They're coming. They're coming. They're coming.
Oh Canada
Québec is the least cucked part of Canada you stupid faggot!
Im ok with this
Well , at least the RWDS in Canada will have a lot of work. Who is ready for winter , lead and rope ?
smh tbh fam, you guys are scum and this is coming from a nova scotian
Gonna be fun watching the apes freeze to death
What did you faggots even do for this country, other than vote liberal?
Time to snek into the US?
Guess I'm moving to America now.
What is this nog talking about? Rules against felons?
Maybe we can make a trade. our hard working persons of color for your evil racist white "people". :^)
Canada is truly the "Greenland" of North America.
That's harsh.
weaklings will never prosper here. if the blood alcohol level doesnt kill them the weather, high prices and horrible produce will
I wouldn't say it's the least pozzed, but it's definitely one of them.
It's looking grim, friend. They're cracking down hard on gun seizures and making people [spoiler]ex-military/cop/spoiler] mysteriously die by self-inflicted gunshot wound to the back of the head.
That's if they can understand you before you newfies introduce a 2x4 to their legs.
same. bon voyage, coons.
i assume that and id requirements because its like totally racist to expect someone to spend $30 at the county clerk's office for proof of citizenship despite receiving thousands a month in benefits.
Yeah, if you can survive the waiting list.
Didn't Stefan Molyneux have to travel to the US to get his cancer treated because he would have died waiting in Canada?
What about Nunavut?
Yes.. you probably is. There's a whole book about this, claiming it's all a racist conspiracy to deprive them of political influence. Dindu Nuffin!
Nunavut is filled with snow niggers, it's pretty much our version of Greenland.
What's up with this shitposting about Greenland?
Did they fuck something up recently?
Nobody ever talks about Greenland.
I dunno, I just used the comparison because Greenland is also filled with drunk snow niggers. Well, filled is stretching it a lot because both populations are low for the size of the land.
Hey man, could you (or anyone) elaborate on what the RWDS stands for, what it even is and what you mentioned about cops/exmilitary being found dead? Sometimes it can get tough to find information about your own country when everyone is hyper focused on US Politics.
French Canadians import hordes of French-speaking niggers from Africa, you are the WORST part of Canada and should all be gassed as the race traitors you are.
Right Wing Dessert Squad, it's a task force dedicated to delivering cakes for weddings but only to straight ones
This guy might be the hero we deserve, gents…
at least we didn't produce the fucking trudeau family
Holla Forums should spread this everywhere that Canada is the land of milk and honey and all traitor Americans should move there. Their economy is impossible to crash so they can take unlimited numbers.
If you take Montreal as the example of the whole province of course you'll find cucks, niggers, faggots and kikes. It's like using Toronto to represent Ontario, Edmonton to represent Alberta or Vancouver to represent BC.
I have known a fuckload of Quebecois who are sick and tired of getting fucked over by immigrants and getting Jewed out constantly. The biggest problem is that there are no good parties to vote for so they either don't vote or just vote randomly for whoever because it leads to pretty much the same bullshit everytime.
You don't even know shit you're talking about.
Yet you fucking voted for them. Quebec hated what the cuckhold father did to the point of not signing the constitution.
You fuckers are seperatists of the worst kind, the communist kind, the fucking catalonian kind
I don't know anybody who wants Souvraineté-Association other than retarded boomers who think of themselves as weak pieces of shit. You're just ass mad because your economy relies solely on gibs for most of the year and decide to believe the lie devised in Ottawa that Quebec is the sole reason the country is shit because we never bent over to the Britkike crown.
Producing the Trudeau family, is that all you've got against Quebec?
Vancouver and Toronto would like a word with you
Business as usual I see.
frogs can't handle the banter so they go into full damage control
What you call banter is just kike demoralization tactics that are used mostly by brit/pol/ to compensate for their general shittyness.
keep crying jacques when literally nobody likes you or your gypsy language besides yourselves
Quebec is 92% white
BC is 70%
Ontario is 72%
But its Quebec importing all the niggers and chinks and shitskins. Sure
blue = quebecer
red = anglo
green = migrant
Those Quota are imposed on us by the fucking federal government you cuck. It's the french speaking one or the English nigger one.
No. you are jewish enough like that we don't want to let you go full anglokike.
I always thought that the next Hitler should come from Newfoundland, and his political party would be called The National Socialist Canadian Workers' Party, and naturally, every member of the press would hate it so they would call his party the Newfie party just like they do with Nazi Party to this very day.
real creative jacques, at least English doesn't sound like a gypsy gagging on a baguette
also I'm not an anglo, I'm scottish descent
Glad I dodged a job at a all-woman business there now that I got a much better one and is less desperate.
I've had at two relatives die of cancer because of our horribly slow healthcare system, when if it was detected or treated faster they might have survived.
Honestly last in, first out. Break out young newf and bring your b'ys with you
Meilleur comment du thread…
John please.
I am more Anglo than you
Excellent aussi, Kevin…
C'est pour ca que des milliers de touristes vienne a Québec pour le feel Européen et la langue, Bubba?
That's Seamus to you, frog
Wallah…les chiens drogués de l'Europe…
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
Fuck you.
What point are you trying to make?
Whatever, bagpipes.
Oh it's this fucking dunecoon in quebec again…I thought that french/pol/ kicked you out years ago you fucking reject rachposter?
Que les Écossais sont les plus débiles et dégénérés dans tous le UK…
All of this terrible shit has happened after Newfoundland joined Canada, the solution: remove Newfoundland from Canada.
Je suis juste cocufier hors de 450 ip, James…
Aint we beyond that shit now.
Toronto is ground zero for the diversity epidemic, all the urban sprawl of Ontario is infested with rice goblins and sandmonkeys, Montreal when I last visited it was filled with verminous Haitians, Vancouver is colonized by the Chinese, and now they're pouring into the major Prairie cities.
I saw three fucking Burkhas in Halifax last time I visited and you would have never seen a hijab there 8 years ago.
Either we band together when this all kicks off as Northern Euros in blood and tongue and tradition or we die feuding with one another.
4:20…la truie Britbong moyenne…
Va dire ca a un cabochon de l'Alberta qui chie constamment sur le Québec…
Don't speak it, English or fuck off.
says the faggot from Queerbec that has more homos than any other province
-an official bastardized language that isn't French and no one outside of Queerbec understands it
-calls other Canadians immigrants while letting in waves of "refugees"
-has a police state language "police" that enforce the gay "french" language
-robs provinces of their riches because they produce NOTHING except language elites and homos
-they are the most marxist province in Canada and home to the most SJWs
let's not forget the torture and murder of more than 200,000 children known as Duplessis Orphans
tabernac motherfucker
C'est pour ca qu'il y a 30 000 Francais par années qui immigre au Québec et que je parle a des Francais a chaque jour, James?
Plus d'Écossais…
Hell, my folk are still mad at those goddamn frenchies
But it does seem like we are getting fucking mudslimes everywhere (even in halifax, the home of liquor, lobster and bacon, go figure). Even worst is the white converts (and the tranny faggots and so on).
We never should have let the black loyalists move here. Place has gone to shit since. (Can't even get a good donair anymore).
Arrete de rambler dans le vide, James…
I can translate it for you boyo it goes:
Rappel quotidien que les blokes se font génocider a petit feu a MTL…10-15 ans, ils sont tous morts…ca fait du bien d'etre un Frenchie…
De quoi tu parle, James…d'autres fantaisies?
It's true there is a lot of French immigration in Quebec as if France was total shit to live in.
yep, Catholics are in no way a cryptokike. Nothing to see here la Goyim, C'est le front nationale!
On va en rester rentrer encore plus…comme ca le génocide des blokes va allez plus vite…
what with all those chink tourists avoiding it due to the muddies I would not be surprised if they moved to quebec to escape the sand niggers
Nique cette religion de Juifs…je suis Paien, Nigel…
The French used to mock and see us as unrefined plebs until they got seriously fucked over by their government importing sandniggers by the millions.
Bah, ca va compenssé la baisse de Q.I crée par tous les renois…
Fuck you.
Not an argument.
…ben oui, Nigel…ben oui…
Les chiens Écossais battre tellement leur femelles que le gouvernement fait des pubs contre la violence domestique…
Hey maybe you guys should somehow leave the country! You could put it to a vote or something. I'm sure your strong nationalist unity would pull through!
Gawd…comment les Britbongs osent parler en mal d'autres pays…
Fuck you too.
La seul chose que je vois James, sont des blokes incapable de faire un argument comme du monde a part radotter la meme vieille merde qu'ils ont entendu il y a 10 ans…
Keep crying, frog
The kikes in Ottawa would just rig the result, like they did the last two times we tried.
Parle pas de cet ostie de babtou fragile ici…R:les negres sont plus stupides et je vais te le prouver scientifiquement…
Keep projecting, Anglo-Trash.
Brah, arrete de leur répondre en Anglais, tu leur donne du pouvoir….
fucking KC tier insults
Not an argument.
Neither an insult nor an argument, just a statement of fact.
C'est vraiment du haut niveau votre argument…
I would rather be a pajeet than a quebecian tbh
HAHAHAHAHA you guys are fucking pathetic excuses. Oh wah wah wah ebil Ottawuh is keeping the french man down. Even the superior language triggers you.
Ceci est extemement drole pour moi parce que je suis billangue et je peut comprendre ce que tu dis. Tu es faché? Un anglos peut parlé ta langue?
Tu aime chier dans le milieu de la rue, Ranjai?
Frogs are so irrational and emotional. It's like they're natural liberals.
Oh my, how this hurts.
Non, ca veut dire que tu es soumit au Francais supérieurs, continue ton bon travail…tu trap?
keep speaking that frog languge ahmed, you will never be a true frenchman
Oh shit I remember you now. You're that faggot la vie de ma mere shitskin aren't you? Fuck. Guess you got me this time. Into the filter list you go.
Je suis Normand et Paien anyway, Johnny…honnetement je nique la France et le UK…hon hon!
behind the shitty sarcasm lies tears and a flustered ass
Aucune idée de quoi tu parle, James…
Keep projecting lad.
no frog would ever use this term…you're a bong aren't you?
Quel gang de dégénérés dégoutants…
For fuck's sake, you're all Holla Forumsacks.
This country back in it's bones had the potential of greatness in it, it's creation is the act of recoiling from the ideals and actions of the American and French revolutions, in both Anglo and Franco rejecting republicanism, liberalism, egalitarianism. From traditions as intertwined as the English and French, there was the possibility to make this country a bastion of hardline traditionalism in an religious and ideological sense.
However that was poisoned early on and we have been on the slow decline down ever since, we English going along with the rest of the social decay of the British Empire/Commonwealth as the years went by and Quebec holding out some vestige of resistance until the Quiet Revolution. Both our peoples have suffered the same rot of our soul and our traditions, the same rot that infects all the English-speaking nations and France.
And now we're in the final phases of 'time is running' out for shitskin colonization, we're either going to have to band together and fight off the muds and kikes or we're going to be the last generation of white men to call these lands our own.
Heureusement que non! Si tu veux on peux continuer notre "discussion" en français.
Why? you expected him to call you monsieur?
Tu sais tres bien que ca n'arrivera pas, James…tu me donne un guns je peux te tirer l'hopital Juif de MTL demain…mais je n'aurai jamais de back-up, vu que la moyenne des paysans refuse de voir les kikes comme ennemis….
Chan eil mi 'tuigsinn, siopsach
Sorry, don't speak Klingon.
ich spreche deutsch auch
Mivel nem beszélek franciául írok milyen nyelven ñ'importe…
Don't speak Romulan either.
Speak in English or French or fuck off.
Që ju flas frëngjisht unë nuk do të shpallë në çdo gjuhë…
Keep squirming frog, you're doing nothing but making my dick harder
Η Βρετανική Αυτοκρατορία είναι απλά μια συσκευή για την παροχή
εμπορικών μονοπωλίων στην αγγλική - ή μάλλον για να συμμορίες των Εβραίων και Σκωτσέζοι.
Holy shit, no. You inbred yanks can keep your fucking niggers to yourselves.
fuck off shiptar
Oblige moi salope…
Can Black Americans just decide to move to Canada?
For fuck sake, how is it that my demographic as a hardworking non-criminal European man seems is the very only one that isn’t allowed to move anywhere at anytime for any reason without any prior planning. Everyone else can just turn up anywhere they want.
I couldn’t move to Canada, I can’t go anywhere.
No that I want to go anywhere, I will be needed soon enough no doubt to help kick out all the worlds people that have been allowed to wander into my lands.
Србин је стварно бољи, куја …
Trudeau is a true Canadian, he's all yours.
Just like his father who grew up as a faggy british dandy, Trudeau was never one of us.
With the canadian constitution, the english forced down our throat multiculturalism, so this horrible degeneracy was created.
We didn't even sign the constitution, you traitors WANTED this multiculturalism and this degeneracy; you PREFERED this bs to a Canada without Québec.
I can't hear you with all this noble frankish blood that made Europe running in my veins.
Anglo-kike fag.
That's something a mixed-race closed-faggot would write.
Hey if you French are so tough, why don't you take over us poor weak anglos with your strong militar-oh wait right.
Serbs are just reject Russians and Poles who settled in the Balkans
No one ever talks about Saskatchewan, the only true uncucked province in Canada. Seriously Holla Forums read about our premier brad wall. He's the only one who's against every decision that Trudeau makes and was the only one who fought tooth and nail to prevent more refugees from coming into my province
Grande reply, Johnny…ils nous ont quand meme donner Andreja….
Cute James…le probleme c'est que la Sask n'a aucun pouvoir politique…
Ne, odjebi
How is this an argument?
I don't see anglos, I see mixed races and multiculturalism.
Dear avatarfag:
You're not very good at what you're trying to do. 95% of us don't speak your language, the rest can't be bothered to care. Perhaps try picking a better looking woman to post; that bitch is as plain as a bowl of oatmeal, tbh. Kind of like your posts - boring, forgettable, redundant. Best of luck to you, and please give suicide a serious consideration.
Don't forget they leach off of everyone and blame their problems on everyone else too. They're a black hole when it comes to money.
Critique une autre fois Génie, je trouve ton adresse pour venir te shotgunner dans face, mon cabochon…
Tu parle des Maritimes ou quoi?
frogs are truly a cancer to everybody, from Europe to Canada to even America
Encore une fois tu confonds les Frenchies avec les Écossais, Bubba…
The frenchs made Canada, gave it the name, culture, history - everything.
The anglos gave it multiculturalism, division, consumerism, communism - nothing.
Stop being a cuck and look at ur own constitution, see how liberal it is, and notice how Québec's signature is nowhere to be found at the end of this piece of toilet paper (but all the rest of Canada is!).
Who the fuck cares? Anglos, French, both Celtic cancer to European people, from Germany to even Croatia
OO…un chien méditerranéen…tu sais que 30% de ton sang est Arabes, Gianluigi?
Look at the last posts you retarded fucks.
I am not Italian you fucking subhuman, I am Croatian, I swear to god that even Bosnians are more human than you French
Comment etre une bitch a Serbes vous va?
Yes, continue to speak in your faggot language frog
Ca tombe bien je suis Normand, donc pas de sang de negres…
I'm sorry what? I don't speak your dialect of arabic
Yeah just keep demonizing other whites, the jews definitely wouldn't want you to do that.
Quebec is the fedora of Canada.
TIL Pierre Trudeau was an anglo.
To be fair, it was diefenbaker's failures that led to the collapse of the PCs in '68. Just about every province voted liberal in typical Canadian "oust the old guys" blind voting kind of like what we just did last election
Also of note as Changlo Canadian (BC) that was the year the Social Credit party fell away completely thus sealing our liberal fate.
Never been but it's as if I already knew this, somehow.
First mistake
Second mistake, it's pure leftist garbage
Third mistake was to live in a city big enough to harbor a population of fedoras
I thought you niggers were smarter than that.
First post is a completely unrelated typical D&C shill post and holy fuck here we go again, Anglos and Francos shitting down each other's throat. Literally on every thread about Canada there is a low-energy shill typing out some low-energy bait and I don't fucking know why but a whole bunch of idiots fall for it and derail the thread entirely.
Even more puzzling, despite the fact that we evidently can't live and work together, Anglos will engage in European Union-style shaming whenever separation is discussed. What the fuck? It's fine for Britain to GTFO a restrictive, oppressive quasi-federation but it isn't for us? Why?
Usually when I see that happen I write a huge wall of text about the necessity of getting along and working together at least in the short term so that we may amiably go our separate ways free of poz later but fuck it. I'm so fucking tired of seeing you morons fight over a disturbingly, balls-breakingly braindead D&C post. If you haven't learned to deal with shills at this point then I suggest you get on it right the fuck now or smash your computer and never buy another one for the rest of your life because evidently you're too god damn stupid to use one.
I'll give it one last shot but I'll try to use short words and simple sentences so maybe it'll stick better.
1. if Quebec French is a "degenerate language/dialect that nobody else can understand", then so is American English
2. Quebec is not "based" but outside of Montreal there are actually very few minorities, all our poz is concentrated in a single urban area
3. the fact that the federal government cheated its ass off in 1995 is completely incontestable, there is plenty of evidence
4. "Anglo-Quebecers" are amongst the best hidden crypto-kikes on the planet as they came from Britain and its colonies to profit from the Canadiens' misfortunes after the English conquered them - even the English of the time viewed them with distaste - and eventually the lines blurred between the two
5. Trudeau's mother was an "Anglo-Quebecer", surprise surprise
6. in fact, Trudeau became a globalist shill after leaving Quebec to study in the US and UK - political tradition within the province at this time idolized Pétain's regime and others like it, so in fact Trudeau became Trudeau despite Quebec, not because of it
7. Canada in its present form was not intended to exist and instead was created by a single kike and his globalist handlers, Bora Laskin, who distorted the original constitution to greatly enlarge the federal government's powers
8. Canada was actually supposed to be a much looser federation than it is now
9. the best solution for Canada is to loosen up the federation until nothing but an alliance of convenience between the two founding peoples is left
10. to do that we need both founding peoples on board or this will never happen
11. the fact that we can't even work together on something we actually both want is fucked up and mainly due to idiots like you faggots
Canada is a country I struggle to care about tbh.
I feel that we'll uncuck the rest of the world first, and then turn to Canada as a sort of mopping up operation.
Sorry canucks.
You're actually right, I often forget to dismiss retards who spew bullshit created by the fucks in Ottawa as shills. Fuck, I just learned today that Anglo provinces really had to tolerate French faggotry and treat them like rapefugees instead of sending them back to Quebec, like they should. It's a whole heap of bullshit, we should work as partners and have split distinctions between both cultures.
Oh wait, the Anglo part of Canada barely produced any permanent culture and instead rely on Quebec's shit to define Canadian culture like poutine and maple syrup if not outright cucking to Jewish media from the US.
Canada will rise.
Thread derailed by the Canadian Rachposter.
sub-saharan african admixture is the deadly stuff
200 posts…
No webm / mp4 …
Stop giving YT ad revenue.
quebec is implementing its own long-gun registry you valueless knownothing
Canada never had the chance to be a good country; by the time we got things rolling World War 2 started. We should have just stayed as innawoods loyalists tbh.
Look at the very first reply of this post, this is D&C, this is modern Canada.
Canada a french-canadian nation in a cold and rather inhospitable area of north-america that was left in relative peace until some dangerous events happened;
First, the american independance who sent our ways waves of british loyalists migrants who otherwise would have stayed in the more comfy 13 colonies;
Second, the strategy adopted by the said british loyalists, parked in places such as Montréal and in 'Ontario', to stay in power as a minority, was an immigration policy of whatever they could find to drown the french-canadians from being THE nation that formed Canada, to being just an ethnic minority in their own nation.
The result was this liberal, modern, progressive Canada. The French-Canadians were only broken with the liberal Quiet Revolution, the death of the canadian-nationalist Duplessis, the quick death of his political successor and, paradoxaly, the healthy zero-debts situation left by Duplessis which gave the liberals plenty of rooms to manoeuver -so much that even with Duplessis delaying the liberal revolution for maybe 30 years, the liberals have done enough damage to give us the enormous unpayable debts all modern nations has.
Canada is cucked on purpose, its the strategy used to counter Québec's nationalism.
Maybe if we were on the verge of civil war like the USA I would get a gun.
You know what is the worst insult coming from english-Canadians when it comes to insulting Québec, you hypocrit and fantastic Lord Cuck?; that we are Nazis.
We call you fags for good reasons.
fuck me
no u
Yeah, lots of DnC here… don't worry Canucks, legally immigrating to Canada is too difficult to be something the average American black could do (thanks for keeping them so dumb, yanks!) Unless Canada literally flies them up here we will be fine.
he's actually a potato.
Trudeau website not secure kek
also its not even quebecer speech, that guy sound like a frenchie pretending to be a quebecers, I am quebecer and reading him is a pain in the ass.
The kike was posting trannies on the french/pol/ threads weeks ago. He is a seriously butthurt jew, they know they are losing France and badly.
If it leaks over its going in the