OK people long story short here… I recently nabbed a gig driving a 18 wheel cab over, back and forth between Cleveland and San Fran on a rotating basis. And tonight i was stopped at the Iowa 80 truck stop when i was approached by a young lady as i was heading back to my rig,wishing to know i i needed some company. She must of been about 23-25 and quite a fine looking filly.But as i was about to confront a 12 hour shift at the wheel i declined. When i did so she suggested i may be interested in her sister…and at the drop of a hat a girl who must not have been older than 12-13 stepped out of the shadows and made her presence known.. Now she was a skinny little beauty…lots of legs and not much up top…but a beauty none the less. But me…i kinda chocked on my cheeseburger,made my awkward goodbyes and headed on my way.
But here i am 3 states later wishing i had taken the chance.
So as a new driver i need to know…did i turn down the opportunity of a lifetime,or do the feds target lonely drivers at truckstops???
Jace Barnes
your only option now is to become an alcoholic, it's either that or suicide.
Benjamin Gray
I'll pretend you didn't make this up.
The feds don't do that but it's quite possible the whore was filming it to blackmail you.
David Miller
Dont be an ass man. I already drink when i can(NOT when working)…but on the other hand i will be passing back throu Iowa in 6 days,and was honestly wondering what my chances were of getting ass raped if i was to take this young lady up on the option of her kid sister? Do the feds target truck stops?…or are they as they seem,the last bastion of the wild west? If you have no knowledge of this then please refrain from answering.
Luis Martin
depends on if the feds pay more than you
Jaxon Ross
Possibly the worst business model in existence.
Joseph Taylor
Obviously there's a chance some fed will be trying to lay a trap for you. If you want to take the risk or not is between you and your testicles.
Robert Gray
Anyway if they say her age and especially if she looks like she could be older than that it's a trap of one kind or another. If they say her age avoid.
Liam Roberts
Satan here. Fuck her you pansy.
Eli Scott
Well i just guessing their ages,thou i would be amazed if the younger gal was older than 13.
Ive got a wife and 3 kids at home myself friend,hence why i headed for the hills on the off chance that i was about to become sme junior feds weekday bust… But i was so tempted that i thought i should ask here just on the off chance that somebody knew more than me about this tactic…or if we were safe at certain stops.