Dont let this die

This is still continuous silenced and Shilled to death.
The "it's old news"~concern trolling already has begun and yet it is still a massive smoking gun:
something that 'can' be used against the political driven socjus junkies but yet isn't used to destroy them!

It is all verified:
Ian also gave premmison to publish the conLekas:

There is a lot more to discover and a lot more that need to spread to the people. One o fthe many things within the conleaks:
and that's jsut the tip of the iceberg.

ALL this needs to stay active, on top as long as it gets shilled to death, as long as the 'word' doesn't get to the outside!
Don't let this die, keep it relevant and fight back the shilling. Even if you think that already enough people are aware of it YOU ARE WRONG
keep moving forward and spread the word! Everything got summarized:
and archived:

This text have to be spread on more platforms, it contains all important information, so grab it and spread it!
You have a facebook account? take this and spread it!
You have a plebbit account? Take this and spread it!
You still visit other imageboards? Take it and spread it!


Why the hell should I care?

hy anita.

Well yes, this is Holla Forums, we don't care about some corrupt lefties, we care about the jews.

Managing to write all that without actually explaining what is going on 10/10 for autism.

Also, your not awnsering why I should care.

Ok, I get it. But what does this amount to? Literally who corrupting some dumb game?

Apparently Zoe and friends trolled some gaming company, I don't know.

if you don't care, why are you here? Look, i don't care what you think, either you are here to help or not.

Again, WHY should I care. Please try and awnser this.

Answer the questions simply:

What happened?
Who/what does it effect?

Some game company getting fucked with belongs on >>>Holla Forums.

Wait… they named their charity whatever thing "CON?"

because socjus/lefties are the worst cancer on this planet. And this con leak is able to destroy their little catsle.

I get it, you have a different opinion. And i guess you will now start to concern troll the shit out of my respond. Before you start to type. Let me tell you. I simple don't care about your view of this conleak, or what ever. This is a SMOKING GUN no matter what you try or say it will stay as a smoking gun!

Again, WHY should I care, you still haven't actually awnsered the question.

con (crash override network) run by the who is who of socjus dickheads - chat log leaked, shows that they are the cancer we always saw in them.

How is this a smoking gun, and towards who?

We're dealing with shit that matters, digging into people/organizations that effect the global political climate. You need to explain why a game company taking advice from those idiots matters.

Alright, WHY should we at Holla Forums care about this?

read op, william usher made a articel on this

it is all in the op

ok, who th efuck are you?

Enough with the leftist in/out-grouping.

WHY should we care. Do you have an awnser to this question? Why is trolling a company something noteworthy?

OK. In the future make your OPs more concise and to the point. You just came off as hysterical.

Hurting the literally whos is great, but this isn't the massive deal you seem to think it is. There are far bigger fish to fry and you're focusing on the minnows.

What is this…

An attention span for ANTS?

What is this shit? This is Holla Forums. Are you implying that SJWs and some faggot leftists are more important than kikes? Do you even care that you are being replaced by shitskins? Why are you here? To shill your shit games? Get a life and a real hobby.

>>>Holla Forums

welp, seems i wasn't wrong. It still get shilled to death!

You're not getting shilled. This is just insignificant. The GG stuff was only one small facet of what we've been warning you about for years leaking in your hobby.

You shouldn't have ignored the greater threat for so long, and now you're upset your willful ignorance is betraying you.

zoe plz. gtfo. you're a fat cow and your cunt is all smelly.

clearly someone hasn't done his homework. Holla Forums is not "we." never has been. furthermore, anyone who knows anything about GG knows that GG was the pimple hiding the deeper infection of DiGRA and it's DARPA funding, not to mention the connections to common core, the Gates Foundation, and probably some shit involving Soros as this rate.

and this is important because it means LW was, intentionally or not, placed as the point person (point cunt?) to help catalyze a lot of things. discredit her, and her ilk, and you shutdown that avenue of attack, while further exposing the enemy to others.

besides, if you can't see the relevance of an old money Van Valkenburg being involved shit that goes all the way up to DARPA, then you need to self-reflect a bit here. the connections got memory-holed hard back when they came out, and now there's fresh evidence of all sorts of shit, even if most of it is just trust fund douchebaggery.

Already bumplocked? Great.
For the information of every retarded idiot in this thread…

This is undeniable evidance of a lot of shady shit that Zoe and her coven did from 2014. Plans they had, ideas on how to control shit.
There's everything in there, from spreading child pornography to get Holla Forums down, to contacting all forms of supporting it like Patreon, PayPal and etc.
There's also the part where they talk about bullying, which should concern every single one of you idiots. They basically detail their plans on how to fabricate outraging and "death threads" to fuel a campaign they are now putting in motion to create CON, Crash Override Network. This is an organization that's gonna partner up with Twitter and who knows what else to combat "cyberbullying" and you know what that means.

If you care about freedom of speech, if you care about Holla Forums, if you care about CON controlling what can and can't be said on the web, you should care about this since it's evidence all that shit was deliberate and fabricated by them. You can literally shoot the faggots before they actually start doing their shit this time.

For the record OP, you're a sperg. Instead of complaining about the low attention span of your average Holla Forumsack, you should have just jumped straight to the point of explaining to them what's at stake here.

Because they moderate Twitter and Hillary Clinton is backing them.

Jesus fuck I wish someone would realise how potentially useful the content of these logs is for dismantling the SJW narrative and maybe harming Clinton's campaign now she's gone publicly anti-GoyimGate.

Fuck off already. Notice how Trump didn't disavow? You were told that muh PR is a trap from the beginning. If you had went full Holla Forums, gaymergate could have actually accomplished something.

No sage cause well deserved bumplock.


GG was babby tier compared to what is occuring in this world.

Idiots that got focused in on gg and nothing else are like people that are all pissed off that immunizations have shit in them that they should not, while ignoring just who is perpetuating the such bs.

also this.

GG COULD have been something fucking great.. Instead, once the gears really got turning all you faggots went full cucklord. And because of your ill advised pr cuckery you gamergoys stole defeat from the jaws of victory.

It is what it is.. But christ learn from you mistakes. Pr is capitulation. Capitulation is to deny yourself victory. You NEVER capitulate when you are correct.

Going full Holla Forums did nothing but give them ammo. PR was a mistake but sperg outs never helped either.

Most of you idiots use Twitter or other forms of social media for your fight against the jews. Have fun doing that in a few months, once CON goes in full effect.
Especially after Obama hands off the Internet to private companies, you'll finnaly get your 1984 you've been hitching to fight against.
You could have prevented this, you could have done something with this before it actually happened.