Unlike other groups (Blacks, Hispanics), I feel like Jews are gonna come out in drovens to vote against Trump this time. Jews are only 2% of the electorate, so it's not like it will matter much, but I think 4/5th of them will vote against Trump.
I wish what this jew said would happen.
Not bad - 7/10.
Deportation is a fucking TV hit in every continent they have deportation shows.
I have never heard that they will lead to genocide before, which is a pity
Kikes admit they are same semite filth with moslems when they are desperate.
It's funny because Bill Clinton had more than 12 million people deported.
You are not the only one. -)
And, what?
The golem will turn on it's creator again, and once again the jew will be caught by surprise.
That sounds like the title of a B-grade porno movie.
I like how he has to mention Muslims because he knows nobody of any political standing actually cares about Jews on their own.
I think you mean the public. If you think the US gov't doesn't care about kikes, then that the fuck have you been doing with your time here?
This is such mind blowing ignorance I can barely remain upright while reading it. How do people equate kicking people who are in your country AGAINST THE LAW to genocide?
That is allways the case with jews, they vote democrat 90%+
God, I really hate Jews
Because Jews become super neurotic and paranoid at the slightest thing non multicultural and left wing.
"They come, they come
To build a wall between us
We know they won't win"
Air a shit ton of time of emotional Ads with this music and spic+white couples.
Nice thumbnail.
Odd think to say. Normies (as opposed to SJWs and hard leftists) are more wary of Muslims than of Jews.
Thanks :^)
couldn't find the one edited with trump and something else on it. just downloaded gimp to fuck around
I don't think you know what 'goysplaining' means, user.
Yeah, that would be Jewsplaining.
Goysplaining is how Jews explain to Goys in a that is deceiving and subtlety condescending
I've defined the term for different effect
To our goyish minds, all of this seems like utter nonsense. But in the jew's messed-up neurotic brain, it is totally logical.
Jews fucking hate Christians. I can't emphasize this enough. They've hated us since the first century. Their precious talmud and tons of their culture and rituals are based around hating the christian goyim.
And christian means white european. It doesn't matter if there are plenty of christians in latin america and africa and elsewhere. WE are the enemy. They see white christians as the evil oppressors who kicked them out of europe some ~700 times (all a coincidence of course). And jews DO NOT give up a grudge. Ever. Oh, and they also see all whites as christian. It's synonymous in your eyes. Doesn't matter if you're a fedora or a pagan LARPer or whatever else. White = christian because they always see ethnicity and religion as being synonymous, just as in judaism.
The jew is so committed to multiculturalism because its their way of suppressing white people. In their subconscious minds, they need to dilute us with mudskins and prevent there from ever again being any white countries, because white christians are the enemies of the jews.
And that's how it all makes sense. When someone like Trump or Farage says "hey, uh, maybe we shouldn't take in all these 3rd world immigrants" in their minds it is LITERALLY anudda shoah, because white people are talking about making their countries white again. And white again means jews get their comeuppance, just as they have consistently for the past ~2000 years
This kind of argument really pisses me off. Shouldn't they just fuck off with fighting antisemitism then?
Yeah that is actually why the anti-christian stuff here feels so weird and forced for some reason.
It is actually quite similar for everyone else who is a enemy of whites. Subhumans don't care if you are British,French or American to them you are just Cracker/Gweilo/Gringo ect.
So when people talk about not making enemies of everyone they are retarded.
But Jews have already used the term "goysplaining" for goyim explaining things to Jews, like feminists used the term "mansplaining" for men explaining things to women.
I love how they still call it "cleansing" without being aware that the word sounds positive and desirable. What happened to their renowned skill to twist the fuck out of words to make anything sound completely different to their real meaning?
He is literally letting slip that those are things that should be cleansed right?
OK makes sense. Have another
People are anti christian because the christian establishment has sold you out. They're pursuing cuckery and social justice now. I have no problem with the rank and file but the establishment sold you all out and when the pope and the priests sell you out it's going to trickle down to the sheep.
Yes, I know but everyone has sold everyone out so it seems like a slight coincidence given Christian history with Jews
thank you, anonsan :3
That's better.
Oh wait, can you remove the glasses on that merchant, but keep the rest as it is?
Atheist jews he will do poor with, religious jews he will do well with.
Mein user san
Yes, perfect.
Infiltration particularly during the cold war of churches by liberal heretics and apostates has wreaked ungodly havok upon the christianity of the west. It's an awful time to be a real christian as the entire church establishment is largely against you and any resistance is harped on like the moral majority shit of the 90s and early 00s but what nobody seems to question is this: Why were the christians lashing out so hard back then? I suspect they were resisting "Generation ME" and they overstepped and by doing so they lost almost all of the resistance they might have been able to pose to an even worse threat i.e. the rise of cultural marxism in mainstream culture. Really christianity is lucky to have anyone in its corner here. They fucked up badly… but redemption is the key here and we must redeem the church not in some cucky shitlib way that our parents generation or theirs did. But instead with a bit more of the hellfire and passion with less of the invasiveness of it though. Blaring it all across media is a dead end. The church must be stern and utterly implacable rather than capricious and flighty or worse yielding, lukewarm and cucky as it has been of late
How many of those did kikes like him kill so far in the mid-east?
He's a retard. Islam is one of the most anti Jew ideologies of all time.
That's not how it works. Hitler didn't make an enemy out of everyone, he allied with Japan.
Also it doesn't even matter, the US already opened the can of worms. It elected a nigger president and it plasters nigger shitty culture all over world media so even bottom of the barrel niggers bang qt white whymyn everywhere in the planet and spawn mulattos. Those things won't change at all with Trump president, he is a fuckin cuck, even said "niggers are god's gift".
This ride ain't over to we lay democracy to rest and start the fascist uprising.
Just gonna keep shitting up the thread with this same one
My sides!!! Please … stop!
These are great. Make sure to tweet things like this to her constantly.
I hope you mudslimes aren't dumb enough to fall for this. Again.
Actually, you know what, troll her and tell her to get the fuck out of Palestine or whatever else.
…to 18th century agriculture.
i guess it's ok when israel does it in the most gruesome and humiliating ways, though. it's a family thing.
i like the sixpence version
Yeah, that's right. They hate a Guatamalan Catholic, Nigerian Animist, or Burger African Church of Zion Baptist equally so much as a German Lutheran or white Southern Baptist. Sure thing, Schlomo.
Did you even read my post, you fucking mongloid?
Not only that, but they're concentrated almost entirely in New York and California, two solidly blue states.
Sadly, this.
I don't need to read that crap because it's not true.
You don't have to be white european in order to be a christian, and the jews also fucking hate neopagans, deeming it as a racialist religions.
Yes, but christianity in the jew's eyes is white european. They don't care about some guatemalan indio preaching the gospel.
They see neopagans and all white people, larpers and fedoras alike, as christian. Read my fucking post, retard.
So it doesn't matter what my religion is then, unless I'm practicing kebabism.
Heh, figures that's she's gotta signal to her bosses that she's more loyal a whore than a random jew plant from Vermont.
Yeah, it was a revelation to me when I realized they're still actually asshurt over Vespasian and Titus wrecking their shit.
We should co-opt the prayer shawl as a symbol of the "alt-right" or whatever faggot name the MSM wants to assign to us. Imagine a bold red shawl with
on one side and
on the other. The triggering would be glorious.
"This time"? Jews have voted majority Democrat consistently for almost a century.
Remember: Jews may have been shocked and appalled at Trump's shawlocaust, but they weren't going to vote for him anyway.
I like her idea of sending blacks to Ghana, but they can't be deployed soldiers.
Also, who the fuck thinks of themselves as 'single' while their husband is deployed to a war zone?
A dumb slut.
What the flying fuck is that girl thinking, holy shit. Stop feeding that cunt mind control every fucking day. Jesus Christ, that's fucking mind boggling.
Bu…but i corrected the record goy.
This is a known fact. During the New York primary, Trump absolutely killed it. He won with sky-high margins among _every_single_demographic_… except one. And that was jews. And manhattan was the only part of the state not to vote for trump.
But it makes little difference in terms of the electorate. 2% of the population, and the majority of them are in states like NY and CA that go liberal anyway, and the jews always vote liberal regardless
Why isn't Trump's finger on the trigger?
but why do people hate people like him though?
Wait also, people like (((Glenn Fleishman))) lead to white people being raped, exploited and killed.
So what is the solution then? It appears we are at a bit of a standoff.
This is why people kick jews out. We can't even have someone save our nation from a fucking crimelord.
Hitler was fucking right.
He doesn't need triggers, he tells the bullet it is fired.
(((Muslim Brothers)))
You have to respect the ability of the jews to play both sides completely counting on good goys to be so memory holed they can't remember how it was them that lured us into wars for Israel.
that url doesnt seem to work unfortunately
These "people" will be raped and left to die in a ditch by the same niggers they long for.
i i dont get what is what who why how
C'mon we all knew that jews and muslims work together to destroy the white race.
because they are brothers…..jews are Turks:
No one is bothered there is an actual live jew in here?
It's just great to have evidence, as the Jews push more and more Muslims in quicker than before the Volk will finally wake up and Muslims will be seen as a bad thing and how will the Jews disconnect themselves from what they had been doing?
They'll wish to be thrown out and not hanged upon the sacred hanging tree.
Jews are afraid of everything…typical Lefty scared, always…fucking cowards…..
Try '1' instead of 'L'
Ask them: How do you know it's inpossible?
Every fucking time. These people are maddening beyond reproach.
Who needs logic if you can have shekels instead.
Good job being retarded, anons. Maybe you should start a group for like minded retards Fleishman over there.
If they just stopped trying to ruin Western civilization, we'd leave them alone and they'd be free to kill the Palestinians in peace. Their machinations always fail, yet they keep trying and trying. I thought Jews were smart, can they really not think that far ahead?
2/10 you tried
Trump will make the fourth reich real
shit, I wanted to just deport them, but if that's impossible …
trump knows all about reality tv. this will happen
Jews are the 2nd largest democrat voting bloc in the US, the first being blacks (but because MO MONY FO DEM PROGRAMS)
The "conservative" jews you see on TV aren't real, goy
Somebody should ask the following "So how are the decedents of the original Christians doing in Bethlehem?"
Since when the fuck are jews and muslims on the same side?
Reminds me of something similar.
Said no jew to another jew ever. But for the goyim its free game!
Since Toledo at least.
And now today with the refugee crisis. They've always allied against us whenever it was convenient.
trips confirm
my fucking sides