ATTENTION: Sam Hyde is a for real faggot WTF

Is this faggot/degenerate shit what they had to do to get on (((adult swim)))? Goddamnit jewed again.

Other urls found in this thread:


Say it ain't so


totally degenerate

the spit scene is a chick

I don't give a fuck what that thing is. That is pure faggotry. Charls too.

Some people have a stronger stomach and will throw in a little gay shit for the shock value. It's fucking nothing. They just thought it was funny.

This video is over a year old and they released it themselves. It's not like somebody hacked Sam's computer and found videos of him sticking fruit up his ass or blowing dudes.

MDEIDF has arrived.

you're just mad because you nerds can't get laid

ANTIMDEIDF detected.

Jesus Fucking Christ Sam Hyde just murdered someone AGAIN. The sicko even filmed it. Send this to Reuters STAT. This will be the END of you neckbearded freaks once and for all!

Fuck off, dumbass.
You're just pissed off because he's getting our message out there on TV.
Kvetch elsewhere, shlomo. You won't smear allies here. You won't shit on Trump here. You'll shut your mouth and you'll fuck off.


Showing homosexuality in its disgusting nature is not degenerate, normalizing it is

This is the bottom line right here, it's just shock shit

there is literally nothing wrong with being gay

Fuck off Alpha

posters need to have their hands mashed with hammers.

You asked for this

It's actually nothing though but thanks for playing.

it's true though

some of the most influential men that ever lived were gay.

this vid is old

Weak argument.

Milo is also a Jew.

Fuck off kike


Fuck off

good b8

I agree with you op, however, exposing this faggotry is a good thing tho, since we won't have jew faggots circle jerking his forced memes.

inb4 a torrent of jewish tears

Yes there is gas yourself

Fucking media this is going too far

it's a year old m8 try harder to take down Uber Trumpen Allies.
protio: you can't FAGGOT

How do you think he got a show on Adult Swim?

He's like Milo - a faggot (and probably a Jew) sent to infiltrate, subvert and then act as the posterboy for calling the 'alt-right' a bunch of rentboy faggots, thus further subverting the concepts of nationalism and European identity via association with fags, all the while portraying them as valuable for being the people able to say things others aren't (while ignoring that they're able to do so because they are allowed to do so).

By the way, faggots.
Because you are a bunch of faggots over at Renegayde (((Broadcasting))) and other known controlled opposition shills.
Sam Hyde airing his shit on TV and supporting Trump and implementing subliminal messages is going to get a shitload of people to the ballots than would have had he not had a show and there isn't a god damn thing you can do about it. No amount of kvetching can kill the message. It isn't even Sam's, he's just a messenger like Trump is.


I'll just leave this here


shut the fuck up, Kyle. Little potato nigger bitch. I could twist your fucking head around 180 degrees and spit on you. Faggot. Want you dead, bitch.

Die jewish nigger.

We're warming the ovens up for you.

shut up, faggot fuck.
kill this retarded thread.
the material is as old as your grandma's cunt flaps.

Stay salty faggot.

The Jews?
I bet they would like to oven me, because I call out their faggot subversives, you faggot subversive.

Eat a dick and die in a fire… preferably in an oven so its less of a clean-up.

Something being old is not an argument.

Sam Hyde is a faggot and deserves a bullet.

Die in a fire nigger


You guys are surprised at this? Really? Fucking hell

Die nigger.

This reeks of Firestarter Media faggotry.

Not an argument, faggot.

OP showed some video of this e-celeb fag being a faggot.

Pseudo-Jews trying to argue "Its cool bro, it was just a joke!", like that's not gayer than cum on Sam Hyde's mustache.

And then here you are, crying like a bitch, because I note that he's like that other faggot Jew sent to subvert and associate our movements and ideas with faggotry.

Know what I say to that?

Cry moar faggot.

Well, another faggot for the day of the rope..

Eh three of those pictures are Charls and he's kissing a bulldyke

The one on the top left is Sam from a sketch where he gets raped.

The small picture is Sam walking around mocking faggots by being ultra camp.

He is useful for the moment. Maybe he can swing next to milo after the election.

Thanks for reaffirming an opinion you already expressed (((5b3d1e))). There's an oven ready for you. You'll hang before Sam Hyde.

It's also a year old but don't that'll just be ignored for more desperate attempts to drive a needless wedge between Holla Forums and a TV figure.

(((who))) could possibly want to do that?
sorry sacks of shit who need to die, that's who

Homosexuality is a part of white identity and has been throughout the history of western culture. I don't see a problem with it :—)))

Someone made a thread over this old shit? Jesus christ you newfags need to go back.


It's either kikes or flat Earth larpers firestarter media

Yeah no shit. You fell for another e-celeb. What the fuck have we been saying? Anyone who is allowed a platform is not on our side.

Do you remember that Hispanic CNN anchor that sort of kind of named the Jew by saying something along the lines of "well see a lot of people who control the media are a lot like Jon Stewart?" That motherfucker was canned and silenced with a quickness. He doesn't have so much as a fucking twitter account and he never will again.

And you faggots thought that someone who's really like us was going to be given a fucking TV show on Cartoon Network?

Sinead already looks like a fucking farm animal. She's ripe for kebab dick.

try harder.

For the moment he has value.

Eventually all these "alt-right" ecelebs/celebs need to to be fully disavowed.

homosexuality is the implicit last stand of white identity

AGAIN, not an argument.

Sam Hyde won't help us in no way. Holla Forums needs to stop the worship around this faggot.

Get the fuck out of here shill

Thank fuck for that, hope everyone sees this and we don't get a bunch of idiots running around saying "lol Sam isn't one of us, he's a fgt I know because I seen a bunch of pictures taken out of context" The last thing we need when we're on the up and have our own people on National TV is disinfo and division amongst spread by (((them)))

ahah holy shit.
(((samuel))) "I'm totally in love with a tranny" hyde

You're delusion, Sam is a closeted fag.

Every single time kek.

Pls no

At some point we are gonna kill him you know.
He can live as long as he is useful.

He will swing next to milo.

Sam just fell for trad wife meme



Wow, people actually believe this? The only proof the tranny provides is an email from "[email protected]/* */" which is more likely someone name Kristoff trolling the tranny. The tranny even asks why he keeps using that same picture. It's probably because it's the only one the troll has. Assuming the tranny didn't make that email itself for attention.


That doesn't refute anything I said. There is no fucking proof that the tranny is a lying mentally ill faggot.

(((((adult swim))))) was always in brackets iirc, talk about wearing it on the sleeve!


You're gonna have to do better than this, shills.

The proof is that now we know that Sam Hyde is a faggot, the claim that he hooked up with some backpage tranny isn't so silly.

I never really understood why there were people on the far-right who will complain about SJW's and their mentality/personality but display the same traits without any awareness. If you really want to gas the kikes/jews, you really need to understand how to play the long game and control your emotions. Without being in a position of power to enact such policies you're just another LARP'ing idiot who gets triggered over staged material that is planned for shock value.

You're either an SJW/CTR cunt or a kike, but who cares man I'll just leave my 2c and move on with my life while you keep getting hung up on the actions of someone who you apparently don't like. I'd recommend doing a bit more research next time though because this is is pretty much on par with the outright misinformation present in mainstream media and people don't fall for this shit anymore.

You do realize that he mean that the issue of homosexuality is the last stand of implicit white identity, as in being against it?

Sam Hyde would cave your face in, lad.

Kill yourself, Sinead you coalburning fuckwit.

Yes. This is all the proof we need to declare "the faggot sam hyde, a mutant, a traitor, and a HERETIC!



Spencer takes hot loads in his pozhole from Jackie D.

/cow/ disproved that a long time ago


You are now aware that you are a faggot by extention for shilling for him. Actually a double-faggot because shilling by itself is also an act of faggotry


You thought Hyde got an Adult Swim show to help us?!? Damn, you are naive.

At BEST all he was EVER going to do is entertain us. He's doing a job, working on his career, that's his entire agenda. How anybody could ever have thought otherwise is beyond me.

Also those are obvious production clips. It wouldn't surprise me if Hyde turned out to be gay or bi though.





Those are all fake kisses ya dummy

Did you even read the email? It's asking to make a porn for $300. Even if this was actually from Sam Hyde signing with "-C" for whatever reason, it's more likely he sent that to fuck with the tranny, who then got butthurt and make up fantasies about him on cuckchan.

Hell is forever!

Wow, i thought summer was over?


Hell is forever!

Who? Richard Spencer has a wife and kids but I guess it wouldn't be the first time someone lived a double-life.

Outside of that flubbed comment that has to do with your feeble mind not comprehending the full context of the conversation he was having, why else should I not give him at least a shred of respect? Next you'll tell me that Jared Taylor, Ramzpaul, David Duke, and pretty much everyone currently doing more than shitposting doesn't live up to your standards. If that is the case, what should the rest of us do? Should we just vote for Hillary and let the white race die out?

What have you done to save the white race, kike?

This is true hell.

Hey CF, why don't you go put your faggot stickers in your car?

Sam Hyde is finished on Holla Forums. Congrats, you had a good run.

This sort of blatant faggotry will not be tolerated. Where the fuck do you think you are?

Hes too much fag. Doesnt matter if he did it or not, he has been seen associating and consorting with homosexuals. The rope awaits.

Trump too.

And there it is.
Get the fuck out of here you dumb faggots.


Nobody's convinced. This thread is a flop.

I'm pretty convinced, putting pictures of guys kissing in a "redpilled" tv show is pretty damning.
Fuck yourself, Sellout Sam

But trump likes Milo.
Milo is a Jew fag.



You forgot to sage

Trump and milo are both sympathizers to our movement, but only one is a faggot guess which one we don't tolerate here

What did you really expect though?


So you fapped to that video or what?

Are you really that dumb? He named those very jews in the episode, and we should disavow somebody who names the jew on TV and who's next two episodes are titled "not everyone thinks you're a hero" and "You hate this show because you hate yourself"

Go fuck yourself.
This is obvious D&C and all these hit and run (1) posting dipshits only make that obvious.


There's a big difference between fucking with trannys and gay hotlines and kissing a guy on national television

Again, all of his previous actions are usurped by this sellout tier faggotry, fuck off Sellout Sam

This thread is heresy.

it's part of a raid.
just sage & report.
appears to be firestarter fags

Double dubs confirms it.

Fuck them and Eric Andre, I really wanted Sam to make it and then he pulls this fucking garbage.

This is an important thread. Don't let any of the obvious russian hackers saying otherwise ITT get away with puting lies on record. Keep the record correct, I say.

He should have known better. I just cannot and will not forgive it.

I wonder how many people defending them have secret homosex in their pasts.

We are gonna have a lot of purging of our ranks to do by the looks of it.

Forgot to sage, sheeiiittt.

Bitching about e-celebs (evalion, jewlineux…) yet somehow forcing samuel hyde meme and now defending his faggotry.

Thank you Holla Forums, you never disappoint.



A faggot and a Jew.

This isn't World Peace, this is alternate skits from an earlier pre-WP episode

Does it matter?

All homosexuals or those who engage in such acts are gonna fucking swing.


I'd kiss a guy on national television for $25k an episode.

Francoist scum.
Primo de Rivera is the superior fascist.

it's real. comments were there a couple hours ago. kikes must be putting pressure on him. anyone have the page open with comments pls screenshot and post

there is literally nothing wrong with there is literally nothing wrong with posters.


Always do whatever Sam Hyde tells us not to.

there is literally everything wrong with there is literally nothing wrong posters.


That's not even Sam's channel.

I know smear campaigns are you thing, Op, other kikes, but we don't partake in that kind of nonsense.

On the day of the rope ill be there personally.

Should have known that the D&C would start as soon as Sam showed up in the normalfag sphere.

Dude, I would fuck you up.

In case you need any further proof that MDE are a bunch of faggots.

There's one of their intro logos that appears in this video and another one. It's supposed to be a parody of the Marvel movies intro where the comic pages are replaced by hentai.
Upon careful inspection you'll notice that there is a lot of gay DBZ and furfag porn in there. Like literal gay furry porn comics. The pages of the latter are too obscure and too specific to be something they got from a google image search. It's very likely that this was taken from one of the members' personal collection.

So where's the new episode?

Yeah, it's telling you weebs are fucking faggots. Sam is anti-weeb but pro-white, that might be why he's getting shit here and why TRS gets shit, because they mock weebs. Weebs need to fuck off or value their nation more than their dick feels tbh.

(((labor day))) weekend, goy

Yeah. Namedrops moonman and dr David duke then this. Coincidenceberg.

Ill remember to shoot you from a distance then.

Also, nice to know its you faggot.

Your days are numbered.

I have no idea what that means. Can you say that again in British?



people are out drinking instead of watching tv.

Any idea when the next ones out? It's #5 isn't it?

Sam's just being Italian

this cancer needs to be cut out forcefully

That's not the point at all. There was relatively little weeb stuff in there anyway.

This is old as fuck and the video is of him engaging in all different kinds of degeneracy that's popular with college kids these days.
It's pretty fucked up but I won't drop sam over this. Not even on his AS show, I thought (((AS))) made him do this for Episode 5.
Clear D&C, but be weary as hell of Sam until we get an explanation
Also on an unofficial archive account, fuck off OP.

this friday

This sounds fake as fuck. Like some tumblr-tier "and everybody clapped" bullshit. It's an attention whore tranny, no surprise there since they're a fucking tripfag, trying to stir up drama and get some attention. If you buy this shit you're fucking gullible.


I had my suspicions

Did he kiss a guy?


Case closed.

Sure I'm not arguing about whatever shit he does on his show, I've only seen a few episodes. But that tranny one is such obvious bullshit.

C'mon now, that's obvious attention whore bullshit. Especially coming from a fucking tranny tripfag that goes by "dollface." Obvious lies.

Well Sam IS 5'8.

Probably. Thats why I do not factor it in my judgement.

But he is a sodomite and will be eventually be punished as one.

I don't think you're a sodomite unless you engage in some anal activity with another man. Kissing another man is still kinda gay, even for comedic/shock value purposes, but it's not quite sodomy-tier.

i guess they are trying to go full "this shouldnt be funny or entertaining to you" mode, but this was over the line. Them kissing each other will push away their main crowd which memed them to the quasi top in the first place.
Fuck. Why did they do this….Sam isnt actually a faggot, right?

OP is once again a giant fag. Go fuck yourselves, you fuckin idiots.


None of the OP video is new or part of MDE World Peace so relax.
Charls might be.

Am I seriously on Holla Forums right now?

I didn't realise we all had such thin skin here. Apparently some joke faggotry triggers you guys like gore does to normies.

If this was real and Sam was legit boning some other faggot, then it would be time to add him to the list, but this is fucking nothing.

Seriously, this is what being triggered is. Be better than this.

being oppose to faggotry isnt being triggered. Theres a difference between being confused or surprised and being triggered.
We arent calling his employer to get him fired or having panic attacks or need to go to the baby room or whatever liberals call that.


wtf I hate Sam Hyde now

thanks J.Bernstein for correcting my record

low energy, bud

It's the christcucks inefecting us
Yhey faggots who get triggered constantly and why leftycucks call us the SJW's on the right
we need to cut them out
they can not handle the bantz
we can take anything, see anything, we are strong, they are weak.

Holy shit. Be more obvious with the DnC why don't you?

/r/ing the shit cos i can't bloody find it

if sams a faggot i'd like to here these shills response to the video where he drops the gay redpills about it being a fetish and a choice
Would a fag really demonise other fags and redpill others to their own degeneracy, smells like utter bs to me,

as says
some here are hitting the no fun allowed LARPing pretty fucking hard, faggotry's degeneracy but anybody who even has fun with friends can come off as slightly gay once every so often, even more so if you're working in comedy

maybe not you, but there's a few faggots going overboard ITT

it was obviously fake kissing but shit man, we need to hear it from him.

That's literally what downlow faggots do to stay hidden you fuckin idiot. of course a faggot like yourself would know that.

Being triggered is exactly what it sounds like: Seeing something and automatically kvetching regardless of context or intention.

Quoting my first post on the thread as (1) only seconds after I made it, is meaningless. Do they not teach you this in shill school?

I don't think it's 'christcucks'. I just think it's some DnC group or another. Calling people 'christcucks' doesn't help tbh.

It doesn't matter if it's fake or not, so long as he's not gay. He's not going to catch fucking cooties. I know a guy who has been a paramedic for 4 years, and he has to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to at least one male a week.



They never show actual kissing of adult men or actually show them fucking on regular T.V.

The most they ever do is show teenage boys kiss.

This was revolting and will actually create a disgust response in normies.

It's his sister's assistant's channel.

Holy fuck, do you ever go outside ?

This ain't TRS, unlike you i don't need to project my own fears unto everything to hide my faggotry.

It's all rather fucking simple, there's no proof sam's a fag bar some relatively tame shit, there is however proof of him dropping redpills, and kikes trying to axe his show, enough to attempt character assassination and spread D&C perhaps ?
If he is revealed to actually be a faggot, with real proof, condemn the cunt, until then, you're spreading D&C with zero substance of a man who's dropping serious redpills to the public

Are we reaching levels of chess that shouldn't be possible?

of course it is

considering the shit sams pulled in the past I wouldn't be surprised, I think some of Holla Forums might have missed the bigger picture seeing so much degeneracy that some have forgotten an overwhelming majority of people are straight up repulsed by faggotry

He has another gay tweet that's worse.

Someone post it.

I know that's you Carlos you cheeky fuck, even when you're aren't faceposting.


oh wait, you can't, but you'll try to D&C us and fuck over Sam anyway.


Fuck you faggot.

This shit is not tolerable.

fuck off.

It is a tv show that drops redpills and paints homosexuals in a disgusting light.

Nice try though.

Sam Hyde the faggot is now memed. You can't stop this train.

This thread is all shills man.

They won't to create a false cognizance that we all think sam hyde is a faggot for kissing a fucking skinhead on his tv show.

He painted the act as disgusting. Which faggotry is.

This board has IDs retard.

You must be a new employee at CTR. Here I'll give you a word of advice.

Quit your job now.

Quit and take all your employment records with you.

Because someday soon we will have all your personal information and we will sit on it. We will sit on it and wait for one day to use it.

And on that day you won't know what the hell happened.


Don't be a treasonous snake just for some shekels.

It's not worth it.

can't provide a reasoned argument or proof

ignores possibilities such as and the arguments made against his own points

I'm someone who thinks people constantly talking about projection are overzealous but holy fuck, YOU HAVE GAY SHIT SAVED TO YOUR HARD DRIVE, as shown by the shit your posting, this is CF levels of faggot obsession.

gonna stop responding now since people with some intelligence that can do more than repeat mantra's have appeared and clearly most of this thread are shills, proof Sam's doing something right if jews wanna censor him and destroy his image.

He sucked this guy's fingers off. lel

It looks like his mouth isn't even touching sam hyde's mouth you dummy.

Its a camera angle trick, his mouth is actually beside sam's head.

Sorry, it doesn't work that way. I know you want it to, but it doesn't.

These Milo alt-kike faggots are fuckin cancer.

Ya, here's a reasoned argument:

If you allow yourself to be kissed by a fag for any reason you are a faggot. period. any questions?

+rep please… need karma

All right wingers are gay or Jewish, have you been paying attention?

Why do people edit my OC. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

So that's his ASSistant?

Is this a Kyle thread now? Must post the relevant link


Does nobody remember that World Peace's tapwater skit which contained a bit where Nick Charls and Sam implied people from Flint, Michigan are faggots for allowing their water to get so bad?

They showed literal faggots in bed together with the caption "Michigan community leaders protesting water toxicity"

look closer at your own images, there mouths are nowhere near each other, and if it was done to shock normalfags then fair enough, personally i'm rather utilitarian, if sams actions (including his prior ones dropping various redpills) help spread truth and disgust of faggots i support it.

Also, why did you drop parts of your argument and idea and focus on minor parts where you can feasibly win and hence seem correct without dodging earlier more contentious points with obvious undercurrents, stereotypical kike arguing.
The most notable example being where you proclaim something as dead as seem to speak for all of Holla Forums when you shit OP would suggest much to the contrary,
You also have repeatedly ignored the r issue of sam hyde as a whole and how useful he is or can be in dropping rather controversial redpills to large audiences and yet you show clear hatred towards a man who is benefiting the right
in fact regarding that you are the OP and have deliberately brought up old videos and saved numerous images this is clearly a planned attack and your constant need to drag the conversation the the most superficial levels by repeating mantra's and screaming fag are commonplace tactics for disrupting genuine discourse and D&C by appealing to simplistic knee-jerk responses instead of the full picture

I know this cunts a shill but the baits too good and some idiots might easily fall for this shit

reminder to others that more burgers are waking up and this kinda bait thread is only gonna get more spam shills since the D&C is failing as seen by way too obvious shit like

Anyone who is actually familiar with sam's material and especially his standup wouldn't believe him to be a faggot for a second.

This thread was fun though. Triggered ironmarch turds and christucks who can't into actual satire are bretty hilarious.


cry more faggot. it's over.

What did he mean by this?

Implicitly White twinks are our only hope against jewry

You have an ID, moron.

yeah… but do you think I am going to post it online? Fucking retard.

kek stay fucking mad kid

i'm still not swayed by any argument for or against him being queer. i need to see more conviction from both sides; stronger use of the word 'kike' and 'fag', frame analysis of whether the lips are touching or not. it's only 1 am right now, I've got about five hours before I absolutely have to rest my eyes. let's get a conclusion.

You're trying to play yourself off as a new poster, like another (1) but you dont realize you posted that on an ID you already posted on before. The jig is up.

jews gave him a tv show and you give him your undying trust.

alt-kike faggots need to go.

He's a degenerate. Why woudln't he do something like this for the lulz?

Are you Sam or Charls? You seem to have a lot invested in this. Do you guys fuck eachother?

Everyone see , OP is a d&c shill.

No, you're right. I'm the shill.

It's over, sammy boy.

you think he's trying to pretend to be something he's not? why? there's no motive. you're obviously a shill trying to divide and conquer.

You're taking sides in a divide and conquer dialectic. You must be a shill using the snitch jacket technique.

'alt-kike faggots'. you sound like an fbi agent trying to sound edgy. sounds kinda like a polarisation shilling tactic. shill.

lol wait everyone is a shill/bot/the living dead.

Of course the other MDE thread is bumplocked but this one is not. Mods sure hate the idea of Holla Forums ideas disseminating into the masses.

But then again, youre someone who's not sure whether kissing a dude is gay or not. Not surprised at your lack of shill identification skills.

why are you always talking about dudes kissing?



This is a slide thread most likely sliding the fact that:

This is from one of their youtube skits, nothing to see here people.

Move along, Move along.

this video sucked

The video is about degeneracy: sex, violence and drugs. guess its somehow too subtle for your autistic mind

Because obviously I'm the faggot in the equation and not the guys actually kissing eachother. Duh.

Obviously I'm the shill because infiltrators would never ever SPREAD THE MESSAGE to co-opt a movement from within.

fuck off.

I can see your ayn rand looking face in my mind as I read your bullshit and I just want to bash it in with a sledgehammer. Irish indeed…

shit's old. old video, old news.

You know what I mean?
Ever see a bitch so ugly you just want to cut her up and stuff her remains in black garbage bags?
I can't be the only one with feels like that.

I'm part of the group that doesn't believe he's a faggot but just wtf is this shit?! Any way we can disprove it? Because if we can't then it's fucking terrifying, our favourite comedian could have been brainwashing everyone around him and the viewers.
But I feel the level of low key right wing shit he does is way too much to be a coincidence, I still legitmtely think he's one of us.

Sarcasm is a low form of wit.

Now this is autism.

What's the porn that jap fucking qt is in called?

She goes by "Emilia Earheart" it' a shame she's doing that shit, but at least she's interested in a respectable race, and not dindus or sandniggers
She should still be fucking members of her own race instead though.

He did say David Duke on television, plus he did the 'Jews Rock' skit; which I heard was meant to be 'Jews Rule' originally. I guess he's real then.


besides the fact that you cause unbalance in the world and create lonely feminists

So is Sam. Good goy.


everything you just said is true

So I assume Seth Rogen is anti-zionist because his films include a lot of similar shock '''''''''''''''''''''''''humor'''''''''''''''''''''''''?

This dedicated D&C only indicates that Sam Hyde is the real deal. Thanks for letting me know you're afraid, shills.

wait a tic, EE initials, when flipped horizontally kinda look like 33, as per the based image you quoted.

Seth doesn't make fun of jews and name drop Moonman and David Duke on national television. Comedy and puritanism aren't compatible, you know that.

samuel, you need more proxies than that, no one is buying your faggotry.


Does Niel Patrick Harris kissing an actress make him straight?


Ok, now I know this recent increase of try hard posting is butt hurt /leftyfags/


Nevermind, I looked her up and it's actually Amelia, not Emilia, crisis averted.


The only men in these images are sam and charls the women are intentionally dressed as butches. The two others are women. This thread is some d&c shit


this thread is D/C shill laden

who do you faggots think you're fooling ?

Here's your shekel.


What's with all these faggots yelling "SAM IS TOTALLY GAY DROP HIM RIGHT NOW DON'T PAY ATTENTION TO HIM"
Seems like they got some (((ulterior motives)))

He could take a timestamped pic with a dick up his ass, it still wouldn't make the account of a tranny tripfag from /lgbt/ in any way worth considering. Do you also trust the words of jews? Do you expect a communist to have a straight and logical arguments that never contradicts itself?

This is the best thing ever.

i'd kiss a guy on tv if it pissed someone off as much as you faggot

so it was all staged and two of those images were different actors?

well OP tried I guess

This is what happens when you mindlessly signal-boost forced memes and subversives to the point that Holla Forums thinks they're part of Holla Forums culture.
"Sam Hyde" is constantly shilled by Renegade, that should tell you all you need to know.

as soon as id software chooses bells and whistles over gameplay, that's it, the bell's gonna be tollin

It's not about the tranny thing specifically it's about the breadcrumb trail of faggotry leading to Sam uploading a video of him making out with a dude.
Sam Hyde is a useful degenerate at a decently higher level than Milo. Go ahead and watch his show if you want, but we don't need anymore eceleb worship that comes back to bite us in the ass.



Death to Kyle Hunt

You've said "yo" like 40 times in this thread. What's the deal?

Get in the bog faggot.

Too much effort. You're rhymes a shit.

op you stupid fucking nigger.

trying to stop sam when he's gotten away with so muh already.

kill yourself

fuark nick looked good back then

guess he gave up once he started balding RIP

Why are you using the word 'bog'?

Why are you such a newfag jew?

Does the original description for the initial upload of that vid exist anywhere? It was very anti Holla Forums and basically just Sam complaining about anti-semitism.

It's a reupload.

movie name?

A Serious Man (2009).
