i'v been trimming my pubes for almost 15 years now (tried shaving but it always end up with horrible rash and ingrown hair).
it looks good, but i think waxing would look better. the skin of my shaft and balls is really thin and i'm scared of ripping it. i don't want to lose my nuts. should i go for it? has anyone done it?
Julian Jackson
Use a paint brush to tickle your scrotum
Jordan Howard
Does she have pit hair?
Zachary Wright
how did you know i do that
Benjamin James
wax your butt too. dont want no shit-pasted ass hair. it's purely hygenic.
Cooper Ramirez
Joshua Johnson
gonna post pics post wax?
Logan Sanchez
No, record it. Audio-only would be fine as well, I just want to hear the reaction when you rip open your ballsack, because that's what's going to happen.
Evan Gray
That would be funny
Nathan Barnes
would you like me to? i'm still lurking for how safe it is and if it is doable. i need my balls.
Xavier Cook
pretty sure all of us here have hairy balls. be a pioneer user. and yes i am curious myself, pics + audio recording please.
Owen Scott
nevermind i just googled waxing is a bad thing user
Luke Hill
i'll give it a try anyway.
Lucas Phillips
Chadman start your teen pick up thread soon cuz the pedos have their midget threads so I'm sure you can have your teen thread.
Dylan Brooks
waxing is a meme created to push the brazilian jew, you'd be better off just keeping it trimmed and kept soft with honey and egg yolks. plus it gives an excuse for your trap fuckbuddy to suckle honey off your shaft, which i dare say should be experienced by everyone
Daniel Thomas
already tried a couple times, Satan did too. the threads were deleted after about 6 reply. i think one of the mods is having a personal grudge.
you have no idea how much effect a bald dick affect women/girls. comparing to a hairy one the difference is huge. they just want it!
Michael Cooper
There are people who have hair on their dick?
Grayson Nguyen
what kind of emasculating millennial bs is this?
what the fuck does it matter once you are in the bedroom and she is dtf?
what is this sensitivity bs? as long as you get your fun who gives a fuck what pleasure she gets out of it?
what difference does it make what your groin looks like when shes face down taking it from behind?
you courted the bitch, you did your part the society obliges you to do, you pandered to her, spent money on her, now you get access to her vagina that you have paid for now its your fun is the only thing that matters.
you dont pay to eat at restaurant and worry about whether the waiter thought you were a good diner.
by all means trim if you worried about it looking tidy. but inflicting pain on yourself for vanities sake is a feminine trait.
tldr: millennials are effeminate cucks by shaving their balls
Michael Young
if you're speaking from experience, i don't fucking understand why'd you make a thread about asking us if you should do it, unless of course you're lying or being a borderline tripfaggot.
pretty sure its both tbh.
Colton Ross
i never waxed my balls, i was wandering if any of you did
William Taylor
seriously though, this whole thinking a womans experience of sex matters is a mechanism for false rape allegations
women are told that if they didnt enjoy the sex, or the guy didnt call them the next day, or they later feel a call to hypergamy above the social class of the person they fucked then its okay to repeal their consent to sex retroactively
women barter with their vagina to gain leverage in society and so in reality false rape constitutes a form of sellers remorse
Angel Martinez
I like how that cordage forms an inverted pentagram. So is she the human sacrifice they offer to the demons and they drop a train on her or is she the high priestess who cuts up live babies with wavy daggers while doing occult ritual belly dancing because either one of those sounds incredibly sexy.
Tyler Price
personally i want to trim my pubes because it's a pain in the ass having random dislodged hairs in my pants all the time since I let it grow unchecked
Matthew Adams
i shave my balls and shaft just fine. Use some hair conditioner instead of bar soap or shaving cream. Go against the grain, and don't shave the same spot repeatedly. Just nicce light pressure and your balls will be nice and smooth and no shave bumps.
Jaxson Myers
Shaving under clothing is a bad idea, you get constant inflammation and irritation. I switched to plucking hairs about ten years ago. A $2 pair of tweezers on the scrotum, and a $45 Braun rotary epilator everywhere else (use the slower speed for fewer broken hairs). The newer models hurt very little and the skin stays smooth for a week or more afterwards.
Wyatt Jones
who is this SEMEN DEMON? E M E N
D E M O N ?
Kevin Hall
I've taken to waxing everything. EVERYTHING. Once you get yourself bushwhacked down enough it's hardly anything and actually quite arousing.
Liam Mitchell
Why bother waking up?
Liam Wright
There are people who don't?
Noah Jenkins
probably not enough test jk lads, it's probably the same set of genes that made my asshole an absolutely hairy pit