Have you ever walked 3 miles?
Have you ever walked 3 miles?
I walked 3 miles everyday when I had to go to summer school. It's not even a long walk tbh
nigga why didnt you just use bicycle
I did for a week, until my friend wanted his bike back. Plus, there were a lot of fuckin hills
dude how is that a long walk? anyone can walk 3 miles in their total day
you can ask me the same question when i went to my previous school for the past 2 years.
Well the answer is that i did actually for the most part use a biclye but at the end of my prev school year (march till end of june) i walked cause my bike was broken and my dad wan't to fix it.
pic related on how i went to school
this tbh
I only walk kilometers tbh.
so does every other country except burgerland
you stupid ass kids have it so good today
when I was your age, I could only make it to school once a year, and 18 of my friends died along the way.
pic related, my old route to school
R u a faget?
tbh you deserved to die.
I walked 40 miles. Get on my level retards
I walked five miles a few years ago when my car broke down.
If it hadn't been freezing cold, and me without my jacket, I would have walked 10 miles all the way home.
If only I had known that you could just hit the starter with a hammer and it would go…
This is how i go to my current school now.
It's pretty nice much cause i only need to walk about 800meters and i don't have to wake up so early as i usually used to do.
By that amount of miles i would have visited my russian step sister 10 times in a year already.
Kys spoiled faggot
i think in total i have
In total what?
In your whole life or what?
Might want to put a little bit of more effort in that
No but I walked four once. I missed the bus in highschool and was too autistic to ask anyone to borrow their phone so I just followed the highway back to my house
Holy shit, that's some severe poverty in america.
i use metric system
I've walked around 14-15 miles in a single afternoon. Just out walking. It's not that big of a deal.
Sure pal, everything is possible on the internet if you just use your imagination
I haven't walked anywhere a mile from my automobile in years…………………………………………..
I used to hike a lot. I used to be prepared for the race war. Now I'm soft, weak, and going to order a pizza while I watch Cowboy Bebop.
I think the farthest I've ever walked was around 20 miles. I was drunk, and it was after I completely humiliated myself at a party and was brutally rejected by a girl.
I have walked 300 miles
That kind of reminds of when my dad once told me he got rejected by a girl which afterwards left him disapointed, sad and mad to take a walk.
While he was walking he stumbled upon some random who tried to rob him by asking him if he has a cigarette.
So what he did, he started to attack and beat up the scammer.
But anyway, i don't why i'm telling you this, i have school tomorow, i'm tired af writing a full criminal record about an suspect, i'm going to shower now and sleep in about half a hour.
So many words i forgot and misspelled because i'm impulsive.
Kek. Great story
Do you walk aimlessly because you have no motivation to do anything at all?
I used to shower……………………… I showered just now, actually. I'm surprised how much it dried my skin out. Ew.
For most anons, aimlessly walking on a regular basis would be a step up.
Reel men only walk furlongs tbh.