Why Snug Trumpf Booty Blasted the Jews so much

The blessing the pastor was reading was a blessing that more or less makes Trump a Jew in the eyes of the Lord, if a Rabbi in Israel had done it it would have made Trump eligible to purchase land in Israel, however in the eyes of the lord this still gives Trump Jewish privilege since the ceremony had been blessed by a Grand Rabbi from Israel.

However this doesn't make Trump a Jew, this makes him a Christian who is to be treated as a Jew by other Jews, this fact alone makes any Jew upset because they're rather have a fucking Paki Muslim receive this blessing than a Christian, doubly so because Trump comes from German/Frankish blood whom the Jews have assumed are the descendants of the Amalek (who Hitler called Aryan) who in Jewish Folklore "will eventually bring the destruction of the Jews"

Other urls found in this thread:


Anything that rustles (((them))) is fine by me

So is he still a goyim?

Hes like an honored Goyim. To be addressed as a Jew but is able to retain his religious practices, however I'm not sure if Trump is even aware of this. This means Jews are not allowed to swindle or lie to him.

No wonder they're so mad

The Absolute Madman
Eat shit kikes, your time is up, our Time is now.

What? How have I never heard of this?

So was this known before Hitler or after?

This explains so much, they aren't just afraid of Hitler, they are afraid of an Aryan nationstate because of their prophecy? KEK.

They're so crooked they're trying to change their own god-given destiny.

Well we can't fail the promissed people lads, preheat your ovens, the final Shoah is a go.

It just struck me as lowbrow patriotard pandering to American lumpenproles. To reach a more debased audience he'd have to start sticking needles in his arms.

Before, this is why prominent Jews refused to meet the Kaiser until 1898

34th dimmensional check

I know that Jews are always trying to Jew their way around their own religious laws and there are secular Jews who won't give a damn, but can any user confirm how much this protects Trump and fucks over Jews trying to Jew Trump?

Story time please.

Trump is becoming more powerful than we could have ever imagined.

Read the Wikipedia article

I guess the record has been corrected.

You and your ilk will decorate lampposts and traffic signals the world over. Enjoy your shekels until then.


if past kike shit is anything to go by.. this will create yuge infighting amongst the jews who would not go against jew law and the jews that dont care and will still attack trump. It will make it very apparent to many people that the jews are a problem.

this is ebin beyond ebin.

also, anecdote time, this morning my pleb dad asked me "what if hitler didnt do anything wrong"

what a time to be alive


I'd love to believe it, but I have never heard or read of this before, I need to know where you got this from

Wait, so there is a higher level of Christianity where the Jews approve you above all the other slaves?

he's sure focusing dat smug

Wait so it wasn't just a prayer shawl it was a blessed Shawl from Israel that gives Trump religious immunities from getting Kiked?

Did Trump just Jew the Jews harder than anyone in recent history?

so, what happen if they lie about him then? Rabbi give them a padling? or they are eligible for hell or smthing.

I don`t see the Jews stopping lying about Trump no matter what

This board isn't a hugbox. Just because someone accurately excoriated American nigger-jew worship culture doesn't mean they're a shill.

I can't wait until the election is over and you people leave.

Trump wears an old rag and creates conflict in the jew community?

Sounds like a god tier bait poster.

Heil Drumpf


you know we got ids, right shillboy?

Anyone who doesn't believe in meme magick at this point is a goddamn fool



Yes. What are you even trying to say? Trump isn't putting on silly kike rags because he's trying to send some weird message to jews.

He's doing it because Americans are stupid niggers who believe in jewish fairy tales and he wants stupid nigger votes.

I can almost guarantee you that all these degenerate Reform kikes that are freaking out about this don't know the first thing about it.
They really are throwing a fucking hissy because he touched the sacred rag.

Think about it: do most Christians know the symbolic meaning of the pastor's vestments? Or even the names of each piece? Or even what the clerical collar is supposed to mean?

Don't make Jews look more devout and observant of their religion than they are, because most of them are Holiday Jews just like most Christians are.

Do you think that was drawn by a regular faggot, or by a christian faggot in denial?


doesnt matter what he was trying to do what matters is that the kikes are receiving the message

I find it amazing that morons like you get paid for such weak shilling

This is the core problem with paid Trump shills.

They invade the board and instead of reading posts, they read INTO posts and sperg out over perceived, imaginary slights to their candidate.

Trumps targeted rustling

kek project harder why dont you

There's no message to send. Stop reading into things that aren't there, from Trump and the people you're starting pointless flame wars with.

Go back and read the original comment that triggered you. I'll even link it directly. There's nothing about Hillary Clinton. There really isn't anything about Trump. Stop working yourselves into knots because someone ON Holla Forums made fun of America's garbage culture of mystical nigger-jew fairy tales.

Jesus Christ the fucking mental gymnastics. Why can't we have one based leader that isn't a fucking philosemite and a zionist?


Are you a nigger? Are you a jew? Are you actively worshiping niggers and jews? Why would care if someone rags on them?

Maybe you'd feel more at home over at GLP, free republic, or infowars.

It was the perfect saltmining operation. He received a Jewish prayer shawl and a nigger was the one who gave it to him.

Who else /honoraryJuden/

OH I've seen the error of my ways. Of course Jews are more educated in the esoteric meanings of the minutia of a Rabbi's costume than Christians are about their religion. All Jews are far more educated than Christians about their religion so of course they knew the deep hidden meaning of what some nigger did in some weird pseudo-Hebe ceremony. Please forgive me for the error in my ways, O Trump Supporter.


He didn't touch the Jizzraeli wall, dipshit. He was visiting a nigger church.

atleast read the board culture vocabulary section of your manual before posting here

I kind of miss when it was challenging to spot shills.

Im going to take this time to remind you that there are groups of very dedicated anons acquiring the employee rosters of all shill companies. Do you really trust your employers IT security that much? You will be punished for your crimes.



You have one of those pics with Trump on it? Cause your argument is really fucking stupid otherwise

I think that you misunderstood me. Trump is rustling the elite jews more than he's rustling holiday jews. It's perfect.

Also, daily reminder that kikes hate Trump. I mean, they HATE him. I'd be surprised if he gets 15% of the Jew vote.

Why do you keep mentioning ids like you're pointing out some weird secret? I know very well who I'm talking to. What are you even trying to get across?

Are you just sort of grafting things you've heard around the board onto your arguments hoping it will stick or something?

Where are all of you coming from? Some guy dresses up like a kike in a church full of niggers and it's hands off? Go away.

I wonder if they'll try to argue that the blessing is invalid because a nigger delivered it.

I mean, don't religious Jews hate niggers and consider them goyim by default? They even have their own "nigger" word which I can't remember.


Trump is a Freemason, not a Christian. Which pretty much already makes him a kike, this ceremony was not really necessary.

you keep responding as if you arent the author of the other posts i am replying to. either you dont understand ids or are extemely touched in the head

I haven't done that once. What the fuck are you talking about?

Stop imagining things that aren't there.


no. he is a knight of malta

Don't they swindle and lie to each other constantly? I know they work as a tribe against outsiders, but this is the first I heard that the Jew affords such a protection to their own from their own.

enjoy your stay in filter town

Right back at you.

Whatever you say, Satan.

they dont swindle 'kikes that got the blessing' its akin to a grease ball mafia member become a 'made man'


study your fucking manual. if i were your boss youd be fired by now.

Your butt….is it hurt?

Fuck off shill

Please stop educating the shills.

Because the pastor is black, won't the Jews recognize that as illegitimate?

Honestly? Yeah, a little bit. The shilling on this board is outrageous.

Never in a million years did I think making fun of niggers would be taboo on this board.

I'm pretty sure those are bots.

I'm original exodus. You faggots are pure, distilled cancer. The upshot is you'll all be gone after November.

He actually straight up refused to go to Israel before the election.

Nice try shill.



They will be gone when full internet censorship kicks in. Do you really think they are doing this because of Trump?

.02$ were added to your account

You are right. My apologies for real this time.

Mein Kaiser Trump.
Sieg Kaiser Trumpenfuhrer!
Sieg New Reich!

No need for crying
Let out your feelings
Wide through the space
Where time just endlessly spins
Twinkling tears of night
Darkness turns to light
Sailing so free, sailing in peace
Lay your heart down
Onto the sea of the stars

Struggling and losing
Never returning
Into the dreams of all the planets that sleep
Rainbow coloured stars
Gently taps the heart
Dreaming along
High above all
Awaken now upon the sea of the stars

Life is a gift from above
Still there's always an end
Deep within hatred is
Beauty of love that sing

No need for crying
You won't be lonely
Whisper a prayer
To souls that endlessly live
Sparkling dusts of tears
Soon shall disappear
Trust and forgive
Universe back in peace
Rise now oh child
Upon the sea of the stars
Rise now oh child
Upon the sea of the stars

I'm not sure what internet censorship has to do with it.

No picture of Trump touching the wailing wall exists.

Trump is master of the D&C. Master strategist, master tactician. Master of approaching dimensional chess levels that shouldn't be possible.

and for you pleb dad, it sounds like you know what you must do, user

That's also because he also noted and mentioned on twitter he abandoned his trip to israel.

Censorship doesn't have to be direct and obvious, it can be much more subtle. Think of it as Brave New World rather than 1984. You'll see where they fit in and what is their real goal.

Protip: it has nothing to do with elections

The Jews on twitter are having a melt down bahahahahahahahha.


Grandmaster Trump.


I'd rather you just come out and explain it clearly. When you say Brave New World, are you referring to the medication they had everyone on to regulate mood?

The man is a genius.



and using the brackets too

Someone please reply with Big Bang Theory's 'sarcasm'.

kek'd hard at this

So all I gotta do is get snug as a bug in one of their magical blankets and I rocket to the top of the progressive stack?

You wear one shekelmage robe, and your shekels gain immunity.


found this gem

oh snap , beat me to it

On the one hand I'm getting flashbacks to his story time of the snake and the silly girl, how we know not to trust his lies. Potential terror.
On the other I have never been more happy in my life, seeing these fucks get their lives turned upside down as their knight of mirrors wrecks their shitty worldview.

You want someone to reply to that kike with pic related?

Kek, of course he doesn't Yair is grade a stooge…I've been blocked by the cunt so many times its funny.

What if this is a move that prevents the Jews from crashing the economy after Trump gets elected or else they risk causing massive rifts amongst the Jewish community? Is Trump using Religious Jews to stop the secular banking Jews from fucking with him?

Because let's be honest, by far the biggest risk of a Trump presidency is the Jews crashing the economy and blaming it on Nationalism and Populism.

Don't trust you

That would be some nice 3D chess, but I think he just did it for the optics of it all. Can't be called a nazi when you are blessed by black jews.

das rite

I have been wondering so much about this, especially since he directly and explicitly mentioned a crashing economy.

So far I haven't found anything that helps me understand, which leads me to believe Trump knows a lot more than he lets on.
Or he is just crazy and stubborn and believes he can power trough(I have trouble believing that happen).

The more time that goes on the more and more I think that Trump is playing everyone.

Trump is going to unmask the jews after they stab America in the back by deliberately crashing the economy. Then we're going to party like it's the 1930s.


It's gotta be anointed or else it's just a regular rug. Church nigra special ordered his direct from Israel. That church may be heretical, but it sure got the job done this time around.


Hell, they're having a meltdown right in this thread.

Oh I assure you he does.

jesus christ jim let me post

Get a load of the schnoz on this one. Holy shit.

You're pretty good at reading, shill. Keep at it for another 20 years and you might even start understanding the things you're reading.


Your shekles become Jew immune, or rather if you take a loan from a Jew he has to forgive it once every 7 years and if a Jew lies to you he has to call you and tell you every new year. A Jew also cannot steal from you without telling you in the New Year.

Of course he does, he's part of the whole charade.

nice vpn

I just noticed, but is Ben trying to say the American people will stop her? Because there is no way she can actually do anything but go back and forth on that board.

not the brightest spoon in the shed, ehh?

Jesus was a jew. Fuck you and fuck anyone who worships semite gods.

That said I hope this works out for Trumps favor.

Indeed, but he was not what you know know as part of "the Jews"

*know now

The jews of the old testament were just as bad as the jews today.

See: the baseless slander of the superior Egyptian civilization in Exodus.

Try to find any reference to this before the 1920s (aka the Zionist movement), it was the primary justification that Zionist Terrorists gave for their attacks during and after WW1. Zionists invented the lie of Egyptian Slavery not Jews from 30ad, however that does not justify any "Jewish" behavior that takes place after the birth of Christ because they are not Jews.

Reported. Kill yourself immediately.

OHH you mean the story of Moses. You have to understand what "slavery" meant to Jews in that context. Jews consider work on the Sabbath to be slavery, its just whiny Neurotic Jewish kvetching.

Ask any Jew this, they won't disagree but they will get butthurt for you implying they didn't suffer.

do you dislike the truth?

My parents have a bible about 100 years older than 1920. Exodus is in it. Try again kike.

I dislike intl. Reported. Kill yourself immediately.

I love the ones talking about how CNN is biased against Clinton.

The entire story of Exodus is the prototype of the Holohoax. None of it happened, it was fabricated whole-cloth by jewish priests during the jewish exile in Babylon.

They slandered the Egyptians to create a jewish persecution myth that they could point to and say "see, god delivered us from Egypt, so he'll do it again in Babylon" It started or is the first recorded instance of the jewish victimhood complex.


Meanwhile, the shill stood before the Anons, and they asked him, "Are you a shill?" "N-no, i-i-i-i'm just like you XD" The Shill replied.

Jesus was Judean. Nice try though, kikeberg.

In all-white communities, that stuff is fine.

The real problem is all the "turn the other cheek" and "meek will inherit the earth" stuff. Veneration of victimhood and weakness. It runs contrary to traditional European values of strength and self-sufficiency.

Yeah but the victimhood complex wasn't based on a lie, it was based on their perception of Slavery or mistreatment. To a Jew

Working on the Sabbath = Slavery

To you and me if your boss tells you to work on the weekend you get pissed off but expect a favor later. With Jews its literally annada shoah and they'll go to Jew hell.

You misinterpret what Jew means in the context of the Bible. The Bible makes Torah and Talmudic Jews irrelevant because Christians are the New Tribes of Israel.

wait, so you're telling me the yids have their own concept of "honorary aryan"?

topkek. I'll have to covertly ask the kikes at work what they think and see if they look butthurt


Perhaps the jews had legitimate grievances in Babylon, but their "victimization" by the Egyptians is a complete hoax. They were never enslaved in Egypt. As a race they were never in Egypt at all.

The supposed jewish enslavement in Egypt isn't the source of their neurosis, it's a symptom of it.

Trump has surpassed 5D chess, he has used meme magic to grant himself access to the judencave

If you like Hitler you’ll LOVE SHITLER!!!
From the Turd Reich’s New MTV, OBZEEN presents: Shitler's Birthday Bash
WATCH: youtu.be/bIFywgFtsAA

Again another misinterpretation, in the Roman Empire slapping with your right hand (which you would need to to slap the left cheek) is disgusting and dishonors you because people would wipe their ass with their right hand. For you to make the implication in that culture that someone would slap you with their right hand is an insult to their character.

Well yeah, Christianity is a death-based religion.


I agree, but because of Jewish culture they define slavery as working on the Sabbath, so they considered it slavery.

You're going back, Pedro, I hope you know that.

He looks smug and comfy as fuck

You christfags are the most irrational cuckolds and the greatest thorn in the side of the West for nearly a millennium. Don't pretend political union vs semitic hordes (read muslims/jews) would not have been possible would not have been possible without christfaggorty.

This board belongs to those that love the white race. Christians act daily against our very existance by worshipping a semitic deity. The cognitive dissonance goes so far as to believe the obviously jewy jews from the old testament were some other race. They have always been kikes and have always tried to jew/parsitize indo-aryan cultures.


Usted tiene que volver.

That's his secret user..
Trump is always comfy.

RIP Andre


These memes are getting to big for me user.

I don't feel in charge anymore(send help).

Tranny radar pinging high. Covering up the adams apple surgery with a collar

Goddamn it he fucking knows.

My body is ready.

Only Trump can lead us and free us from our
Stockshalom Syndrome

No more kosher Burgers!


If dubs Trump makes that tallit into a lampshade.

Nah, it'll be the dog's blanket.


When is this clip from?

Not a tranny actually, just a qt stiff Japanese Wrestler named Asuka (formerly Kana) once stared at me and licked her lips, srs.

December of last year.


Do jews have a particular word for non jews to be treated like jews? If there ever were a word to meme, that would be it.

"The Shoah"


Enjoy my lovingly prepared confirmation bias.

I'm enjoying those digits. I think Kek is telling us you're on to something here.

You are retarded if you believe this. The Jews dont follow their own rules anyway.

Why do you think they wanted Israel? They're trying to force their messiah to appear so he can save them from the low-IQ hordes they've created to kill off their hosts.

He didn't refuse, he was planning to go and then bibi started talking shit so Trump postponed it until AFTER the election


Thanks for correcting the record kike.

These are rhetorical gymnastics that 99% of Christians never go through.

If the 'obvious' meaning of the phrase is regressive but the 'obscure sophisticated' meaning of it is good an innocent, then we still have a problem.

The true meaning to me seams worse than the superficial one. He sounds like a typical Jew pushing the idea of subversion of honor based societies like the Romans rather than direct physical force.

Yeah, I'm not exactly enthralled with his "true meaning" either.

Shaming creditors into good social behavior? Here's a better idea, lynch the anti-social creditors. Hang them publicly to set an example and send a clear message. Such straight forward solutions from strength and power don't exactly receive memetic support from Christianity.

The people we are fighting also don't have shame. Lacking shame in the first place is what Id view as evil. The only people this would work on are good to begin with.

That's a good point. The Christian ethics he is suggesting are entirely toothless against our real enemies.

I've always thought that Christianity works well enough in all-white communities. The problem is that Christianity provides insufficient memetic defenses to keep white communities white.

Doesn't matter, this still pisses them off.

That would be racist. :^)


You forget the actual reality of being Jesus Christ though. He wasn't the only would-be messiah running around giving advice.

Simon of Peraea was the biggest would be messiah when Jesus was coming of age, and HE was the guy who tried to lead an armed rebellion against the Romans, fighting squarely. His men were slaughtered and he was unable to escape, being killed along with them.

Calling to fight the Romans head on would never have worked. They were too numerous, too well armed, and too organized. Against a superior occupying force that has proven it can beat you, slamming your head against it over and over again will yield no results.

If he truly had the only god on his side, why the hell not? The old testament is filled with stories of god intervening in battles. Filled with stories about jews defeating impossible odds.

Yes, pacifist subversion worked against the Romans. But that doesn't make it an admirable ideology that we should venerate. On the contrary, we should look at that example as motivation to update our memetic defenses to prevent that form of subversion from working again.

I love it when my politics get esoteric and Biblical like this.

Are ya ready, Holla Forums?

Schwartze. It means "black" but can be used as a slur too.

Ahhh no…They are booty blasted because they don't WANT/NEED ANY blacks voting for Trump. If Trump gets 20% of the black vote, the Jews/Hillary is doomed.

Play some 88th dimensional chess ffs.

Can I get a sauce on this movie?

Tales Of Beatrix Potter

It's also filled with stories of Jews thinking their God will make them unstoppable conquerors and then getting defeated. That time that they brought the Ark into battle and the Philistines stole it is what immediately springs to mind.

He knows.

This video gives me chills every time. The look on Mika's face to Joe sets the whole mood.

Thanks user.


Which only included 2 of the 12 tribes. Interesting.

You faggot kikes can't be more obvious.

When will you niggers learn Jesus died so Judaism would end.


The serpent is afraid.

Insufficient only because of a meme called equality was brutalized to European societies after the French Revolution.

I know, I just found it to be funny that bringing up jewish butthurt will without a doubt bring up Jesus Christ, the Divine thorn in their ass.

Sure, but Jesus, being the son of god, with a direct line of communication to god, should be able to resist the temptation to commit the classical sin of hubris.

Or, you know, just do it himself. He had godly powers while on earth as a mortal man. Fish, bread, water tricks, etc… A pacifist battle medic Jesus could keep an entire army alive, Lazarus style. Remember, he could bring back the dead?

I'm to believe the omnipotent son of god can't defeat Rome head to head? If that's the case, I'll sooner worship Rome.

Be that as it may, the Christianity leaves itself too open to abuse, and lends itself too well to egalitarian logic.

You can say the verses used to defend egalitarianism are being abused, but the fact that they can be so easily abused is a memetic deficiency of Christianity.

This post has gone unchecked for too long


nigger that is KANA aka Asuka, one of the top female wrestlers on the planet

Ok. Could be a post op tranny. You never know with them asians

And look how that turned out.
Why destroy when you can control? In the end, Rome knelt before Christ, and became a major conduit of Christianity.

Top fucking Kek. Trump is the master of all ruses, the incarnation of Kek him self.

Yeah it's fine. Let's not re-invent the wheel…Maybe we can fiddle around with religion and philosophy when we get rid of the Jewish menace…

Oh, he knows. His smug fucking expression means: "I just pissed on the head kikes shoes and all I had to do was go to detroit"

I find the subversive methods used offensive. They offend my sensibilities. Social subversion is disgustingly jewish.

I think you're speaking on a topic very different to that which the person you're speaking to speaks on.

Refusing to use a valid tactic just because jews use it is a road to failure. After all, what is Holla Forums if not socially subversive against the NWO?


The son of god could use any tactic he pleased and make it work. Which he chose was a matter of his personal taste. I find that gross, and it just confirms my suspicions that he was a jew.

Not at all. It's a Christian Church for starters, and thus not a Jewish ceremony. People are just having a giggle at triggered Jews crying over a piece of cloth. Stop shilling like JIDF by claiming otherwise.

tbh, Jesus was a big fan of the Romans. Never speaks against them and even sends them to fulfill his temple prophecy of destruction.

Ben Garrison is a political genius

God should have impregnated a Roman virgin.

Well if you wanna look down your nose at the King of Kings for not measuring up to your personal standards, that's your decision. Just remember that Hell is forever.

Hell is the plane we reside on now. The Jews are our test. If we pass the test, Heaven awaits us.

check these titties and fat distribution (hhhnnnggg) . 100% woman who would kick your lily ass

that definitely isnt a woman

So let me get this straight.
Trump is, literally, the actual reincarnation of devil and harbinger of doom of the jewish people?




The German people in general area, according to the Jews



The king of the jews is not my king.

He's one incarnation. It's no wonder the Jews act the way they do, they literally believe that every "Amalekite" is a vessel of pure evil. Once you understand this, their eternal grudge against Germany becomes more clear.

It's not just the Germans, they also believe that this applies to the Armenians and (of course) the Palestinians. Remember, most of the Young Turk government that instigated the Armenian genocide were Crypto-Jews.

..said every jew.

Trump is literally King of the Jews - INRI.
He is the second coming of Jesus, that ushers in a thousand years of peace and the destruction of Israel.

That's pretty funny

I would believe this if it meant bringing it further into reality.


I wonder where they were for pic related?


Same fucking thing. Except he gets diplomatic immunity and can go through customs without his bags searched.

So that's why they shut it down.

Think of it as a prescribed behavior for situations where fighting is not an option. That of being unable to confront / resist your oppressor / tormentor using direct physical force - all upright and honorable-like.

In that case, all J.C. is saying is know your enemy and use to your advantage his cultural particularities or whatever social norms are in effect.

It's basically a commandment to employ weaponized etiquette and not be a social retard.

This is a meme that needs to happen since the battles are within institutions and not bars and back alleys and we no longer live in an honor culture.


Nigger, that shit doesn't even make sense. It's more of an insult to YOU that they'd slap you with their right hand, because it means ""you're an asshole"" in their opinion, hence the ass-wiping hand used for the slapping.


there are untold numbers of rules in their religion about cheating other jews. They of course find ways to jew around it, but its not easy.

pls, user. stahp. I can only get so erect.

I just don't understand why Jews would recognize the legitimacy of a black Christian church? Even if the shroud came from Israel.

To me this is like some nigger running off to Germany, grabbing some NSDAP armbands and when he takes them to Detroit he passes them out to his friends saying, "If I put this shit on you, Holla Forums cannot attack you no mo'".

Dont even know what that guy is talking about, but you are applying our current social norms to shit thats 2000 years old.

so much shit doesnt make sense, like violating guest right. The romans would be REQUIRED to be hospitable to their guests, even if say, the guests were your worst enemy and they kinda came uninvited.

Hol the fuck up!

Are you saying, that detroit meeting thingie got him blessed by a niggger, who happened to be "jewish" and now he's got himself a "anti-kike raincoat" wich make him basically untouchable by kikes?
You cant make sense out of that, I cant even…


Oh for that I have no answer, im just saying that they have alot of rules about themselves, their religious rules require gentiles for them to even function because so much shit is off limits.

thats why the jews never want a world free of gentiles, they are unique in their ambition in that they need a world full of their enemy, probably doesnt help that persecution complex.

this is the thing about the jew though, while there are some who really dont give a fuck about the rules, groups like the orthodox really do believe they will lose their power and position if they dont follow the superstitions. Its why they dont let christians into the dome, they genuinely think that only non christians and non jews can be allowed in because otherwise a christian child may say the prayer that begins the end. When they open up the temple mount to christians, thats when you know the jews think they are ready, because thats when they think they have their chance to kill god.


It will be interesting to see if there are any observable changes in the way Trump is treated. Most of the media moguls probably do not play by the rules of Orthodox Judaism, and certainly Soros does not.

Personally I doubt anything will come of this, but hopefully it helps him pickup some of the black vote, a vote is a vote.

I can guarantee soros does not play by the rules, I dont have any proof of him breaking them off the top of my head, but you know that fucker gives no shits.

I dont think it would be hard to observe a change though, im sure we could use to chart the number of jews currently lying about trump in media, and compare it to before.

The problem would be if by ignoring the rules they would risk the ire of Jews who take the rules super seriously.

And that's what makes this such a master stroke from the 1488-dimensional chess grandmaster.


Did we ever find out why the jews fear civil war?

I cant imagine the orthodox would find it acceptable for the neokikes like soros to be running their show.

So then why do they fuck with non-germanic whites?

Funny you should say that

Because they're Christian

Trump, go to bed it's getting late.

I still think they'll ignore the rules because it wasn't from a Rabbi. Also I'm sure rabbinical law nullifies anything a negro does.

But of course, they're not the real Jews, they some Khazar babies cryin' about da holoCaust. Das Rite.

Online communities usually do not recover after events like this

At least they used to be.


Trump only sleeps 4 hours because he's a fucking mutant who's brain recharges twice as fast as us plebs.

Yeah I've often noticed him tweeting random shit at 3:00am, I think one was pepe on a train.

I'm kind of that way too, I don't go to sleep at normal human hours if I sleep 8 hours

2:03 am in my timezone. Night hours are the best hours. Everything is quiet, and there are no distractions.


Now Trump can kill all the jews and no one can stop him.

we do it for free faggot, because we believe in him

fixed it for you and checking some sweet dubs

Sup Chaim how's the weather in Tel Aviv?

Good. I hope he never goes to Israel.

That would just be RI - The IN stands for Jesus (Iesu) of Nazareth (Nazarius), King of the Jews is Rex Iudeum

And he's not Christ, shit, he's not even Hitler, but he's the best we've got at the moment.


This is nothing but pandering, Trump probably doesn't gives a shit about religion, not even his own. Still, it fucking rustled the Shlomos enough to literally SHUT IT DOWN.


Also this, it might not work with the young BLM groids but it will have an effect in many old Black church women and some white churchianity holdouts.

Why has this not been posted?


Stop trying to make your shitty meme happen.

Fuck off Oliver go back to the UKaliphate.


Probably just a degenerate fuck looking to defame Christ
His name betrays this… probably not his real name, but a name he uses as an artist, kinda like a nom de plume.


Exactly, and it became a self-fulfilling prophecy because the Treaty of Versailles, Germany Must Perish, and all of the things that boiled the frog fast enough to give Hitler a window of opportunity to start his Reich were all caused by the Jews in the first place. Just like every concern and kvetch about persecution and anti-semitism it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, instead of just fucking off and minding their own business, kikes engage in inherently toxic social engineering methods to try to prevent anudda shoah, when that kind of shit is exactly what makes people hate them in the first place.

oh, it doesn't in the slightest. Of course they don't recognize it as legit. people are just yukking it up because it made the Jews so mad.

The difference is that the Wailing Wall routine/ceremony doesn't produce metric tons of kosher salt in response, if it pisses of the Jews it is doing something right by default.

There's something about a jewess face that makes you wanna put your dick in her mouth and deepthroat hard, maybe put it in her butt too, but actual love making and hand holding is reserved for a special someone else.

Except that the vast majority of the kike subversives in media, finance, banking etc. are secular Jews who don't care about those laws anyway. Not sure it is going to change anything except among orthodox or hasidic Jews.

I prefer to believe Jesus was a Roman.

You tried

The big guys make Arnie look like a manlet.

How many people where there?

Or are you asian fellow Holla Forumslster?


jews jew each other constantly. trust me.