Whenever you talk back to them on forums/issue lists/whatever they simply delete your posts
How do you fight them if they won't engage you?
How do you stop this cancer from taking over all of the tech industry
How to fight SJWs in tech?
Other urls found in this thread:
We nuke Silicon Valley.
Organize in large groups to.
Boycot the product.
Aggressively target their source of funding.
Once it is no longer profitable for a company to be SJW friendly, they'll do the clean up for you, or die. Just look at what social conservatives have done to Target as of late.
still trannying up the bathrooms, as we speak
We really need to bring back Fat shaming. Years ago these Whales would have never stepped out of line, they would have been trying to please everyone so that hopefully someone might fuck them.
Don't use their forum/lists/whatever. It's that simple. If you still have github account or similar, it's time to move your stuff elsewhere. Don't play by their rules.
but don't they still have to do this when they want to actually get laid?
And still losing money.
If you can't beat them, join them
t. Transfag
You really think they care?
create new tech free of rulecuckery. use something like Freenet FMS where there is no moderation and only a Web of Trust is used to classify data as spam. If people in your Web of Trust are retarded, remove them. create tech free of vulns so rulecucks have no excuse to put their "security" bullshit in
Nah, they just use Rabbit Vibrators and other Lesbians now.
go on?
Don't fight them head on, it's useless. It's also what they want, they get off on abusing power. Stay cool and know there are tons of people who are getting fed up too.
Know this: they will never ever be satisfied, because it's not about whatever goals they have come up with now, it's only about feeling superior. This means they will always keep on pestering and pushing people with new shit, so they can keep on feeling better. Loads of people are already getting real tired of their bullshit. So it's inevitable we'll reach a breaking point some day. I'm saying we're getting close as it is.
We actually need to reach that point where everyone has had more than enough. Before we're actually there, you won't be able to get enough people to waste as much time on this bullshit as these crazies do. Most people have enough shit on their minds.
Just a race war? I was talking about a full on apocalypse. End of the world. Heaven vs Hell and all that jazz.
like this?
Where's the bottom part of that picture?
Fuck I hope not, I'm really not a cat person.
how old are your memes m8
this picture looks cropped
Outcompete them. Win with meritocracy. You can at least do that, right user?
can you tell by the pixels?
Fucking newfags, I swear...
All the betas in """""""tech"""""" males have been completely conquered by feminism.
t. newfag
Good luck doing that with government agencies breathing down your neck.
I see the signature, but where's the post content?
Outcompete in what? Terrorizing people with mob tactics?
Just ignore them and the problem will disappear by itself :)
As long as they don't moderate the forum, I can ignore them. I respond only to those who have a sense of decency.
become the aristocraty of the field. Become a mad programmer with a ph.d or become a successful entrepreneur in technology....bonus point if both
Leave pozzed communities, projects, and industries. The harder it is to work in, the more conservative and tolerable the people generally are.
Ignore them, and no one will hire these talentless fucks.
Start your own studios that hire on merit.
Learn to take it up the butt, infiltrate their groups, and report back.
The easiest and most simple way is to light them on fire. All that grease burns really well once it gets going.
are you on IRC at all? I want to make a channel for tech people who don't let SJWs tell them what to do.
This. The biggest warning sign especially is any company that buys into the providing an overabundance of needless amenities ala Google; those places are meant for people that haven't grown up out of college and generally are filled to the brim with SJWs. Real, adult work is SJW kryptonite; remember this when scoping out projects, communities, and industries.
Outcompeting SJWs is not hard when they cannot do anything on their own. The problem is that you will have to outcompete their bootlicking betas and large corporations that keep their talented developers on a leash. I mean, what do you do when faced with something like GNU Guile? The main developer is a cuck, but for the time being he is the maintainer. Are you willing to write your own Scheme implementation and then convince all of GNU that they should use yours and drop all the Guile code they have written? That's not going to happen.
GNU are SJWs.
We have to build an alternative community.
Stop using their software, that's it. Move to alternatives, or create alternatives, or help the alternatives in some way.
You can't change the SJW, they're a hopeless cause, and anything they touch is as well. They're useful idiots who will eventually be lined up against the wall and shot when the destabilization stage is completed.
Don't use said forums/issues lists/whatever. Find ones that have wary admins that are consciously working to keep these dysgenic subhumans at bay. Remember that leftists use COINTELPRO tactics to compromise avenues of discussion. I've watched countless forums and websites be driven into the ground by leftists gaining moderation positions and then going on a power trip.
If you actually wanted to go on the offensive and take back ground, you simply need to do what they've been doing to us for years. Actively organize to spam their avenues of discussion into oblivion, and they'll go into hiding like we had to do. Other things that I've seen work are turning an environment openly hostile, which can include doxing people and shaming them. Since leftist places are usually namefagging, you can take retarded things that people say and turn them into a meme. Not just the staff, I mean regular members as well. The grunts have to be afraid too or it doesn't really work well.
Think about it... For your average SJW special snowflake trust fund baby, do you think they can emotionally handle it if every time they mention something leftist you use a sockpuppet to post an insulting picture of them with a retarded thing they said attached? Most normalfags can't even handle that for very long, so just imagine how fast it would melt a snowflake. Faggy as the whole gay fox anonymous meme has become, the originals had the right idea with their catch phrase. Never forgive, never forget.
You may not like the idea of being that petty, but they are, and this is war. You are not fighting against civilized human beings. You're fighting against literal psychopaths whose stated goal is to destroy our civilizations so that they can replace them with a globalist turd pile. If they want to act like disgusting assholes in public, then they have no basis to object to being held accountable for it... Forever.
Your SJWs will typically fall into one of these categories. Here's what I mean when I say their stated goal is to destroy our civilizations.
Want to destroy "the patriarchy"
Want to destroy the traditional concepts of marriage and family.
Want to destroy religion and the influences it has on society.
Want to destroy our ability to practice our cultural traditions, customs, and native languages.
Want to destroy traditional concepts of ownership, belonging, and personal responsibility. See the MSNBC video I attached for an example.
Want to destroy whites and anything that gives us a sense of identity.
Depends on how you do it. It goes a long way toward killing their morale if you're able to make them feel powerless. Then they start sabotaging themselves.
this racist cuck from germany
Don't forget. They're not white, they're Jewish.
Holy hell, you can do that?! Is that actually legally enforceable anywhere or is it just a political gesture?
Also he's a contributor to MirageOS.
I don't know any details or specifics, but the best way to get rid of SJWs would be to convince companies they are costing them money, quality of product, etc.
SJW ideals are picked up because SJWs sell people who aren't SJWs on the idea that adopting SJW principles will do things like raise profits by being less offensive, attract better developers who would normally feel left out by being more inclusive, etc.
If you want to stop them, you have to find out why non-SJWs are letting SJWs into their products and companies.
If you're a CEO or a leader of a project, and someone comes up to you with a plan to attract more talent, increase profits, increase product appeal, etc, you jump on it. No one is challenging SJWs. They show up, tell the people in charge things will be better if they adopt SJW values, and no one opposes them.
We need opposition when these things happen.
he's obviously some kind of anti-racist (aka anti-white) cuckold scumbag
Mirror and amplify everything they have to say. Try to get them to be even more extreme. The crazier they become, the more people get sick of their shit. Go after everyone for not being extreme enough. Constantly purge centrists.
great logic there.
are you retarded?
Actually, SJWs have caught on because people think they are fighting for equality and to end racism/bigotry, and people want to have a good conscience by aiding those causes. So, companies hire these people in hopes of improving their image.
However, SJWs do just the opposite, perpetuating racism and bigotry against groups they label 'privileged'. Hopefully corporations and the average Joe will wake up and see beyond the SJW veil of lies.
Why did github force him to change licenses if it was an anti-White license? I'm guessing it's to prevent complaints of different rules for different people, but is there more to the story?
In countries with strong European influence you are not allowed to discriminate based on race, gender or creed (with exceptions like tax breaks for women-owned companies, tax breaks for companies that employ monkeys, and universities are allowed to discriminate against Whites and honorary aryans). So in those countries that part of the license is not valid. But in plenty of countries it's enforceable - most (all?) mudslime countries and our greatest ally for instance probably allow it given there are religious places women are not allowed entry. Granted, those countries don't have Whites so while it's probably enforceable there wont' be anyone who could be punished by it.
Could be because they actually oppose racism, and not just very selectively. There are opinions outside those of Holla Forums and the worst of Tumblr.
I sent that license to Richard Stallman once. He told me he considered it to be a free software license, but disapproved of the racism.
they are constantly testing the limits and pushing the boundaries of what anti-white racism is acceptable.
This. Start turning up the crazy dial, this will end in one of two ways. Either all the (semi-)sane users will be driven out amd regroup on another site, or the moderation staff will get fed up with the crazies and start banning them. But do it slowly, not too fast. Don't be blatant about it, they can smell obvious false flagging since they do it all the time (cf. 75% of "lol cringey alt right anime avatar" twitter accounts that get screencapped and circlejerked over).
so, the license is basically
I dont see the problem. Permissive liscences are cuckold liscences, this just finally completes them with the fantasy with the requirement that the bull be nonwhite.
im on irc 24/7
GNU is too large to just stop using it and there is a lot of good software in it. Stopping to use software because it has SJWs in it is like killing a tumour by killing the patient. Sure, the cancer is now gone, but that is no cure. We need to kill the SJW cancer before it can kill its host.
holy shit you are obvious about it
Exactly, but most people hiring SJWs don't realize it. This user is on to something
Basically, pretend to be a completely retarded SJW, encourage other SJWs to be even more retarded, and push the to cause massive controversies and problems for the project or company.
Don't you sometimes need sleep?
The problem here is that you're dealing with communities where everyone has a name. So if you have one account and you start laying on the crazy, they'll just regard you as an outlier or troll account and ignore you. If you have multiple then perhaps you can make it look more obnoxious, but you still have to spend time and effor building each account's persona or else it'll be obvious that these are fake accounts. One thing you can try is to double false-flag, where you act as a strawman of your enemy's enemy (in this case, pretend to be an SJW trying way too hard to be a typical Holla Forumsack), but even then this can still be written off as trolling.
It's not like with anonymous boards, where it's super-easy to shit the place up because there's no identity to link everyone's posts together (if you're lucky you'll get per-thread IDs). You see this tactic happening here a lot, with every decent thread getting blasted with the same cookie-cutter "DEUS VULT KILL NIGGERS" bullshit in order to make everyone sick of Holla Forums.
I was thinking about that when I read it too. It definitely is a Free software license, even if it's meant to annoy a particular group of people. The four essential freedoms are still maintained. Now my question is, would it still be considered Free if the license instead forbade exclusively white, heterosexual males from using the software at all? Would that even be legally enforceable? I certainly hope so. That would open up some very interesting legal avenues that I would love to explore. After all, if they can discriminate against us, then we should be able to keep them out too. An equal playing field would mean that we have the advantage.
GPL software is a bit different than proprietary software that's infested with SJWs. Can the software rot from faggots that sit around and virtue signal all day instead of writing software? Yes. Can the software turn to shit because of faggots that write Pajeet tier code? Yes. But because of the four freedoms, there's literally nothing stopping you from forking their project and actually getting something done.
This guy has a point
There's a simple way around that though. Just don't host the project somewhere where leftists can invade the fork.
No, but you might be. Secularism doesn't mean reasonable public laws that take into account socially harmless differences between religious groups. It's become synonymous with militant antitheism, which is what I'm talking about. If you think the eradication of all religious expression from a society is a good thing, then you're no better than a fanatical Muslim that's trying to get Sharia implemented. I'm not joking. Sharia mandates that if one wishes to avoid becoming a Muslim, they must pay a tax called the Jizya. They would then be granted the status of a dhimmi, which meant they could live, but only so long as they adhered to the restrictions placed on them. Such restrictions included not discussing your religion with Muslims, not wearing clothing or Jewelry which contain your religious symbols, not placing religious symbols on or around your house, not constructing religious buildings without Muslim consent, and so forth. Sound familiar to you at all?
As for Abortion and sex ed... All I can say is holy fuck you're blue pilled, religion has nothing to do with this. I don't feel like derailing this thread though. I hope you're dreaming something nice.
Any idea about the US? I'm hoping it falls under first amendment protections or something. Nice webm too.
No, the JSON license and HESSLA are both nonfree licenses for a lot less. This license is specifically worded for it to still be a free software license for straight white males, it's just that oppressed minorities get to use it as a WTFPL
i'm a bot
Grow the fuck up and get with the times
I'm sure that first WebM is the most intelligent thing I'm going to hear this whole week.
I just looked up the JSON license:
How much of a virtue-signalling faggot do you need to be to use this license unironically?
ironic shitposting is STILL shitposting
Remember, this is exactly why we all eventually learn to detect that shit from its pure content, and get really good at it. Leftards don't know how to pull that off. They're much, much easier to successfully troll.
It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that since we can spot the shill from a mile, the enemy can do the same. They don't, most of the time.
The funniest part is that the license effectively implies that the authorities enforcing it have to define what is good and evil. I can't wait for the first court case prosecuting an alleged violation of this license.
>But your honor! Gassing the kikes is obviously a good deed and compliant with the license!
>moooooooooooooods they're triggering me! please delete post T______T
grow up son
Yeah no.
This could work if most of these people where a passive nature that learned from their errors.
Unfortunately they aren't passive and they don't learn from they errors.
These people are close to religious zealot/fanatic/indoctrinated.
Ignoring them isn't a solution and using the same tactics that they uses isn't either a good solution.
I say that we must engage conversation with them without putting them on their defense.
If they think that they need to defend themselves what ever you will tell them not be listened.
Their isn't a thousand solution with indoctrinated people.
They need convince themselves of what they are doing is wrong via someone talking to them.
What you need is a comprehensive compilation of their blackmailing, political entryism, extortion, and other nasties they've done.
Here's the hardest part for this board given the virulence of Holla Forums around here:
The examples must *not* be primarily right-wing victims. You need at least half to be either left-wing, centrist, or non-partisan. Those victims of SJW hostility exist and you need to find and document them.
To start off, don't let them onto your projects, intimidate you or your group into accepting a CoC, and don't say/use things associated with chans in public (i.e. anime, calling people faggots, saying x is autistic, etc.)
Learn what their positions are, why they have those positions and then undermine said positions.
Since many of them consider themselves to be leftists, use leftist writings to attack them.
Some resources: (I don't know how to properly archive)
I also suggest looking into post-modernism and any criticisms you can find, due to pomo being the main foundation to today's SJW faggots.
That's honestly a good question. If I had an answer, the modern left wouldn't be crying about how not voting for clinton is sexist and would be focused on trying to fix actual issues like poverty and so on.
They are hoping to make the money back by attracting all the trannies. Of course this kind of retarded get-majority-profits-with-minorities thinking is what will be their downfall.