Runner's high does not exist and dopamine rush after lifting does not exist. Working out is not pleasurable. People power through it as a lifestyle so they will be healthy and have periods of more energy when they aren't working out.
Anyone who tells you that lifting feels good is a machofag liar. Do it because you have to. Lifting is like working. No one wants to work, but you have to if you're a normal guy with no major perks in life.
Carter Murphy
Connor Mitchell
>evidence This is true tho.
Samuel Sanchez
thats where you're wrong kiddo. When i do tricep extension i feel a nice tingling sensation in the tip of my wiener. Outside of that lifting also feels good because its mentally fullfilling. You get a nice workout and you feel good because you know your muscles are gonna grow and you get to go and eat a nice big thing of food. Like a hard days work can be fullfilling because you know you've accomplished something. Working your ass off also feels good because you're too tired afterwards to really give a shit what other people think. I don't know if you'd called that a runners high, a dopamine rush, or what, but it certainly can help with anxiety.