What is Holla Forums beliefs on spirituality and God
And is American Christian
Also is there enlightenment
What is Holla Forums beliefs on spirituality and God
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Fuck off with this D&C shit.
For some people who can't be "moral" without an almighty father-figure to keep 'em in line and making them feel special.
Same as above
The same. Cultures are made up of individuals, if the common denominator needs religion and the spiritual then its likely that it'll be an important part of the culture they belong to.
And is American Christian
It promotes a servile attitude towards authority…
Christianity is just a religion, the dogma doesn't care for race because dogma comes first.
Paganism is a part of european history, but neo-paganism is just reaction.
This l.
← This man
This sounds about right.
polite sage for 'what does Holla Forums think about ?'
Alt-Kek, now fuck off.
Apply yourself, holy shit.
Satan = adversary to kike god and to this kike world order.
In the future the last remaining whites will be children of Satan battling against the mudforces of nigger-spic-muslim Jew Christian-Communism.
Whoever wins will determine the future of earth. Either the machines take over or the New Man arrives. But Jesus never comes back
I have honestly given up on this. People will just never learn.
Something like this. Except that kike god is actually Satan (god of torture and slavery).
No that's the trick. You have to go beyond good and evil.
It's only bad because we mated with our slaves or kept them after they were no use to us anymore and made them citizens thanks to Christians
Alright, I'll approach this topic, but can we stay away from muh Christianity and paganism?
I think god has been mathematically proven, (see Godel) so I believe some kind of transcendental has to exist, logically. I don't subscribe to any specific religion.
To answer your questions…
Yes, even Uncle Adolf himself realized this. I think we need some kind of revamped religious system, Constructive Christianity, Uncucked Christianity if you will.
Yes, very important as a matter of fact. We've got to protect these bonds of higher unity, like religion, race, etc., Things that will unite someone, a lower common denominator that can unite us in the face of an external threat more important than our own internal conflicts. If we have no higher bonding force to rally under, how will we face these external threats? Divided, and defeated.
Yep, religion is a highly traditional thing, it is needed to reinforce a culture's traditional values. (and, to reinforce the state)
What do you mean by this? The Enlightenment was a movement headed by Christians if that's what you're asking, there is certainly enlightenment under religion though. Christians were the ones who had the foresight to copy and carry on the survival of old books. We wouldn't know nearly as much of classical civilizations without their effort.
Have you seen the myth?
In a way. If there is nothing beyond materialism then "might is right" is the only rule. In that case I guess we have nothing to complain about concerning our situation. I find most higher ideals people show me have root in some sort of spirituality.
Mostly for the individual.
Hard to make something work consistently in a culture, but people need basic rituals to have a community at least. Ideally in my opinion it would be a common framework and rituals giving people the tools and abilities to explore spirituality on their own. Personal revelations and healing is not so far off as people are trained to think.
It was, now it mostly seems insane. I suspect they have a hidden wish of being oppressive again by going along with some very dark movements.
It's Jewish at the core, but heavily eclectic with European concepts.
It has some interesting elements, but not important in it's current form. Perhaps someday.
what an absolute shit infographic. not every meme'r is created equal. leave OC making to true wizards.
God I hate teenagers
what's the wager that OP has spent less than 5 days on this board
Heirarchy was an Indo-European concept from day one. If you think it's bad, maybe you've been rendered ignorant by heebs.
Fuck off ghost of RAW
Why is there a chaos star on the left side?
Interesting chart, green pill. One polarity is geared toward the masculine, the other feminine… Care to guess?
If you aren't a pedophile Erisian then just LOL…
Most of the world gets wiped out in the incoming ELE, then Satan's children vs the borg or human/alien hybrids. And Jesus is just another representation of ascendant awareness (christ consciousness) which IS making a big return.
sauce on third pic?
the universe in its entirety is god
How do I join the Illuminati? I am a monarchist but I am ready to join.
There might be a God, there might not be a God, but there are not multiple gods, any manifestation that to our eyes appears to be multiple gods is the manifestation of the several forms and attributes of God.
Why ask?
posting in a smiley thread
Remember to sage and report.
Debunk Kurt Gödel's Ontological Proof then.
this is pure autism, but I'm sure you already knew that
Def2. Is wrong.
It is described as
□ α ess x α(x) /\ ∀ v (v(x) -> □ ∀y(α(y)=>v(y)))
But that makes contingent properties like v essential, leading to modal collapse.
The correct version is:
□ α ess x α(x) /\ ∀ v ((□v(x)) -> □ ∀y(α(y)=>v(y)))
The essence is the conjunction of all necessary properties. And that leads to a whole other can of worms. Anyway, I'm to old for this . You get more enlightening stuff out of existence by reading zen koans.
Actually, most of the ancient greek corpus survived thanks to the arabs (Baghdad house
of wisdom and that shit) before they got fucked over by adopting Al-Ghazali's fundamentalism and becoming inbred. It came back to us accidentally when we reconquered some of the territory . Christians weren't too keen on preserving non-religious texts.
According to people adhering to Gnosis, Jesus was an aeon, and there's a limited number of them.
level 8/9 "ascendant" lurking.
as far as i can tell, it comes to you, not the other way 'round. decalcifying your pineal gland, getting rid of heavy metals and flouride is essential before though. most people are simply blocked from their "inner" spirit- thing. or whatever it is. (((they))) are blocking that for a reason… turn us all into a bunch of docile monkeys… work, consume and be stupid. nope. not going to happen now bitches…