I just sprayed those niggers repeatedly all over my plants with a bottle full of water and some dawn dish soap. Then a second round of just water to rinse off the soap from the plant. Did I genocide those niggers?
Suddenly my beautiful cayenne pepper plants are covered in small pink bugs
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I'm planning on spraying daily for the next few days until I feel good about it.
These fucking asshole cunts will be purged every last one of them. I just made a weeks worth of meals with 8 peppers from my plants and they were amazing, I'm not going to let anything harm them until they freeze to death from the weather. I probably have over a months worth of meals of peppers on the plants or starting to grow. Fuck insects holy shit.
I think my peppers are self pollinating. Just need wind or something to shake the flowers.
bump, does anybody else have experience with this
im very worried for my two pepper plants, this is my first time growing them and they are producing dozens from the looks of the bulbs sprouting. They depend on me to protect and provide for them and I will not let them down.
watch Cody's Lab
Do you eat nothing but peppers?
well, then your shit plants gonna die
feel free to be a dead goyim
that wasn't me. im op
No, why?
pink bugs are bad
they are gay
your peppers now have insect AIDS
if you eat them you will turn gay
just phrasing
gay aphids
Oh I meant that it only took 8 small peppers to flavor a weeks worth of roast for dinners because they are so intensely flavored.
roast? are you the five guys guy?
nevermind. you catch more flies with vinegar than sugar. you just need some gay ladybugs.
I used dawn dish soap in water to spray them, not vinegar or sugar. And ladybugs are a no-go because the peppers are on the balcony of my apartment and it would be ineffective.
Maybe clip their wings? I'm not a plant psychologist but you could try it. They sell ladybugs in large quantity.
It's a very small balcony too. If the soap and water spray isn't working in a week, I'll try to find somewhere local that sells ladybugs. How many would I need, a dozen?
This is why I grow shit like tomatoes; they have natural pesticide in the leaves and shit. Invest in some nightshade plants next season. As for your peppers, try to protect the stem of the plant so bugs cannot climb the stem. A little wall of flypaper around the bottom of the stem, in a conical shape may be a little overkill, but it would work. As for flying pests, you could get a screen around your plants so light and air can still get in, but again that's also a pretty drastic measure. If I were you, I'd take one the little pink bugs and determine the exact species, and find specific chemicals, methods, etc to use against them. I hate insects too, they ruined my lettuce and swiss chard this year.
I don't even know how they got here. My balcony is on the second floor above ground and the peppers are in pots. I just was looking at them today and there were a ton of the little bastards all over the growing flower buds.
Also I think they are pink aphids.
You've probably checked this resource already, but it suggests methods such as dusting your plants with flour, which apparently disrupts aphid digestion. This is a joke suggestion which may actually not work, but perhaps you could use the peppers off your plant, and use a homemade Capsaicin spray.
Yeah I'll get flour next. That won't hurt the plant will it? I'm already worried that the dawn might hurt it.
Hola uey, soy UN illegal en Arizona y tengo UN pequeño ranchito donde cultivo pero del todo. SE lo duro de trabajar en el campo y tengo compacion hacia UN hijo de Dios que tenga ese problema. Lo que SE have en este caso, es darles a las orugas UN desmadre de quimicos que no dañen a la madre naturaleza ni a las criaturas de nuestro Señor Trump.
En una botellita que tenga para "spray", hechale vinagre (no importa con tal que sea puro, hacia que no condimentos o cosas asi) y baking soda.
NOTA: es UN irritante para los bichos parasitos pero no UN veneno (aunque las puede matar), asi que no lo uses como Raid™. Si quieres subir la efficiencia, le puedes agregar unas cucharaditas de alcol (para las herida, con una concentracion de mas de 50%).
Que ESO te ayude y que Dios te vendiga paisano.
Flour will not hurt the plant, in my amateur opinion and the opinion of that website. Think about it, it's ground up grain with some minerals chucked in for good measure. I can't vouch for any of those methods on that site, but I imagine they are relatively effective. They even suggest the dish soap method that you have been using.
Yeah that's where I got the dish soap but I looked up more resources and read that dawn can clog the pores of the leaves and stems and harm them.
are we totally sure these are aphids we are dealing with at this point
Absolutely, that little nightmare cunt is exactly what I saw all over my plants.
This guy suggests baking soda and vinegar spray, with alcohol added later if the original mixture is not effective. At least that's what a shitty translation tells me. I think that would be effective, and it doesn't use the dawn dish soap shit, which is probably some ammonium or something.
damn google translate always trying to sell you a civilian
so in consensus try a light dusting of flour and leave it on for a day and check back after 24 hours. I don't see how flour would do damage so it's worth trying before the other methods. ladybugs are mostly a joke unless it's really warm still where you live. aphid-specific chemicals could be a last resort, after baking soda+vinegar, alcohol, tomato leaf spray,
I don't have an image for what I'm feeling right now
Hola nuevamente paisano. Veo que piensas ver a tus tomatitos morir, y eso es triste porque hhay una manera sencilla de que sobrevivan un poquitin mas! Lo que tienes que hacer es desterrarlas (cuidado con las raises) y ponerlas dentro de tu hogar. El valor de tu amor y de la calefaccion no las hara morir del frio. Es muy importante que tegan la luz durante el invierno.
Bueno, llame tengo que dormir, creo que la migra esta merodiando afuera.
Well I could put them inside, but peppers need a lot of light, which is why I'm thinking I will have to let them go in the winter. I have a small grow light bulb that I used for a small pot with some basil in it but it's not enough to provide light needed for the two pepper plants, which have gotten really big.
Is there a spell for banishing peppers? Tell us more, magic beaner man.
Top kek, I love the night posting here
Nice chems in your plant n shieet.
Get some food grade pic related, it'll kill those bugs good
OP has update?