At this point if you advocate for the continuation of the white race I have to assume that you are a faggot. If you center your identity on you being white then you assume responsibility for all of this shit and this is who and what you are.
I am white but that categorization means nothing to me and I put no stock or importance in it. I am a Christian. That is what is important about me.
Yeah, guys, the White race totally deserves to die! There are no other people that are as degenerate as us, we're uniquely bad! We should let BASED Muslims take over Europe, that's the only way to fix the homo problem! Btw, pedophilia and bestiality are traditional and non-degenerate, there's nothing wrong with those, as long as it isn't White people doing it.
Jack Lewis
This is a good thread. It's fucking time all that Hillary bullshit threads to not slide important threads, such as this.
White people suck, and now it's on record. Good job user. This record is very important, and most importantly - it is correct. This record is correct.
Elijah Baker
you are operating from the old shill handbook. You need the latest revision schlomo