I admit it

I am one of them there peaderphils. Help me keep it that way Holla Forums

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Yo, what do y'all paedos think of Unteralterbach? I'm not really into the whole pedo stuff, but I thought it was a pretty enjoyable comedy narrative (helps if you know a bit about Krautchan and Krauts in general).

No fucking clue what you're talking about

You're one of the 3-4 peds

I like krauts

Here you go friend: unteralterbach.net/index.en.html
Essentially imagine a VN out of Germany where the main character is taken straight from an imageboard.

feels bad.

I thought it was great and the sex scenes were pretty fappable.
I'm just sad the laurab one was wasted on lolidom, shit tier fetish tbh fam

If theres only 3-4 pedos then this board must only have like 6 people at maximum, though I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case considering how slow it is.

Hex said claimed there were only 3-4 actual pedos here in a thread earlier and I just burst out laughing when he confirmed that he was being serious. Dysnigger and his vols change their definition of pedophilia every single fucking day.
Our user count would realistically be in the double digits but I wouldn't be surprised if everyone was samefagging because that's actually amazing.

I feel very unsafe going to that site tbh

you'll be fine

It alright.. you might be on a list if you go to it.. but for a possible FBI B8 game.. It is pretty good.

Really doubt it. Sure, they probably flag searches for it, but I really doubt Anne Frank is actually a Fed. The game displays a level of knowledge that no FBI agent would have.

All the mods are retards I wouldn't take anything they say at face value, theres a reason all the good mods left and dysnomia stayed.

well at least they're letting some pictures of cute lgs stay up

5/10 bad premise but interesting change.

If you're actually a pedophile, then you'll remain one for the remainder of your natural born life, seeing that altering one's orientation is impossible at present. You have nothing to worry about there.

(Also, I agree with the moderator here; I feel like the bulk of self-confessed "MAPs" on Holla Forums are likely trolls, while the real number of MAPs are in the single digits, if I had to guess.)

majority of them are larping but yes there's actual pedophiles here. i like them though, they make this board very lively at times.


Yes; an acronym short for "Minor-Attracted Person". The neologism was created in recognition of the fact that there are four chronophilias aimed at minors—nepiophilia, pedophilia, hebephilia and ephebophilia—which were poorly organized under the label of pedophilia.

Also, is anyone else here able to enter in a username now, or did I gain some unique privilege?

If you ask me its a way to try and avoid the stigmatization associated with the world pedophilia but it also looks from the outside like theres some justified reason why pedophilia is a "bad word" and that in trying to hide the fact that you're a pedophile by rebranding yourself you're admitting that its a bad thing. So in my opinion you should be embracing the word like the word nigger has been embraced by the people it was used against.

Also anyone can do it now but don't be a namefag, thats gay.

stfu Ellen

Pedophilia to moralfag niggers are anything that's

I could definitely see the word being utilized in that fashion, but from what I understand, that's isn't it's primary purpose.

Personally, I call myself a pedophile whenever asked; however, I will occasionally use MAP. I don't feel pedophilie is derogatory. I'm fine with it.

Even midgets like Unteralterbach

i'd like to be where you are rn


Does she seriously know what she is looking at there?

I live in the US, man. I personally don't find the label demeaning, is what I'm saying. I don't care if there is a stigma attached to it, for the most part. I'm careful with who I let know about my sexuality, but I'm otherwise happy to be what I am.

this looks hot


You got some big old balls dude because aoc here is 15 and I tell everyone that I'm attracted to 18+. It just saves me the hassle of explaining myself and I'm honestly scared to be judged and chastized so I keep it to myself.


If we never come out, never contradict the media narrative ensconcing pedophilia, then we'll be here forever. Coming out is a risk, yes, but the payoff if you're successful (which is the case more often than not, frankly) is massive: one less individual who believes that pedophiles are middle-aged white men, with bad comb-overs and yellow teeth. (like some here apparently believe).

I'm young; I don't want to spend the rest of my life alone and afraid of persecution, so I tell people I can trust and help build up a support base. Hopefully, one day we can get together and stem the tide of pedophobia and actually make something out of nothing.

As you can imagine, it's a highly personal decision, and I can't really blame you if you don't feel the time is right, but eventually we're going to have to make a move.

It all sounds good on paper but realistically the pay off for me wouldn't be massive. We are being hunted and that's why I choose to hide and I'll come out (if I'm still alive) when it's normalized or if feminists and moralfags find something else to cry about. I'm also young but not young enough to have relationships with teenagers without getting scolded by the general public ;-;

Most of the "witches" killed in Salem were attractive young girls. The only group that stands a chance at semi-normalizing your perversion are the faggots, and that is only because they have such a successful lobbying block (along with tons of liberal funds).

My small amount of time on this earth is too valuable to throw away in an effort to make life better for pedophiles in the future where I'll already be dead. I'll admit I definitely have issues trusting people but I just can't see how you would give anyone that amount of power over you knowing how friendships can change over time into something where that could be used to destroy you.
I think I've made more of a difference risk free just arguing with moralfags on the internet and convincing them out of the anti-pedo propaganda they've been fed than I could have done risking my entire life telling people I know that I'm a pedophile.


It's all about personal preference, I reckon.

Homosexuals fought; transgender folk fought; and eventually we, too, will have to fight again. I'm not going to berate you for hiding, I know the price if something goes wrong. But I'd like you to recall that no group ever won their liberation by hiding away from public attention.

Right now, no one stands a chance at normalizing pedophilia. We're at the bottom of the social ladder; literal terrorists are given more support than we are. At best, we can only influence our surroundings at current.

Admittedly, you and I have entirely different thought processes: I'd rather I suffer, and the people who come after me enjoy the fruits of my labor, then I live a comfortable (if secretly miserable, loveless) life, with the foreknowledge that the men and women who follow me will suffer needlessly. Every great reform movement has to start somewhere.

If you are exclusively attracted to children you *will* spend the rest of your life alone. That's not as awful as it sounds, believe it or not. There are other things in life.

I'm not exclusively attracted to children, but I know some who are, and they suffer immensely knowing they'll be forever alone. I'd like to think the next few decades will be more palpable to intervention.

Pedos of the future will have robots and shit. They'll be fine.

they will anyway or do you think parents start to rent their children to pedos who only love them as long as they're young? shit will never happen. and they should stop whining so much many non-pedos are alone as well. you are just a bunch of self-entitled assholes.


Theres a difference between being alone and having every opportunity not to be but you're too inept to take them, and being alone with no opportunity not to be.

You'd be surprised. The feelings police would not enjoy that, no matter if it would protect real children. I've heard of child sex dolls being confiscated. I don't doubt for a second that children would be safer if pedos (exclusive ones in particular) would have robots to fuck instead. Honestly, what person would go out of their way to do something illegal (and perhaps even immoral, in their own eyes) when they have something equivalent and convenient already. Unless the statistics specifically show that the rates of child molestation by doll/robot owners goes up, then I don't see how it would be moral to disallow them. But again, people care more about what they feel. It /feels/ wrong to let gay people marry. It /feels/ wrong to let neonazis show their retarded ideas. It /feels/ wrong to spend money in counterintuitive but statistically better ways (eg. preventative health care).

They shouldn't. Virgins overvalue the importance of sex, and should find a way to satisfy their relationships in other ways. You can't honestly have a meaningful romantic relationship with a child. They're not developed enough. It's physically impossible. Even grown women are often incapable of this, because of how immature they are. Seriously, I wish I could show you relationships I've been in and witnessed. It's no wonder divorce rates are high. People get into relationships way too often. I'm guilty of that.

I'm sorry, but you come across as awfully insecure here, first by mischaracterizing pedophilia, and then by coming up with some absurd point about pimping out children.

Truth is, the bond in a good, healthy relationship should strengthen overtime, not wane and fall derelict; and no, we don't feel entitled. I don't know where you came up with that. If we gain the right to be with children, we'd be sure to treat them right, I'm sure.

In the end, we just want what every other group of people nowadays take for granted: the ability to be in a socially approved relationship with those who pique our interest, and to be happy, which we're currently not.

fuck yourself and go to hell. I hate you

yup i'll be dead for sure

The feeling is mutual, I would give anything to be in your position and you completely squander it. Want to trade places so you have the ultimate excuse for why you're alone?

why don't you blog on tumblr about it? people who come here aren't usually the most happy in life

Yeah, I'm gonna have to disagree with you there, friend. I dunno if you've had a poor time with women, but plenty of normal Joe's make it work just fine.

Also, a lot of us don't want to have that sort of sexual relationship with children, like one would have with their peers. We're more interested in having partners we can connect to emotionally. I don't want a plastic sex toy made in the image of a kid; I want a partner who I can be happy with, who just happens to be a kid.

We're typically not welcome there, especially if we don't espouse an anti-contact agenda.

cool. I still think you waste your time here, I don't see who you're trying to convince but I don't give a fuck about you and your feelings

i come here just because it takes my mind off food. i know i sound like a burger but this place really helps me regulate and manage my diet. i'm not professional bodybuilder and i never want to be one, all i want is to be healthy and maybe through rigorous excercise and conditioning i might find some happiness. I'm not sad but i'm also not happy.

Well I guess we're glad you don't represent everyone then.

Do you need to speak to a therapist? I'm a psychologist in training, and I'd be more than happy to hear your complaints. I know that occasionally people can become overwhelmed with negativity and the daily grind, and so they take it out on others. You can definitely talk to me if you'd like. I'm here for you, man, seriously.

Anyway, I'm mostly here because it's one of the few places people like me can congregate, and we won't automatically be banned.

I don't think you can 'waste time' if you're having fun. There are some very bad times on these boards and other imageboards but I can safely say the time I put into shitposting, larping, shilling and trolling wasn't wasted time. I had a lot of fun doing it and I'm sure other people share the same experience. My example is weak but it will suffice for an individual such as yourself.

you can't be b& here

That's what seems to be the issue. I don't want to "make it work". I have no problems making adjustments here and there. I, however, don't want to break my fucking back for some princess-ass cunt. If you can find me a woman that I like who isn't like that, I'll pay you good money. She probably will too, if she likes me, because that's not something you can really put a price on.

And who are you to talk? You haven't had any significant relationships with a grown women, have you? Not trying actively to be rude, but this is the case, isn't it?

And what do you expect out of a relationship like that? What do you define as an "emotional" connection? Maybe you'd like the average woman. They're really not that deep.

The feelings police are the reason even possession of child pornography is illegal across the world despite the fact that the only studies done on it show a significant rise in sex crimes after it was made illegal in czech.
It was never about protecting children, only trying to ruin the lives of the group they hate in every way they possibly can which is why even drawings are being illegalized now despite having literally no victims whatsoever.


He seems to put a little more effort into it than the average shitposter.

Maybe find someone who isn't so high maintenance? I know women, particularly young women, can be a tad demanding and excessive, but young men aren't all that better off in general, in my experience.

In the end, most people, whether male or female, just want a decent partner they can settle down with, be happy with and grow old with. Having a stable income, a social life and being an all-around good guy won't hurt your prospects of find a good woman.

Anyway, no, believe it or not, I've had a relationship or two before. I'm not exclusive, you see. And besides that, counseling psychology will end up being my graduate route, so human communication and interaction is vital to earning the degree. (I'm an undergraduate right now.)

Careful, Ellen is an anti larping as a pedo giving out insanely bad advice and constantly trying to lure pedos into giving out personal information. She's made posts where she falls out of character and says things like she wants pedos to kill themselves and that she will have sex on their graves.

exclusive pedos are the worst kind of pedos





This again? It's not the '70s, we have this thing called the Internet. Coming out publicly isn't the only means at our disposal anymore (and frankly it's kind of stupid in this day and age, given the technology available). Anyways it's just a prolonged exercise in the pot calling the kettle black, according to the Official Advocacy Grading Scale:

low tier: anonymous online shilling, micro-scale local shilling

mid tier: cultivating an army of sockpuppets on mainstream websites

top tier: viral content (e.g. Jenn's youtube video or Todd Nickerson's interview), memes, real life organization


I kind of figured that after the bit about becoming a psychiatrist.
No pedo in their right mind would become a psychiatrist knowing what psychiatrists are legally required to do to any pedo that makes the mistake of seeking them for help.


I've had many. I've put myself out there. Maybe I do have bad luck or I live in a shitty society. I just don't understand how you expect anything better from a child that has even less emotional maturity.

Fair enough… I figure it's worth insulting the intelligence of 99 in 100 to make sure that 1 in 100 doesn't fall for it.

they aremalleable :3
unlike degenerate granny whores


Uh… no. If you're that sociopathic, get a submissive adult instead of trying to mold a child into a role. Seriously, I find myself playing roles around women to make things work enough to make me feel immoral. Of course I never actually do something truly immoral and I'm very open about my actual feelings.

It's not that hard. Be attractive, find the right mix of masculine control and the majority of women can be the way you want them to. If you feel like that's something you'd enjoy. I don't.

my friend i was only joking and i just wanted to trigger a good old fashion discussion. i've never been in a relationship with a child but thanks for the advice :3

I never interpreted your posts as that you had.

oh that was my only post, friend. No one is biting anymore so I thought I'd try re igniting the fire, so to speak.

I'm really too tired to understand what you mean. I think dishonestly is bad. It makes communicating effectively pointless. Please dwell on this.

let me explain to you in the most simple terms you can understand.
I was trying to bait another pedo discussion/ shit storm because I'm bored and you niggers are entertaining.

'''Hurr durr I have done one semester at College hurr durr and I know everything there is to know about herp derp politics n' religion n' philosophy n' stuff hurr durr let me prove how much wisdom

and insight I have hurr durr about the ways of the world errr copied from my Liberal Studies lecture notes hurr durr…'''

salty bait

Pedos are based tbh