Hungary completely and utterly not cucked

'We are preparing for a conflict' Hungary vows to fight EU over 'forcing' migrant quotas
Hungary is literally willing to go to war to defend it's ethnic homogeneity.

Can't Turban the fucking Orban

Other urls found in this thread:


Also isn't Poland full ethno-nationalist these days as well?

Didn't their ruling Law and Justice party fuck up the luggenpresse?


what a stupid word nationalism implies nation implies ethnicity

Wouldn't you die for this city?

Sadly it has to be explicitly stated these days.



Yes. Hungary is incredibly close to going full Nazi Germany yet oddly enough the lugenpresse doesn't really say much about it.

I guess they're afraid of encouraging the rest of the goyim

Pretty much the entirety of the eastern part of Europe it seems.

I mean fucking look at this city man.

Beats any western European city these days.


Man if America votes Trump the cucks will only have western Europe and Scandinavia left.

Maybe we can actually win this.

Where is the diversity? Disgusting.

Hungary is based as fuck. Red-pill nation with a right-wing leader who calls out Soros and opposition that is even more right-wing

Can't get better than that

Fucking defatist! Eat sandnigger shit and die!

Manly as fugg. Based.

Canada user, Canada.

We must retake the great white north. Once we have uncucked the Canuck, we will retake Europa.
Gott Mit Uns

Who is ready to join the mongol ss?

The opposition in Hungary are literally Nazis.

Full on name the Jew no stop Nazis.

I think it's more important to uncuck Important countries that actually have a culture.

And Canada is neither.

yes, and I'm not even Hungarian.


Also the Hungarian tax plan is extremely focused on promoting large nuclear families.

If a married couple, who are both employed pleges to have 3 children the state gives them the following:
-10 million HUF (33k Euro)
-10 million HUF loan with no interest (another 33k Euro)
-5 million HUF VAT return on building materials
This above basically equals a 100-120 square meter house in the country, a 80 m2 flat in the capital city.

-No income tax
-Free schoolmeals
-Free schoolbooks

Not really, no.

Nationalism implies Nation which at the end of the chain implies Tribe.
Tribe is defined by commonality, up to and including ethnicity, but it is not entirely ethnicity - and the earliest tribes literally could not have been of identical ethnicity due to a lack of qualified people.

Therefore, Cultural-Nationalism is a thing as much as Ethno-Nationalism.
If you want one part of Nationalism, then say that part and fight for that part.
Better to not confuse people as to what you stand for.

sage because this is off topic

It think that his is an important point, the human mind evolved around group thinking and we desire a tribe and belonging so fucking much that you see liberals creating a new tribe based on hating tribalism.

Canada has hyuge resource wealth and the only, somewhat, successful invasion route against the US. Creating a strong and righteous confederation of Anglo-phonic countries is ideal/most plausible.

Aren't we all?

Our "progressive" Albanian gay prostitute PM must have felt like a rat next to him.

t. Serb

That the best you can come up with Shlomo?

The main problem I have is in that picture Jobbik seems to be composed of mostly older people.

Any forward looking organization needs to have the support of the youth for their zealotry, energy, and creativeness.

Lenin, Mao, Hitler, and many others realized this truth.

''Who owns the youth, gains the Future!"

Looks heavenly

quiet nigger

If you insist on using the incomplete wisdom of the modern intellectuals then you must also acknowledge that ethnicity itself is not bound to a blood relation as you seem to think it does.

Ethno-Nationalism is a retarded term for retarded pseudo-intellectuals.


Hungarians aren't white



Just to let our Hungarian bros know: disregard our cuck gvt, Slovenian people are with you! And we will stand with you. Build that wall!


What has become of Europe…… Do we remember turk invasions? Bondfires on the hills….. Fires are rising once again. I will fight along my brothers. Our ancestors will be proud again!

Why haven't they left the EU then? That would be the simple solution to the problem.



Because Magyars and Slavs don't run from problems. We face them head on. This partains to Europe. We're your defence line. EU is already doomed

What's more funny about Orbán is he pretty much cucked Soros. Back in the 80's he studied at Oxford. His studies were paid by Soros' Open Society Foundation. After he graduated he started a liberal party which he turned into a nationalist one in 1993. He basically took Soros' money and said Fuck you. Soros is fucking salty for this. Ever since he became Prime Minister the giga-kike funds almost every party and their ideological backgrounds and think-tanks in the opposition, sans Jobbik.

Hungarians ARE Slavs.

Betyar Sereg, Rosza Sandor, Jan Sobieski and Matija Gubec tbh lads

Fucking gorgeous.

Be honest Holla Forums, are you prepared for conflict if called into battle by the hungs?

We won't leave until our pockets are full. We take the EU's money then say fuck off when they try to instigate their retarded social policies on us. They comply because they are cucks. The only problem is that cultural marxism is seeping through into our culture, but this would be happening withouth the EU too.

I'll reiterate for good measure: speaking for myself and most of fellow patriots. Fuck yes. My neighbors have full support


Hungarians are actually more closely related to Germans.

holy shit

Why is it so fucking hard for countries to leave the EU. Why can't they say "fuck it" and just quit???

Why are the leaders of Hungary posturing rather than acting? Do they really mean it?



Being honest?

I'm ready to leave the life i currently have, but i doubt i would enjoy the military life. I would probably get used to it tho.


If the multiculti cancer isn't wiped from the face of the Earth it will consume everything eventually.

Once your feet get used to the added stress it won't be so bad.

Some stay for the gibs. Some stay because their economy is too entangled with the EU. It will be soon though that it won't matter and people are just going to want to GTFO

I guess those gibs are just too delicious to give up.

He seems to good to be true…is he going to be the new Führer of Europe or will someone on halfchan expose him as a fraud in due time?

Literally gibs, just like poland.

Speaking of which, does anyone have any 'before and after' pics of old European architecture (castles and stuff) after rapefugee invasion?

On what powerbase? Germany and France are paying for everything and have the support of Italy and Spain. Nobody is taking that.

If the slavs were serious, which they aren't, they would just leave the EU and form their own economyzone.

Germans detected


Thanks, I had this meme a while back but lost it.





literally niggers

Kill yourselves you fucking retards.

Keep going my finnic brothers. I'll fight with you if it comes down to it.

not an argument





Code word for fellow jew

How do they do it?


The point usually made for remaining in EU is that the EU needs reform. Europe is a simple geographical truth and a good union could work between Europeans.

Absolutely fucking based

I just sent an email to the hungarian embassy praising their government for their strong stance and asking if they have a program for foreign military volunteers.

I hope they create some sort of "foreign legion" for foreign sympathizers to their cause.

Yeah, they're not cucked but they're about to get a big heaping dose of 'Murican freedom and democracy, "free the shit out of you" style. Because you know. ..nazis. Watch. Screen cap this.

America if you fuck this nationalist uprising too i swear to god i will start sacrificing american babies to satan.

Do you honestly think that America can go to war with it being as divided as it is right now?

Been thinking about this actually. Is there enough dumb white men left who actually want to fight for this cesspit? You would think even the most deluded of patriotards would have woken up by now.

American isn't going to go to war again unless there's a direct attack on it.

If they couldn't bullshit an invasion of Syria they absolutely won't be able to bullshit attacking fucking Hungary/

When Hungary was in open rebellion against the Soviet Union, they begged the Americans for military aid. Do you know what we did? We told them,
Americans do nothing during election years

I'm of Finnish ancestry and I can relate to this so well it's fucking painful. Family members are also like this.
What the fuck is wrong with our people?

You're like an entire nation of people raised on imageboards without being raised on imageboards.

It explains why Finnish memes are so huge in international imageboard culture.

We're independent people who go our own way. It doesn't go well with the modern highly socialist and yet secular way of life.

I also remember hearing somewhere the the Finns along with the Basque have been in Europe longer than any other group.

So the Finns are not "white" but are the most European people in the world.

Yup. The world's oldest fishing net and boat have been found in Finland.

Internet&Social media growing up too quickly is at fault.

Serbro here, i can relate to this, Finnish are not alone.

Just remember, don't let your memes be dreams. Memes fuel us to march on through this hell that is life. That is why normies latch on to them as well. Only they do not understand the origins of memes, they are conditioned to pretend happiness and false optimism.

It is from us, lurkers of the boards and internet in general who find absurdity in everything and proceed to make fun of it, just so that we can feel some relief from our melancholic everyday existence.

This i think is the reason memes exist, and why we must meme on.

So wouldn't that mean that the Finns are their own separate race? Not Mongol or European but purely their own unique thing?

Yeah, pretty much. Maybe we're ayy lmaos from atlantis.

You fuckers are capable of producing extremely deadly manlets i'll give you that much.

This fucker had whole Battalions sent after him and he survived and lived to 93.

Are Finns the secret master race?

Spurdo burdo

I strongly suggest people look up a couple things.

One. The Finnsburg fragment.
Two. Tea Tephi and a Irish King.

Find your salvation.

"Those who say they are of goodwill but are not"

King James was no king of mine.

That pic is actually of a Swedish volunteer fighter.

But yeah, we've always been godly soldiers. Rurik was Finnish, Christians had to crusade us twice to subjugate us, other euros described us as demons from hell in battle, while the Swedish officers remarked that we were unruly and rude. But we're also pretty good in the arts and science.

We wuz kangz?

I've heard of you can speak the language and prove Hungarian ancestry, it is possible to become a citizen and emigrate there.

Most tanulok magyarúl.

And "Finn" is an "Irish" name. (((They said)))

He's Irish they said.
He's a Serpent (((they))) said.
It's a cross not a hammer (((they said)))

"Finn Genealogy & History

Finn is an Irish surname, a patronymic from the Gaelic O'Finn. Finn comes from fionn, meaning fair of skin or hair, which is not a very common trait among the Irish. Nevertheless, there were three clans bearing the name in Ireland, centered in the southwest, southeast, and north. The first recorded instance of Finn family history is O'Finn, Bishop of Munster, added to the Annals of Inis Faithleann in 1020. Finn genealogy lays claim to a few notable individuals, such as military weapon contractor and inventor Mickey Finn; Middle Eastern ambassador Robert Finn; and animator, voice actor, and director Will Finn."


This golem exists to prevent European nationalism. We are a global, nuclear armed antifa. And people only have sympathy for brown people. Fuck man there's not even concerns for collateral damage when its "nazis."

See, can't the rest of west europe do this?

Instead of importing 6 trillion fugees why not pay the natives to have a select amount of children?

Used to live in Hungary, can confirm it's fucking gorgeous.

I think a big difference that a lot of people in other western countries might appreciate is that you are generally safe when walking around poor towns or poor areas of Budapest, at least when I was there. In fact, even the more run-down areas are comfy and maintained better than the diversity zones in the U.S. and west Europe. Imagine walking around at night and not having to look over your shoulder constantly. Blue pillers think of that anxiety as just a natural feature of the world, but it doesn't have to be.

If we couldn't invade Syria we can't invade Hungary you self hating faggot.

Not to mention people still feel a sense of brotherhood with Europeans even if they deny it to themselves. Notice how people freaked out and were really sad over Nice but when 90 people died in a suicide bombing in Pakistan nobody gave a single fuck.

Because their governments are hostile to their people.

Brother of an old family friend did.


Hungarians have the worlds biggest penises, they must have balls to match.



Quints checked

Kek has blessed Hungary for all time.

benis xDD

ebin get xD

Pic related.

Also pic related, faget.

And you.

Hungary is confirmed last bastion for the white Ethno-state.

I wish I could donate money for right-wing groups in Hungary to buy guns.


Meme magic incarnate

t. skeltal amerifat that will never be finnish


Why does it matter? Hungarians aren't white.


Whiteness is a social construct. Sorry to break it to you m8.

Fuck off Moshe



EU funds aren't "gibs", they are literally loans that have to be repaid. But your narrative lets you denigrates Poles and Hungarians so fuck it, believe what you want, you won't change your mind anyway

Also, even if it was "gibs" like you say, there would literally be nothing wrong with fucking over the EU and milking the system for as much as possible.

"Money comes out of thin air."
While Poles and other Slavs are "fucking over the EU", they are taking food from the mouths of Western Whites, sucking us dry like parasites and ensuring that more White families than ever cannot afford to have children.
Meanwhile Brits, Germans and Swedes pay for Polish families to have children.
"Oh you don't like immigration? You should have more children like the Poles."
Yeah, fuck off.
It is 100% gibs.
Nigger charity argument applied to Whites.

Western Europeans are cucks who wouldn't have kids regardless.

Giving that money to Eastern European states who actually care about their peoples future and subsidize large white nuclear families is the best option for the white race as a whole.

Nothing wrong with uncucked whites exploiting cucked whites and feeding that money into increasing the white population.

I'd rather your money go to Poles and other Slavs then the shitskins you "superior" Germans give them to.

go fuck yourself

Good on you for also ignoring the fact that the "gibs" you speak of are LOANS

Divine check.

All EU money should go to fund eastern European birth rates since apparently they're the only one's interested.

Western Europe should be poor and learn to suffer like the Eastern Europeans did during communism so they can finally have to deal with reality and uncuck themselves.


Trips of truth


Soros is actually Hungarian.

Having his home country hate him the most out of any white country and having a leader that actually Jew'd him personally must piss him off to no end.


Fair enough but my point is no less valid.

Don't they believe dey wuz turkic and shiet?

The Leader can't be provocative like the Based Philippines president.

There's a difference between being a loose cannon and being kosovo'ed,and surviving another day to be based.

Here Holla Forums have another based Hungarian

That guy killed the better part of 1000 fucking commies. What a total machine.

Based as fuck

And all on his own with no military training and a moist nugget.

I shamelessly know too little about the Hungarians and Magyars, but I will say one thing. Every Hungarian chick I've met has had an amazing tight and wellformed ass.



Is that picture from Milo's personal collection or something? Get that gay shit out of here, queer.

They're quoting Israel word for word.

Reminder that Europe is tearing down thousands of buildings like this for parking lots and mosques.


Ass men are nigger-tier. I bet you enjoy watching women twerk.

Only Western Europe m8

They're actually building new classical style buildings in Hungary.

Tweking is fucking disgusting.

Don't you like having big milk jugs up against you?

Hungary isn't going to fall for mercantilism like the naive West. Good to see that there are still countries out there knowledgeable about what's truly at the end of the road of multicult.

I feel like a rat every time i see that pussy faced goyim trying to be the biggest EU dick sucker possible.
He deserves to be humiliated, especially by Orban, that is how you run a country for your own damn people, not foreign interests.

Just because I prefer ass doesn't mean I don't appreciate titties.

Be careful about falling into false dichotomies user.

You're the ass-man here user.


George Soros is from Hungary, they know what's comming


She was smoking hot when she was young, but she did NOT age well at all.

Orban fucked him over in the past m8 he can do it again.

Seinfeld is the single greatest thing the Jews have ever given humanity.

Boo fucking hoo, if that money wasn't going to Poland and Hungary it would be spend on rapefuges or given to African warlords. If you're so cucked as a nation that you let everyone take food from your mouths you have no one but yourself to blame.


Skullface did nothing wrong

Pretty hypocritical considering Magyars were immigrants themselves looking shelter from other steppeniggers.

Magyars had always a strong national sense across the history. They understand that power comes from the unity of their people and not from the range of their borders.


While I appreciate the logical approach towards the massive shitskin wave, I'm sadly reminded that apart from this I can't really be happy about my home country. Among other things, like a failing health care system, corruption, wasting and stealing money up the wazoo, the worst part is I think, that a lot of our young folks want to emigrate to the west because how shit life is in Hungary. And without smart and capable people there is no bright future for us. But at least there are efforts to charm those people home.
I know that nobody give two shits about Hungary really, and people only do, because it plays well into the MUH RACE WAR ideology


You were looking for the word conquerors, Mr. Goldberg.
We Hungarians simply conquered the lands from the weaklings that were there before us and were unable to defend it.
It is our rightful land by conquests and it has been that way for more than 1000 years.
Unlike Palestine which you earned with treachery, manipulation and deceit.

The only people who really leave are filthy leftists who aren't needed any way, its a self solving problem and the reason why most of the Hungarian youth is conservative or nationalistic, because everyone who wasn't like that already left.

Arabs are free to test the mettle of their military instead. Oh wait.

They tried, but USA decided to intervene as usual.

I don't understand this post.

Only results matter.

Brown people dude. Brown people are magical and precious.

Those aren't the people that will be giving orders to glass Hungarian villages. And honestly no, you're wrong in principle too. "Whitey gotta die" and all.

Nice takedown of a phantom. There's no such thing as "whiteness" possible to exist. "White" is an adjective. And it's a damned useful adjective when applied to human population groups. I live in a white neighbourhood. My son goes to a white school, therefore, he doesn't get beaten up and shaken down for his lunch money.

What? Please explain.

Would he in a non-white school? What a weakling.

Isn't it self evident?
Only filthy materialists and leftists care about nothing more than their own economic well-being, prosperity and wealth, not realizing or comprehending just how fickle and irrelevant these things truly are. Culture and ethnic homogeneity are far more important, yet they don't realize or simply don't care that they will not have any of this in foreign countries.
They leave their country simply because they want to live more comfortably, which means that they don't really care about their country or give a fuck about it, they are no different than welfare seeking niggers or arab migrants, I say its good that they leave Hungary.
When I was in high school I asked a bunch of my former classmates if they were going abroad, and those who answered yes were overwhelmingly liberal or leftists scum, while those who leaned more towards the conservative tended to say that they will stay here.
Video related.

10/10 post, user


What's up with Slovakia? It's far away from its neighbors and close to Italy, Greece and Cyprus.

But we did a lot of mischief in Syria, plunging them into civil war. And our elites weren't pushing 100% for war in Syria.

As for sense of brotherhood, they can use that by showing nice Hungarians suffering under an oppressive regime. I hope you're right but I think if the elites want it enough, they can whip up a war frenzy.

To be honest he was a target shooter of quite some renown as well as Finnish nuggets are a top tier class of them all.

Actually the Finns are the true Aryan Master Race, the third reich was just a finnish secret project to keep the enemy's attention away from finland. Now, the enemy is stirring up again, so the finns are using their superior brainstructure to mind-control Nigel farage, donald trump, viktor orban and many others, to act as a bulwark while finish scientists are done cloning a new super army of secret finnish manlet super-soldiers ( being a manlet is a finish biological choice, it makes for better soldiers, wich are smaller targets) couple that with the finns ability to camouflage himself in any surroundings, they can hide their real population numbers from the international press.

The welfare system in the west is also a fluke, all ther money is secretly being funneled to finnish medical research with the intent of expanding the knowledge on how to turn other races into superior finns of atlantean heritage.

Congrats, you just took the final, finnish pill.


It was proven that we are indeed another race altogether.

underrated post

Nation comes from natus, relating to a common birthplace. It absolutely is linked to a common blood. From

much cleaner than prague

While we're on the topic of hungary this swedish girl went there to ask them some questions about migrants.

Ironic how soro's place of birth would e one of the first nation to rise up agaist globalism in europe

Oh yes they fucking were.

I'm a 29 year old hungarian. I turned 18 and entered the workforce (part time while studying) in 2005. I can definitely say that today the situation is much better.

MSZP were such crooks that budapest itself was unlivable. Few years after getting rid of the socialist mayor it's a start up boomtown with even research centers opening and ofcourse the ridiculous amounts of tourism which under Demszki's leadership was unimaginable.

The same thing is true for the country. While fidesz is no congress of angels and they are getting worse, MSZP stole more. Way more.


I fully agree. Worst part is that many don't seem to recognize the problem in the braindrain of the east european nations.
Remember when our resident Poland Defence Force got butthurt when Nige said young poles need to go back to Poland?

As an engineer from the region I can only say that there's no fixing it until the west collapses. Then all those guys will come back.

500 euros a month wage vs 4000. Who in their right mind would stay?

Does Fidesz have Jobbik keeping them honest?

Those who actually love their country instead of just going away because m-muh higher wages!

I dont understand why some people are willing to trade the safety and trust of homogenous white-society away just because somewhere else without those they can get better pay.

Because the world wars killed the western soul and all it's left is pleasure and things.

We can get it back but it won't be easy.

Listen it's not like those who go to western europe to work abandon hungary forever.

Schengen was a mistake

Is that supposed to be an argument? The immigration undermines minimum wages in western nations while draining talent from eastern nations.
Everybody loses.

Asses and legs are a far better indicator of genetic health and her propensity for massive weight gain. Healthy, toned, proportionate well-shaped asses and legs with no cellulite, stretch marks or sagginess, combined with a good thigh-gap is ideal and means that a woman willor at least has a far higher likelihood to keep her figure and not blow up like a balloon. Great tits can beand often are, unfortunately mounted on a chick that will explode when she hits 28 and/or has her first kid, whichever comes first.

The ideal is both the tight asses that will age well with big, yet firm and not saggy tits, but those are exceedingly rare.


what immature bafoonery is this?
you want your woman to have at least 3 kids so what her figure is like after the kids is only a magnitude of battle scars
she fights for your nation with childbearing and childrearing and it is your duty to protect them and raise powerful sons and dutiful daughters

leave Holla Forums now

I like it.

it isnt ironic
jews are not of the land they happen to spill out of their mothers guts into

jew harder prohibitionist cunt

most likely low sample size

Two of attackers in latest Paris attack crossed through Hungary, two through Slovenia, CNN says

If she's too fat and gross to give me a hardon, not much mating gonna be happening, friend.

How many breakfast beers do you need to get rid of the shakes in the morning?

There are random afghani/pakistani/syrian migrants sleeping freely around university campuses in Serbia. What is Vucic's reaction to this? Serbia is hardly on par with Hungary regarding the migrants. Infact, it's the diametric opposite

Serbia removing kebab? Lmfao they're complete cucks

Nice anecdotal evidence

if shes too fat and groce and she hasnt had kids yet then you arent looking for a woman under 20 like you should be

stop jewing thanks


Does the cheap malt liquor buzz impair your ability to come up with non-retarded things to say, Chaim?

No shit they are vary of doing anything because next time they will just get completely genocided and the land given to Kosovo or Albanians all in the name of freedom/democracy/human rights or whatever bullshit (((they))) can think of.

Nice avatar.


The second they try to declare war on any country except mexico is the second that America goes into a massive civil war instead.

There are plenty of girls who are good looking, healthy, fertile, etc., but show the dead giveaway signs that after the first kid, they will balloon. The key is to identify girls who will not do that.

Learn the difference between immigrants and conquerors.

That's a pov i didn't consider. You could be right. But still, Vucic is a fagget

Orban is based, however he's receiving funding from the Russians.

I find it amazing how the United States became so cucked as Russia started its active measures campaigns around the world.

WTF, Russian intelligence is literally BTFO of cucked Western countries.

Grow some balls CIA. Stop being Soros' bitch and do something pro-America, you fuckers!

The KGB has always been way ahead of the american intelligence services.

The only info about the kgb still comes from one defector who got poisoned.

Without him we probably wouldn't even be sure the organisation existed.


Sorry dude but you gotta go back

Serbs don't really care. Infact, they are going to watch with excitement how you deal with your own Kosovos soon enough. All over Western Europe. Oh, wait you already have No-Go Zones. Hahahaha. Especially the Brits, they deserve everything that's waiting for them.

Karma is a bitch.

calm down vlad


That's amazing. I hope all of V4 follow Hungary's moves.

Spoken like a faggot that didn't take Anthropology 101… The heirarchy goes:

race -> culture -> ethnicitiy

Races develop unique cultures. Unique cultures develop unique languages. People of a specific race, with a shared culture and language develop an ethnicity.

Eg. My race is White, my culture is European, and my ethnicity is US American.

Hello Mr. Soros! Back for more humiliation?

When we tried to protect our country from proto-ISIS the western powers punished us brutally and made it perfectly clear on whose side they were on, you took our ancestral land and gave it to subhumans who in turn proceeded to turn 13th century churches into pigsty's and road side bathroom, cemeteries into landfills and are even now trying to steal our cultural heritage with overwhelming support from your governments.
It's simple really, if you want to be culturally enriched so much, who are we to stop that, maybe one day the blue pilled faggots that cheered and demanded that nato goes so far as to use nukes on us will wake up and see the truth, but i sincerely doubt it.

tbqh. I can understand them
They and poland both are in a good economical position now, yet the retarded EU still offers to blow them gibsmedats in the ass.
Why refuse?

Disgusting tbh.




visited budapest last summer

one of the most beautiful cities i've ever seen, and not yet completely swamped by tourists

also 100% clean, not a single piece of garbage on the ground

and ofcourse almost completely white

needs more somalis

Nah! Fuck' em. We easterners are better off without them. Just let them go cuck countries already cucked beyond recognition with their "we are all immigrants bullshit".



This. Fuck the.

Fuck them. I'd revoke their citizenship

You had me until "Christian".

Tips Fedora.

Kosovo is Serbian clay. Europe probably wouldn't stop you this time.


what does this comic say?

To be fair, Canada does seem to have a pretty decent number of snipers in their ranks. Plus, their Canadian Royal Air Force training is brutal.

If they can be fixed, they could be a powerful ally.

something in German I suppose but I am not sure about it

I might be wrong but Canada is rootless and too far gone into their lack off any sort of conflict that a couple of old-Brit standards abiding military units aren't going to redeem it.

If you know anything about genetics you'd realize that PCA charts are essentially useless in terms of identifying heritage, and used as a visiual tool for researches in order to try and figure out a better light to pursue their research in.

see above reply.


Every people at one point in time. Shut the fuck up with your meaningless drivel about how we have to destroy our livelyhood by living and mixing with other races.

Indo european Celtic, germanic, italic and slavics were also "immigrant" conquerors to the natives of europe at one point too.

Kosovo was 90% Christian when it was part of Serbia. When Serbia was trying to defend it from the KLA terrorists they were accused of ethnic cleansing. The "liberated" Kosovo is now 90% Muslim. *Crickets*

I'm saying that they have probably let their guard down. While they retake Serbia they could blitz Albania, the source of the original insurgency, and do forced sterilizations or something. Wew!

America doesn't declare war anymore. We learned that it's unpopular with the voters.

Instead, we just perform interventions and put boots on the ground after the officials we elect swear that we're going to bring back the boots we already put somewhere else.

It's like war, but without the Congress voting on it.


Finally some christfags did something right.


Finland won the Heineken Cup in 2006 and 2008?

Fionn MacCumhaill, motherfucker.

Kikes were kicked out long ago.


What beautiful country.

Godspeed to all the Hungarians.

fatty chaser

Canda actually has quite a rich culture in non-pozzed regions, just like the Midwest; go outside of Chicago/downtown Minneapolis, and it's very nice. Also, downtown Minneapolis turned my family into a bunch of white supremacist racists, so that's good too. Spending time there seems to do that to people.

Magyars confirmed for pro-white.

Any Hungarians or Holla Forumsacks who can tel me if Hungary accepts foreigners into their military?

I like this one. He understands that a nation is not lines on a map. A nation is it's people.

Bumping for question.

I imagine the kikes over in Israel are trying to think of some shit to try and get the USA and others to fight their dirty wars over in Hungary as well to "enrich" them.

Americanism, not globalism
We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism

Can someone download the video here?

It's important because you can hear Viktor Orban specifically say "ethnic composition" as in keeping Hungary WHITE.

So what will leftists who imply the EU keeps the peace in Europe say when EU attack Hungary?

War is Peace.

Women w/ tattoes…. I am triggered!

jewgle translate

Yeah, we mostly prepare for winter like other ground squirrels do.


Definitely on my to-do list now, it's a photographer's wet dream

If you're in vicinity, might as well hop over to Ljubljana
(no mean to hijack thread magyarbros)





I always wondered what's the source of that picture but nobody can enlighten me.

One day i'll know.


God the jews in this thread are angry as fuck
Hungary named the ADL, AIPAC, Rothschild and Federal bank
They named marxist internationalists, globalism cliques
Austria is also waking up

Seriously I can see some big shit going down in the next decade, snowball effect is INEVITABLE

If hungary is the last country standing i hope they let other euros fight with them

Deus Vult!

For people themselves in Eastern Europe, that is true, but not for the government. The government in almost every single Eastern European country willingly bends itself over for the EU because that is the main source of gibsmedats for politicians and it is fairly difficult to steal from an already poor country so it makes sense for them to try to leech from the EU as well.


Eastern European alliance against the Caliphate of Western Europe when?

i found this guy: hungarianista there, he has pretty good OC. (that's his OC)

very soon. I'm talking in the following weeks.

MSM is ramping up the propaganda, also Turkey will let in 2.000.000 invaders lose +

When the EU dissolves and Russia stops begging for attention thus no longer giving politicians in Eastern Europe an excuse to side with Western Europe

I meant habbening very soon.

As for alliance vs. caliphate ….
who knows?

you have my sword


Nah fuck the Serbs. You fuckers caused WWI.

Not a tear shall be shed for Serbians.


Well, this is a thing that's happening there.

What a world.

Spread these memes. If we can meme an election, we can meme a Slavic Union.

Only leftycunts go on about "karma". Get out of here with your heathen concepts, Holla Forums is a Christian board.

Jesus Christ, NO!

t. magyar

The naming is of little to no importance. The members, are.

Karma as a concept exists in christianity as well, dumbass.



Lol no

Ethnicity -> Culture -> Race

This is how it always was in Europe and even America prior to the industrial revolution. People identified with their nation and culture; I.e. their ethnicity. It's only after the mass migrations into the US that the concept of a "white race" became mainstream. Mostly because the average American is 25% Italian, 25% Polish, 25% Irish and 25% German.

The very concept of a white race is subjective. Which is why people so often on this board ask questions like "is x white?". Aren't Italians, Spaniards, and Balkans white? But they are heavily mixed with Arabs and North Africans. So are Slavs white? Hitler thought of Slavs as sub humans and wished to populate the Poland-Ukraine area with Aryan Germans. But when you look at maps like above, West Russia (the part that's actually ethnically Russian) has rates of light colored hair and eyes that match Germany. So if Slavs aren't white, does this mean light colored hair and eyes are a non-white trait since Slavs posses this trait? What is white? Is there a genetic test one can take to find if one is a white person? Are only northern Germanics white? Is everybody in the geographical area of Europe considered white? Is Assad white since he has blue eyes? But isn't he a Arab?

My point is, race is very weak and not objective. It is essentially taxonomically worthless. It's is subjective. Talk to one white nationalist, and he will tell you only Germanics are white. Talk to another, and all geographic Europeans are white. Race is more of a spectrum- they farther south you go, the more mixed the population is. And where the boundary passes from "this nation is apart of the white race" to "this nation is mongrelized" is subjective With ethnicity and sub-racial groups, things can actually be measured objectively and accurately.

And placing culture higher than ethnicity lol. You seem to think that if all of Sweden were to be replaced by say, ethnic Russians, that Swedish culture would survive and not change. Culture is the expression of a people. Which is why every nation has their own distinct culture- because every nation is distinct racially and genetically from other nations.

No it doesn't. Sure, there is a notion that good actions will be rewarded in most religions, but karma is crap spouted by libs and niggers against people they hate

Literally, karma.

I didn't know Yharnam was in Hungary.

Did you even read my post

I would love to see him walk around the beach with those tattoos.

To see peoples reactions.

Not just ljubjana.

Karlovy Vary in the czech republic is also beautiful.

Hi ctr

This, really. I was in Bratislava this summer (really beautiful as well) and it made me realise, what beautiful architecture we have. Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague, Bratislava, Karlovy Vary.
Absolutely stunning cities.
Made me super proud to be from these parts.

that would be priceless. Also doubt anyone would challenge him as betyars are big goys beasts

If I pull of the mask, will he die?

It would be extremely painful.

For jew

no, more likely they try a ukraine style 'coup'

That's why I don't trust anyone who claims to be a white nationalist. Most of the time they're just globalists who don't like niggers.

I read this as "MY MEMES ARE HUNGRY" the first time.

Can anyone (Magyar) explain a little more about Betyarsereg? I heard they beat up gypsies, but not much is known


These quints man.

I am certain that AH annexing Bosnia, turning it's people into slaves to a foreign rule again after four centuries of ottoman slavery, eying Serbia and planning to annex it as well and the fat bastard visiting "his" subjects on the holiest of days for the Serb people in no way contributed to the archduke being assassinated.



You fucking kikes caused WWI and lay the blame at the feet of the Serbs. You will be paid back many times over kike.

Thanks for clearly stating your retardation

Not surprised.

Praise Kek.



I am legit convinced beyond a doubt of KEK now.


Why do Romanians have such tiny dicks?

As a Murrican, I will never fight for the multicult. I'd sooner fly to Hungary and help them fend off libfag aggression.

so close

France also has the most niggers




yes. Back to the first page you go.

Now that you say that, we could make pretty damn good Bloodborne-tier outfits by utilizing and remixing elements of traditional Hungarian clothing. Japs would love that stuff.

Órban is a gypsy.
Órban is corrupt.
Órban would never leave the EU. (has stated this more than once.)
Órban has been supported by gypsy organizations.
Órban built a flimsy wall.
Órban now has to build a proper wall
Órban simply uses the human garbage that is migrants, to distract from his own corruption and other shady shit.
Jobbik is the party you should like, not this Fidesz gypsy.

That's mostly right, except that even Jobbik isn't that radical by Hungarian standards.

What? Just how? And you made that mistake again and again, so I assume you've copypasted this word every time.

Jesus Christ, that's embarrassing.

>omg goys Hungarians don't support Orban he's a cuck just wait for Ferenc Szalasi to come back

This. But your leader is still much better than our cuck tbh.