Muslims beat the fuck out of Antifa!

Top fucking Kek!

I love it when these people's feral pets turn on them. Holla Forums BTFO! How will they ever recover?

Antifa has murdered countless people including children for wrongthink. Along with firebombing homes for the same reason. Most of the time without any fucking proof. Who knows how much innocent blood is literally on their hands. If we could get the rapefugees to specifically target them I'd arm those bastards myself, traitors die first no exceptions

Sadly, they will blame the rest of society, not the mudbeards, for this violent behavior.

They've literally raped women who have gone on to cover it up because they didn't want people to think they were racist for saying some shitskin is a rapist.

That fucking ignorant penis-boil took his 12-YEAR-OLD SON into the danger zone?! Oh, wait…there's more.

11-year-old daughter

Holy fuck…I finally found something in common with the rapefugees: we both want to beat this faggot to death.

why are there so many threads mentioning that board

Newfag? They're pretty much literally the opposite of us, except they just say shit like dindu and raghead when spouting their Marxist drivel as well. Just commies trying to play at being a tiny bit offensive

we don’t forgive, we don’t forget

Meanwhile on Holla Forums…

Praise Kek, messenger of the All and contemporary incarnation of Hermes the Thrice Great.

Occult dubs


gas chamber ——–→>

Brilliant, some people have to redpilled the hard way. If it takes a sound beating with broken bones than so be it.

Although there is a chance that idiot beaten will forgive his attackers and say something like 'they were not normal muslims which are peaceful and are just part of a tiny minority', or some such shit. If he does then I hope they come back for him.

That comment section

I'm waiting for feminists to get publicallly gang raped by BLM next

technically, he didn't take his kids in a "danger zone", he was attacked by mudslimes after having recieved threats in his own home, because he wrote about jihad in his last book didn't read, but he says he didn't even insult them, just wrote about them a bit
leftists just made all of yurop the "danger zone"

we'll just have to prove them it's true


Gematria is based around assigning numerical values to letters. I just did some autistic arithmetic

Also the number of votes needed to win in the electoral college.


gays are degenerate filth, but they are 2% of pop max.

It would be hilarious if the far right defend gay rights marches from Mudslimes just to totally destroy the leftist narrative.

would could the press say? Ebil Nazis protect gays from mudslime?

Dubs confirm the difference between Gematria and numerology

this won't redpill anyone but onlookers and even then it won't have a permanent effect until someone they know is involved.

You need to hang yourself, you fucking redditcuck. We don't need to "destroy the leftist narrative" because they aren't wrong. We do hate faggots and we don't need to pretend otherwise.

Kek be praised!

I can't wait to see what he has in store for the filthy commie who slandered him.

Apparently an onslaught of two trips in a row


Pick your battles

Blow your fucking brains out, prcuck. WE do not need to "destroy" any "leftist narrative" that is entirely true. We hate faggots and minorities and there's no reason to pretend otherwise.

For a moment I misread Antifa as Anita, and assumed it'd be Anita Sarkeesian. Now that would be fun to see.

Analmoose confirmed for being muzzies

Hate is a counterproductive emotion. You should be motivated by love of your own kind and desire to see them prosper, not out of blind hate.

Wrong. Hate is one of the most powerful emotions and should be used to embolden ourselves against our enemies. Hate is one of the only emotions more powerful than love, but when they're put together - when the love of your people and the sight of their destruction compels you to hate - the fucking skies will open up. The idea that "hatred" is wrong has been hammered into you by leftism. We have absolutely every reason to hate our enemies and what they're doing to us.

I do hate faggots and minorities. That doesn't mean I don't love my own people.

Hate has its uses, I'm not denying that. But it shouldn't be your primary motivator, otherwise you'll be more concerned with hurting your enemies than helping your friends.


Based Kebab! Remove Antifa!

However, I do hope that his wife's son turned out ok.

This news is proof that kek is real, and he loves us.


Hate always goes together with love. For example, I hate kikes and shitskins because I love my people. You can't deny or outlaw an emotion, these are tools

*these are tools given to us by nature to enforce its laws, all are needed

And they didn't rape his 11 year old daughter?
These must be the good muslims I keep hearing about.

Pic of the guy.

Praise Kek.

wat. source


This. Antifa are the ultimate race traitors.



Holla Forums absolutely BTFO



Praise KEK, checked be his dubs.

Kek not even their board is good to them. Must be the price they pay for stealing memes from others and not even trying to be original.


That's the fucking guy? Good thing he had all those tough looking tattoos and ear gauges to scare them off.


The party that's considered far right in Sweden had a gay pride a year or two ago in a muslim area. Government tried to shut it down for being racist. I found it pretty funny at the time.

If they're still antifa after that then they're stupid as hell


Ideally there shouldn't be gay marches in the first place

Fucking kill yourself Brit/pol/

My sides


kek. I thought that was just a Holla Forums meme. Perhaps at some point it was, but the left learned to become the caricature we make of them.


I swear there is an influx of this shit suddenly, almost as if we brought it on with memes.



Trump already did.

He's campaigning in the inner city and handing supplies out in Baton Rouge while Hillary fucks around in the Hamptons and the image was actually so bad even the Mainstream Media was unable to twist it. That was when his numbers took a significant jump even in the fixed polls.

He also said he'd fight Muslims to protect the gays and got a huge cheer in a part of the speech everyone tried to rail around as a "gotcha" moment that backfired.

People love to shout MUH PR but it gets results, numerically and empirically.



Not quite, it's the two pronged assault of moderates and extremists tacitly supporting eachother but never admitting to it that makes sense.

We need people who want to throw all fags in the bo so that undecideds go running into the arms of der Trumpenfuhrer.

Take away the 'right wing' extremists and all that's left is the SJWs. I'll remind you that we're having so much success precisely because we are the extremist element that the cuckservatives lacked.

Check em ^^

More like, the kike puppet that got us into this mess in the first place.

We are memeing too hard.

And you know what this sub-human will say? "It's our fault! Society is too hateful toward them, it's natural for them to react this way!" White people disgust me. No other group is so self-deprecating. How do we win when our race is filled with trash like this guy?

Not even /liberty/ bans me when 90% of my posts are shitposts

Wow they managed not to rape him, the little girl OR the little boy the whole time. Sounds like a false flag from that alone.

I get banned on Holla Forums all the time. When I'm bored talking shit to the Nazi LARPing faggots who act all hardcore on an image board is fun. I don't even bother going to Holla Forums, they just hand out one monthers on my first comment.

This is true, I'll admit it. However the fact is at the end of the day you need to prioritize targets if you want to get anything done. Gays are a soft target easily subverted and a good axis to build an anti Islam sentiment around. Likewise christian blacks are extremely anti Islam, and when it's not black Islamists the numbers are overwhelmingly negative. People are easy to unite when they have a common enemy and delusional left wing policies have made that really easy.

Illegal's are another really good target since obviously legal immigrants are going to be fucking furious. In fact I don't believe Trump has done ENOUGH since he only focuses on Mexico. You tell a Cuban fleeing Communism, that is, an actual honest to god refugee, that you'll tear out the Hatians flooding through en masse, and you'll probably get overwhelming support. Hatians don't speak the same language as other illegals and are by every island nation between here and there. That'd probably be enough to tip Florida in the polls by itself. If he wants to go abroad and look presidential he could probably stop in Cockburn Town and New Providence and Kingston and take pictures with local commandants.

Most of those communities aren't for Trump, but they're against Hillary. She polls terribly compared to Barak and Bill. If you can reveal the enemy that hates them both and keep it in their minds then you have their votes and support. All Trump actually NEEDS is an uptick of about ten percent in those groups and a rigged poll that still looks good will become something he can't blow even in a fixed election.

Holla Forums is useful as an extreme element. Our digging is invaluable as fuck because nobody else will actually nut up and look for obvious answers. But the alt in alt right is there for a reason. We simply do not have the numbers to take it alone.

This is hilarious but not the first of its kind. Antifags regularly get culturally enriched by their own pets, some skinhead, or an innocent bystander they choose to attack for no reason because they are retarded.

What if this was ring wingers who have finally gotten smart and used that Swedish spray on nigger spray and a fake beard to pull off a false flag?

I mean it's a good idea.

Praise be upon him, lord KEK

That's because you're a kike and don't belong here, Holla Forums is not a lolberg or alt-kike board. Enjoy your ban for evasion or shitposting as soon as a mod logs back in. You'll most likely get one.


I'm starting to think that the Kek mystery school was deliberately start by another far more powerful mystery school as a means of raising awareness of meme magic and the Collective consciousness.

Maybe they want to use us as memetic soldiers.

This doesn't suprise me, but can you give any examples. We need sources if we are going to tell this to normies


Meme magic lads

I saw that image a few days ago and thought it was wishful thinking. Retarded as antifa may be, there's no way they would be stupid enough to actually put their ideas to the test by relaxing around their horde.

Praise kek, I was wrong in the most beautiful way.



And there's something in common between antifa and the muslims - they believe children are legitimate targets.

Maybe it was us all along, we who live at the edge.

This is true, alt-right means we have a foot in the door. The shitlibs didn't seize control overnight, they accomplished it incrementally. Holla Forums needs more patience, a lot has been accomplished already moving the overton window. The normies are even starting to say shit that seemed impossible just a year ago.

Shitlibs have become so fanatical that even this is too much to bear for them. I have reason to believe even this small shift might cause massive chimpouts and piñata tantrums if/when Trump is elected - it will justify even more increases in our power.

We need to focus completely on shitlibs. We don't even need to target faggots specifically, they're already 99% shitlibs anyway. When you're facing a united army of degenerates it's a waste of effort to focus more or less attention on a single manifestation of degeneracy.

They don't need to be prioritized - get them all. If the alt-right chooses to make fags their last stand, then let them make that stand when they are at their weakest (after fighting everyone else).

It goes without saying - most white people know how to control their hate more than anyone. It's a part of our character by now, you don't need to remind us who we are. If anything, history has proven that our hatred has never gone far enough.

The Crusades were not enough. Expelling kikes dozens of times was not enough. Tripoli was not enough. The Colonization of Africa was not enough. Because we lack the necessary hatred we will have doomed ourselves to fighting these people over and over until the end of time itself.

I don't want to fight forever, I want my great great great grandchildren to know a world without them. That's the kind of hate we need.

None of you read the actual article.

𝓘 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓵𝓮, 𝓯𝓪𝓶

There's only 2 words in that article that I need to read.



Russian guy had explain it pretty well, that if ever there was an actual revolution it will be commissar Jamal and commissar Cletus VS elitist bourgeois SJW that have never worked a day in their life and belong to the highest classes (even if they're not the 1%, for the 1% is smart enough to BTFO at the first sign of trouble so you never actually catch them) that always thought they were on the "good" side.





I believe you, but do you have sauce?

Fear is more powerful than love aswell. Same as total batshit panic. But I do agree with what you say, hate is a good emotion.

Eris confirmed goddess of cucks.



Holy shit, I'm crying here.


Fucking great. They can't even do the one thing they do right the times they should do it right. Fucking sandnigs.

Holla Forumsfags BTFO

Kek has truly spoken.

It is so.