Libertarians, David Duke, Ron and Rand Paul plus many more blamed for Trump’s evil ways
much more at link (w/bonus shilling in comments) ——>
Not a libertarian, just thought this would be a constructive post.
Libertarians, David Duke, Ron and Rand Paul plus many more blamed for Trump’s evil ways
much more at link (w/bonus shilling in comments) ——>
Not a libertarian, just thought this would be a constructive post.
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Based Ron still keeping these kikes salty.
Yep, Rand Paul missed the boat. He thought he was making the smart play and race wasn't important….
Side note and no surprise, author has worked/is working for Brent Bozell III, nephew of William F. Buckley Jr.
Why would this be a bad thing? And why is it that leftists are so arrogant as to say what their opposition is and isn't? I had a liberal professor redundant say, "Oh, why didn't the GOP pick Kasich? He's such a nice guy."
haha this is even better than blaming newgrounds
Seriously, they're blaming an ideology that many people haven't even heard of. "Paleolibertarianism"? I personally know what that is (basciallt Paleocons with a more free market outlook) but if you question a random person on the street they won't know what the hell you're talking about.
When the holocaust memes began appearing on their twatter feeds they began working their way back from Pepe and months later finally managed to excrete this article.
This is pretty good actually because all it's going to do is force these people (who have generally been anti-Trump despite their similarities) into being on the defense with Trump. Something like the enemy of my enemy stuff except much easier for them to find common ground against the media.
Goddamn I didn't realize Ron said all this holy shit. I was following him quite a bit since ~2011. I actually thought their was a chance he was being used as controlled op but this pretty much confirms there's no way, at least at the time this was filmed.
And yet they still have an entire tunnel system to navigate to even make sense of what this all is. I like it, I love it, I want some more of it.
This is sort of the national media equivalent of blaming 4chan for everything
yeah Putin 'The Leader of White Supremacy (tm)' has done an excellent job covering his tracks and how we all work for him.
Nobody is a libertarian anymore. All the good ones are basically fascists and the rest voted for weed and Socialism.
They're trying to peg us as a standard Republican fringe group even though it doesn't make any sense. Should've at least brought up the John Birch Society. But then again that would require the "journalist" to go to Wikipedia instead of just poking his goyphone through twitter looking for story ideas.
That was my first thought upon seeing the headline.
Notorious hacker Rand Paul has deathgrip on Trump campaign.
Gooooood lord, poor Paul Jr. Works himself out of the race trying to pander every possible direction at once, cucking for everybody, and STILL gets accused of creating "racist" culture.
Hopefully other politicians learn from his example. You can never appease the leftists. Just take their name calling and ignore it. (As per Zyklon Ben's "Wall of Trump" cartoon…)
This is fucking hilarious
I still think the "vast, right-wing conspiracy 2.0" angle should be pushed even more.
Polite sage, but I have to point out that Ron Paul's speech cadence when he's angry sounds exactly like Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys.
I don't know what's sadder, that bluepilled plebs will actually buy this garbage; or the the (((globalist establishment))) is so resentful of traditional Western freedom (especially speech), that they'd attack libertarians this way.
I'm a nationalist myself, but I still prefer my libertarian allies over Marxist/crony-capitalist scum.
Same here. IIRC, there have been libertarian or even anarcho-capitalist economic systems throughout European history, Ireland and Iceland being two examples. I don't have a problem with the system itself but rather (((who runs it))) and who is in the country. White countries can have just about any system and still run.
You just have to pity the guy. He was idealistic and he thought that he could just play the game "right" and come out ahead.
But that's not the situation he found himself in. The deck was stacked from day one and the only way to break out was to be aggressive and control the situation.
He also tried to go after Trump and Carson during the debates when they were at their weakest, thinking it'd be an easy win because they were honestly making asses of themselves early on. But we're running off prison rules and the correct course, as Trump found, was to go after the big fish and bring down Yeb before targeting Clinton to get respect.
Get fucked.
The other thing to remember is that the MSM was and still is trying to shill the actual Libertarian party thinking it'll steal votes from Trump.
So the official line is now:
And yet "libertarians" are dumb enough to believe it all too. These current libertarians are the fucking worst; they only stand for their own selfish desires. So what if illegals come in, all drugs are legal, and America's cultural/demographic base is being washed away amidst a sea of brown? I have my pot, guns, and cheese pizza. I got mine and fuck yours! That's liberty, that's America!
I fucking hate these people. Even the Devil firmly stood for something when he rebelled.
Heh, that's a new one.
They are just throwing out anything and begging for it to stick. Hell "he's not a real republican" is actually part of his appeal as it distances himself from neocons and W. People have been saying he's not a real conservative/republican since the primaries and it only made him stronger.
The libtard thing is funny since he's pretty much the opposite of libertarian. The only connection he has to libertarians is that a lot of his supporters on Holla Forums used to be libertarians and now want nothing to do with the whole ideology.
When you think about it, individualism seems to be only a white trait.
Most nonwhite countries are statist as fuck; and those that aren't were/are heavily-influenced by white culture themselves.
Lol we got to watch the logical progression of liberalism within our lifetimes.
The non-whites generally aren't able to think, I think. Whites are born with the desire to ask Why? and to climb mountaintops and to build upon what their ancestors made using their own individuality. Rugged individualism helped shape not only America but the West in some respects. Sure, there are shared languages, customs, culture, habits, and religions in white countries - no one is truly an island - but whites can find the link between their own desires and the betterment for the community. It's truly something beautiful and I think it's taken for granted; it leads us to believe that other races think like us, so we are surprised when they act up. This causes conflict.
There's a reason people seem to stop by libertarianism/minigov/paleocon before going full nationalist. Someone post that political compass chart that showed the average progression for a Holla Forums poster.
This one?
The progression is similar, but it was some writing over this chart.
Watching third-world children living in mountains of garbage while the adults laze around in the shade drinking chai, chain smoking cigarettes and yapping on the latest smartphones convinced me they're beyond redemption. You have to see it to believe it.
Based(?) Ron Paul
Too bad about Rand, though
I think really the reason is the circumstances of our place in history. The federal government is happily pushing a liberal agenda at the expense of white conservatives. Libertarianism acts as a way to argue against the federal agenda while still being inside a liberal frame of mind/value set and not actually saying the reasons you WANT the actions of the government to cease (niggers).
I believe you. I've heard that many Third World Asian countries use their beautiful countryside as dumping grounds. I would never dream of tarnishing the countryside, especially considering the shit going on with our Lakes up here. Third Worlders shit on the beauty that they have. They don't deserve it.
What, they just now figured that out?
Any diehard trump supporter could have told you that, the only reason he's running as republican is because it's a two party system and running as a third party would not only have doomed his campaign but anyone else competing against the democratic party.
Although I'm sure she and her (((partners))) knew that already.
No one noticed him down there until it was too late.
They're flailing about trying to understand what's happening.
Minus the socialism :^)
oh god, I'm almost two inches shorter than that fuckwad ;__;
Obviously. See, for instance, these old quotes from Jeffrey Tucker, uttered long before he sold out and became Jeffrey Cucker:
Alt right doesn't even exist.
It's like they fight against an invisible enemy.
I was sure they just made up the term until I read your post. I knew both about libertarians and paleoconservatives, but not paleolibertarians.
It’s because Trump and Paul speak the same language.
WUT? HUH? Ron Paul even said recently he doesn't like Trump.
The Washington Post is a joke.
Thes are like a blind swordsman, just swinging everywhere hoping they hit something. For everybody over the IQ of 110 this looks really pathetic.
Sun Tsu's Art of War at work:
I really don't think we should have elections any more. This should be the last one, it's all getting too ridiculous
Jesus Christ, this is some scorched Earth politics I've never even fucking heard of before. How many are they going to blame on Trump before they have literally nothing else left but themselves? How many are they going to alienate and turn into enemies because they can't stand the fact that the plebs are winning for once?
Legitimate question. I've seen EVERYTHING being the cause for our new current year literally hitler. I honestly, no fucking joke, expect to see articles anytime now blaming food for him as well. Or oxygen and water. What the fuck else do they have? And they wonder why nobody trusts the media anymore when they're throwing the biggest tamper tantrum the world has ever seen
Global warming climate change :^)
They've tried tying Trump to internet nazis, the alt-right and the Klan but those elements are so nebulous it's a pointless accusation. The Libertarian party however does actually exist, runs campaigns and has a nice long history of fail. That it's widely viewed as a joke of a party with some vague similarities to Trump's rhetoric must be the rationale for this article.
Hurr-durr look at how dumb Trump is letting these fringe racist kooks tell him what to do, I can't even
Well feck, meant to spoiler alt-right
Just a short bump for this thread as I believe it deserves it.
the truth is that *they themselves* "caused" trump.
Astute Holla Forumslacks will note that activity and popularity of the alt-right was rising exponentially *before* Trump. People often think that the alt-right is only big because of Trump, when in reality, we're both just manifestations of the dissident affect white america has toward the current political situation.
And that situation was brought about directly by all the jews and other marxists in the media and government. They created us. They pushed us too far. But they will never admit this. They CAN'T admit this. Leftists quite literally lack the ability to say they've ever gone too far. To do this would be completely against their entire world view, as their whole goal is to continue pushing further and further left. To admit that they went to far is to admit that the left can ever be in error whatsoever.
Weird feeling when Wapo accidentally releases an informative tidbit, despite their best efforts
He doesnt get his rheotirc from libartarians, he gets it from the zeitgeist and all that comes from along with it. He just uses what is the most effective, i mean at the start he said what the fuck he wants and why? Because your brainwashed "intellecutal" media is fucking retarded, all your statistics that you present and interpret are just preselected and a capture of the moment without any deeper context. The reality is a lot more complex than just some more or less elaborated statistics without any or just little context.
The most famous example is the outlining of left leaning and in muricas case democrats having higher IQ is just a very selective spotlight. They are still fucking retarded, they just have a different IQ bracket with all the hermaphrodite shit that comes along with it, and that is taylored to them. Politics is like selling a product or a TV program, it is just taylored to the audience. The words you like to hear, the pictures you want to look at and the people that discuss the content.
And then some major psyduck said the left and right should be two circles that have not connection, because the psyduck knows but doesnt really know at the same.
And now you got drumpf, because why? "because dis cracka tells it how it is" and all your leftist brainwashed democrats lost intelligence and got filled with a disgusting bunch of pudgy individual nobody wants to identify with.