the majority, a criminal has no bearing on our reputation if he's not in the family.
Fucking hell.
All that cunnilingus has given her throat cancer.
Its almost like there is some sort of small, rootless international clique that is turning people against each other on this board…
Why can't we kill these people again?
kek what a fucking faggot, i forgot about this video
what an utter twat
This is ATLEAST the fourth kind of this story I've read REPORTED within a year.
Just kill the cunts.
I spent 3 years working with Chinese postgrads and I can tell you that rote-learning is not the same thing as education. Not by a long shot
I'd gladly do the prison time of killing one if I saw them touching kids up when I'm at the pool.
Wait, so you're telling me chinks aren't actually more intelligent, despite their "superior" IQs?
What song is that at the start? Does she use it every speech? I remember it from the daily before the alt-right shoah.
That is a very Western view m8. I'm not being relativist, I have no doubt in my mind that West is completely correct in how it views education (even if the implementation is woeful).
Rote-learning is 100% education in a Confucius sense that emphasises ordered society.
sage, reported and maybe filtered, lad
Ask a Chink to derive the Black-Scholes equation from first principles and he'll bang it out flawlessly in 5 minutes. Ask him to explain to you why it's important and he'll have a fucking panic attack because they're isn't a social superior around to tell him what his opinion should be.
They also like to cheat.
Good track tbh
Why lad ;_;
Well yeah
I know there've been a few attacks on Pakis in rotherham (I hope it's happening in the other cities). I hope Germans are retaliating as well. All ww2 and banter aside, muslims are a scum which needs washing away.
honestly this is how the yanks should do their debates, it would be better than them pretending to be more civilized than russians
Spreading lies. I dont want to believe it lad
For shame Brit/pol/
geez, I wonder if this shitty building will fall apart and kill its residents.
I highly doubt any of us had been born when World of Sport was still a thing
They don't have the same bricklaying expertise as us.
We do though
lad im not 70 years old tbh
This is what happens when you don't hire the best of the best.
Heaven on earth
What am I looking at, lad?
You know what I think at least the fight against xenos should be a pan European thing. Once they're dealt with we can all go back to our own countries and govern ourselves separately. It'd be a stronger Europe for it too.
Poor donkey tbh.
Death to muslims. Freedom for mules.
Should be illegal, tbh
Trump never looks graceful. Trump is a terrible, terrible public speaker and his mannerism are somewhat odd.
We are lucked out getting Hillary who is much, much worse.
The beta apparantly provided no white models for the British Army. Thney know exactly what they are doing.
wasn't hegel from new-turkey?
Why lad.
This looks pretty progressive tbh
yanks are pretty good at killing xenos and jerries you just have to get them riled up, but don't let them hang around afterwards, same with the russians tbh.
It honestly appears to be the most fast-paced Battlefield game to date
I guess Verdun is also fast-paced, as in you die so fucking quickly
>"it's just placement for the character customisation!"
>"you'll be able to change it you bigot racists!"
>"well why would you want to change it?! you must be a bigot racist!!"
teach me how to spoiler words lad. cheers
Why are you running straight into No Man's Land you cheeky scrub.
Is Verdun worth buying?
Add two of these * before and after the word you want to hid. Like this.
ur gay
feels bad tbh, I wish I could be this clueless in my destruction of a 2000 year old civilization. I honestly feel like Im just being dragged along, they actively go out there and take part in destroying our society.
no homo
Nothing more fun than leading you squad in a charge across no mans land tbh
Put two asterisks either side of what you want to spoiler like so
Maybe what sounds like a drunken pub rant to us sounds good to yanks.
sounds realistic
and then you should join britpol on steam so we can do some british army ww1 nostalgia fighting.
I don't know how the krauts are so deluded to think things like Rotherham aren't happening over in Germany and other EU countries. They colluded in covering up Cologne for God's sake, 1,000 odd women, not behind closed doors in a flat or kebab shop but out in the open, molested and some raped by 2,000 odd shitskins. Right out in the open, and the police, politicians and media tried to cover it up and censor it.
The only difference is our scandal has broken, and there's probably never will, because their gov't and media are even more compromised than ours.
No it sounds like a broken rant to us too.
We've just had so many faggoty politicians for so long that the working class is just saying "fuck it" and voting for someone different.
Hopefully it doesn't backfire.
slide thread
Reported tbh
Good post
Thank you for correcting the record ;^)
yanks are barbarians lad, of course what sounds good to them sounds like shit to us. that being said at least there is some vitality in the yanks talking strictly of their working class blokes versus the rigid stupification of some continentals. don't know if its typical yank bluster or if they really do have a sanguine thinking in their blood probably its that taig mixture getting them all riled up
And it's not like they even try to hide it half the time. They see it as a right.
The cultural revolution completely atomised Chinese society and it has never recovered. The only thing that matters over there is personal success by any means necessary
Had a full 32man server the other day, it was so intense
BF1's got nothing on Verdun.
We need to organise a proper game night still.
NF used to be good at propaganda, what the hell happened, everything they produce now is MS-Paint tier.
A fireplace. Women get wet as fuck at a man who can knock up a fireplace on demand like that.
Taigs are pretty swarthy lads tbh, and the Welsh too. The ones who got ANGLO'd should be grateful tbh.
agreed, i was just looking through the general discussion and nobody has said anything since july.
I'm on everyday, have already played with atleast one lad there.
That's the tune off limmy's show adventure call.
*has said anything about verdun since july
smh lads.
Just needs a few proper game sessions planned out and it'll become lively.
Am I a rape baby, lads?
You're welcome.
Who /manforallseasons/ here
Stellar film tbh
Yer tbh.
Why are Europeans so diverse? Why didn't nogs get the blue eyes mutation?
Absolutely disgusting.
Because Europe is geographically much more diverse than Africa
I-I'm sure it was consensual. I am sure it was my swarthy male ancestor that fucked a submissive English girl.
Inbreeding, lad.
Africa is the easymode of the continents, it's why the people that lived in it for millenia are so stupid.
Africans are actually quite genetically diverse.
There are distinct congoid/capoid subraces, not even mentioning the bushmen and pygmies.
We are effectively the product of eugenics.
What does UKIP raspberry taste like?
raspberry, one would assume
Come on, at least he took off his shoes.
Nigel Farage's teeth
Lads is it okay to date blacks as long as you use protection?
It's like raspberry but with yew and kippers
Not ching-chong
Serial killer-tier comment lad
Just saw this.
Obama cancelled it, the little bitch.
I'd go in raw and cum inside her tbh
Is she a threat to us, lads? It's a crying child… just let her in.
That's not a full blooded nig though, is it?
That's a Blasian
She's probably crying because she's been raped by other Ahmeds and Iqbals
He's the guy that's been killing all the drug dealers/traffickers in his country?
Well yeah because when we let her in we're legally obliged to let in all of her relatives if they wish to come
Just let her in. And her family. And her family's family. And her family's family's friends.
afraid so
Who else /BUF/ here?
Clearly this means we're all created equal, goy.
That looks fake as shit tbh.
Even if it were real what does it matter?
They probably get their eyes cut out by other niggers for witchcraft purposes.
Blacks are white
smh fucking cis daughters
how many times do i need to impregnate her to get a blue eyed kid?
Are Albinos white?
Top kek
Depends on her parents' eye colours.
My dad has blue eyes and my mother has brown, my older sister has brown eyes and i have blue and my younger sister has brown eyes aswell
So by that logic, once
a billion times. Never going to happen.
they look white to me
You ain't fooling anyone lad.
Do you even remotely understand how chromosomes work?
Presuming she is a carrier for blue-eye genes (very likely, though multiple chromosomes affect eye colour), then it is 50/50
Well that simply isn't true.
At least one of your sons will probably have blue eyes. Your daughter will probably have dark eyes like her mother.
Reminder that black hair + brown eye'd whites are the real master race
Sorry, lad, but I'd prefer my child to remain rare.
Damn I typed = instead of +
I guess brown eye'd blacked haired people are white then
Only if they are European.
These people need to die.
God he's such a fucking embarrassment.
Probably what alfred the great was tbh
Police have charged the NA member who stole Izzard's hat with theft
All journo's are fucking thickos.
They can't think beyond the liberal faggotry.
Best goys.
On what grounds? Total bullshit generated by the media? Those grounds?
The police really are fucking faggots.
Away and break up a rape gang you soft cunts.Oh what's that? You won't because that's actually hard?
Top lad, lad.
They basically let any cunt become a police officer these days (especially in London)
Good satire lad.
There's just something off about Poles, at least the very round-headed short stubby ones. They really remind me of niggers tbh.
Even useless long term NEETs with autism? I'm asking for a friend of mine.
I was hoping for an indian summer
Instead we got an indian bummer
Polish waifu a shit.
Koreans are the future.
It's amazing when you see how soft some of them look.
There's a video of two twiglet cops. One chink and the other a white guy and they pull over some "free man on the land" nigger.
The whole this is embarrassing.
He isn't wrong.
What are you saying?
Your obsession with Asian women is pathetic and no one wants to see these images tbh.
Couldn't agree more.
I love how cannabis gets so hyped by TV when in reality it's fucking shit.
Are you so far the rabbithole that you can't find non-exotic attractive anymore? A slave to your fetish?
Try nofap for a while, it helps you return to normaility
I've not masturbated since the middle of august
Yeah it sucks choad mate.
Yet you spam Asian eh?
Sorry lad, I don't believe you
How many of you actually voted in the UKIP leadership election?
I willingly let my membership expire once Nuttall withdrew.
So.. not long ago then? It's the start of September.
Just saw this thread
Morality Man vindicated?
Nearly a month, it was about the 11th. it's partially shitposting for the sake of it
I might, I still don't care about any particular candidate, but I might vote James so that Duffy doesn't win.
All it does is dry my mouth out and put me to sleep. Really can't see the appeal tbh.
Gonna kick off the nightshift a little early it's a relevant tune though
She entered herself in the race at the last minute according to the media and hasn't been attending hustings. I wonder whether she intends to reboot the leadership election after abolishing the NEC.
I think she realised that it was probably a waste of time from the beginning, still, she's the favourite, and none of the others seem worth voting for either.
Yeah it did nothing for me.
Finally made this into a webm
Just posting these snippets and sob stories from R5 since it's quiet.
They give you a funny look because you're a paki, love.
His fear is delicious
Sounds like a woman. They all need to go back.
They're only good for one thing, and that's jump starting ethnic nationalism.
I kekked too lad, icing on the cake.
They're openly trying to set themselves up as the new Europeans nowdays.
>Hate crime prosecutions fell by almost 10 per cent in England and Wales last year despite a rise in the number of reported incidents.
It's almost as if people were reporting frivolous bullshit that wasn't actually criminal and/or never even happened.
It only gave me psychosis tbh, false advertising
Hate crimes don't happen but they should
They actually did it, they made a degree more worthless than gender studies, the madmen!
Look at that cuck sitting next to him in shame
Got to make sure you have a heavy accent if you want the BBC to pick you to represent the working class. (not having a go at the lad)
that must be because the judges are in the KKK
top fag
Yeah, but by promising abolish the NEC and remove plotters after they excluded Steven Woolfe [
w e w
e e
w w
I don't have any pity for Gordon anymore after finding out he molested his hamster.
Similar vibe I'm getting. I'm not sure how much Diane really actually wants the leadership role. Seems like a case of "oh for fucks sake, if some of these cunts get in we're screwed. I'll do it for the team".
I think, like us, she wants Nige to return.
What did he mean by this?
Get out ttpw.
no, that's not how it works you imbecile
Reported for ban evasion. We see you, ttpw.
Memes aside, you can't tell truths that make the other races look bad.
It's funny, since we were always told by parents and teachers to tell the truth when we were growing up.
It's a simple thing that we all know, but that doesn't stop it from being terrible when you sit down and think about it.
Just when you thought Gordon couldn't get any lower…
Leftoids fucking suck
Important poal
I'm not even sure Hillary will still be alive by the time the debates come.
He's beyond help
How can Gordon claim to be utilitarian?
His mental delusion is staggering.
Who /thinks Bomber Harris should have DID IT AGAIN here/?
Never expected her health to get so bad even the lugenpresse can no longer hide it.
But how can Trump best exploit this?
Trump's going to trigger this woman into having a stroke.
Hope we get to see it live.
surprise baby eye color chart btw
Lefties just describe themselves as anything that they think sounds like a good thing without actually knowing what it means. The opposite of everything they dislike being fascist.
I don't think he even needs to, just needs to show up on the same stage as her and that's it.
I can see you IP hopping ttpw.
I don't, and I think you're a boring faggot tbh.
Drug-resistant Tuberculosis
As long as Huma's ok, Hillary's campaign (and presidency) can't die. Even if Clinton herself is dead.
Who /annoyed that krautcucks have ruined the reputation of a true Anglo hero/ here?
Lad I like Harris but you're not good at this.
Your low quality attempt at Harris posting is worse than the jerycucks tbh
You know what this thread needs? More imperium
Nothing is lower than a krautcuck, lad.
He fought for us.
If only I had told them that ukip doesn't go far enough in my opinion. What would that make me then, huh? Nyarlathotep, destroyer of worlds?
Tell them that UKIP are BASED CIVIC.
It's easy to win arguments as a Based Civic. British culture should be respected etc.
You're a nonce.
No lad the picture I was referring to is either a child model or just happens to look exactly like one.
Either way you're a nonce.
reported for CSA images
What are the odds this is anything other than cancer?
Who /Do It Again/ here?
why you posting spooky saucer creatures user?
buh bye!
Ayy lmao
Well, you know, I didn't know it.
Krautcuck detected
Get fucked Dara you nonce. It will be 100% cancer.
Lad, you're not even good at this.
only if you spear them with a springfield '73 bayonet while singing Men of Harlech tbh.
I'm convinced you're a jerrycuck false flagging as a Harrisposter to make us all look bad.
The term is Jerrycuck lad, we don't use cuck as a suffix to Kraut
How do you possibly fuck up harrisposting, are you actually retarded
Agreed. He's trying to do it so badly we feel embarrassed about it. Nice strategy tbh Hans.
fucking sad tbh
somebody edit the doors song, indian summer to have it be indian bummer
He should have did it again tbh lads
everytime I see a gook posted on this board I just want to run at one with a bayonet on my jungle carbine and eviscerate their insectoid being with the cold fury of the saxon man tbh
Sphere Cucks BTFO
Is this traditional yank garb?
IRA mask, slav clothes and Trump hat.
I guess so, how should I know.
well now that just settles any slight uncertainty that you aren't ttpw
UN human rights chief condemns Western 'demagogues'
>Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein singled out Dutch far-right leader Geert Wilders, saying he used bigotry as a political weapon.
Couldn't make this shit up. Yes, of course we are the real problem Mr Hussein.
Every time.
Brexit broke reality lad. We really fucking did it.
Yes, because Nige and Don are sending fellow citizens into the Middle East under the guise of 'fleeing conflict', and instructing them to behead, rape and sodomise their hosts. That's why they're exactly the same, Mr Hussein.
Fuck the UN. Fuck Nato. Fuck the EU.
And fuck Van Rompuy.
The best part is that this is peanuts compared to the amount of D&C and thread-thievery we had to deal with between April and 24 June. I still remember that idiotic Barth-poster.
yanks wear more camo and sports gear
or camo sportsgear
What happened to colourised Mosley lad?
Oh god I thought we daren't speak his name for fear he returns or an impostor appears
tbh lad what has Milo achieved other than misrepresent justified antisemitism as an edgy joke?
Time to put your /thinking/ caps on, lads.
He achieved fag enabling and ruining the alt right meme. Big fucking deal.
Milo pls leave you co(c)ked up kike.
Fucking pedo 70s taigs
Nick Griffin became an MEP and almost brought an ethno-nationalist party into mainstream politics.
Meanwhile Milo hasn't achieved anything politically and has built a career by producing clickbait on Breitbart for Gamergate, /r/The_Donald/ and the Alt-Right. He gets media interviews by calling himself a faggot and feminists cancer, and then moans on telly about liberal college campuses.
Gilbert O'Sullivan is a paedo?
Griffen had BBC cucks ramp up their propaganda to 100, in ultimate damage control. He had them scared
I'm out lads.
Hope you have a nice day tomorrow.
lads, obama claims that the internet is the wild wild west. who /cowboy/ here?
he achieved that by getting his interns to write his articles for him
are you the lad who asked what the green dude was in that English montage pic from a while ago?
Based Green Man.
I think we bloody well did. Things have been increasingly bizarre ever since.
Controlling immigration, not wanting to be overrun with 3rd worlders. Same thing as chainsawing children in half tbh.
I don't know but he was a good lad.
Winding down here too. Have a good'n m8.
Listen to the song
Don't think you get that "paedo rights" campaign were at the same amount of prominence as gay rights in the 70s. But both are practically the same thing
Wonder what position we'd be in if Nick Griffin had the mind and personality of Enoch Powell at the height of the BNP.
link or webm to him saying he molested a hamster
It was on his deviantart from 2008.
Someone saved the image,
He must have killed the poor fucking hamster with those sausage fingers of his
Do you think Gordon does the same to his cat?
Think we might be able to report him tbh.
Just how old is Gorgo, anyway?
its likely
I think hes matured, but still autistic as fuck
Nah. I just like the green man.
Brand new autism
Only white english men are bad and if you speak about rotherham/terrorism you're a racist
OP is a paedophile
Hes perfect for the BBC
It's like 90's internet again.
I miss the 90s
What if he gets abducted by the CCP?
Night, I hope all of your dreams are full of women of the IMPERIUM
Still waiting on his comment on islam
Life is suffering
video for pam garry
Globalisation is a meme.
Our leftist Geography teacher used to hark on about muh globalisation destroying le noble native cultures of the American plains because red Indian kids would rather get real jobs and live like normal Americans than live on smelly reservations.
She dresses like a whore and looks like a 5 without makeup.
typical white girl/10
Your cat lady teacher wasn't talking about globalisation, that's just plain old civilising the natives you conquer.
My geography teacher was a based Christian conservative and British conservationist rather than hippy envirofag. He hated me. And with good reason. I was an awful kid.
What if we're actually the natives and we're getting conquered by our new overlords:
A plutocratic cartel of influential people.
How lad?
How lonely is this man?
Awful enough I try to forget about school and I hope everyone from school has forgotten about me.
I feel like I should leave a comment and make his day, but I think he'd follow me home.
suffering is really just perspective though lad
nice chune though, forgot the name of that one tbh. seems like a nice fellow, a bit like everyone else, just a sad person trapped in this perpetual paycheck machine
Lads, did we ever learn what happened to SolidSnakeAndSam?
Their games were ruined by the people who made them?
BLACKOUT: Media Ignores Pro-Brexit Demo But HUNDREDS Of Articles Published On Pro-EU Protest
Lads, is it too late for the Germans? Take notice of the reactions of the veiled Muslim women. How tolerant they are, such a religion of peace.
No lad, the schizophrenic bloke on Twitch who missed his mum.
Can't believe I used to hate this man.
It would be so amazing to see a territorial acquisition in our lifetimes. Who knows after Brexit.
Are Latins White?
Only if they're blancos.
Holy shit I live amongst Gooks too. I always see them going out for dinner in large groups and waiting outside places all dressed up. Maybe whites should start getting together for dinners every day. They used to i think.
Even if they're swarthy? A lot of times over here in America the "White" spics are still swarthy as hell and they act like beaner mexicans anyway.
I've resorted to not calling them White.
I liked smoking it at nighttime about an hour or two before bed. Then, it started giving me panic attacks so I stopped. Don't miss it one bit tbqh
Maybe they're just less mixed.
Then again, not all people of European descent are perfect. Otherwise, chavs wouldn't exist.
You think gordo has a bottom but he just keeps getting lower
Give it a rest, lad
I really do hate you night shift NEETs who have no interest in politics.
Latin America has almost no "racial" consciousness. It's mostly a class consciousness over there. It was set up as a caste system like in India, so they never had a "one drop rule" like Americans did with negroes. White Americans rarely mixed with negroes back in the day, and that's why you see famous "black" figures of days past and they look like quadroons or octoroons, not the nogs of today obviously.
That caste system, as opposed to the one drop rule strictly racial system, is why today you see both high caste Indians and upper class spics that have that grey undertone to their skin, instead of the Northern European pink undertone(most easily seen in gingers).
In America, if you aren't White, you aren't White. It's based on purity. There was never any confusion on this until we had all the swarthy fucking spics come over from their caste society. And they all act the same, only some have a 100 IQ instead of a 90 IQ.
But, like I said, just like beaners. Actual Spaniards may be different.
I fucking hate mexico
Isn't it also true that the Spanish didn't bring white women with them and instead bred with native women.
For all the hatred that gets bantered around for other races, it surprises me how little hate there is for Injuns. I think it's because there simply arent that many of them and people hate the minorities they have to live with.
Yeah that's true
Native Americans are just what happens when you take east Asians and don't add agriculture
The Aztecs and Incas had civilizations but they got wiped out by the common cold and smallpox
It's the morning, lad.
It might be morning, but night shift NEETs are still on shitting up the thread with their Gordon posting. I swear I'm reporting every single one of them. There's a /cow/ thread for that autism, tired of seeing that fat fuck and the circle wank that goes on over him here.
Germany? Nobody cares!
It's not local!
Yes. The pure natives were the "indio" caste, the mixed 50/50 mutts were the "mestizo" caste, the 3/5 Spanish were the "castizo" caste, and the Whites born in South America/Mexico were called "creoles." Men born back in the Iberian peninsula were called "peninsulares." It wasn't unusual for a man to send back his pregnant Spanish wife so his child could be a peninsulare instead of a lower caste creole.
That said, not all of them interbred with the indians. Some of them stayed pure. But some of them also brought back beaner wives to Spain and Portugal. Latin American colonization was a great big shit show. Even the French were shit at colonizing North America. The frogs sent over shit tons of men and no women to Quebec and then the men started fucking the indian women just like the spics did down south.
Literally the ONLY actual nation that managed to settle the new world without bastardizing its genes was Britain. All the other ones fuck the shitskins and made mongrel mutt babies.
Cortez wiped out the Aztecs. Their "empire" consisted of conquering their neighbors and sacrificing them to their demon sun god on top of their pyramids by cutting their hearts out while they were still alive.
American Indians usually don't get shit on now because people don't deal with them. They're still the same firewater addicted drunks they always were, just now they're on reservations instead of raiding wagon trains. They'll sometimes prostitute out their teenage daughters to get money for booze.
They're that addicted to the stuff. It's bad. They're violent as fuck up in Canada too.>Isn't it also true that the Spanish didn't bring white women with them and instead bred with native women.
The "wiped out by disease" thing was mostly a North American indian thing and not a jungle indian thing down in the tropical regions. Of course we killed the bastards too, but the disease greatly reduced their numbers up here. Down in the jungle, the Spanish just fucked a proper immune system into their women.
Lad Gordon is big now though. He was talked about on the Daily Shoah for about 20 minutes.
Gene stealing at its finest
Take it to /cow/ or I'm going to sperg out and use 700 proxies to mass report you and all the Gordon shills.
Alt-right baby detected.
And scalp stealing.
Gordon is a brit/pol/ institution, lad.
>>>Holla Forums
Kek breddy much
Disease got the southern ones too lad it just hit the north Americans like a sack of bricks
Something like only 3% survived the small pox, black death and flu that came over
And Cortez didn't destroy the Aztecs on purpose, he lamented the destruction of Tenochtitlan
The Aztecs were destroyed by nigger tier local tribes the Aztecs had subjugated and the Spanish gave them the means to get revenge on their conquerors
Plus measles and smallpox that wiped out alot of their army
Interesting post. Does that mean that Spaniards have some native genes in them now? Wouldn't the beaner wives brought back to Spain have just died from disease on arrival?
Fun fact, there were actually native inuit that managed to get to Britain and Holland by kayak. They only lived a few weeks after arrival though because of disease.
How does it make you feel that Gordon will likely inherit at least 350K
Far-right mayor says ‘being French’ is ‘being white and catholic’
I highly doubt that.
I also loathe calling them "native" Americans. America did not exist prior to White men settling this place. The term "native American" itself was a tactical attempt at wiping out the legitimacy of nativism in the US. A lot of old stock American Anglos weren't too pleased to see the massive waves of newcomers rolling in. They reacted negatively and they were promptly demonized and had their "native" status removed by (((certain groups))) in an attempt to keep the tap open. Much of the backlash in the US was a combination of mafia loving Italians, feral micks, and Eastern European jews. Naturally, the united leaders of these groups wanted to bring in more of their kind.
Yep. The Spanish upper classes intermixed with some of the indian upper classes. I'm not sure how many beaners in total went back to Europe though. Probably miniscule compared to the Spanish population. At least I doubt it's enough to actually affect the genetic makeup of the region as a whole.
Not necessarily. Not all of the indians had shite immune systems, and many of the women they brought back, and some of the men who went back, were mestizos. So they'd have a higher resistance to the diseases.
Are the Yanks ever going to admit they're mostly English, lads, or will they forever be LARPing as Irish?
t b h
Most of the idiots I've seen attempt to assess America's genetic makeup tried to say we're "mostly German"
Yeah that's a bunch of horse shit. One does not simply import more immigrants than they have actual citizens. That's how you crash an economy and starve out massive numbers of people.
I thought they prefer to think themselves as German.
If America was mostly German you would've lost both world wars.
Most Southerners I've met have said they're English or Scots-Irish
Kek. Good bait.
Scots Irish is a mix between a lowlander Scot(an funny talking Englishman) and northern English borderlander. Only about half of the Scots irish were actually from Ulster, and they were just the transplanted Scots who'd moved over there to kill taigs and till the land. The rest of the south is old Southern/midlands English Cavalier.
True. It's always been the south(the Anglo part of the US) that had the highest military enlistment rate.
Why is it that I rarely see Anglo Northerners on Holla Forums? All the northerners seem to be edgy kraut-taig fetishists
I know they exist, especially in places like Maine or New Hampshire, but I never see them on here
Reminder that having a foot fetish is a sign of a high IQ and a greater appreciation for beauty. If you don't look at a girls feet while "checking her out" you're a pleb and probably have skrillex on your iphone.
The North was hit hardest by immigration
The North is leftist as all hell
Most Northerners who are conservative are Scandinavians or Germans out west. New England is thoroughly poz'd.
Pic related shows estimated ethnicity based on first and last names of Americans who listed themselves as White and non-hispanic on their voter registrations.
Whiter = more British
Redder = non-British
Here's a link to the site.
That straight line 49th parallel border is a testament to the diplomatic ability of whites. The reason the Mexican border isn't an agreed upon straight line across some arbitrary latitude is because beaners aren't white and were incapable of negotiating a border that wasn't fought for.
Having said that though, the Canadian border is really strange. it's just a straight line that plows through everything. There are lakes with border stations and towns that are divided. Look up Point Roberts if you want to read about how bizarre the border is.
If you have an English accent you can easily fix this predicament.
what if im a manlet
We've had a few different borders.
You on the right lad.
fucking manlets
I know it's funny to meme about there's no cure for that but I honestly see 5'5" guys doing well with girls. You just have to be in good shape and own it. Being good looking obviously helps too.
y-yeah.. h-heh
I look qt if I don't wear glasses and stop squinting
Nothing worse than a try-hard manlet
Being wider just makes them look shorter
You're a manlet though lad, so you're shitting on yourself.
How did they know what the Natives called their land in the west? Who's the yellow? Spain? Frontier? Good maps.
I remember seeing a map that showed British Columbia extending south into Washington state too.
France gave Spain Louisiana in 1762
They knew the names because there were traders and trappers out there
And yeah, Washington/Oregon was disputed between America and Britain, it was one of the reasons for making the border treaty
here's the site with the map. It's pretty neat. Shows all the viking raids and the Teutonic migration to britain.
Fuck Spain and Argentina tbh though. Argies will never let go of the idea that they're somehow their islands.
wew lad
Worst colonial empire ever.
Black Lives Matter blocking runway at London City Airport.
Good. I don't think they realise that inconveniencing people pisses them off
What the fuck, the protestors are all white?
BLM blocked a highway up in Minnesota and 75% of the protesters were SWPL white people.
They deserved the tear gas tbh.
London City Airport should just clear the runway the Top Gear way.
22-year-old Indo-Japanese woman crowned Miss Japan
Smh, tbh, lads. Careful with the /imperium/-posting or this will happen even sooner on our island's shores.
What's with the Miss Japan cuckolding? Last time it was an Afro-Japanese, right? But Japan is 99.9% East Asian. What's with this garbage?
Yeah, the last time it was a wog-nip mongrel with an absent father.
(((Someone))) is very obviously making a move to destroy the 99.9% racial profile in Japan.
In both of these cases the dad's the non-Jap and the mum's pure Japanese. It's disgusting to see this happen, even to a country which death-marched British PoWs. No nation deserves this slimy cuckolding.
Apparently the creator of the pageant was not Japanese but French, which goes a long way to explaining why it's so SJW.
I remember reading a post saying that a good indication of whiteness is whether your nipples are pink or brown.
Another good indicator is whether you can see dark wrinkles on the palm of the hand.
Lad, she's not French, she's (((French))).
Pics confirm?
Right? I just realised this from the haafu miss Japan. I think I'm on to something. Please spread this to Burger/pol/. If your hand has dark lines on the palm, you aren't hwhite.
Fucking tranny shit on JK
kek he just says what he wants now. Shame he left British nationalism in such a mess.
who /eggandbaconrolls/ here
The great purge
How do I get maximum shekels for minimum output?
Trump and Farage have the right idea, let these freaks do what they want and don't waste too much time on these trivial issues, so long as they're not trying to push this stuff on children or force churches to marry them and christian B&B owners to give them a bedroom.
I really hate Jeremy Kyle though, not only is he a hypocrite but he's Jerry Springer lite. Purposefully looking for trash or getting actors to come on the show, all intended to paint British people as tramps. He's a massive liberal too, as if he should be lecturing anyone on how to raise a child or behave.
.Living As a woman
It's subtle but it's clear that Kyle is anti tranny.
It's just the modern version of the Victorian freak show mate. It's not hard to find trashy people on council estates.
That may be true but the families are given briefs with the purpose of shit stirring and winding each other up before they go on the stage.
He knows full well what he's doing.
Buy a flat before it's built at the "developers" discount rate and then sell it for 30,000 pounds more than it's worth after it's been built.
fresh thread, fresh links
Rob a bookies. Fuck all security. Very easy to clear 4 figures and if you're not a fucking idiot you won't get caught
Of course mate, it's fucking TV.