Injuns & SJWs Get Wrecked By Attack Dogs & Pepper Spray After Corporate Sabotage
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bulldoze some land?
who's land?
this won't gain them much sympathy from non commies anymore
exactly, tell a injun they are a beaner see if that gets you tomahawked.
got me all excited for nothing
that vid was literally just some unemployed brown lumpenproles standing around attacking white people who were creating civilization.
Beaners and Indians come from the same group that crossed the Bering, Chief Dances-with-Dicks.
Basically a TL;DR of world history
Some beaners (the northern ones) are literal natives that don't know they can get free gibs
Also, this corporate bulldozing shit must've done something really, really horrific to make injuns stand up and walk more than a couple feet outside their spray dens
I'm taking the injuns side on this one, sorry
I wish they would shoot these people. I'm tired of these fucks acting as if they can do whatever they want.
a couple snipers with plausible deniability
"officer they must have false flagged themselves, i dont know of any snipers. i just build pipelines."
I watched the whole video waiting for them to get wrecked, and it never happened. Looked like they won and pushed out all the White people.
Beaners are just a mix of Native and Spaniard. Plenty are almost full Native.
Yeah, fuck all of these people. Oil companies are some of the shadiest, kikiest people around, second only (maybe) to logging companies. As dumb and ovenable as a lot of these injuns/spics are, this is one of the rare times they've got a valid reason to be protesting.
It won't mean anything, the workers will be back the next day, and the injuns/spics will be too incapacitated from celebrating their victory (drinking corn whiskey and huffing paint) to protest again.
I guess but its not even their public land, in the video they're from washington and everywhere else. If south dakotans want an oil pipeline what right does someone from washington have to stop them.
I live around that area. Those fucking hippies broke through the barricades and the security firm hired by the oil companies sent out the dog squads. I've only seen a few images of the attacks and have yet to see a decent video of it.
Nixon should have eradicated the hippies when he had the chance.
God damn does that just set my blood on fire; I just cannot wrap my head around un-ownable land.
Only natives have any right to any soil. Get the fuck out migrants.
Good goy, Israel is ou- jewish!
I fucking HATE these stuck up cunts thinking that if they cry and tantrum enough in a large gang that they get whatever they want!
That's interesting but retarded
I live in the midwest near a bunch of natives, and they do exactly that. They're always passed out drunk on other peoples property and attack you if you don't give them change or if you tell them to leave.
They really don't have a reason to bitch. North/South Dakota literally has nothing else besides oil going on right now(and even that has subsided because of the saudis) besides being invaded by chicago niggers. These prairie nigs have just become emboldened because the University of North Dakota changed their mascot from a indian head.
That's because as a white man, you are the bearer of civilization. Besides leaving some room for wildlife like wolves, deer, and natives, all land should be used for the betterment and advancement of human beings. We were given minds and thumbs for that reason. Not to "leave things in the hands of non conscious objects". That's just something low IQ lazy people say to justify their lack of achievements.
Aw yes, the "indentitaire" eurocucks. Just remember that all your manly men either died in the wars or left to the US long ago.
what company did this, and who owns it?
Wouldn't bankers be the shadiest kikiest people around?
Lel, Pennsylvania doesn't even have any indians.
We shoulda wiped the fucking Indians out when we had the fucking chance.
not their public land? They have the strongest claim of anyone.
By your logic, if eskimos suddenly wanted to melt the north pole everyone should shut the fuck up and let them get on with it, because we don't live there.
Those fucking jewish corporations fenced public land and intend to sell you the natural resources from it.
Someone should rename this video as "Illegal Mexicans demonstrating against new Trump Wall Construction"
And put a Trump Lion watermark on the video.
Lets make this go viral guys.
i only liked this video because it's showing the truth…this is breaking my heart that they are being abused this way, typing through my tears…I'm so grateful for the peaceful water protectors
Dubs and more, they had it coming, singles, Jews did it.
Polite sage.
The same people that care about the pipeline/government takeover of injun land are the same faggots that sent gummie dicks and called for the death of the bundy protestors. I hope the dogs eat them alive.
You people are quick to fight globalist interests yourself but when its someone else doing it you rally behind the corporations for no other reason than blind racism.
Everyone ITT is a pathetic hypocrite
A bunch of globalists attack a bunch of globalists, that's it, there is no good side to this, except the White side, which surprise surpise isn't the indians.
Nah I just like watching two enemies fight each other. Nice attempt at trying to own people on the internet, faggo.
shitskins are not our allies regardless of the scenario. The motivations of these injuns was to attack white people and "the man", which in their minds, is evil whitey
And not all corporations are bad. We're not autistic leftists here. This company is clearly providing work for white men.
Of all the demographics to try to scare, burly men with hammers and shovels are not it.
posting because
why are they naked???
The kicker is they were building a new casino for the Heyhowareyou tribe.
Anytime I see these red savages I always reflect back on the words spoken by Colonel Nelson A Miles speaking to Sitting Bull.
It truly is the White man vs the world.
yep, pretty funny to see s4t defending corporate behemoths
So if brown people started picketing micropenissoft in seattle would s4t defend that corporation too? Stop this dumb kneejerk shit Lane, conservatives also care about the environment.
Oy vey , that video contains hate speech against the native americans. He He He
It's almost as if the "protestors" are controlled opposition.
It's almost as if the raping of the land is being paraded as a left v right issue.
The oil company's land that they've contracted to the construction co.
liberals still pushing the 'noble savage' stereotype. it's like they dont even know its the current year
I dont really have any hate or dislike of natives. if anything I pity what they've been reduced too and see it as a warning of what happens when incompatible cultures meet (something that is happening even now with Islam being more aggressive than ever) What happened to them was unavoidable but also sad in a way, the west coast Indians especially had some very neat art and way of life.
tl;dr hopefully what happened to injuns doesn't happen to western culture.
also something interesting to note, Chief Seattle who that liberal cancer on WA is named for actually led a war party that literally committed genocide against another tribe called the chimakum. (though they kinda deserved it since the Chimakum had been warring with everyone else for as long as anyone could remember)
We wuz natives n shit
shit tactics from natives
signs only work if the (((MSM))) is on your side
they won't side against a kike owned corporation.
only thing that works there is making it to expensive to do the action.
like if they got 1/2 way finished and then were reset to step one.
or if they had to clear ieds everyday before they can start work.
or if they made the owners of the company decide that doing something else was more important.
the answer to gould's dilemma is shooting gould and his heir apparents in the brain.
Yeah, I'm going to have to side with this guy.
When the Bundy Ranch shit was going on, everyone thought it was important.
When ziofag John McCain snuck that Resolution Copper deal into the NDAA, that turned out to be the Rothschilds.
I don't see any kikery in this story, but you never know. It looks to just be your standard "Texas oilfags". Of course the Bush family are just "Texas oilfags", too.
Resolution Copper (RCM) is a joint venture owned by Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton formed to develop and operate an underground copper mine near Superior, Arizona, U.S. The project targets a deep-seated porphyry copper deposit located under the now inactive Magma Mine. Rio Tinto has reported an inferred resource of 1.624 billion tonnes containing 1.47 percent copper and 0.037 percent molybdenum at depths exceeding 1,300 metres (0.81 mi).[1] The proposed mine is one of the largest copper resources in North America.[2] Following the passage of the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act, many Native American and conservation groups fear the copper mine will destroy sacred and environmentally sensitive land.
Rio Tinto is a British-Australian multinational and one of the world's largest metals and mining corporations. The company was founded in 1873, when a multinational consortium of investors purchased a mine complex on the Rio Tinto, in Huelva, Spain, from the Spanish government. Since then, the company has grown through a long series of mergers and acquisitions to place itself among the world leaders in the production of many commodities, including aluminium, iron ore, copper, uranium, coal, and diamonds.[4] Although primarily focused on extraction of minerals, Rio Tinto also has significant operations in refining, particularly for refining bauxite and iron ore.[5] The company has operations on six continents, but is mainly concentrated in Australia and Canada, and owns its mining operations through a complex web of wholly and partly owned subsidiaries.[6] Rio Tinto has joint head offices in London (global and "plc") & Melbourne ("Limited" - Australia).
At the end of the 1880s, control of the firm was passed to the Rothschild family, who greatly increased the scale of its mining operations.
Nathan Mayer's eldest son, Lionel de Rothschild (1808–1879), succeeded him as head of the London branch. Under Lionel, the bank financed the British government's 1875 purchase of Egypt's interest in the Suez Canal. The Rothschild bank also funded Cecil Rhodes in the development of the British South Africa Company and Leopold de Rothschild (1845–1917) administered Rhodes's estate after his death in 1902 and helped to set up the Rhodes Scholarship scheme at the University of Oxford. In 1873 de Rothschild Frères in France and N. M. Rothschild & Sons of London joined with other investors to acquire the Spanish government's money-losing Rio Tinto copper mines. The new owners restructured the company and turned it into a profitable business. By 1905, the Rothschild interest in Rio Tinto amounted to more than 30 percent. In 1887, the French and English Rothschild banking houses loaned money to, and invested in, the De Beers diamond mines in South Africa, becoming its largest shareholders.
The Rothschilds own all the shit in the pics.
This is what a cuckold looks like. You do not pity those whom you have conquered - you exterminate them. The injuns are a threat to our nations just like any other non-white and must be expunged.
Are you from Reddit? This has nothing to do with culture and everything to do with race. Culture on a grand scale is fundamentally racial expression. The relationship between the injuns and whites was one of racial competition, not cultural. Our race prevailed and their race did not, and thus we were victorious. It would be in our best interests to completely exterminate them for good the next time we have enough power and will to do so.
What a massive cuckold you are. "Sad" that our race prevailed over our inferior enemies and expanded into foreign lands? "Sad" that we were strong and they were not? No. Nothing about Whites conquering the injuns was "sad". Nature dictates that the strong must dominate the weak.
You mean white people. Western culture is intrinsically linked to white people. The death of the White race is synonymous with the death of Western culture, but identifies the underlying source of Western Culture as a whole.
Of course. The lesson to take away from this is that the injuns, and this also extends to all non-whites, do not give a single shit about the principles they champion. All they are doing is trying to tear down the white man's stature in our own society in order to elevate themselves. Whenever a non-white talks about "equality" or tries to guilt a white about "genocide", it is simply a manifestation of a weaker race's will to power. They must appeal to platitudes of egalitarianism and interracial solidarity to elevate themselves because they are unable to do so any other way. A strong race need not appeal to such platitudes, as he recognises his place at the top of the food chain.
A sheep will plead to a lion: "don't kill me! We're both mammals!" because the sheep knows himself to be at the mercy of the greater lion, and must thus attempt to bring the lion down to his level in order to save himself. The lion need not plead such platitudes to the sheep, because lion understands that he is above the sheep in the natural hierarchy.
what a fucking faggot. This is the same as the morons who think supporting "MUH PALESTINIANS!!!" is good simply because they oppose the kikes
the enemy of my enemy is not my friend.
I didn't mean to sound so cucked in my post. I fully understand a Indian back then would have gladly killed me and i'm happy my ancestors won against them. as for the culture vs. race I admit that was me getting terms confused thanks for setting me right user
The natives never used the forces of nature that were at their disposal through the many millenia. There was many times an aspect of genius to build something more than stone clubs would have been useful. But no they gained most of their technology once the Europeans arrived.
They, like all other races are sponges upon what we invent, the new frontiers we cut out of the thicket they always want in. Go around the world, who doesn't want the comforts we have bled and sweated for? Everyone.
And like white-gilded cucks we give them everything we've made, instead of our own, and they are still not the better for it?
When will we have enough asian/black/hispanic/native scientists so I can get a scholarship for once?
Fuck these lesbian bitches and mud people. If I was holding that dog when that low IQ injun tried to spear him twice I would have handed the leash to my buddy and proceeded to create the trail of tears 2.0 with my fists on their asses
I thought the term was timber nigger
no, it's corn nigger.
The lack of respect for Indians on this board is surprising.
Sure they were an inferior people, but the way they defended their land from an unstoppable juggernaut of humanity is something to be respected. The were true men, and you stupid fucking keyboard warriors are spitting on their graves.
Let he who has never lost a fight cast the first stone.
I think the Indians deserve more for what they did. We could have at least gave them some hospitable forest land somewhere isn't of jamming them all in the fucking desert and forcing them to pretend to be white and die of alcoholism. What disrespect.
It sounds like in this case, the Indians and the SJWs were fighting for the right cause, but for the wrong reasons.
It seems that trying to raise primitives to modern levels always destroys them from within. Indians become massive alcoholics, blacks become completely debased, etc. More evidence that government handouts do nothing but weaken a people in the long term.
What happened to the indians is the result of mercy and multiculturalism. Europeans came and conquered. Instead of assimilating or exterminating they presented a compromise. Reservations and a self governance. What has that led to? Rampant alcoholism, drug addiction, poverty, cultural shame and degeneracy.
What happened to them won't happen to us. Islam makes no compromises. Fortunately they don't have the numbers, organization or strength to actually conquer western countries. They strike chaotically like a mad dog. The only chance they have at conquest is by permission of the cucks. They are the ones who import them, they're the ones who excuse them, they're the ones who supplicate before them. The globalist multiculturalists and their pawns are the threat. Without their ideology successful immigration policy would exist. The government would work to protect it's citizens. Those who insult western values of freedom and independence would be removed. The quality of life would go up and western civilization could flourish well into the future.
No dead great civilization was destroyed from the outside. It was the inner rot and weakness that was their downfall.
Who cares?. Money money money, mooooneeeeyy!!!
Why should we respect worthless conquered shitskins? They deserve none at all.
Mcfucking kill yourself, shitskin-lover. They deserve no more respect than any nigger. Spare me your pathetic whiteknighting for the injuns.
They deserve nothing at all, you massive cuck. You do not give concessions to those whom you have conquered. They would not grant you such niceties if it was you on the receiving end
Or how about we exterminate the worthless fuckers who do nothing but demand "muh reparations" and actively work to debase the rightful white rule of this land. Your cucking for the corniggers is fucking nauseating.
Feather nigger
we call them prairie niggers up here
t. Canadafag
Maybe these drunk fucks can actually do good as cannon fodder instead of selling their land to oilers and bitching when the area turns to a hellhole like in Canada
I am conflicted.
I have no idea, I found it on some black art SJW site when looking into the twitter cunt it belonged to from BLM. It's so fucking funny but also so upsetting.
The LARPing autism about muh conquering in this thread is reaching new highs.
I don't blame the white man for being lucky enough that they ended up on Eurasia, a continent where they many cultures developed independently but manage to interact with each other and so, develop even more. But that is the amazing thing, people with fire arms, canons, metallurgy, conquest a group of people with wood, stone and leather. Are you kidding me? Of course they would win, one was equipped with technology that looked magical to the others. And there was the fact that most indians where even fight each other too. No problem on being OK with the victory, but don't put it as if it was a fantastic accomplishment. One side was much more prepared than the other, and that's it.
How one can consider it anything but a fantastic accomplishment is beyond me.
Yeah, good thing that technology wasn't developed by the superior white people, but was handed down by Quetzalcoatl instead. Otherwise your argument would be pretty silly. Or maybe the soil is magical.
You people must have brain damage. Tell me, if you are adults, you feel accomplishment in outrunning a toddler? The indians. The europeans had better technology, and that was what granted a sure victory. Probably if the chinese wanted to conquest the americas they would succeed too for exactly the same reason.
Now, remember the vikings? Yeah they were didn't do great without the tech or man power. I think they were white too, no?
Where can I put that into context? I want to read more of that dialogue. Any idea where I could?
If you bring your child to an environment where you know, expect, and want there to be a violent clash, you deserve to have your children taken from you, and then your life.
Fuck these people. "There are women and children following the bulldozers" women and children should be at home. If anyone is going to be fighting anyone, it should be a man.
I hope every single one of these child abusing degenerates dies.
Why is it that every time I have to do the captcha I always have to do it more than once? I put in the right letters and numbers, but it tells me I'm wrong and then the next try or two it tells me I'm right. What the fuck is this shit?
Kikes know a thing or two about crowd suppression
$0.35 worth of ammo broke up that protest
t. injun using smoke powered anasazi spirit computer
pic related, you dirty injun fucker. You can cry about how it wasn't "fair" that whites were superior all you want, but the fact will remain - your people were conquered and we prevailed. Next time we will finish the rest of you bastards off.
so whites developed and you injuns didn't? I guess that means whites were superior. Are you genuinely crying that it "wasn't fair" that whites had better tech? As if that was gifted to us by god and not produced by our own ingenuity? What a joke. Whites had better technology because we were better than you.
There is always white liberal leeches trying to attach themselves to any form of "oppression" they can.
The only people who hate them more than us is the "oppressed" groups they try and co-opt.
Notice these are never issues until they can whip up some easy virtue points.
And yet, despite being nearly as outmatched, the Japanese successfully resisted conquest and very quickly learned to make guns to fight back with.
you mean like the various indian tribes did?
I'm tired of this white guilt of "muh natives".
Anyone got some good redpills for this particular subject?
Why don't you lurk more and read some of the previous replies?
what redpills do you even need?
Whites came, whites saw, and whites conquered. There is literally no other justification you need. The white race was superior to the injuns, and decided to exterminate them (or whatever was lefter after the diseases) and colonise the Americas.
Needs more Killdozer.
Agreed. Fuck the oil companies.
pic semi-related
I usually just go with explaining that literally all borders have been defined by territory being conquered and claimed.
So, the leftist scum attacked the workers, attacked the dogs with clubs and flagpoles, and then claimed victimhood?
They attacked the fucking DOGS…
Injuns are pretty much the only non-white I feel sorry for in the slightest and oil companies are saudikike destroyer of nations and societies.
Look up the papers for who is fucking up the social fabric and they are ironically the major contributors to libshitfaggotry.
Corn Niggers? Why you gotta make them sound hispanic. They're Prairie Niggers.
Lots of tribes grew corn, Apache and Cherokee being just two examples.
including yourself?
This sound familiar in Papua New Guinea.
Look nigger half the thread's saying they hate the oil companies more than the feather niggers so go fuck yourself.
Some news companies are calling them "Peaceful protesters"
When I read that version of the accounts, I instantly thought of this copypasta.
I don't get it. It's America, right? Why don't the security guys just draw on them when they get near the bulldozers and then shoot them the second they advance a step further?
They should've rounded them up with the dogs and shot them for violently trespassing
If indians gave this much of a shit about "their" land then why didn't the native americans put aside their differences and unite to form civilization instead of just sitting around fighting between tribes? The pilgrims joined a deathmatch and won. These red niggers never had shit
I have to say Alex Jones cutting off CYRPTO JEWs head would make a lot of cents
If you side with an (((Oil Company))) over some people trying to defend their land, then you are the definition of useful idiot. Not everything is black and white, you dumb fucks.
fucking scum
all you faggots who think oil is bad need to be shot along with those niggers and sjws. Reminder that soros pays these people and socjus-oriented environmental groups
A lot of it is probably horseshit, but there has been recent evidence of european stone tools on the east coast at early dates. Things that don't match what the injuns were up to. I never saved any links because I wasn't terribly interested.
You are probably the dumbest motherfucker alive. It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't think you were smart.
lad oil companies are only interested in the bottom line, if they are state run then their bottom line is the common good, corporations are "evil", making money and building society isn't "evil".
No they don't. That would be the Federal government of We The People of the United States of America; we have the strongest claim of anyone to any land within our sovereign nation.
and yet they have completely different legal status.
Actually yeah, yeah it is.
Civilization is the antithesis of evil you prairie nigger.
That dog actually died from that spear wound.
So these pictures are the antithesis of evil? Trying stepping outside the matrix, you daft twat.
bovine is delicious. old people carry more adipose tissue as is natural, and in any civilization where there is a nutrition surplus totally normal. the last of your pics are shitskins and kikes that like rats and cockroaches infest civilization.
Nice try, Moshe. Now get back in your synagogue and worship Satan.
Yeah, keep on believing that, you fucking meatcuck.
I bet your scalp would taste good with some fava beans, and a nice cianti… you fuckin' prairie nigger grass eater.
Buffalo tastes better than bovine. KEK
Oh lol
there is nothing wrong with having respect for a worthy foe, nigger.
Many european writers of the time begrudgingly praised the tactics of Saladin, because they had a healthy respect for a worthy enemy. There is pride, and then there is arrogance. Custer thought that his enemy was weak, thus he shunned the urging of his commanders to 1. utilize supirior technology (Gatling guns)
2.Wait for the rest of the forces to converge
Gordon in Khartom was a similar situation.
Custer was killed for his arrogance
Gordon because he underestimated the enemy force
Both were avenged en mass by men who understood the enemy far better
Wounded Knee: the Lakota were defeated by a better armed force
Omdurman: The Mahadists were mowed down by better armed British forces.
Thinking that you are superior to your enemy is one of the easiest ways to make you lose your edge while fighting them.
Even a lion can be laid low by microscopic bacteria.
Tl,dr:It's fine to feel superior to other races, but don't fall into the trap of thinking that you can never lose against them, Iraq and Vietnam were costly lessons for America, much as Angola and Algeria were for Portugal and France
your third pic…
The "wild west" was actually quite peaceful. The natives and the settlers got along and traded with one another, and most conflict was settled nonviolently. Everything went to shit when the Union won the War of Northern Aggression. They had a well-oiled war machine that they were itching for a new excuse to use and therefore dump more tax dollars into the budding military industrial complex. Native genocide happened to sound like a good idea to the yankees, so they started indiscriminately murdering men, women, and children, and using the inevitable counterattacks as justification for more death.
In other words, the real native redpill is that, once again, the Jews are to blame.
Are you joking?
Don't you have to go prep Chief Raging-Bull, cuckfederate?
Keep crying, nigger.
I thought all jews lived in germany at this time?
Kek. Did the cps take you other child yet?
Who has the rest of these, can we get more?
There weren't many Jews in Germany from around the 1500s to the late 1700s. The main reason for this was that Germany was inherently anti-Semetic since ~1550. Dr. Martin Luther (not to be confused with that nigger plagerist: Martin Luther King, Jr.) is basically the father of the modern German language through his own translation of the Bible.
Anway, Jews made there way the US sometime before the Civil War though. Going back at least to the arrival of the niggers they brought here on their slave ships. In fact, Ulysses S. Grant exiled the Jews out of a few states during the war. See the history on General Order No. 11 from 1862 (NOT the same as General Order No. 11 from 1863).
I'll be honest, I wanted this one. I wanted their extermination to be the accomplishment of the white man and him alone.
But, as usual, it's always got to be the FUCKING KIKES.
Check denied. You have disgraced those holy digits.
Sorry, forgot to remove sage.
Beaners are mestizo, meaning mixed.
Mexicans are a mix of mostly spanish, some black, and maybe 5% native.
They received $18.9 million investment from "evil white people" for building their water filtration plant.
And in the worst case scenario if some eco-terrorist blows the pipeline and it leaks oil into the river, the tribe has alternative water sources piped in from other rivers.
There's a book called across Atlantic ice by Dennis Stanford and Bruce Bradley. It's a book about the possible origins of the Clovis culture.
Read it nigger
Fucking kill yourself, cuck. The shitskins should have been exterminated regardless.
You are a disgrace to the white race.
Nigger didn't I JUST say I wish it were 100% the white man who exterminated the Injuns? How's that feeling sorry for them? Explain faggot.
Oh wait, (1).
Polite sage.
such an important post, bumping for relevancy
I never call you stupid or myself smart. But if you want to make a dick-measuring contest out of it, I'm your huckleberry.
>>>Holla Forums
It's ours by right of conquest. Go drink some more firewater Huffs With Paint.
This is all there is so far.
Some user was working on making a full "Departure of the Marathon" but the thread got goyimed and I haven't seen anything about it on /tg/ yet.
I want to read more because holy shit is the premise good. Here's some that inspired it though.
I remember there was a prequel thread with screencaps showing them evacuating the planet. I might have those
Granted, most of them look like typical "latin" America rats, but I always did find Amerindians fascinating.
Not as Noble Savages, that's too simplistic of a caricature. The Amerindian tribes are as variable in culture, lifestyle, and attitude as the tribes of Europe are.
They have to go back