#IstandForDiversity is trending on twitter

#IstandForDiversity is trending on twitter.

#OpenBordersForIsrael, ect ect

Other urls found in this thread:




Also pic related…Some kids just don't stand a chance.


What does that even mean? How is that spun into something positive?

The world isn't for them? What is then?


Read that as #Islandfordiversity.

I hoped they were all about to ship themselves off to Madagascar or something. Now I'm sad.

Can you dump more pls

Sorry trying to keep this alive on many fronts.


Whatever you have I'll be tweeting. I have my sock accounts going.


*rubs hands Jewishly*







So apparently this all started over this video…

Look at the damn comments…




Thank you for helping guys.

I'm trying to contain much salt in my notifications.



If she'd even said "JUST for them," I'd have at least a little hope, but them po' li'l crackuhs is goan git raped.

Why the hell UK refers to muds as Asian?

Everywhere in the world when people think of Asian it's the slant-eye people. The retarded journalists translate and people think it's the slant-eye that is going in a child raping spree.

Uk doesn't refer to them that way
The journalists do


It's like calling a Russian "Asian" because he's on the Asian continent.


Honestly, it fills me with some primal fucking disgusting to see those niggers just pump out dirty worthless filth like there's no tomorrow endlessly. We honestly need to totally fucking exterminate those niggers soon. The idea of those entitled retard niggers fucking and shitting out 13 mudbabies each all fed by Western aid infuriates me to no end.

But 81% of whites are murdered by other whites

It literally would only take removing foreign aid and blockading them. They'd die in 6 years.

We'd have to beef up the Meddi HARD HARD HARD with KILL ON SIGHT vessels. The niggers would never make it across the Atlantic to USA on floating turds they already sink in the Meddi.

That's not the point. I'm posting these because it is interracial crime caused by diversity.

"""racism""" is created on both sides because of it and more animosity.

First time seeing the Mark Kogan pic.
Raging pretty hard now at the nerve of him to be honest…



These UK journalists are retarded then. Where I live the mainstream media translates the British media word by word and normies here must think it's slant-eye doing these crimes. Because everywhere in the planet people know Asians as the slant-eye.

They should stop bullshitting around and call a spade a spade. They're muzzies, Pakis or whatever, not Asians.

Did we settle whether Sweden's rape stats were due to unusual definitions?


Here's the url if you want to bully her

It should be jewsplaining.


damn, the comments on that are ridiculous.

Thank you guys for picking up on this. My folders are really fucking disorganized and it's hard for me to find all the content not posted so far.

Unrelated but half Indian half Jap won miss japan beauty contest.



They should but they won't. It's the same thing with calling black teens (which often includes 25 year olds somehow) "youths". It's their way to make the real story obscure. If you report every crime and it starts sounding like: Pakistani, Pakistani, Afghan, Pakistani, Syrian, Pakistani, Syrian, Turk, Turk, Pakistani, people will eventually go "Wait a minute it, are you trying to kebab me again?" By just using the broadness of Asia, you'll have people going, "Aw, some there are some bad apples but Mr. Li and his family that run the convenience store down the street are really sweet, and his daughter is a straight-A student. Lots of Asians are good!"


I'm only doing KEK's work here, spreading the memes others have made.

What have you done to me? I can't even recall making the folder.



Made you a part of the winning side.

Just report her ass to child services for abuse

This is what's so insane about the concept of "white privilege". It doesn't actually exist, but if it did it would accord benefits for her family and the vast majority of her friends over strangers (assuming she's like most white people and are friends with mostly or exclusively other whites).

A good analogy offfered by John Derbyshire would be a person rejecting an offer by an airline of free first class flights for themselves for life because the rest of the airplane's passengers would have to pay regular prices.

The QR links to:


This video destroys the argument that diversity is a positive thing for society, using examples from studies such as the one conducted by Robert D. Putnam.

Love ya lads, off to work.

/r/equesting that one study that found that white people were the least likely to mind that their neighbour was of a different race/religion.

I can't remember if I even saw it on Holla Forums or not. I want to say that it was either from the UK or the US (I think it was the US), but I might be wrong.

If I find it, I'll post it myself.

There's someone that should be shot.

Like (((clockwork))).




We have done a good number on this # keep it up lads.

Is there an online copy of this somewhere?



Makes you think, doesn't it?

Really makes you think #staywoke

That Dawkins quote is fake.

Delete the pic, using it makes us look bad.

How are we going to deprogram white women?

Here's a real Dawkins quote.

Can't delete pic, fug :DD
I'll watch my posts next time.

Not that it matters, really. The libshits in that tag have enough chutzpah to call the Library of Hate and the Gatestone Institute as "fake sources".

Without contradictory evidence, of course. If you don't flinch they'll leave the conversation in mere seconds and not reply again.

Women prefer saftey and security over anything, generally.
They lash out at "racists" and nationalists because it's unsafe to hold those opinions. If their boyfriend or husband went full WN in public they'd lose their job and good standing. Women are deathly afraid of losing status.

Keep using meme magic and chancing the narrative. Women will start to follow if they start thinking it's safe.

Be careful though, because women voted for this shit in the first place because they thought daddy government was more secure than their male family, husbands, friends… Once the government collapses (and it is) they have no option but to return to tribalism.

Let's just hope that the Muslims haven't taken over by then. Doubt it, though.

A million times this. Women will take the most secure option - it used to be the husband's job to provide, now it's the government that will provide for her if the husband cannot.

When a city gets too enriched, women are the first to pack their bags and take off to a safer area without challenging the narrative. Get the women on your side, and you've made a huge step in the right direction.

These people are permanent children, aren't they?

Libs already hate Dawkins with a passion because he doesn't like Islam, they'd totally believe that quote.

Burn the worst and the rest will fall in line.
Worked for Muslims, worked for the Inquisition.

I have a sick feeling about this. I'm a Pajeet myself, thankfully not living there.

You have to go back

My sides, the comments on the video are beyond insane. Self-hating white women, nu-male beta fags, trannies, and ugly non-white females attacking a pretty white woman's looks. Hats off to the one Holla Forumslack who BTFO'd that gook cunt.

I hate all nonwhites, get out of our countries NOW

i can't into fake twitter accounts anymore.
but have my jpgs


how about counter with


photos speak for themselves.

Well that's embarrassing…

Did Richard Dawkins actually say that?

You guys constantly blame jews when 98 percent of you eat their shit in bulk while attacking your own. You reap what you sow.

At least we ain't niggers.

I really like pic 2. Normie friendly as fuck but still gets the point across.




Where do you think these self-destructive tendencies came from? Whites built the most powerful empires the world has ever known, aside from Ghengis Khan. Which wasn't so much an empire as a huge confederacy of horsetribes. Whites have created almost all of the greatest technologies, with Asians making the rest.

But with the advent of the Jewish controlled banking system taking power in every white country, somehow whites have become increasingly self-destructive and suicidal with time. With power over money, you control politics and media. Don't think your race is immune from this treatment.

If any white person can read 1/4 of the shit in this thread without feeling the need to stand up for your people, then get the fuck out of here.

You don't. Anyone that really believes the enemy will die. Nature doesn't care about your feelings.

Your statement is completely irrelevant. Please fuck off.


We attack them with redpills or when we meme Trump into power the complete eradication of nonwhites and jews.