So my country recently started forcing ISPs to collect "metadata" about everyone's internet access. I have no idea what this means and no-one else seems to either.
I object to any form of national monitoring of citizens who are not under criminal investigation. As a result, I want to evade tracking as a form of objection.
People talk about VPNs as a solution but is that actually going to help? I've been reading catalog threads and Holla Forums seems to hate them.
What should I do? I just want to disguise my normal internet habits, which mostly consist of watching youtube and browsing imageboards, without compromising speed by too much (my country's delivery is already fairly shit).
I'm not tech illiterate but I'm nowhere near as knowledgeable as probably anyone who replies to this thread, so please only normie-tier solutions. I don't want to go full enemy of the state, primarily because I'm too fucking lazy.
Help with Aus metadata evasion
Other urls found in this thread:
Let's play a game of pretending that we're Dangerous To The Government.
How fucked are your bandwidth caps? Run Tox and IPFS if you can spare it (you don't have to actively use them). Either one left to its own devices will make thousands of useless connections to random computers around the world per hour.
Also install the "Ad Nauseam" extension and hit two cunts with one stone.
I don't think my bandwidth cap is that low although I don't get great speeds. Maybe 2.5 Mbps at best? Away from home rn so hard to tell but about there I think. A fast file download for me runs at like 1.2-1.5 and those are the ones where I'm like "Wow this will be done in no time".
Tox is a chat client and IPFS looks like some sort of HTML replacement that uses repos or something? Do I just install and run them on my computer? I imagine the dud connection thing is an anonymity feature.
first things first, use a different dns server, that's all you need. vpns 'work' but you don't really need them. obfuscating places you visit doesn't really matter, that's just slowing the inevitable. if you're really autistic but lazy you can win the game by not connecting to the internet.
Bandwitdh caps? Jesus Christ. What kind of medieval hellhole has such a thing?
What's a good free privacy respecting DNS server?
1st world countries like USA and Australia of course
anywhere that isn't in /aus/ if you're too retarded just use
But since it's metadata that's being stored, does DNS lookup even matter? idk how it works and as I said, no-one seems to actually know what they're storing.
Have you tried asking your ISP what exactly is being stored?
I could, but they're a big company. I doubt they'd really be interested in disclosing it to me.
This is Australia. There is one and only one sensible solution.
ヽ༼ຈຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈຈ༽ノ
We need to show the criminals in government that there are *consequences* for sabotaging national infrastructure and breaching everyone's right to privacy.
The more people pretend, the harder it will be for the alphabets to target the actual political dissenters hiding in the crowd. And that's a good thing.
gas the kikes race war now
Consider suicide.
This is the Australian government we're talking about. Something as simple as 1 + 1 = 2 is witchcraft to them.
If you just want to get away from your ISP use a VPN if you want more privacy use TOR.
If you're just browsing the web like that, just use tor. You also can't be using Windows, or you're done for right there.
Is tails still a pedo OS?
Yes. Real men use Windows 10 over clearnet. Faggots use macOS over VPN. And pedos use GNU/Linux over Tor.
t. NSA shill
rip, i just searched for tails in a search engine. am i now targeted for a drone strike?
1. dump 5TB of floppy disks of porn and internet articles on government property
2. say you are complying to their data collection laws
3. ?????
just use tor breh. the main problem is you wont be able to post images to 8ch, but you can bypass that by putting another proxy on the end
Of course. Enjoy your drone strike.
What's the usual way to put another proxy after Tor? I've done it either by using those web-based proxies where you enter a URL, or I've used some free VPN provider inside Whonix. Both of these worked for my purposes but there must be a better way.
This is actually fucking retarded. I understand that BOs want to avoid anonymous gorespam, but you could at least whitelist pictures that were already posted by clearnet posters? We'd get to use at least the common pepes with our posts.
Tor users don't represent enough of a market share for our overlords to care about them or what they think. It's a familiar situation.
I'm glad I'm not in a """free""" country then.
They might not be that numerous (though they actually are on some boards), but they produce content that other posters interact with. Surely increasing the quality of said content by adorning it with appropriate reaction images would benefit everybody, not just the torfags themselves?
because jim is USDOD employee and a kike shill jew datamining pigfuck
endchan, freech, and others allowe tor image posting freely
Move out of that shithole.
I believe that's not decided by admins, but rather the Board Owners. And they have good reasons to block images - popular boards attract abuse, images can make abuse much more disturbing and Tor users can't be banned individually. Smaller chans don't have such amount of abuse to deal with as Holla Forums has.
What I'm proposing is a technically assisted compromise. Let torfags post only pre-screened images that were already posted by somefag who didn't get banned for it. This drastically curbs the degree of image abuse possible while allowing a good deal of expression for torfags.
I don't know about other boards, but pl/pol/ definitely disallows posting images from Tor.
Yes, I totally agree with your sentiment, but sadly that's not how our masters think. Just look at the CloudFlare retardation. Loads of websites are actually losing a chunk of users because CF blocks Tor exit nodes by default, which most of those users probably interpret as "website doesn't work anymore". But the website admins don't care about that, they just want to be protected from evil Russian hackers.
The problem is that the "evil Russian hackers" are a real threat and kikeflare deals with them cheaply and efficiently - so the cost/benefit of dropping it doesn't add up. And I bet most of those "hackers" are paid by the same governments that run teh 'flare, to herd the webmasters to the botnet. In contrast, my idea is a compromise. Keep protection from abuse AND let torfags have some (limited) liberties, at very tiny effort required to implement it (the hardest part - identifying reused images - is already done for storage and bandwidth saving reasons).
yeah because the de-dupe works so amazingly well
Well enough for this use-case (if not for the intended one).
Allowing Torfags to only repost is fucking stupid. It's like you want the board to devolve into memeshit.
It already is. How many original images do you see in this thread?
Of course not original, but at least unique relative to the board content at this point in time. Can you imagine the exact same 5 images being reposted constantly? That's worse than emojis, at least the latter are elementary enough to be used in new combinations to produce new meaning. 5 meme images just feels like seeing the same ads over and over.
user, there are thousands of images served at any time on a big chan like this. And even after they are purged, the engine could retain their hashes in a permanent whitelist so that they could be reposted anytime by torfags. The whitelist would grow with time and board's gross memetic output, gradually increasing the variety of torshitposting.
Let's say you implement that. Do you expect me to somehow know which images are already uploaded or to try uploading by trial and error? No, I'm just going to look at a few threads and grab the least shitty image I can find for my purpose. It's not usable in practice.
I remember that I tried TOR a long time ago to see what it was about, but it was incredibly, tediously slow. It took like 2-3 mins to load any page. Although, IIRC I only used it to access .onions, not surface web sites. Is it faster nowadays/when accessing surface web? As I mentioned, I want my speed to not be significantly impacted (I understand that there will be SOME speed impact, but I want it to be minimal).
Are you trying to speedrun through the web? The difference between clearnet and Tor opening the same non-onion website is now in miliseconds, most of the time at least.
The problem is actually in some websites treating Tor users like they're spammers or hackers. Sometimes just picking a different tor circuit solves the problem, sometimes they give you google captchas, other times they just permanently block all Tor exit nodes.
Most websites work fine though. I've been using absolutely nothing but Tor for some years now and I've gotten used to occasional bullshit, usually it's the shitty websites anyway. I never ever solve those google captchas though, fuck that shit.
Well as I said, last time I used TOR, it was unusably slow. If it's faster now, then I'm happy to use it. I just don't want to have to wait 90 seconds for a webpage to load, or pause a Youtube video for 5 mins every 60 seconds for the next 60 seconds to buffer.
If the whitelist were made public, it is trivial to write a program that batch-checks images in a folder against the whitelist.
no. tor represents no threat to anything. if your site is such utter bullshit that it can be brought down by tor (which first of all has a small amount of bandwidth which cuckflare should easily be able to swallow, and secondly has no ddos amplification capabilities), it deserved to die in the first place.
i'm not even sure if you're speaking of cuckflare as a ddos mitigation service or a magic anti haxor black box, but cuckflare is not a ddos mitigation service, it is a bundle of various bullshit services that are conceptually broken (such as anti scraping, Web Application Firewall, and email address harvesting protection). the only reason cuckflare mitigates ddos is because in order to implement all these bullshit services, all traffic has to pass through cuckflare before reaching your site. the whole reason cuckbleed happened was because their stupid ass anti haxor block box had a bug somewhere in it. if it was a real ddos mitigation solution (like you know, what we've been using for the last 20-30 years), such bullshit would NEVER happen
real ddos mitigation solutions cost a tiny fraction of what cuckflare costs, and provide no other "security" bullshit. as you can see, 8ch got hacked like last week, so clearly cuckflare does nothing for preventing a site from being hacked. if you're so clueless that you can't escape your SQL queries in PHP, no amount of snakeoil is going to save your site. but why do we even care about this shit? there is no consequence of Holla Forums being hacked because it's just a garbage dump of shitposting and will be back the day after at a previous backup
as for the problem of people anonymously posting bad images - that's not a real problem either, and if you can't deal with that then so much for your "anonymous" image board. the only problem is spam, and that is solved by the captcha. if the captcha is broken you get a new fucking captcha (and you best not be using any of that recaptcha bullshit). 4chan and Holla Forums's tor blocking are basically attempts to build a safe space and are completely against chan culture. Even reddit isn't this cucked - they allow you to do anything over tor - the only problem there is you get downvoted every time you say something non circlejerky and their broken ass spam detection algorithm blocks you if you get too many downvotes
your suggestion for this "compromise" is just as retarded as cuckflare's suggestion to implement some experimental untrustworthy ad-hoc special snowflake browser extension using ZKP/SMP/whateverthefuck for making users only have to solve one captcha a day instead of one per domain per hour. Since there's no problem other than cuckflare's (and Holla Forums's) bullshit, there's no need to compromise - the only solution is for cuckflare (and Holla Forums) to stop being incompetent faggots. Most of the internet allowed tor users with no problem up until a few years ago when cuckflare came into existence and caused them all to unwittingly block tor. Likewise, endchan and other imageboards allow tor image posting and there is no problem - it's only 4chan and Holla Forums that do this tor blocking bullshit.
In the case of cuckflare (in a hypothetical universe where they are competent), they already know their suggested compromise of having everyone install their special snowflake software is unviable and is just a PR move to make it look like they offered a solution and it's our fault for not taking it. In your case I'm going to assume you're just missing the point.
if we need some special snowflake software just to post on Holla Forums I'm just going to use a non-blacklisted IP at the end of my tor circuit (which is a pain in the ass but not as bad as your suggestion), or better yet use something that supports real (psuedo) anonymous communication without the need for moderation, such as Freenet FMS
tor hasn't been that slow for the last 10-12 years. the slowdown _is_ minimal - the only real problem for casual website browsing is latency (and cuckflare). it was probably a slow onion. for example Holla Forums's onion is pretty damn slow half the time
Youtube doesn't even work well over the clearnet with 100mbps down and 12ms RTT. i usually use youtube-dl or stream the output of youtube-dl, both of which are much more pleasant than watching shit through some ghetto bullshit web browser's video player which constantly fucks with the bitrate.
I use a web based proxy, socks proxy, or some other bullshit. Half the web based proxies (which don't themselves use cuckflare) have some issue of some sort, and I can't even get half of them working without writing some code. You can also put something like this in your torrc:
to make all your connections to a domain use a single exit node, which I do for some sites, but never tried it for cuckflare because it seems cuckflare just has every exit node in its blacklist
There really isn't a better way. You could create a new exit node, but it will be quickly added to the cuckflare blacklist. You could create the concept of a cuckflare-only exit node and add support for this sort of concept to tor, but it will _still_ be added to the cuckflare blacklist forever the moment someone puts an apostrophe in an HTTP message (thus triggering cuckflare's SQL injection detection). Anything else is just equivalent to exiting through some general purpose proxy, which massively decreases your privacy.
basically the only reason using a web proxy or similar works is because it's such an obscure solution that only like 2 other users in the world are doing it. and that means if you post to site A and B using that method, it's going to be obvious to an analyst that both those posts were by you
What is a real DDOS mitigation solution?
If your threat model is the Strayan nanny state then yes. Go get a VPN somewhere that isn't shit. go set up and manage your own VPN in the US or whatever.
Please don't contradict yourself. The US is one of the worst places you could set up a VPN if you're trying to improve your level of privacy.
airvpn allows it and you can pay with bitcoin meaning they won't ever get your IP or
Kill yourself.
It basically means you have no escape unless all you do is encrypted.
So all the advertisement and articles saying people should use VPN is just jewish tricks again?
1. The subscriber of, and accounts, services, telecommunications devices and other relevant services relating to, the relevant service
2. The source of a communication
(the IP address and port number allocated to the subscriber or device connected to the internet at the time of the communication)
3. The destination of a communication
(Paragraph 187A(4)(b) puts beyond doubt that service providers are not required to keep information about subscribers’ web browsing history.)
The destination of a communication is the recipient.
4. The date, time and duration of a communication, or of its connection to a relevant service
5. The type of a communication and relevant service used in connection with a communication
6. The location of equipment or a line used in connection with a communication
All of it, ISPs gather and the government has access to already.
So what exactly are they gathering? Is it just that the ISPs are now storing the data that they have and always had access to?
wow my tense are all over the place
check /aus/ there are a few threads somewhat related to all of this and what can happen to just ordinary shitposters... especially now with the anti-hurt-feelings laws
They wanted to do "premium" channels type shit on Internet. They got btfo. Maybe this is next best thing for them. Anyway, Tor, Freenet, IPFS, and so on are all free. Some people claim Tor is compromised, but how can you prove VPN data isn't being sold or monitored? So it's not worth spending extra money. Anyway the normie web is shit now, and it's better to move away from it entirely. Plus the casual-tier browsers are all bloated pieces of shit. And it's going to keep getting worse.
yeah, nah
what are the other boards that make Holla Forums look like it doesn't know what it's talking about?