I just got banned for something I posted over 11 hours ago, and was pardoned for by Greetly. Now, all of a sudden, fucking 11 hours later, I'm banned. Nice timing, mods. Real nice.
I just got banned for something I posted over 11 hours ago, and was pardoned for by Greetly. Now, all of a sudden...
Other urls found in this thread:
9. There are no real rules to moderation either - enjoy your ban
It's fucking retarded. Greetly banned me for a week, now this niggermod bans me for eternity. I didn't deserve bans in either cases. Wtf.
Surprise surprise; it was Yogapig. Learn to mod, ffs.
Shit like this is beyond infuriating
Kek jim had a field day
fuck that guy
Let's see you get banned for no fucking reason, bitch
I cannot be held responsible for what other anons say in my threads
Just suck it up and move on, this is not something worthy of a thread.
Yeah, nice try faggot.
Apparently you can
You pissed off a global
Yeah, Yogapig apparently. You and Green are cool in my book tho. If you have the chance to speak to Yoga, tell him to ease down on the rulefaggotry. Cheers.
Yoga doesn't give two shits about what random Holla Forumstards think of him.
You obviously requested cp, based Yogapig is in the right
welcome to the club. No one cares and no one checks the ban appeals.
You broke the global rule. It doesn't matter if a local moderator pardoned it. Local moderation and global moderation are separate.
Yeah, globals do their thing regardless of what I think or do.
Modcucks are cucks
plural? It's not just jim?
nah there are more, i see them in our board logs every once in a while
… But I didn't mean to do anything wrong.. I was just joking, and it doesn't take a lot of brains to realize that from what I posted. I can't even fuck around on Holla Forums anymore now, because of the tumblr-tier moderation being employed here.
Hah. Yeah, no.
you realize everyone can go look at the board log right?
you realize not everyone knows that, right? I wish every user would check the board log daily, that way you would get away with much less shit than you do atm. Transparency is your enemy, Hex.
which is why i'm saying in front of everyone to go look at the log, right? your logic is flawless
Then why do you choose to resort to nitpicking when replying to anons? Is it to sow confusion? Just be truthful for once, Hex.
Based Jim did nothing wrong tbh
An insightful rebuttal as always, Hex. Kudos to you.
Therer are around ten of us:
I'm not the one who banned you, but you broke literally the only global rule the site has. Don't do that, even as a joke. It's deliberately enforced in a strict, dumb way.
wew a global has been summoned
Your jobs are thankless. Have this, as a gift for all of the bullshit you have to sift through every day.
You must be trolling. Jokingly requesting CP is breaking the only rule on Holla Forums? I sincerely doubt it. I think actually posting cp is far worse, and I'm pretty that sure you're aware of that.
Shet dude atop
>Do not post, request, or link to any content that is illegal in the United States of America and do not create boards with the sole purpose of posting or spreading such content.
You phrased your post in such a way that it completely unambiguously breaks that rule. It's pretty impressive, actually.
Absolutely blown the fuck out by
Fucking lulz
Kek. It was deliberate. I literally 'requested' CP as defined under US federal law, phrased deliberately in such a way that even the most autistic user could see it for what it is - a pure shitpost. And a good one, at that, as you've admitted yourself.
Shit post or not you did request it.
While you're at it can you delete the two topless little girls in the thread with the STOP sign in the OP? Yeah, thanks.
What Stated is that in the method you phrased your post, you were regardless of shitpost or not, requesting CP.
Not to mention that said global mod doesn't know the inherent state of the post.
is he actually shitposting?
No, what if he is serious?
Welp, better safe than sorry
why don't you niggers use the report button?
Snitches get stitches
Please just send a global report next time.
What kind of faggot do you take me for?
apparently the type that complains all over the board about cp being left up, but doesn't global report it so that anyone can do anything about it
Also, what's up with the five-page board limit?
It's too smol, and good threads don't stay for long.
this board is slow enough that good threads should stay bumped until they autosage if they are actually good threads. i can't change that setting though, i'm just a vol
what good threads
Who owns the board?
please don't tell me dysomnia
Webm threads are broighty comfy, but they go to about 200 posts then really slow down.
Yeah, we get it. You've put yourself in a position where you either stand by your point, or 'give in' and you'll feel like you've shown weakness. Instead of literally following the rules, how about you do what a mod does and you judge potential rule-breaking posts, decide whether they're malicious or not, and then delete them? Autists like may see the world in black and white, but you can't.
By now everyone knows already that my obvious shitpost was a shitpost. What you're doing now is you're holding on to your decision in order to save face for some fucking reason. So here you are, arguing with some shitposter, while actual fucking cp tends to stay up for hours on this board. Get your fucking priorities straight, you shithead.
To quote Hex' incredible rhetoric;
It feels good not being b& and having some spastic sperg out when he takes the heat. Feels really, really good actually.
Do you have a reason to be banned, user? =
I would much rather stay in the confines of my very nice job, my family, and my home rather than get dragged off by an agent of one of the various ABC departments. Same case with the Global Mods, Jim and Codemonkey.
Do you really want one of the few remaining large, because you will probably say MUH FREECH THO outposts of free speech on the web to be stifled with fines and investigations that shut down the site? I certainly don't. It's why I love Holla Forums. It's why we autists congregate here.
Webm related.
Nope but I just like adding fuel to the fire.
Holla Forums's global rule exists to comply with the law. Fucking around with the law is a bad idea, so the global rule is enforced in a strict dumb way. If you're breaking it as a joke you're still breaking it and if you're breaking it you get banned.
I'm not nearly as literal when enforcing board rules, as a local moderator. But I have to be stupidly literal with the global rule.
I agree. Believe me, I love Holla Forums too. I do understand that this place needs to be shielded from people that jeopardize our existence, but.. I was joking. I'm sorry that I broke the law, but it wasn't meant like that. Just don't be a dick, unban me? I won't joke around again.
Sure, fair enough. But do you at least understand that I wasn't being serious, and that by banning shitposters for shitposting the problem might actually be perpetuated? Real pedos seem to get a free pass on Holla Forums because of a lack of evidence, but when I make an OBVIOUS shitpost, stating US federal law and shit, suddenly all of the Holla Forums cops come busting down my door.
Look. I won't make that joke again, I will censor myself from now on. Just unban me, and let's just forget about this fucking mess so we can shitpost about Dysnomia again. Cheers.
quiet down already. you broke the GLOBAL rule. it doesn't matter if you were joking or not, you deserved to be BTFO. it's not like bans mean anything anyways, so get over it
I didn't deserve it. And the ban(t) actually means the world to me. I can't be banned from the only place I call home..
You break the rule, you get banned. Doesn't matter what your intentions were. Learn to read, nigger
not like I care tbh
He only did that because he wants something to blame mods and whine about.
Of course. But breaking the rule ironically is still breaking the rule.
Banning you doesn't reduce the number of pedo bans.
I ban plenty of pedos, when they post illegal content, it gets globally reported, I happen to be at home, I'm not sleeping or otherwise occupied, and I'm using my computer. We do it for free, 24/7 coverage is hard.
What kind of evidence do you mean? Being a pedo is not against the global rule. Being a criminal is not against the global rule. Posting or requesting illegal content is against the global rule.
It lasts a few weeks at most. All bans are cleared when the salt changes.
If you can't continue posting the way you're posting now, you can try the hidden service.