Why is this?

Why is this?

Digits tell me we already had this thread like 2 days ago.

Your digits tell me it was much further back than that.



its called gynocentrism
men are complete cucks and let society be dominated by the needs and wants of women.
women are the gate keepers of reproduction. if a man wishes to reproduce he must appease women. women can get sperm without any effort.

I'm the same user, so what's your point? Are you a triggered white knight?

He doesn't need to. He simply needs to temporarily appease particular women and not all of womankind. He's only going to reproduce with a few at very most.

its a numbers game. for non chads they have to try to appeal to any women who might be willing. so a cuck will try to appease feminists and a tradcon cuck will try to appease conservative women.

Because sexual dimorphism and how it affects not only our physical appearance but also our minds.

What about those who do not care to satisfy either?
But as I've said, a man can only reproduce with so many women (provided he's actually raising children and not merely impregnating women) and it is not necessary for him to appeal to all women. The truth is most white knights defend women who are not even theirs and never will be. It's pointless for them and they don't even realize it.

its an evolutionary trait. even men who don't want a women or children have the tendency to be protective of women over men.
its hard wired into mens brains. only years of red pill knowledge and experience can free you from it and even then its hard to over come.

I agree, most white knights and betas will never get the girl or have children (less than 50% of men reproduce) its pathetic of them. but thats why they're betas.

you just made that up. talk shit, fag

I don't know where he gets that figure but he's probably not far off. But you can imagine whatever you like to justify being a lame white knight.

from a CDC survey.

it might have something to do with this


Not everybody has all those things, and what does this have to do with the OP?

life is too easy now, so people find retarded shit to complain about

he is right, but not about what he was trying to say
modern technology has made life easy, this exacerbates male disposability, this makes 3DPD more indifferent to males due her having less need of them, and males being less able to use their physical advantages to put 3DPD into their place, due to cucks and beta males using technology and government to protect 3DPD in an effort to make up for their disposability

I strongly disagree with this. If anything, it's women who are becoming obsolete through technology.

Pic related

the technology that will put 3DPD on the level with males in reproduction isn't modern technology

tech has mad men less relevant. i.e. a women can obtain all she needs without a husband. this has left many men without a purpose. men have great potential to innovate. men invent replacement for the women that no longer needed them. holes go extinct.

You are either a woman or a white knight if you don't see the significance to women having a disproportionate amount of privileges and opportunity. There are MRAs that saw reason to complain about this back in the late part of the nineteenth century.

we don't have the technology to bring children to term via artificial womb yet
that goat was almost done. The main problem is we can't operate on single cells yet, they are too small

I accidentally deleted what's below.

It wouldn't put them on the SAME level, but it would make them obsolete. Modern technology already possesses this capability, but too many white knights and feminists fear the ramifications
of potentially replacing women or anything capable of doing so.

If white knights go extinct she sure couldn't


Also, yes we do, but as I've said, many people fear where this may potentially lead.

same level in reproduction
take away 3DPD's reproduction monopoly, and 3DPD become weaker, dumber men

They become less than this, because their only value was their wombs. Once they become replaceable, 3DPD lose all of their significance.

because deep down women are manipulators that get what they want by using sex as a weapon. without sex, they would be largely incapable of anything a man could do, and would basically be classified as second-class citizens in every field. what's important to realize then is that all women have the capacity to be the worst kind of bitch, and as men we need to play around that reality and lead her through life, not the other way around.

t. The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar

also, bear in mind that 2D has none of those things to worry your fragile little mind, so you can do that too if you want.

yeah, the thing I don't know is that if gynocentrism will go away after 3DPD are made into shitty men
it will depended how men react

Who needs real world women?

Of course it will, because sex was the only thing motivating men to put 3DPD on a pedestal. Also, robowaifus, which are another example of technology that will make women disposable, would also prevent gynocentricism for the same reason.

yeah, but most men get their self-value from 3DPD.

Male-mother need. It's not just about sex. Men crave being cared about and loved. 2d can't provide that. All the waifus in the world can't give you the feel when a real girl is lying next to you in bed.

All 3DPD in the world can't compare with my waifu.

no, I mean male disposability, has made males have to have a action base value system, they find value in fulfilling useful roles, and what is useful is defined by 3DPD due to them have value from biology.
and I don't know if this value system is from genes or environment

That's because they have been the only heterosexual option for men for millennia. But now there is potential for robowaifus that are capable of mimicking every sexual aspect of women.

Not all males have a mother need. And how would you know what it's like having a robowaifu, which is capable of being more attractive than human women, lying next to you in bed?

Environment affects genes. Evolution has favored gynocentrism for awhile as a survival instinct. Birth control has changed that. Women can now safly fuck a chad she knows will abandon her.

True. It remains to be seen if artificial women can fulfill a mans needs. And I agree that not all men have the male/mother need. It's part of breaking free of gynocentrism. I no longer need anything from holes. But it takes time and effort to get there.

well, I hope you're right, dude

BC is one small part. It's also
We can't go back, and any ideology that professes that is foolish. We can only move forward, and the future is robowaifus.

You mean both emotionally and sexually?

Yes, but the potential, if not the tech, is here.

TBH haven't had sex in years and any hole I meet I don't bother trying. Wouldn't turn it done but not making any extra effort.
There are more fullifing things to do with ones time. A better return on ones investment so to speak.

Yeah, robots are gonna be here soon and while be a game changer. I imagine a generation of boys never having to sleep w biocunts and not be social outcasts for it.

I hear you.

Definitely. Imagine how much more intelligent and knowledgeable men will become once 3DPD is no longer a distraction for them. And you're right that there will no longer be "social outcasts" in regards to having females. Also, men would really be able to enjoy themselves if they could simply get what they need from robots, without the added, annoying peer pressure of trying to be "cool" that seems to follow 3DPD.

Nothing wrong with 3DPD tbh, they're just not for everyone. I personally prefer them to robowaifus and masturbating because there's so many details that would suck to miss out on: their smell, their naivete and general silliness, and of course their openness to new experiences (which many men take advantage of and ruin perfectly good girls).

It will take a long time for robowaifus to replicate those experiences, in fact I'm willing to wager it will be outside our lifetimes. We'll probably get some nice features as time goes on: softer, more realistic skin and hair, better behavioral patterns that are less prone to corruption or decay, and maybe even a means of an 'artificial personality' that learns and mimics human behavior similar to how a child learns. Wombs and accessibility will be the main drawbacks since I don't see it becoming widespread until well after our deaths.

I can see why you would would think this, but there's many things you need to take into account. For one how many people are really dedicated to programming such machines? Most people are not up for exploring the boundaries of how obsolete women could become through such technology. It is for these reasons, also, that artificial wombs are not being pursued by the mainstream. Another reason is that most people, like yourself in your first paragraph, are to busy reminiscing how much more desirable they think the human female is to robots they have yet to even be familiar with; therefore, no serious attempts are being made, despite the tech being highly possible.

I meant


There's no doubt in my mind that there's a few dedicated autists hard at work to make the beginnings of robowaifus. The problem is that it's difficult to sell the investment to those who would be interested by the novelty; high quality robowaifus are going to be very expensive for the first couple decades, assuming they aren't banned or culled of sexual function. The only real customers are going to be either whales with money to burn or desperate lonerfags like many people here, but even then there's going to be tons of guinea pigging going on, as almost all the girls are going to be a work in progress for the first 50 years or so. They're not going to be as we envisage them right now, they're going to be lifelong projects that require constant upkeep and drain our resources. People will still go for it like people still get married, but chances are you or me won't have the means to access the experimental tech barring being personally involved in building it ourselves or having the connections to be 'early users' of a sort. In the end, most of us will either resign to the fact that it won't be within our grasp, or we'll cut our losses and marry a broad or use whores and onaholes for the bulk of our existence.

I could be overly cynical, looking back at what I typed though. 20 years ago we have no idea that we'd be this far down the line from a societal standpoint, with the explosion of radical feminism and it's responses from the MRAs, MGTOW, and LGBT communities. Maybe something will change or some grand technology will be released that solves some of the fundamental problems of an artificial robowaifu, like how to power them for long periods of time without needing expensive batteries, a JUST electric bill, or a nuclear core that's liable to wipe out everything in a 10 mile radius, or QoL aspects like a true learning AI, so that as the years go by and she goes through upgrades until finally becoming functionally obsolete, she'll still retain a novelty and damn-near enough human aspect that she'd be loved and cherished like grizzled mechanics love their classic cars.

The future is open; for now I am willing to settle with 3D women because my alternatives are not up to par with the efforts I can give towards finding a good girl to settle down with. If the technology comes about and I have a project in mind, it would be very cool to gradually build a robowaifu from scratch like a combination of those old DIY models from the 60s and the computer-building hobby I already have today. We'll just have to see.

Without complaining about shittiness nothing would ever be amazing.

Lol like who doesn't have a chair?

Trips says you're right. That's how people arrived at those things in the first place.

You're right. I think that robowaifus we'll be built on top of pre-existing robot technology. There are too many unsolved problems so far, like AI, Computer Vision and batteries, and those will not be solved by the R&D department of RealDoll Inc. or BangBros for sure. Before having functional sexbots we'll need to have just standard humanoid robots designed to help human beings in non-sexual tasks. Then some company like RealDoll or whatever will license the technology to produce gynoids designed just for sexual pleasure. So Robowaifus won't be a thing for at least 20 years and maybe more.

First, artificial uteri aren't a thing yet, and won't be a thing for a long time. Even when they'll be a thing it's not like all of humanity will stop having kids through natural means. I mean we already have the technology (IVF) to select only healthy embryos, and yet it's used mostly by people who can't conceive.

Second, if women can participate in the workforce it's precisely because of technology, which made most jobs easier to do. Computing has been abstracted to such an extent that women don't need to know much about computers in order to use them. Women will become obsolete with automation, that is, they will become obsolete when everyone will become obsolete.


Just replying here for jewish name generator

see, look at this faggot
I don't know if his set of values are base off genes or the fact he hasn't lived in a world with an alternative to 3DPD

Not all of those are as big of an issue as you may think. We're entering a whole new renaissance of AI development, where people are making more and more sophisticated AI for all kinds of purposes. All we would need to do to get started is replicate something like Tay. Computer vision, too has gotten much better due to better AI. Just slap in a couple cameras and a radar, and all you'd need to do is teach the AI to use it. Of course, it's not as simple as I'm making it sound, but it's all well within the realm of possibility.
Batteries are much more of a concern. After all, all those motors and shit will take up a fair amount of power. That, I believe, can be safely tabled though. I don't know about anyone else, but I wouldn't mind keeping mine on a tether until battery technology improves enough to allow extended usage between charges.


Because your a faggot who doesn't beat up women when they cry.

If you had all the software outside her body and connected via Bluetooth it's save a lot on battery and internal space.
I image internal heat being a bigger problem. All the motor and batteries would get pretty hot.

why not

tbh before you guys make robowaifus can you implant ai into my brain stem first so I can stop being able to feel emotions?

I can't post a new thread, but this recycled shit and gibberish faggot goatse spam is on the board and isn't getting deleted.

This board is bullshit. Dysnomia is a cunt and has completely rekt Holla Forums for good.

Care to elaborate, user?

Triggered female or white knight detected

i want to be an unfeeling robot

It'd certainly save a lot of energy, but all the motors and shit would definitely take up a bulk of the power with how efficient computer technology has gotten.
Also, I'd definitely want something other then Bluetooth because it's slow, insecure, and just generally shit.

So do I actually, and it's probably possible to become one.