This was an unlisted video that I uploaded onto my youtube channel and shared with nobody and somehow it got flagged and I got yet another strike against my account. What the fuck. I'm probably going to lose my account like happened with my old one because of bullshit like this.
Youtube Took Down My Unlisted Video
Youtube is gone user. What remains is in name only.
I am abandoning my old gmail and youtube accounts because I constantly run into issues. I have a hell of a lot of very questionable activity I've been up to on gmail btw, is it possible for me to archive all my emails on gmail and put them on an external drive, then use some trolling technique to get google to delete all my emails off of their server? I have a ton of questionable shit in my gmail, including many emails to various darknet citizens, terrorists, white nationalists, etc. it's an absolute treasure trove.
I wonder if ISIS being in the title somehow tripped it for automatic review the moment it was uploaded.
oh fugg, u gettng vanned nigga
nigger your better be joking or you're getting v& for sure
Do you think he gonna get v& tho?
now you know why your unlisted video was flagged. you have went from normal pleb user to active surveillance target.
yo so many tor users in this thread
what's up niggers
sup muh nigg.
Lurking for child pizza, I presume.
there was a small dump earlier but na lurking for pthc and cp in general is nigger tier shit.
what's good bruh
I was swatted and had police visit me many times but so far I haven't been vanned. Why exactly I do not know. Corporations like Google oppress me far more than the government.
i tried to post this story yesterday but the shit was broken. this is true story though that happened to me the other day
> goggle is suggesting the word masha
what do? how fucked am i? they'll keep that shit forever even if i told them to delete it. help. i never typed that word
you're not fucked enough
go deeper into the rabbit hole and come play in the mud with us
whats masha?
I would begin storing tubes of vaseline in your rectum immediately. Otherwise Tyrone gonna make you bleed and you are more likely to contract the AIDS.
i'm scared and want to quit visiting here. i keep trying but come back when i get bored.
no one's going to fall for that
you willl be fine user. i would shit my pants if it said something like [email protected] or babyj
Masha Babko from Siberian Mouse.
i'll say it before this nigger does
what's [email protected] and babyj
stop being that guy who spoonfeeds people fellow torfag. it was probably bait as well so stop feeding the 'trolls'
>what's [email protected] and babyj
So many new people here…
[email protected] refers to Richard Goldberg, [email protected] was used as a CP tag on p2p networks
BabyJ is a CP star
Youtube also striked down one of my vids, OP. I feel ya
Probably, but maybe they are just that new
Why does anyone use youtube?
Missing the sarcasm…
I trade cp over gmail and youtube.
Google intentionally leaves CP up for days at a time but takes my anti-semitic meme vids down in minutes.
You're ok bro. Google is a big pedophile network. LGBTBBQP will be a thing soon.
protip: flash lineage and never install gapps again.
cmon user you're smarter than that
Youtube keeps gassing my meme vids.
I also had a vid on my old (original channel I made as a kid) where for a moment my cousin holds up a fish to the camera, the fish is gasping in the air for a few seconds, then is put back in the water. It got flagged as animal abuse, they took it down and put a strike against my account, then I appealed it and they ignored my appeal, then another strike for something happened and they deleted my account. It's fucking insane.
I can't see all these fucking email protected links.
Other sites fuck up when I try to upload my stuff onto them. Resolution is fucked, audio is fucked, or they fail to upload, or the final result is shit. Also I use youtube for commenting and have probably made like a hundred thousand comments protesting white genocide all over youtube.
What is an email protected link?
i'll try it.
Screencap this emails and post here.
[spoiler]Nigga, you're absolutely fucked[spoiler]
You should had use Protonmail,
wtf why? How are people finding my vids when I haven't made any comments or anything anywhere?
Fugging California, they're right in the same place as the big NSA super computer that tracks all phone calls.
this is a tactic i used to use. i had a program that would randomly select a set number of keywords that would raise alphabet agency interest and insert at the bottom of emails. people receiving the mail got concerned though when they'd see the random words though. the idea was that everyone should do this and the signal to noise for too low and the effort for spy agencies would be too large for them to effectively spy on everyone in the world through mass data collection. this was in the 90s well before all their recent shit and before most people thought seriously about this stuff.
Where's that one script that works on Holla Forums that adds keywords to the bottom of your post?
youtube makes audio captions automatically now. They might use that to detect problematic keywords.
Guys even though I just made a new channel to replace my old one, even though I haven't made any comments anywhere, or shared anything; for some reason it's getting a shitload of traffic and people are finding my videos already. Also it's getting all the old suggestions my previous channel used to.
google hates freedom and the constitution. google loves terrorism. google is a terrorist group.
nevermind. you're a faggot.
Get the fuck off of Holla Forums.
where is the original video?
I have had two video taken down.
The first video I had taken down was this one.
The second video was this; which I never uploaded publicly, it was an unlisted video, intended for absolutely nobody to see other than myself, I was just clearing files off of my computer and wanted to store them in the cloud / on youtube.
Why was it taken down? That video is perfectly legal.
thanks for links
wish liveleak was like it used to be
IDK but I appealed it and they denied my appeal like always.
Google is always fucking with me and probably mad as fuck because I have done major memetic damage to their faggot campaigns and other psy-ops many times.
Oh this video also I had taken down:
It is here on this other channel but I had the EXACT SAME VID on my own channel and it was taken down.
Fuck off
thread derailed, everyone too busy fapping now to post
They killed my account. I had this account for years and it had many viewers and subscribers and they just terminated it. They also just killed my gmail.
YouTube is now more concerned with soulless, corporate garbage than anything the "community" or its users can generate, unless said users can be kept on a leash. YouTube is now akin to SONY Music or MTV; a faceless, multibillion dollar monolith that wants to pander to the lowest common denominator in order to maximize site traffic and advertisement revenue. Is it really surprising that they deleted your videos, when they're clearly of a controversial or shocking nature? You have a video of an actual fucking child executing a man. That's some politically charged shit. Even if you made your videos private, they still likely felt the need to get rid of them, if only to distance themselves from the possibility of being damaged by association. Think about it: Your video gets plastered all over Facebook or some other high-traffic website, people get angry and tensions flare, and then someone finds out that the video was originally uploaded to YouTube. It makes them look bad. You putting said videos on their site would be like taking a gun, murdering someone, and then giving the gun to your mother for sakekeeping. If the authorities find that shit on her, she could be punished.
Don't be a retard, you know damn well why your shit was deleted. Yeah, YouTube is shit, though.
if such horrible things are going on in the world such as extremists forcing kids to shoot people who they disagree with, who is youtube to dare to keep the world ignorant to these truths of every day life?
A faceless, multibillion dollar monolith that wants to pander to the lowest common denominator in order to maximize site traffic and advertisement revenue. It's a private corporation, and it can maintain and enforce any type of content policy that it likes, regardless of the importance of any given subject matter that may be affected by it. These niggas want to burn books, they're gonna burn books. What're you gonna do about it? What can you do about it? Not a damn thing. Point is, it shouldn't be surprising.
not impressed. don't care.
One could say the same thing about you.
I don't care about you and google even not care-er
Alright, now you're not even making sense. I think we're done here.
Youtube sure is cucked these days.
I'm making less sense than you.
That's it, I'm gonna become a sexy video game commentator to attract kids and then redpill them on the world and change said world with my revolutionary antics. I've been planning everything and how my success will go and how everything will crack into place. All I need to do now is pursue this… What games do I start out with first? It's kind of a shame people might think I'm ugly tbh… Why is society based on attractiveness instead of progressiveness.. I mean, I'm a pretty swell guy.. tbh
make sure you tell them to eat organic.
My steam account: shoad
My gmail account: shoad
My main youtube account: shoad (twice + many alt accounts were gassed too)
I'm pretty much being banned from everything on the internet. Imageboards are one of the last few outlets for me to actually communicate with other humans.
Great I got a notice that whoever is fucking with me has now started going after my stocks.
I'm just going to sell all my stocks, nope the fuck out of everything, go hide, and emerge again with a new identity and start a new life. Everything is fucking compromised and insecure as shit. Good bye Holla Forums.
give up on youtube. Controlled by Juden and SJWs, catered towards sensitive ninnies or braindead lets play viewers.
What the fuck did i miss?
You didn't make it a private video. Unlisted doesn't make it private.
and duplicate detection
Well, I instantly regret finding out what that shit was. Christ.
What got deleted?
you shouldn't be here anyway
that shit is catchy wtf I just booked a flight to Pakistan
tbh that was the video that almost made me join isis back when i supported isis