It's Labor Day!

What the fuck does the American working man have to fucking celebrate today?

Other urls found in this thread:

let's celebrate a decade of stagnant or shrinking wages.

The Age of Decadence is ending.
It is quite a fucking thing.
I'm celebrating this glorious current year.

Refugees are gonna rebuild Detroit?

Bill Clinton said so, that's why my Union supports Hillary for president!

Let's celebrate our jobs and manufacturing ability being dismantled.

The service sector really filled that job gap too. Now instead of Monday -Friday 40hr work week at the plant like your grandfather had, you get to work two part-time shit jobs for sixty plus hour work week, no benefits, and less money.

( the erratic hours and working weekends and holidays are a great perk too)

Well, I really would like to see the Nation of Islam encounter real muslims. The NOI is pretty much blasphemy and those arabs get worked up about stuff like that.

Could be fun to watch.

Thanks for the minimum wage!

Being replaced in his own country.

Yearly reminder that (((labor day))) was a socialist labor union idea

Yep, fell of the fucking cliff in 2001.

Apparently nothing, as I'm at work.

I'm a NEET and don't work, all I do is watch anime and play videogames all day.
Work harder so you can sustain me plebs, there's a nice nazi loli figurine I have my eye on, and I need your tax money to buy it.

Being a slave for a country and society that hates and abuses the fuck out of him like it's no tomorrow along with there being no jobs or benefits or opportunities or anything else

Celebrating Labor Day the past 10 years is such a sick fucking joke .Only ones celebrating are the office cocksuckers and those filthy wankers in Washington who caused this in the first place

They've been getting along just fine there are 5 different Islamic terrorist groups recruiting in Detroit right now according to the FBI

Americucks literally have no paid vacation.

Yes goy, you need to work harder to make your Jew boss rich, you don't want to be like them evil communists.

I enjoy being able to eat everyday so personally I wouldn't really like them.

I find it funny just how utterly brainwashed the Americans are, being fed neocohen propaganda for decades.



I worked today….

Much too easy on him user. Needs something physical to build character like constructing roads or demolishing derelict buildings in Detroit.


I just thank god that I'm allowed to grill pork today without offending muddies like bongistan and canuckistan

And here's the opposite extreme. Old article but no doubt still going on. No month long August holidays for burgers.

French dump elderly at hospitals over holidays

Continue to not breed there faggot. Glad you've chosen to not continue your family line. Doesn't seem like there was much to it anyway.

I celebrate the fact that the trades are being flooded with foreigners because all the white kids have been kiked into going to university for useless degrees.

Clearly though the boomers are right. We kids today are just lazy

Top goy

You can do both nigger.

I worked. Fuck slackers.

So playing jew vidya and unrealistic anime is destroying the jew? You NEETs and your justifying living like niggers, I swear


Its called sarcasm. S A R C A S M. I even pointed out how the boomers are wrong in the previous paragraph. Holy shit user.

We will make anime real

But seriously, having a child without securing the future for it first is nigger tier.

Keep telling yourself that while you wait to succle on the governments teat like a true nog or spic.

Saging because really. Arguing with NEETs is just wasting mine and everyone elses time and this thread should die because it looks like we are heading in that direction

There is no welfare in my country.

Teach me senpai.

Can we stop larping that having kids is the be all end all to life

the fact that he's a slave working for the benefit of his jewish masters.

oh, wait, i was talking about 4th of july.

then what is, spergo?

Becoming one with the memes.

Nothing's coming after this long nightmare, just a blank nothing, no more mortal earth.

Its hardly a one size fits all

Donald Trumps impending Landslide victory.


Well, On the one hand, Capitalism gives me the chance to better myself and my position in life with the only barrier being how hard I am willing to work.
In communism, The party decides how hard you will work, then party decides if you can have vacations, you must fellate the Jew, Karl Marx. Oh, and if you dare to call bullshit on any of this, you go to gulag.
Nice try, Holla Forums. you had me going there for a minute
Read Solzhenitsyn

From an evolutionary perspective, it literally is

Capitalism gives you the chance to be a slave of someone who is inferior to you thanks to nepotism , and if you refuse, you starve to death, being a free man like you are. It also forces you to "improve" yourself in a way that benefits some kike, not objectively improve yourself.

Kek. Nice try CIA kike

so how would your imaginary third system function?

Post that on Reddit and watch the Bernfags spontaneously combust. Le great triggering of 2016. It will be their holocaust.

Why? What is Trump going to do?

Shut up poor fag. You're poor because you're stupid and lazy like your old man.

Because commnism is 100% kike free.
Ah yes, such glorious goyim as…
((( Karl Marx )))
((( Leon Trotsky )))
and many other 100% non-Kosher personages

do you still believe in Santa, too.

There are hundreds of thousands of people in the United States working two jobs, clocking sixty plus hours a fucking week and living paycheck to paycheck, while some rich jew makes a living speculating on markets.

and the Jew pays a lower tax rate on his "earnings" because of capital gain tax laws.

and Unions are not socialism. It's collective bargaining by the workers with the collective ownership of the corporations that employ them,

Communism is taking over the means of production and controlling the distribution of it's products.

There are countless alternatives. Why are Americans so politically illiterate?

Why didn't i just inherit some free money or got some easy and overpaid job. Then i could be internet lolberg too!


not an argument, faggot. I asked for an alternative, not a declaration that there were alternatives.

Don't forget to celebrate all those female plumbers, mechanics and construction workers!

Oh, and the nigger too! Gotta have that diversity after all

I'm not saying your a communist, I'm just saying you defend communism like a Holla Forums true believer
You can shit on Capitalism all you want, but if I say "Communism is shit", which around here should be like saying water is wet, suddenly i'm the one with an agenda?
Both systems are shit, but atleast shit on both equally.

No, I'm the one optomist left on Holla Forums.
Please kill me

I think the idea is to celebrate that you actually are working rather than be unemployed and thus targetted for eventual destruction.

Look for the blue book pdf online, if you are on it you win.
The hardest part is getting proof. If you were diagnosed in your childhood it should be easy to get them gibs.
Ssi disabled right?

What the fuck are you talking about? Go back to Holla Forums and larp about your bolshevik proletariat язvоluтiои!

End your fucking pathetic life. Ever heard of a sole proprietorship? You're free to do that.

I bought some American made tactical gear.
35% off sale at Tactical Tailor

Make America Great Again.


We are being fleeced to pay for bullshit, politically correct, SJW feelgood lies.

This is bad for our economy.

By stopping this unending hemorrhaging of money, our economy will have a chance to recover.

A recovering economy has more money to spend and invest, which means more jobs, more trade, more business.

We waste so much money on this politically correct bullshit that it is KILLING US.

And that money might as well be poured into a giant hole, for all of the good it is doing ANYONE.

Isn't not acting on evolutionary luges what sets humans apart from other animals

Capitalism hasn't truly existed since ww1 the "capitalist" systems have laws in place that change and limit the market so that it helps big business. You can't have capitalism without free market.

so you think being able to say "nigger" in public with impunity is going to get you a job?

Or do you think outsourcing industry is somehow "politically correct".

Wait, What?
I don't think you understood what I meant.

Do you know how much money *THE WALL* will save us every year?

Er, NAFTA, yo.

Capitalism won, so the common man has a better life. Oh wait. You got cucked economically, someone else has your wealth.

Just need to add two more words to that party name and we'll be set.

Same user here.

I have an assburgers diagnosis from high school, but I've been told you have to be a low functioning retard to get on disability. With my high school GPA I doubt they just give you shekels for being an autist.

Found the listing.

I fit the criteria for A, but tbh I don't think I would get past B.

Very easy to prove #2 with records, but I don't know just how much I would have to spin or exaggerate #1 or #3 to qualify. I also have records for depression and trying to seppuku if that helps me get anywhere.

No, manipulating our surroundings with intelligence is what sets us apart, and it's also what we evolved to do. Humans have simply accelerated our evolution with technology which is why modern dysgenic practices are so abhorrent. We should all have been born through Eugenics by now but (((some people))) had to get in the way of that.

Don't forget the mothering glass stegall act being reinstated, along with
Make the economy great again.

2 bad things about Holla Forums, the christ-cuckery and their strange respect for liberal trend-setting globalist corporations that have fucked them up the ass, all because of that boogeyman cuckservatives created, "socialism"

labor day was a capitulation by the white house to prevent a revolution after a couple hundred railroad workers were murdered in cold blood for protesting their wages getting cut in half because dick fuck up top thought they could get away with it, you mouth breathing dipshit idiot

there's lots of morons on here, about half between "muh work for free so i'm not a socialist like Glenn Beck said" and the kike-stick worship


That every day is a day off!

You are still not doing anything to prove me wrong, Holla Forums.

Did anyone else just know they'd do this, without having to even check?