"Oy Vey! 10+ Jewish Characters in Anime!"
"Oy Vey! 10+ Jewish Characters in Anime!"
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Spike Spiegel is about as german as it fucking gets.
Red Dragon were degeneracy spreading spacekike crypto-gooks
wtf that's it I'm a #spongebober from now on
found the jew
Meanwhile you can make a list a mile long of canon white characters.
Only Jew I know, if only because she's named Kirara (((Bernstein))). She's Cuckadian, loves meat, and is pretty friendly, though she doesn't talk much.
Source on left picture?
Calling a jew a Canadian for living in Canada would be akin to calling a person a car for standing in a driveway. Also:
Gosh gee
She's eating pork though.
Keep in mind that jews like sabbatai zevi and and jacob frank promoted disobeying jewish law (such as kosher) and their legacy still stands today (especially among the most powerful jews I'd imagine).
Well we gotta realize a lot of these names are Germanic and that jews love to steal shit and claim it as their own.
I think it's Angel Cop.
Thou they have a point because he uses Israeli shit
Mikasa is Japanese, isn't she?
Also, he works.
Neither of them are jews. She's basically half japanese and half white though.
Half Japanese.
I refuse to believe Spike is a kike. He has zero stereotypical kike characteristics and as somebody else pointed out, not all German names are Jewish.
The japs haven't been enriched enough to learn about kike culture.
Spike is a fucking pirate, how do you think he got an isreili gun?
took it form a space kike
shit, his fucking pilot looks more kike'd out than he does and he's 100% confirmed burger
I know several families of Jews and they all eat pork.
he shows too much empathy and too little interest in money to be a kike
entirely anti kike behaviour
the fuck
Why am I not surprised by this?
Your move christcucks
I'm glad I wasn't the only one imagining that during GJBU
Have any of you seen hunter x hunter?
Theres this merchant in the yorknew saga that helps them sell all their goods. They made him veeeeerry jewy looking.
(Glasses and curls are my edits)
No… i remember her as Bernstain
Yes go- I mean guys, reject christianity which was invented by g-ds chosen to enslave you.
Haha they are so asshurt. It isn't a bad anime though, as long as you watch the accurate version.
Hold on a sec, Holla Forums. I remember Layton had a line in one of his games where he said "I don't believe in coincidences." Can anyone manage to give a screenshot of it?
Spike works for the Space Triad, wouldn't that make him a chink?
also as another user pointed out: no mention of SEELE? Angel cop may have been more on the (((Nose))) about it, but SEELE is most definitely the elders of zion
Worse, inspiried by a con artist Jew that claims to have psychic powers and tried to sue Nintendo over the depiction
lol, jews are sick of animes triggering them, now they're trying to co-opt.
it won't work, you dumb kikes. anime is inherently white
Scarlett Johansson is Jewish. They're very good at blending in.
I knew this the day I saw some anime produced by universal.
I can confirm that Cowboy Bebop is a pro jewish anime.
My surname ends in "berg" and I'm not a Kike. Fuck you.
Might want to get a DNA test Mr. Goldlust
Those are originally Germanic surnames, you know.
Sure thing Mr. holocaustawitz
Ok, you're just a shitposter.
oy vey muh 6,000
33 “Now listen to another story. A certain landowner planted a vineyard, built a wall around it, dug a pit for pressing out the grape juice, and built a lookout tower. Then he leased the vineyard to tenant farmers and moved to another country. 34 At the time of the grape harvest, he sent his servants to collect his share of the crop. 35 But the farmers grabbed his servants, beat one, killed one, and stoned another. 36 So the landowner sent a larger group of his servants to collect for him, but the results were the same.
37 “Finally, the owner sent his son, thinking, ‘Surely they will respect my son.’
38 “But when the tenant farmers saw his son coming, they said to one another, ‘Here comes the heir to this estate. Come on, let’s kill him and get the estate for ourselves!’ 39 So they grabbed him, dragged him out of the vineyard, and murdered him.
40 “When the owner of the vineyard returns,” Jesus asked, “what do you think he will do to those farmers?”
41 The religious leaders replied, “He will put the wicked men to a horrible death and lease the vineyard to others who will give him his share of the crop after each harvest.”
42 Then Jesus asked them, “Didn’t you ever read this in the Scriptures?
‘The stone that the builders rejected
has now become the cornerstone.
This is the Lord’s doing,
and it is wonderful to see.’[a]
43 I tell you, the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a nation that will produce the proper fruit. 44 Anyone who stumbles over that stone will be broken to pieces, and it will crush anyone it falls on.[b]”
45 When the leading priests and Pharisees heard this parable, they realized he was telling the story against them—they were the wicked farmers. 46 They wanted to arrest him, but they were afraid of the crowds, who considered Jesus to be a prophet.
What a bunch of retarded faggots. They can't be gassed soon enough.
She's clearly not a jew dumbass, you even described a bunch of reasons she wouldn't be
Like I said here a lot of those names that jews have are Germanic. Of course there are a lot of Slavic names that jews have stolen or used as well. Trotsky, Marx, and I believe Lenin are among those who took non-jew surnames.
Scarlett Johansson is not full Jew. She's 1/4th. The rest is Scandinavian.
Well her nose was 100% jew before she got a nose job, not to mention as she gets older her jewishness is really coming out.
What is your whole surname?
It's only Jewish if the other part is some metal or jewel i.e.: Eisenberg, Silverberg, Goldperg, etc. If it does not invoke some material it might as well be germanic, see Guttenberg, Heisenberg, etc. Berg means hill or mountain in German.
Is this article pro or anti-Jew? I can't tell.
So (((anime))) was never good, is that what you are saying? Absolutely degenerate.
for going against the (((narrative))), this thread will be filled with smug (((anime))) girls and/or degenerate (((anime))) porn because oy vey how dare the goyim not like our cartoons remember to never marry or reproduce
Sure thing, (((365b4f))).
It's not a tranny, retard. Have you never seen a muscled woman before? Watch the show before making ignorant comments.
I'm very pleased that you put these words on record, user, as they are correct. You might even say that this whole record is now correct, thanks to you.
ohhh snap, that's a good one
Why even live.
Me too. I remember another cap from Angel Cop, with discussion about "the Jews buying up Hokkaido".
For the love of kek, anime is one of few remaining bastions for non-cucked media. Keep the Yids out of it.
If your mother was Jewish, you are Jewish. Scarlett Johansson's mother was Jewish.
He's just naive. He thinks no one would believe the anime
I came to this thread to agree with you. Spike is the farthest thing from a jew in that show.
Best kike.
According to Jewish religious doctrine, yes, if your mother is a kike, you're a kike. So according to Jewish religious doctrine, she's a kike.
However, if a father is Jewish and the mother isn't, the child is goyim, according to Jewish doctrine. That means someone with a higher concentration of kike lineage isn't considered a Jew when someone who's quarter Jew or 1/16th Jew is.
I disregard the mother law when examining half-kikes with kike fathers, and I disregard it the same with kikesses.
Yeah, her nose was kikeish before the nosejob. I don't see much of her kikeness coming out as she gets older, though.
Judau fights a character named Haman (Haman being the name of the villain who tried to kill the Jews in the Biblical Book of Esther).
Amuro in Char's Counterattack looks a lot like a Jewish lesbian (can you see it?)
While the image is mostly correct, Rosenberg immediately rings my Jewish radar. I'm pretty sure there are shittons of American kikes named Rosenberg.
He's not a kike, even the creators confirmed this.
MyAnimelist is full of (leftist) normalfags and the people who actually take part in the community there are generally leftists of the most retarded kind so I'm guessing pro-Jew.
That explains why that article (or whatever it is) is so shit.
Friendly reminder that Spike carries a IWI Jericho 941. There is literally no reason to carry the IWI clone over a CZ 75B unless you dig the tribe.
SEELE did nothing wrong
He is no more a jew than I am a communist for having an AKM, or cuckservitive fudds are natsocs for having a mauser 98. A gun is a tool, nothing more.
But yeah I have never seen any IWI I liked, jewguns a shit.
How could they forget Galil?
Nah, fuck off retard
Guns are innocent. They don't carry the sins of their makers or their users.
Galil dindo nothing.
There is no such thing as thread sliding, why would jews care about this little site?
Do you seriously think Shlomo Shekelbergsteinblattowitz gets off his rocker and tries to slide board content? Really?
I'm going to need some evidence user
Why couldn't shlomo write a bot to do it for him?
Even if he wouldn't he'd pay somebody to do it seeing as how much Holla Forums influences the whole internet, anyone would love to co-opt it.
At first I thought you were joking but this is starting to look genuine
Because galil is a big fat inferior AK.
Jewdog a shit.
You hear me?
None? I'm dsaipointed tbh