I have information that would lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton and several members of her foundation...

I have information that would lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton and several members of her foundation. Sadly one of her associates is aware of my presence and now the information I have. It involves a contract between the clinton foundation and several companies that create & install the software for voting machines, all of which are essentially unauditable, or will be until december 20th.

For once there's a direct connection…
I don't want to die. How should I act?

First, I'd leave the country.

Then, I'd get it all out there. Dump it all

Thus is the time to summon hitler

Do it faget

It won't matter, they know who I am. I can't hide, and I don't want to leave my wife alone in this world.

Kill yourself because you're a larping faggot who made a slide thread. Otherwise get it to someone who is in a position to protect you. You know, maybe her

For the sake of our nation, please get in contact with Wikileaks and have them leak it for you. If that is seriously what you have, we NEED that information.

Post it here or get the fuck out, nothing you claim holds any weight until you show your cards

Dump it all and then gtfo to a country that has no extradition laws with the us

Fuck off to cuckchan if you want to LARP.

sage because OP is likely larping.

In the off chance that you're not implement a dead man's switch that releases the data if you dont check in every so many hours.

It's ok bro

Tyrone will take care of your wife if you don't do what's needed

This was my first thought actually, it would seem like a slam dunk in terms of winning. There are several foundation members working with Trump, and unless I can give it to him directly it's not worth the risk.

fuck you

Leave a bunch of cryptic clues and then go to a small island in Iran

I ain't clicking that shit nigga


Send to wikileaks and go innawoods until Trump is prez.

Digital duplication is free as in beer. What you need to do is:


No one wants to die, but we all die. If you aren't lying you're in a rare position where your death could help hundreds of millions of White people. Embrace your chance at martyrdom.

Accept that you are already dead, and then act.

nah to busy LARP'ing

I'm not surprised he has Clinton moles in his campaign. If you are actually serious about this you need to contact wikileaks and fast. That information needs maximum exposure.

Buy a one-way ticket on a flight to Russia for you and your wife, and then leak everything once you're there.

good goy


op is a faggot that wont deliver

put on the mask and go out swinging, faggot

Thanks for correcting the record.

$0.05 has been deposited to your account.

Go and stock up on some more tin foil you fucking faggot

LARPing as a whistleblower on a cartoon image board that 2000 people read is boring.

I'd think you'd be in danger the longer you kept the information.
Why would they kill you after dumping the information? I'd think they'd try and do it before. Killing you after the dump would just cast aspersions on the Clinton's.

Give it to Wikileaks.


Honestly, the only way to do this really, would be to publicly release the information and attach your name to it everywhere. That way, everyone knows that if you're dead, its obvious who did it. A killer won't take that risk. It's much easier to kill a nobody.

godspeed user

They are probably already planning the hit, leak the info as soon as possible, send it to wikileaks, and then install security cameras everywhere in your residence and have yourself and someone you can trust sleep in shifts while monitoring the security cam footage. Get a firearm asap. Leak the documents asap, there is no strategic advantage in not doing so.

Also, cont. from above. Post it here, just compile all your info into an image and attach it into a thread, also archive a page to an imgr with the pic. It'll get picked up.

Have yourself and your wife sleep in 8 hours shifts while the other stands guard with a firearm. Set up an extensive home security system with cameras and motion sensors. Don't leave the house, order everything you can from food delivery services or amazon.

Upload to pdfs

Either post the information or fuck off you dumb faggot.

Everyone knows posting it here is a bad idea. They will find you.

This guy needs to either send it to Wikileaks or Trump. Then leave country til he gets in.


This. Start recording everything you do.

You're wasting time user. Release now if you're still alive

a set of dub dubs and a set quads defeats a single set of dub dubs for sure.

Wikileaks reaffirmed as based.

visit www.wesearchr.com and send an email to [email protected]/* */

Post it all here and with WikiLeaks and then kill yourself so your death makes the information more efficacious to the God Emperor.

contact Trump.

This, if you can. If you get to Trump they can't do shit.

Yes, do this. Then send it to Wikileaks.
After you have leaked the information you become unimportant. When you hoard it your death is much more desirable.

Also, OP is trolling crap. This is the story about Deibold voting machines from 2004. Everyone knew then the voting machines were tamper-friendly and unauditable. The code was actually leaked at the time. There was also a donor connection between Diebold and GWB.


Firstly, board up the fuck out of your house and don't leave it for so you don't slip on a banana peel and hit your head on the concrete 17 times. Then, send the software to the FSF, a send the info to Wikileaks.

They're probably gonna try to kill you anyways just for knowing. Might as well let it out.

Is there anyone you love and hold dear?
Clinton will have them killed them first.

That is why you must release what you have, because she cannot stop and her handlers won't stop until everything is theirs. Your family line or race will be able to continue through your sacrifice.

Only a great name can survive death.

Release the information anonymously to multiple outlets.

Yeah, that's actually a really good Idea.

Assuming you aren't LARPing… It seems to me that the best thing to do is make yourself as public as possible, as quickly as possible.

If what you say is true and they're already onto you, hiding now won't do you any good. You should make vlogs or whatever clearly saying who you are and why you are at risk, then spread them as far and wide as you possibly can. You clearly state that, should anything happen to you, it was no accident. This of course means that you will also need to make it known exactly why you're at risk, meaning that you'll have to get out whatever information you have.

With Seth Rich, the barbell guy, and all the others that people are finally asking questions about, it seems that further exposure would be risky as fuck. Especially if there is evidence that you know you're at risk and saying so publicly. If you make the videos and distribute them widely, many questions will be asked if something does happen to you. Think if someone like Assange or Snowden sudoku'd himself in the back of the head with a shotgun. That kind of shit can't be written off as only slightly suspicious. Since they are so public with the reasons why spooks might want them dead, the spooks won't risk it.

You're either going to have to risk being killed before you have the opportunity to leak and die for nothing, or you leak what you have and remove all reasons for killing you except petty revenge.

Now shit or get off the pot.