What do you think of NNTP chan?


Interesting project or meme?

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Interesting project.
Were they gonna join with endchan or was that something else?

Someone else.

The other way round. Endchan and a bunch of other small chans planned to make it so you can browse nntpchan boards from their sites. Each chan would have their own boards just like currently, but additionally be able to connect to NNTP.

Don't know what happened to that, it was around the time when Josh had 16chan, I remember because he was one of the people that planned to do it.

That's a shame, would have been a cool way to unite the smaller guys in a meaningful way (if I understand the goal of the project).
I hope either this or that zerochan thing get going.

NNTP chan is allready somewhat popular. Mostly tor users.

how does it handle CP?
The problem we have here with tor is not being able to post images which is half the appeal of an imageboard
I don't see how it could be easily overcome though when you can't ban tor users.

each instance can delete posts at the moderator's will, so ones that leave cp up are do0med

Why are you still here? We are all waiting for you at nntpchan.

or are just on tor

if someone wrote perceptual hashing libraries in everyone's different meme languages, and ensured equivalent implementations through testing, we could have a decentralized alternative to microsoft photodna.
it won't happen because everyone is lazy and people have shit to do. sad, how much died with this website.

I'm sure we could tackle the problem a better way. Whitelist of picture hashes with new ones needing mod approval?

I don't know why microsoft hasn't made photodna open source and shared their hash list, they have millions in the database.

The only problem is they are using it to censor non-CP related things now.



You are using an imageboard written in PHP.

There is no better way, and straight avalanche hashing of files and whitelisting/blacklisting those is so easily circumvented that it's not even funny. Perceptual hashing is the only answer. I'm not even aware of any way to circumvent perceptual hashing that also rotates/normalizes by brightness without very heavily modifying the image as to be almost unrecognizable by even human eyes.

it's meme

t. nntpchan man

There are still nodes that allow cp? Which ones?

It's a meme, until you can use Pine, Tin, Slrn, or other plain text client. Web is for Windows 10 normies. :-)

Or you could just disable images altogether

We have emoji now, after all 💪💪🍚😃🍕 😄 😁👟 😆 😅 🍨😂


Jim Watkins please go.

Endchan and freech and 8ch.pl have allowed tor image posting for years and still do.

Anyone who says otherwise is either

Which are images....

This right here is the future. A federated protocol for posting text and images (as well as voice/video chat). Treat channels as threads and you have a decentralized imageboard. Matrix could probably be used as a backend for a traditional style imageboard.

sorry to ask, but can anybody explain what this graph is describing? What do the nodes and edges represent?

node is a server
edge is link between server
weight is how many posts traveled that link

fuck off jewsh