Why am i so impulsive and do i have such a low attention span?
This has ben quite bothering my social life for a while now and it's getting to the point where i'm annoyed.
My impulsivity has ben preventing me from not looking like a complete ass in my social life.
For example: yesterday, after the last lesson when i was leaving my school to go home, i forgot my sport bag in another classroom, so i had to go all the way back to my classroom tot get it. But that isn't even it! While i was about to leave my class and to back my back bag, i had put on my cotton jacket BACK WARDS, which i only noticed AFTER i got my sports bag and when i left my school.
And so, whenever i'm sitting home behind my pc, thinking about how much of an unintelligent individual i am. I pathetically looked through google on how i stop being such impulsive, and while reading through one of the articles, i feel bored and have an urge to just stop reading which (i used word like for the 100th time already) let me to discover that i also have a low attention span.
So even whenever when i'm trying to do something about, because i have a low attention, i'm having trouble to even read through some info sites.
Also, i apologize for my retardation. English isn't my native language, and i genuinely want to improve on my English by reading a lot more books and improve on my writing skills.
Michael White
lol retard
Jace Thompson
Gabriel Anderson
I have the same problem but Im ok with it and dont plan on doing anything about it tbh
Matthew White
Also, does anyone know why i feel tired whenever i'm observing a lot of information?
Is it because i don't have the intelligence or patience? I'm having an urge to sleep whenever i'm reading through a bunch of informative, correctly spelled and written text?
Also like to note that i have a weak memory, so reading a lot won't actually improve my English because i have forget most of the things.
Am i lost for ever to being able to write at least decently formulated and well spelled?
Charles Jenkins
Again, i apologize for the errors.
Angel Rivera
For anyone wondering why i'm even bothering with my life instead of just simply ending it.
This song explains everything.
Ethan Long
not trying to be rude but you need to leave
Matthew Perry
Heh, this
I've had a piss poor attention span ever since I was a kid. Although, in my case, I'll become obsessed with something for a day or 2 and literally lose interest overnight.
Mental exertion can cause fatigue. Also, you could be dealing with unusually high anxiety levels–seems like that's the case.
No, you need to relax, son. Most Americans can barely speak their own fucking language, so I wouldn't worry about it.
Jacob Rodriguez
also there is nothing wrong with having bad english
Jack Brooks
You seem confused, user. First you wanted a solution and now you want to kill yourself. I don't know how to help you, but if it gives you solace: reading books made me pretty tired in the beginning, but the more literature I read, the more accustomed I became; now I get only tired if the book isn't particularly good/hasn't interesting passages.
Logan Robinson
i disagree
Honestly, i'm so worried about so many things i want to reach from this september until august of 2018, that i'm gonna have to save that for another thread (at least whenever i can write) And even whenever i'm gonna write my story on what i want to do and the reason behind it, i'm probably even going to tear up a bit. I know you really don't care about anyone's life goals, but i'm currently in a situation where i'm either gonna work on it or stay a whimpy social outcast faggot for the rest of my life.
Benjamin Morales
Also, i like to note that what i'm trying to reach aren't life goals but more like necessities and that i'm not gonna work right now and don't reach the things that i want to reach by summer of 2018, that i'm miss a HUGE life changing opportunity
Aiden Thomas
that i'm gonna have to work right now to reach these things by 2018 mistake
Angel Stewart
Just start smoking weed OP. If even the most mundane shit becomes interesting, it's easier to focus on it. Also might calm you down a bit and make you stop giving a fuck about every single little thing.
Kayden Nguyen
take adderall or ritalin, OP
you probably just have ADD
William Flores
you remind me of me tbh i'm a clumsy fuck and my social skills are to a such extent that people start to think i'm trying to be funny but it's actually just my autism
Carson Gutierrez
i'm a clumsy fuck and my lack of social skills*
Aaron Gomez
No, i don't I don't have any problems paying attention and i'm only loud and annoying whenever i want. But however, i might actually only have the negative side effects of add, like: forgetfulness and being impulsive.
I'm just really worried about all the things that i want to reach.
Jack Walker
in 11 months
Jacob Wright
I have ADHD, focusing on things i'm not interested in and paying attention to things is almost impossible, it fucking sucks.
Jordan Bailey
I do have autism tho….. i think, but then again i don't The only aspect of autism that i have is not knowing/being able to think whenever i'm in a group i just met or talking with a stranger a stranger. But then again i don't know if that's because of my social anxiety
Chase Cruz
sounds kind of like autism to me i've also been thinking thay i maybe have autism, when i joke around for example i can't really tell where the line is, when it's too offensive and when it's not. so when i'm talking in a group that's kinda hard and i often embarass myself.
Owen Bailey
Holy fuck user, if you're doubting yourself this much and your self diagnosis is "i dunno lol", go see a specialist. Maybe finding the core of what some or issues stem from might make you be able to change yourself. Or maybe you need some sort of medication. Also I was serious about the weed suggestions.
You will never improve and overcome your issues if you can't even pinpoint your problems.
Anthony Smith
Never really had understanding a joke. Like for example for what today happend to me in class, we were about to have 2 hours of dutch and i was like literally the only one out of the 31 students sitting alone in the class. But that wasn't really a surprise for anyone because i usually don't talk with multiple at once. So after like 30 minutes, the teacher noticed that 2 kids were being really loud so she decided to split them by letting one sit next to me. And this kid who was forced to sit next to me is like the smartest (atleast known by the class) popular one. So when he knew that he needed sit next to me he mockingly said infront the whole class of how it's so awesome to sit next to me. But surprisingly for him i actually told him a lot of kind of original/dark jokes that made him laugh a lot of things. So we actually quickly went along with each other to the point were he started to ask me questions like if i have steam account, any consoles and wich games i have.
Lincoln Diaz
great for you, i actually tend to make friends very easy if i really try, but sometimes my autism prevents me from taking the first step and i expect people to try to make friends with me, not the other way around.
Brody Morales
sounds like you have ADHD and bipolar, just kill yourself while you're at it because it doesn't get any better.
Levi Gutierrez
This explains everything
Jack Thomas
Colton Jenkins
It's going to get worse as you get older user. Even without factoring in diction (naturally, as English is not your native tongue), it is still quite apparent that you are around 15 years old. The issues that you are dealing with are issues that I also remember dealing with at your age. As time progressed they really only got worse. It has now gotten to the point that I often enter a room with a task in mind only to completely forget what it was I had planned to do. Even remedial shit such as getting water or looking for a pen are easily forgotten. This means that I often find myself going in and out of a room multiple times before I remember exactly what my original goal was. On a bad day I carry around a notepad and pen constantly so I can utilize it as a sort of 'backup' of my memory (the only issue with this methos is that I sometimes put them down and then completely forget about them, not realizing that I am without them until about half an hour later). Try and see a psychiatrist as soon as possible, lest you end up like me; incapable of living a proper daily life.
Anthony Murphy
you sound like you're from /r9k/
Xavier Nelson
Tbh no one acknowlged this
Christopher Gomez
You lack discipline. Try working out on a regular basis.
Daniel Stewart
You're just an underage cunt at this point, your English will get better and so will your attention span - just stay off the imageboards
Justin Lewis
Kayden Evans
something about attention span and shit like that
Jason Thompson
OP probably fits under the ADHD diagnosis. Look up how to manage that, and you'll get better at coping. You're still young and your brain is very much growing. If you don't absolutely 100 % need the medicine, don't take it.
Reading books is a good idea.
I recognize this a lot. As an adult sufferer, medication, proper sleep, excercise and diet are the most important things for giving me a better chance at dealing with that.
That said, see a PSYCHOLOGIST. Not a psychiatrist. The former will give you real-life tools to help with managing your problems. The latter will give you pills and a "fuck off".
… when things are interesting, no? Otherwise, you have problems, often major. That's ADHD. I can often nod off during things that require my attention to the point where I have to force myself. Step outside of the room without any need to pay attention? No longer sleepy. Dopamine fuckery is real.