"shitskin" Italian/Greek/Spanish achievements:

"shitskin" Italian/Greek/Spanish achievements:

snow nigger "nordic master race" cuckold achievements

Face it. Your 'master race' are depigmented nigger cucks. Go and brag about how tall you are though, like a nigger bragging about his dick.

Greeks were Aryans, nigger.


Cool D/C thread OP.

Check em.



Now they're Christian Turks


This is now a white power/white unity thread. Suck it shills.


Am I a shitskin?



Yes, don't have kids pls


No, it's just that you retards genuinely believe in 'we wuz romanz niggaz wus blond blue eyed nordics and sheeit'

D&C kikery

Thanks, sterilizing myself right now

yall posting in an Holla Forums thread

Everybody I told while abroad acted all surprised and stuff. :^)

This is a good topic badly made
But sooner or later we need to discuss this (even when we already did)
Knowing history and facts is not D&C


Mediterraneans are white, though.

what's the matter, cuck? Don't like white people promoting their own interests?


You're right my brother 14/88!

Thank you, you are an honorary Aryan

Prove it

Pic related is what the average Med looks like

White Power is a cuck term used by fed ruled organizations.

"White Power" was the title of George Lincoln Rockwell's book. He definitely was not a degenerate drug-addicted fed agent

fuck off

you're trying too hard

muh rockwell said it, it means the thousands of other amerishart organizations haven't made that sound like something hick would say.

It's what the cool kids do these days, even Harry Potter is saying it

White Power doesn't mean anything we aryans haven't got our victory since amerisharts and bongs liberated jews in Europe.




This is extremely obvious. Please report this thread. We are trying to be a part of a social and political movement, not a wild free for all of degenerate, thuggish 4chan memers.

Please read this any of you who still say White Power etc, you should really think what it means and it's far from the truth.

Only thing that matter in this bait thread is all fucking niggers must fucking hang and that means you boy.

kys amerishart and I mean it, and this bait thread.


You're full of shit m8, but I'll take the bait.

Why do nordicist kikes trash on Iberians then?

Their Golden Age was well after the Reconquista.

The only group I have a problem with are american whites and britkikes those southern europeans are cool enough for me. At least some of them fought for the freedom of aryan europe.

I don't know which makes you more pathetic

Only amerishits shit on southern europeans.

Isn't it getting late in Tel Aviv?

Europeans only shit on Greece

Americans shit on all southern europeans, yet they defended aryan europe, which ' ' white americans ' ' did not.

More like jew york

Niggers are dumb enough to fall for that, but not whites. Fuck off Tyrone. Take a knife to your wrist and try to harvest some of that melanin.

Burgers wearing thorhammers is similar to niggers wearing pharaoh necklaces








hang yourself





India should be the future of USA, so it shall become a irrelevant shithole. American ' ' Whites ' ' liberated the jews from europe with Britbongs.