A h

Attention whore
Hi. Miss me?

You're looking kawaii this evening

Cat furry, represent

That queef is still around?


tits or gtfo


Hi sagey

Hi sagey

I will not give you any attention unless you kill yourself.

Hi sageyMcSagePants

Hi sageyMcSagePants

Oldest trick in the book, silly pleb

He's shit. He never delivers anything good. The best you will get are pictures of his micropecker.

So full of hate
So. When was your last reddit circlejerk

Just buy a bicycle and lose weight. Eat less too you swine.

Swine. Kek
Im a 🐷 piggy


what should I get from taco bell?

A crunch wrap supreme
Pic related, buy two


kill urself ugly fat piece of human filth

most anons here are fat pieces of human filth so not an argument

Shit tier insult 1.5/10
Get moar creative and try again

This is true



Ask me questions and shower me with attention

how about instead I just post random pics

Have you considered losing weight? Not gonna lie, but looks like you would fare well if you lost a few pounds.


I like answering questions. Real ones, not smart ass ones kek

moar of me to love

Bad excuse. What's stopping you?

Whats stopping you from being healthy?

I'm not obese, if that's what you're asking. Back to my question, what's stopping you from losing weight?

Join the fat side
Whats stopping me. The liberal agenda. Leftypol

Is your mom dead yet? Or is she just still blind?

Leftypol encourages this?

Just blind

I was being ironic, sillypants

Hey, I'm glad that leftypol isn't fat shaming people like you and accepting them into their little community of jolly and gay, likeminded individuals, don't worry, your secret is safe with me.


and im not gay, im bi. Moar to eat

Come on, man, you don't even have to work out to lose weight, you just gotta cut back on your calorie intake.

Why so worried bout my fat ass?

Just trying to understand why you don't have the willpower to do anything about your weight issue

Good question

Keeping ME on page 1
Ask me questions and shower me with attention

Cozy jammy

unironically end your life, OP.

You didn't answer his question. What's stopping you from losing weight?

Gonna take a lot moar than dubs rolled.
There was one time on here, something got me so upset i was crying. I even posted a pic of me crying. You will have to dig through years of posts. If you can find it, you have your weapon to use against me. Happy hunting

how will he be able to post on Holla Forums all day and lose weight at the same time?

Dont feel like. Working on my travis two knives body

I say 3 years max before you realize how much you hate your life and kill yourself.

By getting fatter?

Dubs of truth

Hunny, ive hated myself most my life but im not gonna off myself

Kys, really,do it.

U first. Ill go after you. Pinky swear

So, is dys still a royal fuckface?

Bumping for attention

Why a skunk. My ex boyfriend used to call me his skunk cause i was territorial solitary and a bad attitude. He was from Texas and i hope that hurricane knocks his internet out.
Ask me questions and shower me with attention

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Working to keep me on page one
You love me
Sup Holla Forums

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My messy room

Take some photos with an MLP shirt

What is your age?

Nice try. No ill be banned again

Im 42

Some of my comics

Ask me questions and shower me with attention

Few years ago, some dude thought i was a chick from behind. Called me miss. I was flattered




Hi again. Back on page one

Hi again. Back on page one


Ask me questions and shower me with attention


Ill get right on that

When will you stop not being obese?



Brah, you need to chill. Would you like an angry handjob?
I give freebees
Besides mastering how to type in caps, whats up mr grumpy.


Aint i a stinker?

How much more pathetic can you be, fatso?

Im sure i can get worse

if dubs, mods must ban tubby from Holla Forums. if not dubs, tubby must be banned from Holla Forums

Unoriginal insult. Shit tier 1/10
Try again

Post if ya loves this fat furry ass

says the walking whale who burns his calories by walking to and from the kitchen

You forgot walking to the kitchen to eat moar.. Really though, its not the food. I drink beer moar than i eat. Im a drunk lush

I need to read shit better


Baby bump

Why do you post thumbnails?

because he's a can't grasp the idea of bigger dimensions, let him be a faggot.

Im a lazy fucker thats too lazy to make memes
It tends to annoy ppl

Yea, that

Shameful shameless self bump or, the unexpected virtue of ignorance

Go take a a walk, you stupid nigger!

Only cause you asked nicely^^

why do you only post small resolution pictures?

Just what i run across. This new phone only wants to post small pics.



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Hi queefs
