Brownshirts, Blackshirts, and the topical application of violence

Teach us, Holla Forums

How were the SA and the blackshirts(and other paramilitary wings of political movements) used in a tactical, strategic and day-to-day manner?

Why was the SA shoa'd and where did they go afterwards?
Was it just because of the homosex or were they past their usefulness (And if it is a matter of usefulness, what are the signs that an organisation should be disbanded?)

Are there organisational structures that are more appropriate to different stages of political agitation, and what are they?

The battle of Sacremento - are those young men the seed of such a force?

How does such a force form in the first place, are they simply the best with their fists who later become formalised or are they formed with a plan first - muscle second?

These are messy and disjointed questions, but I am asking them for my own interest and for the sake of providing knowledge to hundreds of other anons who in casual browsing, too shall know and be able to apply this information in times of need.

RWDS general thread, go.

The uniform is cool but Mosley's blackshirts were a complete failure. The Battle of Cable Street just made the BUF an unelectable force in Britain because the media lied about it to destroy and credibility Mosley had left.
My great grandfather was a blackshirt and WW1 veteran tbh.
t. Londoner

Bump for the sake of RWDS

This sounds like a book-length answer is needed. Any recommended books would be appreciated.

Good topic OP.

The SA were guards because the NSDAPs talks kept getting interrupted and attacked by gommies.

They never really acted as a militia, only guards for protecting the party.
This made Ernst Rohm salty as fuck because the SA was majority made up of what was the freikorps who actually were a militia fighting communists.
Hitler didnt want the SA doing what the freikorps used to do because of image, he wanted to appear legitimate (and not go back to jail).

The SA got shoa'd because after Hitler became dictator Himmler and Goering told Hitler that Rohm was planning to commit a coup because Rohm really wanted the SA to become Germanys army and Hitler wouldnt let them.

Hitler didnt let them because it was illegal and he thought the real army generals were much better and he wanted to win them over.

I don't know much about the Italian Blackshirts, but the SA I do know quite a bit about.

The SA had many roles, street fighting was just one of them. They attended NSDAP functions (rallies, meetings etc), assisted in the paperwork and administration of running the party, put up posters/handed out pamphlets, assisted in the various social programs (food distribution, training the Hitler Youth etc) and much more.

When it came to combat, most violence would occur during big elections when rival National Socialist and Communist rallies came in contact with each other, SA and the various commie paramilitaries brawling in the streets. Physical control of the streets was a big factor in who had power in Germany (for example, see the massive campaign where SA were bussed in from all over Germany as a physical presence to break red Berlin). Raids against opposing political hangouts (bars, meeting halls, clubs etc) to keep them from organizing and discourage participation in them were common as well, the SA having it's own specialized unit (The Rollkommando) of motorized masked men who would roll up to a communist nest, storm in beating the shit out of anyone with clubs and trash the place.

It went far beyond brawling though, especially from 1930-1933 with the great depression. Assassinations, shootouts, bombings and murder were prevalent and the situation nearly boiled into open civil war several times. The Berlin police commissioner received no less than 10 reports of violence involving the NSDAP daily when it was at it's worst. It only subsided when Hitler took power and all the commies either fled or got camp'd.

The SA used a military model for their organization, having military ranks, specialized corps (engineers, signals, infantry, medical etc), organizing themselves into battalions with a dedicated fighting company. Rohm even put forth the idea of the SA replacing the Wehrmacht as Germany's standing army (considering they had 3 million members at their height and the pre-Hitler army at 100k). In the interwar period, it seemed like social-democracy was dying and from it's ashes would arise either Communism or Fascism, so in Germany both attempted to build states-within-states to grab power when democracy finally collapsed, and the NSDAP was far more successful in this than the Communists (who relied more on foreign, Soviet support).

Today cell structures (small groups operating independent of one another) would be far more appropriate for organizing. The NSDAP had a degree of public acceptance that allowed them to have a more open presence in Germany, the same is not true in America today, we are the system's #1 threat ultimately and they have and will use any methods to break up anything truly serious. Infiltration, monitoring, bogus charges, outright murder are all possible if you're truly dangerous and truly commited.


I'd say so. They're an omen of what's to come, with a lot of dysfunctional, pissed off young white men around I think we'll be seeing a lot more fighting once things finally take a turn for the worst. The far-right is becoming the undercurrent culture amongst a large section of the youth, and when the facade of prosperity and safety cracks they're going to come out in droves.

The new SA is always here, just waiting to assemble when conditions become right and something pushes them over the line. You'll see them in Europe, there's several mass psychological thresholds that need to be broken before something like that happens though. It'll come in time. If you think we're radical, wait till you see what the 13-14 year olds in Euro schools getting hit by the shitwave of refugees now are going to be like when they're 18-20.

post ur sa pics


The NSDAP brownshirts won because they were the most violent street gang intent on taking over the country.

They killed many more KPD and Social Democrats than they were killed.

commies have always been the most violent shits


Literally nothing is wrong with violence you cuck.

Arguing about violence as if it's bad is moralizing and makes for a poor presentation.

We don't hate commies because they're violent, we hate them because they're violent in the name of promoting the decay and rot in the soul and body of our people. Whereas we do it in the name of preserving nature's law and for the life of our nations, our violence is always justified and theirs never is.

You damn right I want National Socialists to be the most feared, violent group in the country.



they were noble defenders of europe who fought with integrity you co opting cuck

go back to your romper stomper costume and do some more drugs

If you're unwilling to fight and die for your people then hang yourself right now you cuck

They were meth-addicts and bar-brawlers.


They were bar brawling thugs.

They were still good and fine men willing to die for National Socialism. Heroes every one of them.

*1 shekel has been deposited into your google plus account


Yup, let's post more prosperous Germany instead of the real devastated Germany.

We thrive among violence and chaos, not this propagandic horseshit.

I never supported romper stomper Hollywood skinhead-ism.
So fuck you, I gave you a Strawman for the one you gave me.

I'm not against violence and neither were the SA.

Their mottos were:

"All opposition must be stomped into the ground."

"Terror must be broken by terror."


You two are both on the same team and arguing about a miscommunication.

I wouldn't doubt it.

Why be the feared thugs when instead you could be the valiant defenders of working people once the commies start going full kulak mode? Surely that would serve your recruitment levels long term far better.

why would the people fear you when you are not targeting them?

That's a fucking lie you kike.

I wonder if vets of the GWOT will start an American Freikorps. What really got me thinking about fascism and national socialism was how many of my fellow grunts were red-pilled. I think reading Starship Troopers was my first look down the rabbit hole.

I'm interested to see how this thread develops, but I'd suggest that - as much as we will have to adopt such organisations eventually, as shit goes full Lebanon/Syria/Bosnia - the immediate term calls for lone wolves. The modern spy-state is powerless to stop such actors; but being as untaxed as they currently are, they're more than capable of bringing down RWDS cells.

This. The violence at the Olympia rally destroyed any credibility they had left. It doesn't matter that they were usually only fighting in self-defence against Jewish communists

The difference between then and now is that, then, the enemy was an abstract idea: now the enemy is a group of people who look a certain way and regularly try to kill you. Comparatively easy to rally people against that.

Antifa are the SA of today it seems, but since they're lefties they're incompetent and weak, but they have numbers.

Remind me, what was the highest vote share the BUF or the New Party achieved? Molsey was also a pan-European cuckold who wanted to destroy Britain for the good of greater Europe.

Britain should be sunk tbh

*Takes notes*

Bump due to interest

if history teaches us anything it is that the only language communists understand is violence


"THE MEDIA" all of MSM will lie about shit that doesnt fit the narrative

whats your point? we make our own media and counteract it

violence is the only truth, the enemies need to be weakened with it otherwise you are vulnerable to their employment of violence instead

They were all formed from disaffected military veterans

This tbh

Right now I've got a few buddies from my old unit who are open to the idea, but we are waiting for the kite string to pop more or less. Don't want to blow our wad too early and get shut the fuck down.

We should do a fake ISIS beheading style video, just like the CIA does. Behead a nigger (with no visible blood) with a bunch of Pepes in the background and shit, and send it to all the Jews organizations. You know those kikes are stupid enough to fall for it. It worked for the CIA - why wouldn't it work for us?

Holy fuck, this.

How to get this message out to faggot Whites who would be the first ones to turn in or otherwise actively fight against a new SA?

Yet they will fight their own people in order to defend the shitskins. We must break this conditioning.

Except that just like with ISIS, the MSM will never acknowledge it's an obvious fake.

THEY are supposed to fall for it. It's all about turning the media into useful idiots, right?