im fucking sick of people like Milo Yiannopoulos claiming credit for conversations and ideas that started organically on full and half Chan , for instance the trolling of Leslie Jones , THAT WAS OURS he fucking dick rode it like the faggot he is and then stole the credit like the kike he is,
Misrepresentation of the alt right
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't you fucking get it yet, nigger?
Holla Forums isn't alt-right.
This thread is fucking pointless.
how do we differentiate ourselves from them then?
nice blog post, take your alt-kikery out of here
What exactly makes Holla Forums different from The Daily Stormer and The Right Stuff?
I would love to know.
Tbh I'd rather they focus on fellow kikes, it just reinforces the nepotism argument against them.
He's done good work with his college tours, nonetheless. He's just the next Ann Coulter to the media, but normies are paying attention to what he does. Their viewership is such garbage that it ultimately doesn't matter to anyone except other stat-padding, ad-grinding "journalists"
Let them keep focusing on him, he's a decoy.
(shameful self check)
fug my sage
I'm so sorry to hear that. Please let us know if there's any way we can help by posting another slide thread.
For all intents and purposes, yes we are.
You can feel like a special snowflake all you want, but we share the same essentials with alt-right.
Once the term stops being useful, then we can crash it. But right now there's no gain from badmouthing it.
We never called ourselves alt-right in the first place faggot.
==ANTI JEW==>>7371550
I haven't seen a good argument yet why Holla Forums is different from the alt-right.
Because we are the FAR-right, not the alt-right, our ideology is nothing new, it has existed long before the internet or memes were ever created.
Alright, but WHAT exactly makes it different.
This. Don't play into the hands of the co-opters like Milo.
The 'alt-right' could be a major propaganda victory, don't be autistic
this is Holla Forums not leddit ya alt-kike. Alt-right is a term the the kikes have grouped anyone with right leaning politics into.
Really, so you are saying that kikes are saying that normal conservatives and libertarianism are all alt-right?
pol has a lot more shills.
We're anonymous.
As such we don't necessarily have a specific view. We're all redpilled on the JQ, the fact that leftists are pure cancer and communism never works, but other than that Holla Forums is just an open discussion on current events.
Our views come from inherent natural truths. Strength is better than weakness, evolution is real, etc. And objective discussion of facts and stats. Niggers commit crime and Muslims rape more than whites.
TRS wants to define alt-right as what they believe in. They put up their manifesto.
Stormer are neo-nazis.
Most of Holla Forums agrees with most of what they say, but they are not us, we are not them.
God damn your fucking dumb nigger. Please kill your self so we don't have to waste the fucking ammo on you are selves.
Basically, it is being used to describe and loosely affiliate people as a group, hence alt-right is a meme. It really means alternative right, people that have joined in on right wing politics that were not on the right to begin with.
We don't. We wait until the kikes have made alt-right famous, and then we poo poo pepe it, until we own it alone.
Well for starters this place is anonymous all those other places requires accounts. The second thing is that this place is on the fringe side of everything for all the Jew jokes being flung around you also get cuckspam, smug animu grills, meme magic dub cults, Leftist tranny sharks circling the board waiting for every opportunity to attack it, butthurt Commies in a meme war they're losing, and unlike the Daily Stormer people can and will call you a faggot for being a faggot instead of the eceleb syndrome that plagues all forums. Plus there is a small group of Daily Stormer fanboys who get butthurt when their site is criticized and actively try to form IRC circlejerks and make Daily Stormer more popular then it actually is.
Libertarianism is placed on the left.
Alright, the format of Holla Forums is different because it's a messageboard, but you still havent awnsered what concrete things Holla Forums believes or adheres to which is different from the alt-right.
You are completely incapable of understanding the purpose of alt-right.
Right now, there are plenty of goys finding Jared Taylor first time. They do research, they find podcasts and other materials, they find Daily Stormer etc. All those things are connected now by the web of "alt-right".
We're recruiting by truckloads, and we're doing it quickly. Alt-right is a successful tool, and shills are scared of that.
If this doesn't turn into a movement of some kind then its worth exactly nothing.
Really? I doubt most people who call themselves alt-right would agree with that.
-t. shill
Call the "reporters" fags on twitter and post links to alt-right sites and the "Milo isn't one of us" article.
site's down, I know
Sage for shit thread thougj
I'm not writing your article for you faggot.
Point to me anyone from Stormfront worships Frogs and Dubs.
Again, yes the website format is different, but what exactly does Holla Forums belief or adhere to, which the rest of the alt-right doesn't.
Actually, they had an article up about meme-magic a while back, again proving my point.
>Another le is Holla Forums altright :^) :^) thread
That's alt-right too :^)
Educate yourself; he did a good job.
The difference is that Stormfront is full of trailer trash hicks and Neocons. The types that wants the right to be nothing but protestant religion and whatnot, the second thing is they treat it as a movement while Holla Forums is just a board you can post on.
pics or it didn't happen
ok that makes sense , thankyou
Wait, are we talking about Stormfront, we are supposed to be talking about The Daily Stormer, which is alt-right.
Read the Daily Stormer.
sage report
I should be asking you faggot.
Leave and never come back
So no awnser.
Really, people identify as alt-right, why wouldn't it exist?
does anyone not a shill ever post in these threads? myself excepted of course.
Holla Forums doesn't have concrete beliefs, that's the difference.
We want to make the world a better place, and we're not afraid to discuss exterminating degenerates as a valid option for doing that, but we don't have a plan.
Holla Forums is potentially a place to refine your plan and find allies, but we dont have a manifesto or anything.
TRS has a manifesto.
But what's the difference, ideologically, between Holla Forums and the alt-right? Be specific.
Except that many people here do have very concrete believes in line with the rest of Holla Forums and the alt-right.
I mean, the majority of modern politics doesn't feel welcome here, so what gives?
as far as I know faggots claiming to be alt-right don't think the jews are the culprits, at most they think israel is detrimental to murica's well-being (in a political sense). And then, depending of who you ask, you will end up with a case of "no true alt-right". if you check milo's definition of alt-right he would call people like us in imageboards the "1488's": the scum that pulls the alt-right down with its extremism and anti-semitism. ofc , the memes are made here, but he totally shifts the credit to the "true alt-right"
(archive includes ramzpaul's tweets denouncing the racist people like us :^) )
Pretty much this.
At this point, anyone who isn't bending over to let the DNC fist them in the ass, or on their knees sucking GOP cock is labeled "THE ALT RIGHT"
And just because it worked so well the first time, they are currently rolling any trolls, shitposters, and obnoxious 12 year olds into the mix, because anyone who isn't paying these mass media shills lipservice is an enemy working for the shadowy cabals organized by deepweb hackers on steroids.
The people who use it do.
I'm talking about both.
Fuck that you post a pic of it or it didn't happen.
That is one shitty ass article, not one mention of /bane/posting crashing a plane anywhere, and it talks about it being ethnocentrism and something something Buddhism and kali the Destroyer end of times nonsense. Yeah no, that's not the same thing.
I've also noticed that your entire point hinges on everyone here actually believing in everything, because it is Anonymous you don't truly know what the majority opinion is only those who voice their opinions in a thread for that thread. You're not giving enough credit to the "Anonymous" part of Anonymous.
It's not going to be that hard to push that the alt-right is pro-white, as the alt-right want white people to survive.
Holla Forums has anons everywhere. It doesn't need its own movement at all. All it takes is a few anons in any desired movement to seed or influence it from within. They don't even need to identify themselves on Holla Forums. That's what truly gives Holla Forums its power, anonymity.
Here, read this.
Please explain what the alt-right stands for, and we can work from there.
Tobad, the Daily Stomer it is,
Posted a link.
Let me get this straight, Holla Forums is outside the alt-right, because *breaths deeply* the Daily Stormer doesn't understand /bane/posting the right way.
wow, what and argument.
Racialism - family values - Jewish question.
You're confusing consensus with belief.
The consensus here is that the holocaust is a lie. That comes form the fact that we've looked at the evidence. We don't just believe it was real (despite evidence to the contrary) like everyone else.
The majority of modern politics is full of social signaling retards who fall for any propaganda they're fed. They follow the herd. Because we're anonymous any idea can be put forth and judged on its merits and any facts or logic you have to back it up. You can't just scream anti-semite and threaten to get us fired to get us to believe in the holocaust, you have to have good evidence.
Because of that we naturally reach a consensus on many things.
I have no idea what this sentence is even supposed to mean, somehow Holla Forums has consensus, but the alt-right is build on belief…..
Or are you saying something different?
so lain is apparently, more real than everyone else.
Autiste stop it, we will just hide you.
Tangential nitpicking on semantics isn't an argument, ya dope.
sage negated
Do I really have to explain to you how practicing ethnocentric Buddhism and worshiping the Bhodivista is different from playing Getball in the name of a frog that embodies shitposting?
A more appropriate would be Faith, the few articles you've listed is not only hilariously wrong they pretty much take credit for things they never did. It's just some asshole piggybacking on something that has accomplished more then they've ever did by themselves. i wouldn't ever take the Dailystormer seriously.
Are you feeling misaligned?
*a more appropriate word would be Faith
how is it possible to upload that fast
I think you might be oversimplifying, but let's just go with it.
The first caveat, however, is that we must accept that many people are rolling Trump support and antagonistic behavior into the Alt-Right.
Milo and his ilk thrive on being provocateurs. Milo's final goal is attention, personal profit, and somewhere down the line, actively dismantling leftist narratives.
Most of the time, it's shock for the sake of shock. Politicians, Media personalities, Celebrities, Academics, and many others who were initially untouchable have been dragged down into the mud because social media has allowed people unprecedented ease of access to these sheltered, ivory tower individuals. They are now taking it well, and attributing that to the evil alt-right.
Holla Forums, in general terms, is the anti-narrative. It is not something that exists as a matter of allegiance to a cause or organization. It does not exist to specifically support certain political groups or special interests.
Holla Forums's focus can broadly be described as refutation of lies and propaganda.
There is certain biases and aggressive tendencies that have arisen from many unpleasant encounters with certain groups, but ultimately, Holla Forums seeks to spread information that contradicts a narrative that is being spun on a global scale to suit the private interests of corrupt and destructive individuals.
Holla Forums embraces the uncomfortable truths. The alt-right embraces discomfort as a means to an end.
No, I don't care, because it's not an arugment WHY Holla Forums is not alt-right.
Let me get this straignt, Holla Forums isn't alt-right, because they don't view memes the same way you do.
Still not an argument.
There's a reason that it's one of the fracture points shills use to D and C the most
Except that isn't true, Holla Forums supports every alt-right concept.
Alright, but why does it make you different from the alt-right? Your just saying, Holla Forums is different because…..
Tangential nitpicking on semantics isn't an argument, ya dope.>>7372258
What does that have to do with whether Holla Forums is alt-right or not? Is rolling for dubs really integral to your understanding of politics?
Holla Forums would cry about flood detected otherwise
That is an argument, memes are fundamentally ideas the fact they do view those same memes differently is grounds to view them as being different.
Fuck off nigger, I'm here to make America white again.
what do you mean by spambot? there's someone there posting.
It's a tool in a sense that it can serve as a gateway to inject Holla Forums aligned thoughts over time. Problem is if cult of personality infects a majority of its followers before that can be achieved, it becomes useless and risks robbing Holla Forums's influence instead.
Good, let him deal with the law kikes.
Holla Forums is Holla Forums
Alt-Right is a kike label.
Holla Forums is different because Holla Forums is a community and a board culture that embraces natural truths. The Alt-Right merely adopts and uses certain beliefs and ideas as a means of antagonizing the political system.
So Holla Forums believes in nationalism because the evidence supports the truth that mixing wildly different, incompatible, self-destructive cultures doesn't work.
The Alt-right believes in closing borders because they want to see lefty regressive cucks lose their shit on twitter and cry about how everyone is so mean and racist.
We need to take mili down
Human beings need leadership.
breddy gud article
bump :^)
Nobody is present posting.
It loads files (in order) from a specific folder and submits an image 10 times a second until it goes through and then moves onto the next image in the folder.
It's an effective way to get threads that the program executer doesn't like to 751 fast.
i think there were only 3 real posters or so itt
Are you lost? Do you work for Breitbart? White nationalism is a core tenet of the alt-right because they're white and acknowledge race.
Check these dubs
Oh ok. It quoted you twice with 'smirk' gifs though, someone was present for that surely?
As long you don't blindly follow said leader when they betray the core of what they originally stood for, that's fine. You're setting yourself up for eventual co-option if you don't.
Everyone who bumped this shit: kill yourselves.
Nitpicking, that's all you got, they kinda look at memes different from you, therefor Holla Forums is completely different from the alt-right.
Diagnosis: autism.
oh wow. look at that. the bot knows how many replies have been posted and has a context-related reply.
oh wow. look at that. the bot knows how many replies have been posted and has a context-related reply.
So, no concrete difference between the two, just different takes on the same ideas.
I'm going to have to start watching that show now.
Why the fuck are you talking in Gamergate lingo? That was two years ago. You realize their perpetual cowering and ITS ABOUT MY PRINCIPLES and tearing down anyone who got too much notoriety didn't help them at all, right?
Are you somehow under the impression that it can't scan for keywords and link to your post in the body of the message?
You're either new here or haven't visited >>>Holla Forums
Yes different takes on the same ideas does make you different, yes it's nice to see you understand.
When's the last time you saw someone on the alt-right arguing in favor of nationalism because of the fundamental incompatibilities born from inherent genetic and psychological differences found between Blacks and whites?
Milo likes to believe he's starting a discussion by saying things that are taboo, but the most of what comes out of his shocking little soundbites is a few laughs and some free advertisement for Milo.
It's about intent. The written and proclaimed beliefs of the alt-right might be comparable to Holla Forums, but their current incarnation and public presence is essentially one big shitposting and memeposting crusade in an attempt to push the leftist media to its breaking point.
Holla Forums never tried to establish itself as a political entity, or any kind of party or organization. The alt-right tried for 6 years before getting noticed, specifically because they aped a lot of Holla Forums's tactics.
No it doesn't. You are basically admitting I am right, there is no inherent difference between Holla Forums and the alt-right, they just approach the same problems slightly differently.
You will refuse to admit your wrong, because autism.
Clearly, you're a fucking simpleton, so let's say this as plainly as possible.
Doing different things for different reasons, despite superficial similarities, makes two things different.
Let me get this straight, Holla Forums is not the alt-right, because Holla Forums's approach is different.
Yeah, that is true, even from within the alt-right, still not concrete, try again.
Except, you are doing the same thing, with different strategies, making you more or less the same.
When's the last time you saw someone on the alt-right arguing in favor of nationalism because of the fundamental incompatibilities born from inherent genetic and psychological differences found between Blacks and whites?
TRS, Jared Taylor etc.
Almost everyone who has been described as being on the alt-right
Is it naive to believe it can't? Would someone go to the trouble of coding all that?
Besides, every other poster is just ignoring it, as if it's not happening – even the guy who said there's been 200 replies didn't comment on the 'spambot' that's done it.
Do people at Holla Forums talk about how Holla Forums is populated by ghosts—i mean bots, with keyword scanning and context relevant replies? I thought it was all 'What do you think about firefox?' threads.
reply to this bot
What's the actual difference in desired results between Holla Forums and the rest of the alt-right? None.
Why care if he takes credit for it if he's controlled op?
Alt-right is still a very loose blanket term which ranges from fringe far right to libertarians. Anything the more extreme people do, Milo has to take flak for.
Being part of the Alt-Right in any form will only end in disaster. In the words of Bruce Lee, you must be formless, shapeless, like water.
Do they consider themselves part of the alt-right, though? Because right now, it seems like more people are simply throwing that label onto anyone who rocks the boat.
The biggest issue facing the alt-right is one of identity, and it's only gotten worse since Shillary spoke its name and inspired countless shitposters and normalfags to take up the title for themselves.
If you are using Holla Forums and not also completely described by the above sentence, you might as well kill yourself fam.
Except that the alt-right is the formless, shapeless watery thing.
Yes. I've heard them use the term multiple times.
The only person claiming that the alt-right isn't racist/nationalist is Milo who's trying to co-opt it
Do you get it?
Apart from the fact there's going to be communal splits between factions of belief and now has a stereotype to the label?
Not exactly formless.
Just get this cancerous slide thread to the bump limit already
Ever since the Hillary speech there has been far too many of these threads arguing over what it means to be "alt right" and who is part of it and who isn't. It is literally GG all over again.
Instead of wasting time arguing over whether you should "identify" as it or not, you should be using these networks and channels to spread the truth. Just be a red pill factory and let the self identified "alt right" deal with the public image crap.
im trying user
Just like Holla Forums fail.
Considering Holla Forums can't even decide what counts as white ethnicity wise, being part of the "white" race is pretty fucking stupid.
Except you know, shit gets done by Holla Forumsacks who bother doing anything. Places like Stormfront and Dailystormer take credit for it. It's even in the very "guide to the alt-right" article where it lists Anonymous accomplishments as being part of something that is tied into their site. Fuck them.
You actually haven't made any point to prove? You only ask why Holla Forums is different Anons gave you various reasons. Unless your implication is Holla Forums and alt-right more specifically the Daily Stormer and The Right Stuff and I and other Anons have given you reasons.
So it's formless.
It wouldn't have a negative stereotype if shit-stirring idiots a people with literal autism didn't spend hours a day proclaiming that actually the alt-right is gay and Jewish. If people like you were not helping reinforce the media narrative, the narrative that Milo and the Forward are pushing, this would not be an issue. Use your brain.
Difference being is everyone is anonymous. One day it's full of WNs, the next it's full of libertarians.
It's on a thread-by-thread basis, and that's more to do with impermanent nature of imageboards.
The alt-right's shitposting campaign is something largely confined to twitter, where a gaggle of edgy normalfags spend their time calling politicians and pundits cucks, day and night.
Got a link to his stuff? I'd be interested to see it. The real tragedy of it all is that the alt-right did sincerely rise out of a need for political action that wasn't neutered by the left's constant politically correct brow-beating.
If the alt-right was comprised more of articles like this and less of attention-starved provocateurs, then perhaps there wouldn't be such a reluctance from Holla Forums to be associated with them at all.
lrn2meme fampam.
The mods need to start banning these threads if they ever fucking wake up.
It means there's different communities you can categorize, not formless.
Well blindly following "leaders" without holding them to a standard certainly wouldn't help either. May as well be a mindless drone.
So we ought to meet with a lot more success politically if we make sure to tell everyone that whites aren't a race and white nationalism is a homosexual Jewish plot to destroy anyone who identifies as white. That will help make our homelands white again.
No I asked, WHY Holla Forums isn't part of the alt-right and the best reason I have gotten so far is "lol we're autistes!!!"
Because it's got a lot of attention and lots of curious and potentially sympathetic people will be looking up what it is
Yeah, we totally don't have av board culture thats like 97% similar to the alt-right at all, minus a few nitpicks.
I don't want my homeland to be white, I want it to be my ethnicity.
Might surprise you but not everyone wants to live in your vanilla mutliculturalism dream, American.
Those two things aren't contradictory though are they. In fact for your homeland to be British, it would need to be all white. The previous user wasn't implying that your homeland should be filled with Poles or Romanians, you autistic cunt
Doesn't disprove it, I both asked what makes Holla Forums different from the alt-right and what makes it different from TDS and TRS.
Neither of which you awnsered.
I never said otherwise. That doesn't answer the question: what is the difference in goals?
So what? If you want credit, go use a site where you have an identity.
There are no libertarians here anymore and anyone who says there are is lying.
No, I mean off of this site. If you aren't part of it, you are wasting your time.
That reluctance is completely manufactured. Pretty much every blogpost on TRS is about race, Trump, or Jews.
Right, so it's formless. One day it's full of WNs, the next it's full of libertarians.
We were always the alt-right. We should remain forceful within it because it gets us national attention, it gets our opinions national attention, and it gets us linked to the next President of the US. Co-option is done from below, not above.
White nationalism means a nation of any whites you absolute retard. I.E Rhodesia & South Africa.
The problem is, you'll have to ask that question in about two decades from now. Holla Forums ideological leanings are subject to deviation based on new information. Not suggesting it'll suddenly go left, just saying it'll fluctuate in right side spectrum based on the current political climate.
I'm not so sure the alt-right would retain such flexibility over time.
I didn't bother reading the thread, I'm only bumping it because lainspammer is a faggot who needs to kill himself.
Straight out of your own mouth.
I answered you ejected those answers.
No it doesn't although I doubt that the original poster was thinking outside of the yank context anyway
What do you think about firefox? Is the /tech equivalent of "What does Holla Forums think of X?"
…and yes, someone has really been far even as decided to code even go spam to do post more like.
Maybe we can talk about the alt-reich rather.
Or the malt right.
Missed a picture.
It can mean either, your autism is flaring too hard, user.
Alt right doesn't exist tbh
Your saying that somehow race, the jewish question and family values will suddenly become untrue?
Still refusing to give concrete awnsers to why the alt-right is different from Holla Forums, all your doing is going through the thread where I was talking about slightly different subjects and drawing them into the discussion.
Concrete reasons plox.
Really, how can something which people label themselves not exist.
White nationalism means whites only. If you're white and your country is being invaded, do you think it's more helpful to make white people of different ethnicities aware of what's going on and that you're on the same team, or is it better to tell everyone that you're not white and all whites are Jewish homosexuals anyway? Which of those is more likely to help get rid of the brown people?
You've done nothing but dance around any answers given.
The burden is on you to prove that Holla Forums, an imageboard, is identical to the alt-right, a rag-tag quasi-political movement.
I guess you are a faggot then
The standard reaction of someone who doesn't have an argument for his postion.
Reread what I wrote.
Fuck off with that gamergoy shit.
huh. anyway, if he's a spambot, then mostly everyone else fits the same criteria.
This thread needs more Lain. 0/10
No it can't, unless I'm trying to make a nation purely for whites.
Britain is originally white so I'm a British nationalist.
What you're describing is white unity, not white nationalism.
You're not just new here, you're new to the internet, sonny.
The point is, whites need to get nationalist, you stupid autist. Answer the question, though. Which approach will be more helpful?
Lets look at it this way.
Alternative right = non-mainstream right.
So anyone who right of center is right. The alt-right is just that part that's not the mainstream. Mainstream right in the US is cuckservatives. They're left of center on many policies.
So the alt-right is anyone who isn't a republican/cuckservative/zionist. So Nazis, Holla Forums, Trump voters, Islamic theocrats, libertarains, ancaps, nationalists, populists, etc. Even right leaning moderates. These are all alt-right in the broad definition. It's pretty much just the right minus cucks.
In the same way that commies, socialists, anarchits, anfita, etc are all alt-left.
This is different from people who self-describe as alt-right. It's a specific political platform, much like commies or socialists.
See, if I were you, this is where I would insist that you're refusing to answer my simple questions.
So there's a shared link of nationalism.. And? What else. In what was is Holla Forums, a board that's been operating for years and years through numerous unique circumstances and different websites, the same as the alt-right, which only really got any kind of notoriety in the past year?
Holla Forums exists as a board culture that has leaked out into other parts of the internet, which makes it different from the Alt-Right, which came into being as a rejection of limp-wristed GOP attitudes and exists mostly in the form of shitposters on twitter.
Last time I checked, Holla Forums wasn't trying to be any kind of hashtag movement or aimless righteous protest. It's more than an imageboard, but it's not the same thing as some kind of new quasi-political party.
The board itself is not. Just about every person who uses the board is.
No, what I mean is Holla Forums will always continue to pursue the truth, whereas the alt-right may lock itself to present day political thought.
But now here's the real question, are those beliefs you mention truly alt-right beliefs that will stand the test of time?
Once you start breaking people down by their individual beliefs and desires, it's no longer proper to call them Holla Forums.
When you break down politics by Left, Right, and so on, you are usually grouping them by a specific platform of goals and ideals that, as a party, they are mostly unified in pursuing.
so, yes it can.
Am I doing it right?
pol is equipped to find the truth? I thought we just get dragged along.
The very idea that pol is considered one homogeneous outlook, or ideal set, is on par with saying that all republicans are the same. It's just more media washing. We're not Alt-Right, but we are… since it's what the mainstream considered anyone who isn't part of the agenda plan. It's the, " alternative " …
An establishment would benefit from putting all these, non-conformist, ideals under the umbrella of ALT RIGHT, as conservative right wingers wouldn't fit under that criteria really. As said, I agree that it's very literally being used as a label for anyone that doesn't seek the same established agenda in action. But, that does put us under that definition being used by cucked norms.
DO NOT DOUBT! The effects of these networks, forums, and afk/irl conversations in relation to this type of 'red-pilled' material is causing massive effects. The momentum gained by having, not only a real world connections, but the overall culture of pushing a 'real perspective' or point of understanding (question and investigate everything), counters a lot of what the mainstream is pushing and wants the people to have as a primary action of thought (don't question, just report and listen, trust us to that for you) is making lives of those who are effected perpetuates our ways of life, more and more that the media and establishment slander us or try to discredit the thinking of having a critical though process in life.
well im not here for life.
Reported for spamming, sliding discussion
They don't call him The Most Dangerous Faggot for no reason. He's flamboyantly gay, sucks black cocks, and is your typical jew.
Worse than him dick riding #GamerGate, the Manosphere movement, and now the "Alt Right", is that he might be scamming people who contributed to the white guy scholarship fund.
The guy should be ignored at every chance given. Don't feed him or agree with him. Just let him do his own thing as if he doesn't exist. His audience is absolutely shit, as seen when they call themselves "Alt Right" to be a trendy faggot then saying it isn't about jews and race.
He's a mix of controlled opposition, disinfo, and just a spotlight driven e-celeb.
Prove our point some more weeb kike
Report the jew.
So wait, you're doing this manually?
Bye jew
not what I meant, i dont have a life anyway.
Well, here's a simple answer, Holla Forums never claimed to be (((alt-right))) unlike milo, jared, TRS or anyone signaling to be part of this gay cult.
Another simple answer could be, Holla Forums is first and foremost for nationalism, pro-white and working towards a jewish genocide. (((alt-right))) is not and never will.
Holla Forums is NOT (((alt-right)))
Case closed. Please don't come back, pleb.
IP ban incoming.. Back to Tel aviv jew
pic one
Milo has said many times that he is not part of the alt-right. Many voice on the alt-right have rejected him, many times.
confirmed retarded. Read these if you can into English.
Normies don't understand the difference. I agree, that it's no need to sperg out about… but the establishment is putting anyone not under their agenda plan, AKA anything alternative.. alt-right
How is that even possible? You'd think shitposts and anons telling him to fuck off would have made up at least 1/3 of the thread.
Okay. Why are you agreeing with the Jewish narrative instead of fighting it?
Religion, that guy was a ass blasted christcuck I have no idea what that spammer ITT problem is assuming they aren't the same person
see pic related
Yes, I saw, figured it was a dumb but innocuous post.
Easier than copy pasting. I screen-cap tons of shit on here. Some of my posts, especially when discussions are being slide.
I don't agree with the narrative. But it doesn't rule out that the establishment is correct in their own definition, for anything NOT being of their agenda, being " alt right "
I've never labeled myself as alt right whatsoever, except by others definition who have used it for me.
Our ability to manipulate reality through Memes.
What the fuck's your damage nigger?
You like artificially bumping a shit blogpost thread?
I've seen this tactic used on other boards. Generally, some autistic faggot believes that the BO isn't doing their job right, so they take it upon themselves to flood an offending thread until it hits 750 so no one can reply to it.
What a fucking retard sperg tactic. Instead of just saging and moving on, he decides to dump in the thread so it reaches the front page.
bravo, shitposter
Well, it works if they can do it fast enough, but it just encourages people to start another thread, more than anything.
Pretty much this
Why are retards here helping to write some cunts article for them, this is how we get half decent shills who can fit in, by spoonfeeding them information any retard could get by lurking.
People are meant to lurk so that by the time they can post and not get called the fuck out they're semi-redpilled, spoonfeeding some kike lets them figure out somewhat how Holla Forums operates without the redpill.
Thank fuck lainposter has hopefully stopped more cunts from feeding this kike info by shitting up this mess.
you gonna call me a shill, prove the aforementioned wrong, it's the dumb fucks ITT that are gonna kill this site too.
is this meant to be a 'resource burn'?
Check Heiled, and yes
I doubt it. But either way, we should red pill on the differences.
Honestly hadn't occurred to me. Wouldn't be too surprising, but their line of questioning didn't really set off any red flags, other than just being unnecessarily difficult and stubborn when it came to accepting answers given.
A need for specifics and pre-prepared articles smells of a plan to me.
Also repeating the same points after being provided evidence to the contrary shows an ideological position, very few ideologues would be genuinely curious as to something that would oppose them, thought wise, and again the fast draw on articles seems to me at least deliberate.
people should really watch this.
stormfags hate jews dumbass.
I wouldn't underestimate autism
lainspammer has posted quite a few times as a normal user, so at the very least he can post and let the bot run, either that or they have a lot of spare time.
I'm talking about the majority of posters, who post in ignorance of the (actually pretty decent) spam to say something trite like .
This is getting too weird.
I mean like
Ah, i get you now, reminds me of the more /x/-tier stuff that pops up on the npc threads.
Lot's of that going around these days.
think that gif might be broken
fug it is
Cry some more, faggot l.
The term isn't going away.
How many fucking threads do we need of anons expressing their rage over this term? This is the cancer that's killing Holla Forums.
Did you read the op?